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正一、病原学1.病原形态。成虫形态微小,细线状,乳白色,头端较尾端稍细。旋毛虫为雌雄异体,雄虫大小为(1.4~1.6)mm×0.04 mm,生殖器官为单管形,虫体尾端有两个叶状交配附器。雌虫大小约为(3~4)mm×0.06 mm,尾部直而钝圆,生殖器官亦为单管形,包括卵巢、输卵管、子宫、阴道等。卵巢位于虫体后部,子宫后段充满虫卵,近阴门处已有发育成熟的幼虫,阴门位  相似文献   

对牛腹腔唇乳突丝虫雌性成虫及其感染蚴扫描电镜观察结果表明,成雌虫头端的口孔、角质围口环、侧唇、背腹唇、亚中乳突和头感器均清晰可见,体表为环行皮纹和纵行皱褶,尾部可见侧附肢、肛孔及尾端刺状突起物,仅极少数成雌虫尾端呈纯圆光滑样,没有突起物.感染蚴的头部基本具备了成虫头部的构造,但发育较原始,其乳交数量较成虫少,尾部可见肛孔、肛唇及一个侧乳突.  相似文献   

为研究日本血吸虫(Sj)Wnt信号分子受体SjFz5(Frizzled5)在Sj生长发育中的作用,本实验对其在不同发育阶段的mRNA转录水平及组织分布进行了检测,并采用定量PCR方法比较SjFz5基因在Sj不同发育阶段间的mRNA水平差异。以7 d童虫cDNA为模板,扩增SjFz5基因编码胞外区CRD(Cystein rich domain)的基因片段,构建pET-SjFz5-CRD表达重组质粒进行原核表达。以纯化的重组蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠制备多克隆抗体,并进行SjFz5蛋白的组织定位。结果显示:SjFz5基因mRNA在发育早期表达水平相对较高,其中7 d童虫中表达量最高,13 d和18 d童虫下调了约1/3。23 d及其后雌雄虫的表达水平继续下调,雄虫下调比雌虫略显缓慢。整个成虫阶段SjFz5 mRNA维持在一个相对较低的水平。免疫组化结果显示SjFz5蛋白在虫体组织中分布广泛,其中雌雄虫生殖器官组织中的分布最为明显。随着卵巢和睾丸的逐步发育,SjFz5蛋白的量也呈现增加的趋势。SjFz5 mRNA在7 d童虫内表达量最高,SjFz5蛋白在雌雄生殖器官组织中分布最为明显,提示其介导的Wnt信号通路可能参与调节童虫阶段的细胞增殖、器官分化,并可能调节两性生殖细胞的发育。  相似文献   

1病原 马属家畜血汗症实质是由丝虫科多乳头副丝虫寄生在躯体皮下结缔组织和肌间结缔组织内所引起的寄生虫病。该寄生虫为卵胎生,雄虫长2.5~2.8厘米,雌虫长4.0~7.0厘米。虫体呈白色,虫卵长45~58微米,宽25~37微米,新孵出的微丝蚴长180~260微米。  相似文献   

奶牛“白犊病”,俗称半雌雄。母牛产双胞胎,如果2只犊牛为一雌一雄,其中雌犊虽有外生殖器官,但成年后绝大部分为内生殖器官发育不全,有的无子宫颈口,有的无子宫和卵巢,无生殖能力。奶牛饲养户在饲养或采购奶牛时,一定要注意。  相似文献   

为对犬弓首蛔虫(T.canis)免疫抑制卵巢信息蛋白(Tc-iom)、卵黄原蛋白(Tc-vit)、酪氨酸蛋白激酶(Tctpk)和丝/苏氨酸蛋白磷酸酶(Tc-stp)四个性别相关基因进行差异表达分析。本研究采用SYBR Green I qRT-PCR方法检测Tc-vit、Tc-iom、Tc-tpk、Tc-stp在T.canis雌虫卵巢、输卵管、子宫和雄虫精巢、贮精囊、输精管的转录情况。结果显示,Tc-vit在雌虫卵巢、输卵管和子宫中均有转录,在雄虫精巢和贮精囊中也有转录,但在输精管中无转录;Tc-iom在雌虫卵巢、输卵管和子宫中高水平转录,在雄虫精巢和贮精囊中转录量较低,输精管中无转录;Tc-tpk在雄虫精巢和贮精囊中的转录明显高于其他生殖组织;Tc-stp在雄虫精巢和输精管中转录量较高,在雌虫卵巢、输卵管和子宫中转录量较低。本试验为T.canis性别相关基因的进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

正两性猪俗称二异子猪或阴阳猪,是由胚胎发育过程的两性畸形而形成两性生殖器官,但没有生殖能力的一类猪~([1,2])。两性猪生殖器官结构表现各异,有的外表看似母猪,子宫角却联结畸形睾丸而非卵巢;另一部分外表看似公猪,却没有正常睾丸或骨盆腔内有子宫角~([1])。无论是何种类型两性猪,均不利于猪场饲养管理,故及时、准确判断和发现此类猪显得实属必要。1两性猪分类1.1母二异子猪  相似文献   

犬心丝虫病又称犬恶丝虫病 ,是由线虫科的犬恶丝虫寄生于犬心脏的右心室及肺动脉 (少见胸腔、支气管 )引起的循环障碍 ,呼吸困难及贫血等症状 ,除犬外 ,猫和其它野生肉食动物均可成为犬恶丝虫的终未宿主。犬心丝虫在我国分布很广 ,北至沈阳 ,南至广州均有发现。在中西部正日益成为问题 ,感染率为2 0 %~ 40 % ,高的流行率总是与蚊子密度相关连。1 病原犬心丝虫呈黄白色细长粉丝状 ,雄虫长 1 2~ 1 8cm ,尾部数回盘转。雌虫长 2 5~ 3 0cm ,尾部直。受精卵在雌虫的子宫内发育和孵化。早熟的活动胚胎称为微丝蚴 ,长 3 0 7~ 3 2 2mm。…  相似文献   

<正> 1982年在长沙县发现一个母系家族的猪,共计29窝279头,其中27窝中出现既有阴户、又有阴囊和睾丸,但无阴茎或子宫和卵巢的两性畸形猪67头,占24.01%。经临床、剖检和组织学检查,诊断为雄性假两性畸形中的睾丸雌性化综合征,其遗传规律为3比  相似文献   

<正> 海狸鼠(Myocdstor coypus)生殖系统的功能是生殖后代、繁殖种族。现将雌、雄的生殖器官分别简述如下。 一、雌性生殖器官 雌性海狸鼠的生殖器官由生殖腺(卵巢)、生殖管(输卵管和子宫)、交配器官和产道(阴道、尿道生殖前庭和阴门)组成(见图1)。  相似文献   

One thousand reproductive organs from gilts were collected during the period March-August at a slaughterhouse in central Sweden. The organs were inspected in respect of congenital defects and certain reproductive physiological data. The results are recorded in Tables 1–6. Figs. 1–7 show some types of malformations.The total frequency of malformations was 22.1 %, of which 14 % cysts in mesosalpinx and 4.1 % partial duplication of the vagina. The remainder consisted of general developmental defects and of local defects in the tubular genital tract. Malformations with presumed effect on fertility were found in 4.5 % of all organs examined, of which 0.8 % presumably caused permanent sterility and 3.7 % lowered fertility (small litters).Hydrometra was found in 33 cases, 2 of which in sexually mature gilts.The left ovary contained more corpora lutea than the right, and the mean weight of the left ovary was greater than that of the right, both in sexually mature and prepuberal gilts. Of 202 sexually mature gilts examined 16.9 % had cystic corpora lutea in their ovaries as a rule 2–4 in each ovary.  相似文献   

实验对生殖季节与非生殖季节的大雁生殖系统进行了组织学研究。大雁雌性生殖系统左侧发育,右侧退化。生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、交际器组成。输卵管包括漏斗部、蛋白分泌部、峡部、子宫与阴道五个部分。卵巢表面无浆膜覆盖,覆以单层生殖上皮,由浅部的皮质和深部髓质组成,皮质内含各级卵泡。雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管、睾丸旁导管系统和交接器组成。精巢的基本结构单位为曲精细管,外层包被着浆膜,其下是白膜,白膜结缔组织伸入精巢实质部,呈网状分布,繁殖季节的睾丸实质内充满曲细精管。  相似文献   

Xenotoca eiseni is a viviparous teleost belonging to the family Goodeidae. Here, we report histological observations of the reproductive organs in an adult male, an adult female, a pregnant female with intraovarian embryo and an extracted embryo of X. eiseni. High-resolution images of haematoxylin–eosin-stained sagittal sections revealed the detailed structure of gonads, gametes and reproductive components of the mother–embryo relationship. In the male, mature spermatozoa in the epididymis formed sperm packages. In the female, oogenesis proceeded asynchronously in the ovarian wall, and various stages of oocytes were observed in single ovary. In both sexes, genital openings were located between the anus and anal fin. Developing embryos were observed in an ovary of the pregnant female. Fine structures of components of the mother-to-embryo nutrient supply, ovarian septum and trophotaenia were observed in the pregnant ovary. An immature gonad prior to gamete formation was identified in the extracted embryo. With the aim of supporting the development and extension of studies on this viviparous teleost, we have shared our histological images as raw data in an open online archive, the 'NAGOYA repository ( http://hdl.handle.net/2237/00032456 )'. Our goal is a comprehensive understanding of the viviparous system in fish using both histological observation and molecular biology methods including genomics and proteomics.  相似文献   

大鸨生殖系统形态结构初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对7只不同年龄♂♀体大鸨生殖系统的形态结构解剖发现:大鸨雄性生殖系统由睾丸、附睾、输精管和交配器组成,无真正的阴茎,而具有阴茎体。睾丸一对,黑色、长形、豆状,右侧在前,左侧睾丸略大于右侧。大鸨睾丸从孵化出壳到性成熟无颜色变化,只是体积和重量增长。附睾在幼年时不明显,而在成体发情期时显著,呈前端较大的纺锤形。输精管外观为半透明、黑色弯曲的线状,沿输尿管向后延伸至泄殖腔壁形成突起,即输精管乳头;雌性生殖系统由卵巢和输卵管组成。卵巢和输卵管仅左侧正常发育,右侧输卵管退化为—短白色盲管。左卵巢因卵泡发育而呈葡萄串状。左输卵管在性未成熟时为一直形细管,性发育成熟后有较多弯曲,管径也增大,可分为漏斗部、壶腹部、峡部、子宫和阴道5部分。  相似文献   

目的将染色制片的两种莫尼茨绦虫进行生殖器官形态学观察与比较。方法采用苏木素染色法,将采集的绵羊莫尼茨绦虫染色制片,将其分类为贝氏莫尼茨绦虫和扩展莫尼茨绦虫后,分别各选取10条进行形态结构测量与比较,同时对两种绦虫的节间腺进行了对比观察与测量。结果两种莫尼茨绦虫的卵巢在幼节的前段,距头节25~45mm处开始形成雏形,卵巢的退化在距头节1029-1217mm后的孕节前段消失;而睾丸的形成在距头节285-320mm后的幼节末段处,睾丸的退化则在距头节751mm后的成节后段及距头节1281mm后的孕节前段消失。结论观察结果说明,莫尼茨绦虫雌性生殖器官的发育早于雄性生殖器官的发育。对扩展莫尼茨绦虫节间腺的观察发现,有的绦虫的节间腺呈一排分布,也有的呈两排分布,还有个别绦虫无节间腺分布。  相似文献   

为研究哺乳期染铅小鼠雄性生殖系统的发育状况,通过饮水染铅法,给小鼠不同剂量的醋酸铅(100,300 mg/L和500 mg/L),记录睾丸脏器指标,并采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定血铅水平。结果显示,染铅组小鼠血铅含量均高于对照组,其中300 mg/L和500 mg/L染铅组小鼠血铅水平显著高于对照组。各染铅组小鼠睾丸重量显著低于对照组。说明铅易被机体吸收,并且对生殖系统早期发育有毒性作用。  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody produced against ovary extracts from the worm Ascaris suum showed immunoreactivity against granules in the rachis and oocytes, the inner layer of the eggshell and the middle layer of some egg, but not against either ovary wall or uterus wall. Furthermore, the same antigens were detected on the body surface of migrated larva in guinea pig lung, whereas none were detected in adult male worm or adult female worm, except for the female reproductive organs. The ovary extracts were passed through an affinity column and the eluted fractions analyzed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and native-PAGE. Western blotting after SDS-PAGE detected chemiluminescence primarily as three bands of about 70, 78 and 90 kDa. However, Western blotting after native-PAGE of the partially purified ovary extracts demonstrated only one band at a position of about 230 kDa. LC-nanoESI-MS/MS analysis of protein band gel slices from silver-stained SDS-PAGE revealed one peptide sequence "ILVGLIGTNR", that matched only the hypothetical protein F14D2.8 of Caenorhabditis elegans (gi/7499081).  相似文献   

Forty-five female yaks of different ages with known reproductive histories were used to determine the anatomical characteristics of their internal genital organs. The results showed that there were several follicles of different sizes present on the surface of each examined ovary, up to a maximum of 13. In each age group, a greater number of follicles < 5 mm was observed in the right than in the left ovary (P < 0.05), while the number of follicles > 5 mm in the right ovary was almost the same as that in the left one. The average sizes and/or weights of the ovary, oviduct and uterus became larger or heavier with increasing age, and significant differences occurred between age groups (P < 0.05). The shapes, locations and other anatomical characteristics of the different internal genital organs are also described.  相似文献   

Basigin is a transmembrane protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. In the light of the fact that knockout mice lacking the basigin gene (Bsg) are azoospermic, the phenotype in the male reproductive system was extensively examined in this study. Spermatogenesis in Bsg (-/-) mice was found to be disrupted, and arrested at the metaphase of the first meiotic division. A few germ cells differentiated into young spermatids, but they were exfoliated. The lumens of the male reproductive system were filled with round degenerated cells. Using the TUNEL method and electron microscopy, some of the degenerated cells in the testis and epididymal head were shown to be apoptotic. Crystalloids of fine tubules and unusual ectoplasmic specializations were also observed in the Sertoli cells of Bsg (-/-) mice. These specializations displayed unusual 'circular' structures. Furthermore, unusual ectoplasmic specializations covering the spermatocytes rather than the mature spermatids were found. These structures were formed as a result of the lack of mature spermatids in the Bsg (-/-) testis. Results from analyses of azoospermia in the Bsg (-/-) mice suggest that basigin, through the interactions between germ cells and Sertoli cells, is an essential factor in the growth and/or survival of spermatids.  相似文献   

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