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曹升賡 《土壤学报》1964,12(2):155-163
红壤性水稻土是我国中亚热带地区的主要水稻土类型。根据江西省土壤普查的初步统计资料(1960),总面积约占全省水稻土的50%以上。红壤性水稻土基本性质的研究,已经累积了许多资料[1]。侯光炯和马溶之首先从形态发生的角度、研究了江西南昌地区某些红壤性水稻土的特性,以及形成过程中物质移动的淀积特征[2]。  相似文献   

水稻土水稳性大小团聚体联合测定法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓时琴  徐梦熊 《土壤学报》1965,13(2):229-234
关于水稻土水稳性团聚体的测定方法,至今尚无统一标准,过去多沿用与旱地相同的方法,而且大、小团聚体的测定是分别进行的。水稻土经过灌水种稻后,特别是受耕作影响频繁的耕层,土壤团聚体的变化很大,且大部分呈微团聚体状态。的试验表明,种稻以后,小于1毫米的水稳性团聚体的数量大大增加[12].因此,水田与早地团聚体的测定方法应该不同。本文目的在于寻求一种适于水稻土的水稳性团聚体的测定方法,为进一步研究打下基础。  相似文献   

土壤中氧化铁的转化及其对土壤结构的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
何群  陈家坊  许祖诒 《土壤学报》1981,18(4):326-334
氧化铁虽是土壤粘粒中的次要矿质成分,但它具有较高的活性,对土壤性质有重要的影响。作为胶结物质之一,氧化铁的形态及其含量,对土壤团聚体的形成,亦起重要作用[4,8]。某些水稻土中细孔隙增多,土块趋向紧实等问题[1,2],似乎与土壤中氧化铁存在形态有关。  相似文献   

昆明地区不同母质对红壤发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
趙其国 《土壤学报》1964,12(3):253-265
昆明地区位于云南省中部,为我国西南高原红壤的主要分布区。关于本区土壤形成过程及发生分类等同题,虽然曾有人做过不少工作,但至今仍存在着一些分歧;有人认为本区土壤的形成过程以砖红壤化为主,土壤类型为砖红壤及铁质砖红壤性土[1,2];有人认为棕壤化为本区土壤的主要成土过程,土壤应命名为棕色森林土[4];另有人认为本区土壤属红壤,目前的成土过程为红壤化[5],所有这些意见,均因资料不足而难取得统一。  相似文献   

朱兆良  张绍林  徐银华 《土壤》1987,19(1):5-12
关于水稻田中15N标记氮肥的氮素去向,国内外都积累了一些资料,并发表了文献综述[1,2]。近些年来,稻田中氮肥的氮素损失途径的研究又受到了重视[3-6]。在前两报中[5,6],我们报导了在石灰性和微酸性水稻土上,碳铵、尿素和硫铵的氮素损失的盆栽和田间试验研究的结果。本次试验的目的主要是探讨两种措施在减少氮素损失中的作用。  相似文献   

廖先苓 《土壤》1985,17(4):200-202
生产实践和研究表明[1,2],土壤中还原物质积累过多,常是直接或间接导致潜育性水稻土上水稻生长不良和产量较低的原因之一。Fe++又是土壤还原物质的主要成分。因此,我们曾于1981年以施用Fe++、葡萄糖、紫云英的方法,模拟田间土壤还原条件,进行了水稻盆栽试硷,对潜育性水稻土中N素供应特性及N素平衡作了初步研究[3]。试验表明,施入亚铁使水稻明显减产,但却促进了水稻对化肥N素的吸收利用,减少了N素的损失。为了进一步摸清和验证施入Fe++对水稻土中尿素N素平衡的影响,1982年继续进行了这项工作。  相似文献   

水稻根表钙离子浓度的实验测定与理论计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宣家祥 《土壤学报》1985,22(3):297-301
为了阐明植物养分的实际有效性,研究土/根界面的化学性质的微域差异是十分重要的[1,3]。我们以前的工作已经证明[2],用钾离子选择电极原位测定水稻根际微区中钾离子的分布,与用Nye的数学模型预期者基本相吻合,说明可以用离子选择电极技术研究土/根界面的离子状况。本工作继续用钙离子选择电极与Nye的模型对水稻根际钙离子状况进行研究。  相似文献   

徐俊祥  胡罗生  钟颜胜 《土壤》1986,18(4):203-207
徽州地区位于皖南丘陵山区(包括七县二市)。为我国红壤地区北部边缘的黄红壤,农业土壤以水稻土为主。我国红壤区土壤中微量元素的含量已有专著全面介绍[1]。就现有资料来看,徽州地区微量元素的含量情况还是空白。  相似文献   

赣中丘陵地区红壤及红壤性水稻土的孔隙性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
过去的研究工作[1-4]表明,赣中丘陵地区红壤及红壤性水稻土的良好结构与土壤孔隙的特征有密切关系.良好的土壤孔隙性能不仅有利于水分和空气的通透,又能在一定程度上增强蓄水能力.耕层土壤结构和孔隙性状,固然是影响作物生长的重要方面,但从根系在土壤中分布的范围来看,整个土体的孔隙性状尤为重要.  相似文献   

红壤的物理性质及其生产意义   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
姚贤良  于德芬 《土壤学报》1982,19(3):224-236
热带和亚热带地区广泛分布着红壤性土壤。由于该地带水热条件十分优越,促进了土壤矿物组成的强烈风化和生物物质的迅速循环,从而构成了红壤性土壤所具有的独特的化学性质和物理行为。晚近的研究表明,红壤性土壤中大量存在的高岭类粘土矿物和三二氧化物不仅决定了土壤中一系列的化学环境,而且也影响着土壤中的物理过程和力学性质的变化[13,18],而后者的控制和改善又往往是红壤开发利用成败的关键之一[17]。  相似文献   

聚类分析在太湖地区水稻土物质分类上的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘多森  徐琪  陆彦椿 《土壤学报》1980,17(4):374-381
近十余年来,数理统计中的多元分析发展很快,并在科学技术的各个领域广泛应用.土壤数值分类,就是多元分析引进土壤分类学的结果.土壤物质分类,可用数值分类为其表达形式.聚类分析(Cluster analysis)是研究“物以类聚”的数学方法.它属于多元分析的重要分支.数学研究者对聚类分析作过比较详尽的介绍.  相似文献   

侯惠珍  袁可能 《土壤学报》1986,23(3):228-235
本文研究湖沼母质发育的青紫泥水稻土和第四纪红土母质上发育的黄筋泥水稻土的有机矿质复合体中氨基酸的组成和氮的分布.结果表明:各组复合体中氮的含量(%)是G2>G1>G0;C/N比值是G2>G0>G1;水解氮的比例青紫泥为G0>G2≥G1,而黄筋泥则为G2>G0>G1.水解液中氨基酸的总含量(克/100克腐殖酸)是G0>G2≥G1,各组复合体胡敏酸中氨基酸的总含量大于富里酸,但氨基酸的种类和组成基本相同.青紫泥水稻土各组有机矿质复合体中含氮量高于黄筋泥水稻土,但水解氮的比例、活性腐殖质中氮的比例,以及以氨基酸形态存在的氮的比例均为黄筋泥高于青紫泥.淹水培养结果黄筋泥的氮矿化率高于青紫泥近三倍.  相似文献   

Stabilization of oily waste organics (OWO) in soils of land treatment farms (LTF) can limit the availability of the OWO for biodegradation. The effect of physical dispersion on bioavailability and biodegradation of OWO in a soil from a LTF was investigated. Soil samples from the LTF were ultrasonically dispersed at increasing energy levels (EL), ranging from 0 to 30 kJ kg?1 at 5 kJ kg?1 increments, and incubated in glass jars for 12 weeks. The headspace CO2 concentration in the jars was monitored weekly by gas chromatography and expressed as C mineralization rates (CMR). The CMR and the cumulative C mineralized (CCM) increased with increasing EL. The CCM from the oily waste treated soil dispersed at 30 kJ kg?1 was 710% higher compared to that from the untreated soil dispersed at the same EL. Compared to the treated soil dispersed at zero EL, 48% more C mineralized from that dispersed at 30 kJ kg?1. The size of the potentially mineralizable C (C0) increased with increasing EL. The C0 for the treated soil dispersed at 30 kJ kg?1 was 66% larger compared to that at zero EL. The C0's for the treated soil dispersed at different EL were similar, suggesting the chemistry of the C0 exposed by dispersion were similar. The results show that substantial amounts of potentially biodegradable OWO were physically protected in soil aggregates.  相似文献   

侯惠珍  袁可能 《土壤学报》1990,27(3):286-292
本文研究湖沼母质发育的青紫泥水稻土和第四纪红土母质上发育的黄筋泥水稻土的有机矿质复合体中有机磷的分布。结果表明:各组复合体中有机磷的含量(μg/g)是G2>G1>G0C/P0和N/P0比例是G2高于G0和G1,说明有机磷在复合体G2中的富集低于有机碳和氮。复合体中可溶性有机磷化合物总量较全土高。可溶性有机磷化合物中,肌醇磷占有机磷12.1-32.3%,核酸磷占1.9-5.8%,磷酸磷占0.7-3.1%。复合体中肌醇磷、核酸磷和磷脂磷的含量(μg/g)G2明显高于G0和G1。复合体中有机磷的活性分级为:活性磷占10%左右,中等活性磷占50%左右,中等稳定性磷和高度稳定性磷各占20%左右。G0组的活性磷比例较全土高,但G1和G2组中则明显降低。不同土壤有机矿质复合体中活性磷和中等活性磷的分布,与有机磷化合物中的核酸磷和肌醇磷的含量有关。  相似文献   

Fresh organic carbon becomes more accessible to deep soil following losses of surface soil and deep intentional incorporation of crop residues, which can cause the priming effect and influence the quality and quantity of SOC in deep soil. This study determined the priming effect due to addition of water-dissolved 13C-labeled glucose (0.4 g C kg−1 soil) to a soil taken from 1.00 to 1.20 m depth. The changes in chemical compositions of SOC in soils without (G0) and with (G0.4) glucose addition during a 31-d incubation were investigated with solid-state 13C cross polarization/total sideband suppression (13C-CP/TOSS) and CP/TOSS with dipolar dephasing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. No glucose remained in the soil after 21 days of incubation, with 48% being completely mineralized into CO2 emission and 52% being incorporated into SOC. The native SOC was decomposed by 0.23% more in G0.4 than in G0. The NMR spectra demonstrated that both labile and recalcitrant organic compounds in SOC changed during the incubation, but in different manners in G0 and G0.4. During the incubation, the -(CH2)n-abundance in G0 did not change over time, but in G0.4 it decreased from Day 0 to Day 21 and then increased from Day 21 to Day 31, suggesting shifts of soil microbial communities only in G0.4. After the incubation, in G0 the abundances of ketones/aldehydes and nonpolar alkyl C increased, but those of aromatic C–C and protonated O-alkyl C (OCH) decreased; In G0.4, the abundances of NCH and protonated O-alkyl C (OCH) increased, but those of nonpolar alkyl C and nonprotonated aromatic C–O and ketones/aldehydes decreased. Such inconsistent changes in recalcitrant compounds between G0 and G0.4 indicated that glucose addition likely primed the decomposition of aromatic C–O and suppressed the formation of ketones/aldehydes. We have demonstrated for the first time that the priming effect of SOC decomposition in the deep soil was involved with larger notable changes in both labile and recalcitrant structures of native SOC due to glucose addition compared with that without glucose addition.  相似文献   

The way pH changes in soil are propagated by movement of acids and bases is described. In acid soils the H3O+-H2O acid-base pair is most important, while in alkaline soils the H2CO3-HCO3? pair is always dominant, its effect depending directly on the pressure of CO2. In neutral and slightly acid soils, soluble organic matter and the H2PO4?-HPO24? pair may also contribute. A soil acidity diffusion coefficient is derived, and defined as: where vl= the volume fraction of the soil solution, fl= the impedance factor for the liquid diffusion pathway, bHS= the pH buffer capacity of the soil, b HB= the pH buffer capacity of each mobile acid-base pair, Dl HB= the diffusion coefficient of each mobile acid-base pair in free solution, and the sum is taken over all mobile acid-base pairs. The soil acidity diffusion coefficient may be used to predict the course of pH equilibration in practical situations. It is high in acid and alkaline soil, and at a minimum in slightly acid soil. It is little affected by variation of the ionic strength of the soil solution at concentrations less than 0.01M. When the pH buffer capacity of the soil is constant, and only the H3O+-H2O and H2CO3-HCO3? pairs are important, the soil acidity diffusion coefficient varies as cosh{2.303(pH—pH0)}, where pH0 is the pH at which the soil-acidity diffusion coefficient is a minimum.  相似文献   

Sodium (Na+) dominated soils reduce saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) by clay dispersion and plugging pores, while gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O) application counters these properties. However, variable retrieval of texturally different saline–sodic soils with gypsum at soil gypsum requirement (SGR) devised to define its quantity best suited to improve Ks, leach Na+ and salts. This study comprised loamy‐sand (LS), sandy loam (SL), and clay loam (CL) soils with electrical conductivity of saturation extract (ECe) of ~8 dS m−1, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of ~44 (mmol L−1)1/2 and exchangeable sodium of ~41%, receiving no gypsum (G0), gypsum at 25% (G25), 50% (G50) and 75% (G75) of SGR. Soils packed in lysimeters were leached with low‐carbonate water [EC at 0·39 dS m−1, SAR at 0·56 (mmol L−1)1/2 and residual sodium carbonate at 0·15 mmolc L−1]. It proved that a rise in gypsum rate amplified Ks of LS ≫ SL > CL. However, Ks of LS soil at G25 and others at G75 remained efficient for salts and Na+ removal. Retention of calcium with magnesium (Ca2+ + Mg2+) by LS and SL soils increased by G50 and decreased in G75, while in CL, it also increased with G75. The enhanced Na+ leaching efficiency in LS soil with G25 was envisaged by water stay for sufficient time to dissolve gypsum and exchange and leach out Na+. Overall, the superiority of gypsum for LS at G25, SL at G50 and CL at G75 predicted cost‐effective soil reclamation with a decrease in ECe and SAR below 0·97 dS m−1 and 5·92 (mmol L−1)1/2, respectively. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以吉林省黑土玉米带区域内10对长期定位采样点的2种土地利用方式土壤(耕作黑土和防护林带黑土)为研究对象,采用胶散分组法提取土壤胶散复合体,探究长期不同利用方式对黑土胶散复合体和酸度的影响。结果表明:耕作黑土与防护林带黑土均表现为G_0与G_2组的绝对含量增加,G_1组的绝对含量下降,复合体总量分别下降了3.88%和0.28%。耕作黑土和防护林带黑土pH分别平均下降12.12%和3.77%,有机碳含量在耕作黑土和防护林带黑土中分别平均下降23.17%和9.00%,2种利用方式土壤的胡敏酸、富里酸、交换性钙离子和碳酸钙均出现下降;耕作黑土分别平均下降12.18%,3.53%,16.29%,31.53%;防护林带黑土分别平均下降20.07%,13.14%,2.81%,7.81%。G_1组与pH、HA、Ca~(2+)和CaCO_3呈极显著正相关,与FA呈显著负相关;G_2组与pH、HA、Ca~(2+)和CaCO_3呈极显著负相关。pH与HA、Ca~(2+)和CaCO_3呈极显著正相关,与FA呈显著负相关。经过11年的变化,黑土胶散复合体稳定性下降,相比非耕作状态下黑土,耕作模式下的黑土胶散复合体稳定性下降更为严重,胶散复合体总量下降的更多,酸度下降更为明显。Ca~(2+)和HA的变化是影响黑土土壤酸化和土壤团聚体稳定性的主要驱动因素。土壤酸化的结果使土壤胶散复合体数量减少,稳定性变差。  相似文献   

周原全新世复合古土壤和成壤环境的微形态学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对陕西周原黄土剖面的微形态研究 ,结合微量元素、粒度及磁化率分析 ,探讨了黄土风化成壤的特征 ;揭示出该剖面的全新世古土壤S0 是温暖湿润的环境下形成的具有强烈粘化特征的复合土壤 ,是 60 0 0~ 5 0 0 0aB .P .出现的区域性干旱气候事件造成风尘加速堆积的结果。关中盆地在 85 0 0~60 0 0aB .P .风化成壤最为强烈 ,气候最为暖湿。在 5 0 0 0~ 3 1 0 0aB .P .又出现了一个比较强烈的成壤时期。而最近 3 1 0 0年以来是一个风尘堆积较强的相对干旱期。  相似文献   

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