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当前,我国的扶贫工作已进入了最为艰苦的攻坚阶段,必须清醒地看到客观存在着扶贫资金缺口大、到位迟、使用效益差等重要问题.提出扶贫攻坚战的战略与策略调整建议如下:坚持实施区域开发与扶贫到户相结合.以扶贫到户为主的方针;把直接解决温饱问题的种植业、养殖业和以当地农副产品为原料的加工业作为扶贫开发的重点;抓好农户脱贫计划的制订与实施;推广直接扶贫到户的农村小额信贷扶贫方式;实施科技扶贫战略和妇女脱贫工程:提高扶贫投资效益;重视返贫现象,打好扶贫持久战.  相似文献   

“社区基金”是中荷扶贫项目根据项目区的特点设计出的新型农村资金扶助模式。章分别介绍了社区基金、村组基金和社区股份基金的目的、原则和操作模式,并用实例展现了项目区的村民通过使用和管理社区基金,提高了自主管理和自我发展的能力。  相似文献   

正2021年新年伊始,安徽省宿州市灵璧县认真谋划木本油料扶贫工作新举措,创新"四旁四边"国土绿化新机制,明确提出"找绿化用地、找造林资金、找适宜树种、找栽管人力"林业生态扶贫思路,启动薄壳山核桃产业到户项目,在全市率先开启"百村万树"村庄绿化工程破冰之旅。  相似文献   

总结了西南林业大学定点扶贫大关县的实践经验,探索了我国西部高校在定点扶贫时建设长效机制模式、经验与做法,提出了精准扶贫到户、加深“高校+农户”的协作、加大政策和资金的支持、建立长效管理机制平台等建议。为我国农林类高校参与定点扶贫时建立扶贫长效机制提出一些宝贵的建议,以供西部其他高校和相关政府决策部门参考。  相似文献   

随着我国农村经济的不断发展,林果专业合作社为代表的新型农业经营主体日益显示出发展生机与潜力,已成为中国现代农业发展的核心主体。2015年10月以来,中央加大对农村扶贫力度,实施"精准扶贫"战略,大量资金涌向偏远山区,使得以种植果品为主的山区发展林业专业合作社有了的得天独厚的条件,正符合了"因人因地施策,通过扶持生产和就业发展一批"的扶贫政策,在精准扶贫中将发挥极其重要的作用。以山东省临沂市沂水县为例,主要分析探讨了林业专业合作社在精准扶贫中的作用。  相似文献   

甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区在多次调研和试点的基础上,认真研究各村特点,分析资源分布状况,调整森林管护方式,建立和创新了具有白水江保护区特色的集体林管护模式。按照"管护责任到人,管护面积到户,资金使用到村,资金监管到站"的原则,完善了管护的各项管护制度,规范社区共管组织,扎实有序推行天保集体林管护工作。保障社区村民积极参与管护并在管护过程中得到实惠,确保了白水江保护区天保工程集体林得到有效保护,积极发挥了社区村民在天然林保护中的主导作用。  相似文献   

扶贫与山区综合开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贫困是世界现象,也是历史现象。扶贫是中国反贫困斗争,是必须在“九五”期间完成的任务。扶贫要至村到户,要严格监督资金的使用。山区是扶贫的主战场,要依靠科技进步,进行山区综合开发,以经济林为突破口,富山、富民,推进山区经济全面发展,消除贫困现象。  相似文献   

参与式科技示范机制的效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据中荷扶贫项目社区林业中科技示范机制效果的调查,从参与科技示范农户的性别、年龄、化素质以及示范带动效果等不同方面进行统计分析,以深入探讨性别、年龄和农户化素质对于农民参与科技示范的影响。霍山中荷扶贫项目在开展社区林业到户活动中建立的符合其特征的科技示范机制及其示范推广体系,成为了社区林业有力的科技支撑,不但有利于满足农民对于科学技术的迫切需求,更重要的是有利于社区林业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

指出了随着农村"精准扶贫"工作的深入开展,农村环境污染问题也日益凸出,已成为阻碍农村"精准扶贫"工作顺利推进的关键因素。通过着重分析农村"精准扶贫"工作实施过程中存在的主要环境问题及其成因,提出了农村环境治理的对策,为改善农村环境质量、推动"精准扶贫"工作顺利实施提供依据。  相似文献   

研究目的是对森林碳汇扶贫的模式创新进行总结、凝练,以期为进一步的实践工作提供借鉴。采用文献回顾、案例分析等方法展开研究。森林碳汇项目兼具应对气候变化和扶贫双重功能。为发掘森林碳汇减贫潜力,"诺华川西南林业碳汇、社区和生物多样性项目"以拓展社区功能为基础,以推动贫困农户有效参与和受益为核心,以推动森林碳汇项目开发利益相关者由参与主体向扶贫主体转变为重点,探索了"农户主体型"和"集体经济主导型"两种精准扶贫带动模式,不断推进生态贫困区森林碳汇扶贫集成与示范,提升了项目扶贫开发的平台作用和聚合效应。加强组织领导,切实发挥政府的引导和推动作用;注重社区参与,不断发挥社区农户的主体作用;强化科技支撑,不断提升项目开发的扶贫效应。完善了扶贫资源整合、贫困人口参与和监测评估考核"三位一体"的益贫机制,有效推动了以"真扶贫、扶真贫"为导向的应对气候变化与减贫双赢目标实现。"诺华川西南林业碳汇、社区和生物多样性项目"为深化森林碳汇扶贫实践提供了可复制、可迁移、可落地的创新模式和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been paid to the question of whether and how community forestry links with poverty reduction in the mountainous regions in developing countries. Household-based community forestry was first implemented in Yunnan and spread over other parts of China in the 1980s. In this forestry management system, rural households are the main actors. Household forestry is a form of small-scale community forestry and suits the rural areas of China, where social overhead capital and skilled human resources are lacking. Community forestry has played a remarkable role in guiding and facilitating rural poverty alleviation in Huoshan County, Anhui Province. This paper describes how the community forestry project in Huoshan County has helped the farmers improve their livelihoods through the creation of a forestry model involving science and technology demonstration households and independent farmers’ organisations. The sustainable poverty alleviation model developed in Huoshan has proved to be effective in poverty alleviation and environmental protection, featuring the participatory forestry components of the project, namely household forestry, science and technology demonstration households, and independent farmers’ organisations. With technological and financial aid from government, the local farmers were able and willing to establish this small-scale forestry management system, planting fast-growing multiple-use tree species with substantial economic benefits.  相似文献   

小额信贷扶贫到户不同于传统的小额信贷方式,该种贷款方式完全由村民自己运作,贷款对象面向贫困农户,运作成本低,还贷率达100%.文中简要介绍了小额信贷扶贫的运作模式及其主要特点.  相似文献   

澜湄流域国家和地区是世界上典型的贫困区域之一,澜湄流域拥有相似的气候、植物物种和地理环境,在减贫经验方面具有相互借鉴的基础。文中在分析澜湄国家贫困演变历程和现状以及森林资源状况基础上,总结我国云南省和泰国林业减贫的成功实践,结合对澜湄流域的贫困林区、森林管理机构和农户的实地调研,阐述了澜湄国家面临的挑战以及对社区林业减贫的需求,提出了澜湄流域的林业减贫对策与建议,以期助力澜湄流域减贫事业。  相似文献   

文章讨论了农民专业合作社参与精准扶贫的规范化运营管理,提出了完善利益联结机制的发展模式和大力推广"电商+"体系的建设内容,提出了农民专业合作社在产业精准扶贫中的举措。  相似文献   

竹产业是我国南方山区的特色产业,发展竹产业是帮助山区农民实现脱贫的重要方式。文章以江西省婺源县岭西村的竹产业精准扶贫为例,总结了西岭村在依靠发展竹产业进行脱贫中的具体做法,包括:通过低产毛竹改造项目培育竹林资源,成立竹业专业合作社打造竹产品品牌,与电商销售平台合作推广竹产品;由科研机构提供技术支撑,开发竹林休闲生态旅游等。岭西村竹产业的发展为当地贫困户提供了就业岗位,增加了林农收入,消化了当地农村剩余劳动力。岭西村的实践为竹产区的"精准扶贫"工作提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

基于陕西省4个县855户农户调研数据构建联立方程模型,对政府扶持下农户参与防治意愿影响因素进行分析,得出政府扶持分为组织社会化专业队及农户自发参与给予政策鼓励两种模式,对于生计状况较好、森林依赖度较高且感知到病虫害损失、对政府管理及村庄生活较满意的林农更有意愿参与防治,从而提出结合扶贫项目,完善社会化防治模式,提供生态药物等政策性建议,实现提高林业有害生物防治效率的同时,改善农户生计。  相似文献   

To investigate the household-level economic importance of income from forests under different tenure arrangements, data were collected from 304 stratified randomly sampled households within 10 villages with community forest user groups in Tanahun District, Western Nepal. We observed that forest income contributed 5.8% to total household income, ranging from 3.8% in the top income quartile to 17.4% in the lowest quartile. Analyses of poverty indices and Gini decomposition showed that incorporating forest incomes in total household income reduces measured rural poverty and income inequality. Community forestry income constituted 49.7% of forest income, followed by 27.5% from government-managed forest, and 22.8% from private forests/trees. Community forestry income, however, contributed more than other sources of forest income to income inequality, indicating elite capture. We argue that a full realisation of community forestry's poverty reduction and income equalizing potential requires modifications of rules that govern forest extraction and pricing at community forest user group level.  相似文献   

Agroforestry and planting trees on farmers’ fields have been reported as important elements in a strategy to meet the millennium development goals of poverty reduction and climate change improvement. However, their uptake seems to be constrained by factors both internal and external to the household and related to the policy and legislative environment. This paper examines the impact of these factors on farmers’ decisions to plant trees. Cameroon is used as a case to analyse whether existing policies and legislation governing trees support or discourage tree planting, using qualitative content analyses. Although their mission papers and statements suggest most national government policies in Cameroon address tree planting and agroforestry, actual legislation designed to follow up the policies mostly contradicts the poverty reduction goals. Often legislation and regulations are more conservation-oriented and do not provide a clear procedure to distinguish between products from trees found in the wild and those gathered from farmers’ fields.  相似文献   

1 POLICY SETTING1.1 The Grain for Green ProgramDemands ofEcological Improvement and Poverty Alleviation(Chinese Sustainable Forestry Development Strategy ProgramTeam, 2002)China is a big mountainous agricultural country. Inthe past 5 decades vast forest land and grassland havebeen reclaimed into farmland due to pressure arisingfrom increasing population and grain supply, whichaggravated soil and water erosion and landdesertification. There are more than 6 million ha offarmland wit…  相似文献   

In the Padma floodplain of Bangladesh, the traditional system of agriculture has become unsustainable due to high population growth. Mango-based agroforestry which has been practiced by the farmers since the 1990s, is a promising alternative and is considered as one of the few options to lift farmers out of poverty and improve livelihood security. This paper examines the potential of mango-based agroforestry to improve livelihoods, using data collected by rapid rural appraisal, farmer participatory research, stakeholder analysis and a farm household survey in six representative villages in the floodplain. Farmers with the least land were found to allocate a higher percentage of their land to agroforestry, and the increased income from agroforestry compared to other agricultural systems helps reduce relative poverty. This income maintains basic household needs, providing food security and fuelwood, and contributes to healthcare, housing and sanitation conditions, and meeting educational expenses.  相似文献   

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