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采用7.5MHz的线扫探头对4只奶牛尸体腕关节和6头奶牛的8个腕关节的正常结构进行了超声检查。一般骨骼的回声为光环或光线,关节囊呈明显的液性暗区,腱质呈实性强回声。桡腕关节囊、腕间关节囊及囊内绒毛可见。腕关节的腕桡侧伸肌腱、臂二头肌腱、指浅屈肌腱和指深屈肌腱都可清楚地看到,腕关节外侧由于腱比较细,加上侧副韧带多,在声像图上较难辨别其结构,腕关节内侧超声声像图不清楚。  相似文献   

应用关节内窥镜对奶牛跗关节的进镜部位和滑膜形态进行了研究。结果表明 ,跗关节可选 3个进镜部位 :背内侧囊在关节前方较突出部位 ,靠近趾内侧伸肌健 ,向外为跖背侧静脉和腓浅神经 ;跖内侧囊和跖外侧囊一般选在最突出的部位 ,跖外侧囊尽量靠前以避开足底外侧静脉 ,跖内侧囊不要靠后以防伤及深屈肌腱。关节不同部位的滑膜绒毛也不同 ,关节囊小且突起小的部位 ,关节滑膜绒毛一般呈短柱状或丝状 ;关节囊大的部位 ,一般呈菜花状或膜状 ,也有长丝状绒毛。在背内侧囊见有从未报道的拱桥状绒毛。靠近关节软骨处和关节固有韧带里面没有绒毛  相似文献   

双峰驼胫前动脉和足背动脉解剖   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用血管内灌注颜料的方法解剖观察了双峰驼胫前动脉和足背动脉的分支及分布情况,发现胫前动脉Guo动脉的主干延续,其主要侧支有胫前返动脉,小腿骨间动脉,外侧踝前支脉和内侧踝前动脉,足背动脉的支有跗外侧动脉,跗内侧动脉,跗穿动脉和趾伸肌腱动脉,其中趾伸肌腱动脉在其它家畜未见报道。  相似文献   

李某有一驴,行走时右后肢髋关节、膝关节及跗关节高度屈曲,系部向上可被提至腹壁处,似公鸡慢步行走,严重影响使役。在某兽医诊所按风湿症治疗无效,故来我处进行治疗。初诊呼吸、脉搏及体温均正常,但在其休息后刚开始行走或转圈运动时,上述症状更加明显,因此确诊为鸡跛,需手术治疗。 一、局部解剖 后肢的伸趾肌主要有趾长伸肌和趾侧伸肌。趾侧伸肌是一细小的肌肉,它起于腓骨与胫骨的外缘,  相似文献   

适应症马骡发生飞节内肿,其患肢跗关节内侧中央跗骨和第三跗骨处有骨赘,或因第二跖骨与第三跖骨部有炎症。当胫前肌腱内侧支被骨赘压迫、磨擦,而引起疼痛反应时,切除此腱,骨赘的压迫磨擦及腱附着部牵引致炎区的疼痛即可解除,跛行消失。手术效果较好。但对隐性飞节内肿效果不明显。局部解剖胫前肌紧贴于胫骨的背外侧。在跗关节的上方,腱分为两支。外支止于第三跖骨背面,内支较大,止于第  相似文献   

葡萄糖酸钙是兽医临床常用的补钙剂。 1995年以来 ,笔者用葡萄糖酸钙注射液穴位注射 ,先后治愈猪产后瘫痪、羊骨软症及马纤维性骨营养不良共 2 5例 ,效果显著且方法简便 ,现报告于下。1 穴位选择抢风穴 :臂骨三角肌隆起后上方凹陷处 ,刺入三角肌深部、臂三头肌长头与外头之间的肌间隙内。有时配后三里穴 :小腿上部外侧 ,腓骨小头下部 ,马位于趾长伸肌与趾外侧伸肌之间的肌沟中 ;羊位于腓骨长肌与趾外侧伸肌之间的肌沟中 ;猪第三腓骨肌与腓骨长肌之间的肌沟中。2 注射方法穴位剪毛消毒 ,将注射针头刺入穴位 3cm (猪、羊 )或 5cm (马 )…  相似文献   

临床上牛的腱撕裂主要分为三种类型:(1)自然断裂,(2)创伤断裂,(3)坏死性断裂。牛后肢趾屈肌腱的创伤性断裂最常见,其次是腓肠肌腱。但马匹的腓肠肌腱断裂占首位,趾浅屈肌腱占第二位。腓肠肌腱是趺关节的主要伸肌,它与趾浅屈肌腱一起支撑站立动物的趺关节。当这些组织结构断裂时,动物的临床表现随受累肌腱及损伤部位的不同而异。发生趾浅屈肌腱或腓肠肌腱断裂时,趺关节的支撑只有非常小的变化。当腓肠肌腱和趾浅屈肌腱同时断裂时将引起趺关节过度屈曲,该关节可能触及地而。  相似文献   

奶牛肢蹄病是奶牛四肢及蹄部疾病的总称。四肢每段的皮肤、皮下组织、骨、关节、韧带、肌腱均可发生病变。在奶牛饲养中,常见的肢蹄病以跗关节磨损及炎症肿胀、趾间皮炎(俗称蹄叉炎)、蹄底溃疡为主。前肢肢蹄病主要集中在趾间皮炎及蹄底溃疡,  相似文献   

1病例介绍1只2岁雄性红工作犬,散养,于2005年5月23日下午不慎将右后肢踏入排水管道铁箅内。该犬奋力向外挣扎,但终未挣脱,致使右侧跗关节发生开放性损伤,前来就诊。2临床所见病犬体重约40千克,精神尚可,体温39℃,心跳90次/分,患肢不负重,跗关节内侧有面积为4×9厘米皮肤缺损,治疗时按新鲜污染创进行处理。将患犬全身麻醉,检查患处发现跗关节关节囊开放,关节内侧韧带磨灭性断裂,胫骨外侧踝和骨面完整性破坏,已磨平。因内侧韧带断裂,跗关节外展时,活动性增大。3治疗局部按常规无菌处理后,用青霉素生理盐水溶液反复冲洗后,将坏死组织去除,彻底…  相似文献   

<正>1定义奶牛肢蹄病是四肢及蹄部疾病的总称。四肢每段的皮肤、皮下组织、骨、关节、韧带肌腱均可能发生病变。前肢肢蹄病主要集中在趾间皮炎及蹄底溃疡,后肢主要是跗关节磨损及炎性肿胀、趾间皮炎、蹄底  相似文献   

The force/strain behavior of the common and lateral extensor tendons, the extensor branches of the interosseus muscle, and the superficial flexor tendon have been examined in vitro. The flexor tendon acted as a hard-spring with an initial large strain with small load followed by progressively less strain with increasing load, The distal part of the common extensor tendon and the extensor branches behaved in the same manner during dorsiflexion of the fetlock joint/palmar flexion of the coffin joint. The common extensor tendon behaved in a softening manner during palmar flexion of the fetlock and coffin joints while the lateral extensor and the extensor branches behaved in a nearly linear manner.  相似文献   

Objective —To describe the tenoscopic anatomy of the carpal sheath of the flexor tendons (carpal sheath) viewed from a lateral approach.
Study Design —Tenoscopic observation of structures within the carpal sheath subsequently confirmed by dissection.
Animals or Sample Population—12 equine cadaveric forelimbs.
Methods —The limbs were positioned lateral side up with the carpus slightly flexed. After distention of the carpal sheath, a portal for the arthroscope was made approximately 3 cm proximal to the distal radial physis and 2.5 cm caudal to the radius between the tendons of the ulnaris lateralis and lateral digital extensor muscles.
Results —A lateral tenoscopic approach was adequate to identify all structures within the carpal sheath. From proximal to distal, structures identified using this approach were the radial head of the deep digital flexor muscle, accessory ligament of the tendon of the superficial digital flexor muscle, distal radial physis, tendons of the superficial and deep digital flexor muscles, accessory carpal bone, antebrachiocarpal and middle carpal joints, and vincula of the tendon of the deep digital flexor muscle.
Conclusions —A lateral tenoscopic approach offered an easy, repeatable entry into the carpal sheath and allowed good observation of all structures within the sheath except for the medial borders of the tendons of the deep and superficial digital flexor muscles.
Clinical Relevance —Applications of a lateral tenoscopic approach to the carpal sheath include diagnostic procedures, lavage and synovial resection for septic tenosynovitis, desmotomy of the accessory ligament of the tendon of the superficial digital flexor muscle for flexural deformity or tendinitis, and removal of osteochondromas from the distal radial metaphysis.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The assessment of a normal range for cross‐sectional area (CSA) of tendons in the tarsal region is important in order to use them as reference values in the identification of pathological changes of dimensions. Objectives: To provide normal reference values for the CSA of the tendons of the tarsus of Standardbred trotter horses (STH) by means of ultrasonography. Methods: Transverse echographic images of the tendons were obtained at different levels proximodistally; these images were digitised and CSA values (mean ± s.d.) were obtained for each structure. Results: The largest structure corresponded with the lateral digital flexor/caudal tibial tendon complex at Level 1 and the smallest was the medial digital flexor tendon at Level 4. Almost all tendons showed a slight decreasing in their CSA when crossing the tarsus. Conclusions: The normal CSA values of tendinous structures in the tarsal region of the STH are reported. These data could be used as anatomical references. Potential relevance: The establishment of reference values could serve as a tool to discriminate between normal and abnormal dimensions of tarsal tendons in STH. Other horse breeds should need their own reference values.  相似文献   

The function of several intrinsic muscles of the fore-and hind limbs of 5 ponies walking normally was evaluated via surface electromyography. Electromyographic signals were band-pass filtered, rectified, linear enveloped, and standardized to the stride duration. Mean data from the muscles of the left and right limbs that were obtained from at least 30 strides in 2 recording sessions were recorded as electromyographic signals-time curves. The timing of muscle activity was determined from these graphs. On the basis of the major peaks in the electromyographic signal, muscle functions were identified. In the forelimb, the extensor carpi radialis muscle was involved in extension of the carpus at the end of the swing phase of the stride, and it provided support to flexion of the cubital joint at the beginning of the swing phase. The common digital extensor muscle extended the distal joints of the forelimb at the end of the swing phase. The ulnaris lateralis muscle provided support to extension of the cubital joint at the beginning of the stance phase, and the flexor carpi radialis muscle flexed the carpus at the beginning of the swing phase. The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle extended the cubital joint at the end of the swing phase. In the hind limb, the long digital extensor muscle flexed the tarsus at the beginning of the swing phase and extended the digital joints preceding the stance phase. The deep digital flexor muscle prevented overextension of the distal interphalangeal joint during the stance phase and flexion of the digital joints during the swing phase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The stifle region of 18 healthy cattle (14 cows, four bull calves) and the stifles of five bovine cadavers were examined using 7.5 MHz linear or convex and 5 MHz sector transducers. The normal ultrasonographic appearance of soft tissues and bony structures was studied.The homogeneously echogenic patellar and collateral ligaments, the combined tendon of the long digital extensor and peroneus tertius muscles, the popliteus tendon, the anechoic articular cartilage of the femoral trochlea, the echogenic menisci and the hyperechoic bone surfaces were imaged successfully in all cattle and cadavers. The boundaries of the joint pouches only became partially identifiable, when small amounts of anechoic fluid were present in the medial and lateral femorotibial joint pouches. After experimental filling in cadavers, the distended synovial cavities were imaged as clearly demarcated, anechoic areas. Measurement values of cross-sectional diameters of the ligaments, tendons and the popliteal lymph node, the width of normal joint pouches, where visible, and articular cartilage thickness are presented. The established results should serve as reference data for ultrasonography of bovine stifle disorders.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography was used to delineate the sonographic anatomy of the equine tarsus with emphasis on the flexor tendons and plantar ligament at the plantar surface of the tarsus, the medial collateral ligaments and the dorsomedial joint capsule of the tibiotarsal joint. The cross-sectional gross anatomy of these tendons and ligaments was evaluated in 6 cadaver limbs. Using a 5.5 MHz mechanical sector scanner, the examined tendons and ligaments were easily identified as hyperechoic structures in 10 limbs of normal live horses. The normal ultrasonographic appearance of the dorsomedial tibiotarsal joint capsule was studied in 8 cadaver limbs. The inner surface of the tibiotarsal joint capsule was covered with villi; short and pointed in the mid region, resembling a small nodular mass proximally and a straggly beard distally. In 4 lame horses diagnostic ultrasound aided the diagnosis of plantar swellings, medial collateral joint ligamentous injury and hypertrophic synovitis.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper was to find out the most suitable localizations to puncture of hip, stifle and hock joints of the domestic cat. These joints are arthrographically presented. Further six contrast mediums in normal commercial usage were tested with regard to there contrast intensity. The only recommendable localization to arthrocentesis of the hip joint is at the cranial border of the greater trochanter of the femur. The stifle joint is approachable either at the medial or lateral border of the Lig. patellae. To puncture the proximal row of the hock joint the recommendable puncture site was found distal of the lateral malleolus between the tendons of the lateral digital extensor muscle and m. extensor digitorum longus. Any arthrocentesis of the distal row of the hock joint isn't recommendable. Contrast mediums with a iodine concentration below 300 mg/ml were not sufficient for arthrography.  相似文献   

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