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朱成之  段旭  张娜  徐志辉  邓旭辉  李荣  沈其荣 《土壤》2022,54(3):446-454
为研究青枯病不同发病率土壤对番茄植株氮素吸收效率的影响,以番茄为供试植物,采集连作多年后6种青枯病不同发病率(12.5%、21.9%、40.0%、59.4%、83.3%和91.6%)的土壤,进行盆栽试验。结果表明,随着初始土壤青枯病发病率逐渐升高,番茄植株生物量和氮素吸收效率呈下降趋势,且存在显著相关性;初始土壤中全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮含量与植株的氮素吸收效率无显著相关;初始土壤的细菌多样性和群落组成与植株的氮素吸收效率无显著相关,但基于OTU的细菌群落变化与植物氮素吸收效率呈显著相关性,溶杆菌属(Lysobacter)和藤黄单胞菌属(Luteimonas)细菌与植株氮素吸收效率呈显著正相关,其中溶杆菌属(Lysobacter)细菌同时与发病率呈显著负相关。综上,本研究发现,受不同程度的连作障碍影响,土壤的氮素含量与植物氮素吸收效率无显著相关性,而初始土壤的细菌群落与植物氮素吸收效率存在显著相关性。  相似文献   

稻草和三叶草分解对微型土壤动物群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机物的施用能够促进土壤肥力和生物群落的发展,然而有机物组成或质量对土壤生物尤其是土壤动物的影响仍需要更多的研究。本研究将稻草和三叶草秸秆分别与土壤混合培养,在分解开始后的第14、35和70天分析土壤可溶性有机物、微生物生物量和微型动物群落的变化。结果表明,与稻草相比,三叶草秸秆提高了土壤活性有机碳和氮的含量。此外,三叶草对食细菌微型动物如原生动物和食细菌线虫有较强的促进作用,表明低碳氮比有机物促进了细菌主导的土壤食物网的发展。与三叶草相比,稻草提高了微生物生物量碳和微生物碳氮比,对土壤硝态氮的生物固持作用明显;稻草还刺激了线虫群落内的食真菌者、植食者和捕杂食者,提高了微型动物群落的多样性、成熟度和结构复杂性,说明高碳氮比的有机物更利于真菌主导食物网结构的形成。总之,通过秸秆种类的选择可调控土壤氮素的有效性及土壤生物食物网结构,有助于协调土壤氮素的生物转化过程和植物吸收之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

氮素是植物生长发育必不可少的大量元素之一,土壤中的硝酸盐是植物获取氮素的主要来源。植物对硝酸盐的吸收与利用是通过一个精密的信号调控网络来实现的,其中硝酸盐转运蛋白在植物体内硝酸盐的运输和分配过程中发挥着重要的作用。通过对氮素利用途径中不同硝酸盐转运基因在硝酸盐的吸收、转运、同化和再利用进行功能鉴定,可以更好地解析硝酸盐在植物体内的吸收机制,从而找到提高植物氮素利用效率的关键环节。因此,综述了植物硝酸盐转运蛋白对土壤中硝酸盐的响应和信号的传递;硝酸盐转运蛋白在植株体内参与硝酸盐的转运、储存和再利用的功能以及硝酸盐在植物育种中的应用,并从对硝酸盐转运基因的单碱基编辑、关键结构域的改造和基因功能鉴定等方面进行展望。综述了有利于揭示硝酸盐转运基因的功能,拓宽植物吸收转运硝酸盐的分子机制认识,为提高植物氮素利用效率、培育氮高效利用农作物品种提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

【目的】温带森林土壤氨基糖的转化特征对外源氮素和凋落物加入的响应研究,对于温带森林土壤氮素管理和缓解氮沉降所带来的负面影响具有重要的意义。【方法】采用室内恒温恒湿模拟培养的方法,研究了外源氮素和凋落物添加条件下温带森林土壤有机层中3种微生物来源的氨基糖含量的变化特征,并利用真菌和细菌来源氨基糖的比值(氨基葡萄糖/胞壁酸),分析了外源物质添加条件下真菌和细菌残留物对土壤氮素转化和积累的相对贡献。【结果】温带森林有机层土壤中不同微生物来源氨基糖对外源物质加入的响应不同。单施氮素以及氮素与凋落物同时添加均有利于细菌残留物胞壁酸的积累,但是单施氮素添加对真菌残留物氨基葡萄糖含量的积累没有影响,且氮素与凋落物同时添加不利于氨基葡萄糖含量的积累。氨基半乳糖对外源物质添加的响应较小。真菌残留物的稳定性高于细菌残留物,氮素与凋落同时加入时不利于土壤微生物残留物的稳定性。此外,土壤中真菌和细菌来源氨基糖的比值受到外源物质加入的影响,单施氮素以及氮素与凋落物添加降低了氨基葡萄糖/胞壁酸比值(分别降低28.3%和30.5%),两种外源物质加入时细菌残留物对氮素转化的相对贡献大于真菌残留物。【结论】外源氮素和...  相似文献   

生物硝化抑制剂——一种控制农田氮素流失的新策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业生产中氮肥的施用是影响全球氮素循环的一个重要因素,在促进作物增产的同时,也对生态环境产生了重要的影响。由于铵态氮肥在旱地中很容易经过硝化作用转变为硝态氮,其中一小部分为植物所吸收,而大量的硝态氮被淋失,或经反硝化作用进入大气,造成土壤氮素严重损失。自然界中一些植物的根系能够分泌抑制硝化作用的物质,被称为生物硝化抑制剂,因而可以显著提高土壤氮素利用率。本文阐述了有关生物硝化抑制剂的由来、分泌调节、作用机制及其应用潜力,并探讨了其在农业生产中氮素高效管理等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

生物炭添加对酸化土壤中小白菜氮素利用的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对菜地土壤酸化趋势显著、氮肥利用率低下等突出问题,以小白菜为供试作物,设置了前3季连续施用化肥氮及后2季不施化肥氮的5季盆栽试验,研究生物炭添加对酸化土壤上连续多季种植小白菜的产量、氮肥利用率以及土壤供氮能力的影响。结果表明:在连续添加化肥氮的条件下,生物炭添加显著增加了小白菜的产量及氮素累积量,有效降低了土壤速效氮含量,并提高了土壤速效氮中NO3--N含量比例,缓解了土壤酸化趋势,降低了小白菜中硝酸盐含量,增加了氨基酸含量,提高了氮肥利用率;在停止施用化肥后,生物炭添加处理仍能保持较高的土壤速效氮含量,提高土壤固持氮素的有效性,促进植株对氮素的吸收利用,从而使产量维持在施氮条件下的高水平。研究表明生物炭添加对土壤氮素具有"削峰填谷"的调节功能,能够有效促进氮素的吸收转化,从而有利于维持高产。  相似文献   

植物体对硝态氮的吸收转运机制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
硝态氮是高等植物重要的氮素营养,直接影响植物的生长。植物根系吸收硝态氮并向地上部转运的机制一直是研究者十分关注的问题。近几年的深入研究使得新的现象与结论被揭示,推动了我们对植物体吸收转运硝态氮生理与分子机制的认识。本文综述了近年来国内外关于植物硝态氮吸收转运的生理及分子机制的相关研究结果。通过整理归类植物硝酸盐吸收相关的生理学数据,介绍了影响植物吸收硝态氮的各种因素。基于膜转运体在植物硝态氮吸收转运过程中发挥的重要作用,本文还重点介绍参与该过程的四大基因家族的成员及功能,即硝酸盐转运体1(NRT1)、硝酸盐转运体2(NRT2)、氯离子通道(CLC)和s型阴离子通道(SLAC),以期为后续研究者提供一个较为全面的理论依据。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根根外菌丝对铵态氮和硝态氮吸收能力的比较   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用空气隔板分室法并结合15N标记技术,以玉米为宿主植物并接种Glomus mosseae和Glomus intraradices,比较了这两种真菌根外菌丝对铵态氮和硝态氮吸收传递能力的差异。结果表明,丛枝菌根根外菌丝吸收传递氮的能力因菌种和氮素形态而异。两种真菌根外菌丝吸收传递NH4+-N能力均高于NO3--N;G. intraradices根外菌丝吸收传递氮的能力高于G. mosseae,这可能与两种真菌根外菌丝生长量有关。  相似文献   

在日光温室栽培条件下,研究了不同施氮模式对番茄产量、品质及土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,与当地习惯施肥模式(N1)相比,分别减施化肥氮26%(N2)、减施化肥氮26% 结合调节土壤C/N(N3)、减施化肥氮26% 结合调节土壤C/N和采用滴灌(N4)、减施化肥氮45% 结合调节土壤C/N和采用滴灌(N5)的集成模式对产量和品质无显著影响; 减氮模式下植物吸收的总氮量、氮素利用率和氮肥农学效率均高于习惯施肥模式,其中N5模式的氮素利用率和氮肥农学效率显著高于N1模式(P<0.05),说明减少化肥氮的施用量结合调节土壤C/N和/或滴灌措施能够保证番茄的产量和品质,达到减肥增效的目的。结果还看出,番茄拉秧后0—100 cm土层累积的硝态氮含量低于习惯施肥模式,对0—20 cm表层土壤碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量和土壤脲酶和蔗糖酶活性的影响不显著; 减氮条件下,N3和N5模式土壤细菌/真菌比值高于N1模式。综上研究结果表明,N3和N5 两个集成模式具有明显优势。  相似文献   

选用高效吸收利用氮素的氮高效品种,是在适当降低施氮量的条件下维持较高产量水平的重要途径之一。国内外有关氮高效生理、遗传基础研究方面已经开展了多年的工作,在硝酸盐和铵转运蛋白基因克隆与功能分析、氮素调节根系发育、氮素诱导的基因表达谱、氮高效性状QTLs定位等方面都取得了重要进展,但这些研究集中于营养器官,很少涉及到作物产量器官——穗和籽粒。以玉米为例,综述了氮素供应不足对穗、籽粒发育的影响,并重点从氮素代谢相关酶及细胞分裂素信号互作的角度,论述了氮素调节玉米穗和籽粒发育的可能生理机制,提出了一个理论假设。图2,参36。  相似文献   

The breakdown of organic nitrogen in soil is a potential rate-limiting step in nitrogen cycling. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are root symbionts that might improve the ability of plants to compete for organic nitrogen products against other decomposer microbes. However, AM uptake of organic nitrogen, especially in natural systems, has traditionally been difficult to test. We developed a novel quantitative nanotechnological technique to determine in situ that organic nitrogen uptake by AM fungi can occur to a greater extent than has previously been assumed. Specifically, we found that AM fungi acquired recalcitrant and labile forms of organic nitrogen. Moreover, N enrichment of soil reduced plot-scale uptake of these compounds. Since most plants host AM fungi, AM use of organic nitrogen could widely influence plant productivity, especially where N availability is relatively low.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems is complex since it involves the closely interwoven processes of both N uptake by plants and microbial turnover of a variety of N metabolites. Major interactions between plants and microorganisms involve competition for the same N species, provision of plant nutrients by microorganisms and labile carbon (C) supply to microorganisms by plants via root exudation. Despite these close links between microbial N metabolism and plant N uptake, only a few studies have tried to overcome isolated views of plant N acquisition or microbial N fluxes. In this study we studied competitive patterns of N fluxes in a mountainous beech forest ecosystem between both plants and microorganisms by reducing rhizodeposition by tree girdling. Besides labile C and N pools in soil, we investigated total microbial biomass in soil, microbial N turnover (N mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, microbial immobilization) as well as microbial community structure using denitrifiers and mycorrhizal fungi as model organisms for important functional groups. Furthermore, plant uptake of organic and inorganic N and N metabolite profiles in roots were determined.Surprisingly plants preferred organic N over inorganic N and nitrate (NO3) over ammonium (NH4+) in all treatments. Microbial N turnover and microbial biomass were in general negatively correlated to plant N acquisition and plant N pools, thus indicating strong competition for N between plants and free living microorganisms. The abundance of the dominant mycorrhizal fungi Cenococcum geophilum was negatively correlated to total soil microbial biomass but positively correlated to glutamine uptake by beech and amino acid concentration in fine roots indicating a significant role of this mycorrhizal fungus in the acquisition of organic N by beech. Tree girdling in general resulted in a decrease of dissolved organic carbon and total microbial biomass in soil while the abundance of C. geophilum remained unaffected, and N uptake by plants was increased. Overall, the girdling-induced decline of rhizodeposition altered the competitive balance of N partitioning in favour of beech and its most abundant mycorrhizal symbiont and at the expense of heterotrophic N turnover by free living microorganisms in soil. Similar to tree girdling, drought periods followed by intensive drying/rewetting events seemed to have favoured N acquisition by plants at the expense of free living microorganisms.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal plants from a variety of ecosystems have the capacity to take up organic forms of nitrogen, yet the fraction of plant nitrogen demand met by organic N (ON) uptake remains unclear. ON uptake by mycorrhizal plants is a biochemical process that involves multiple steps, including breakdown and uptake of soil ON by mycorrhizal fungi, internal transformation of ON, and transfer of N to the host plant. We present hypothetical mechanisms controlling each of these steps and outline predictions for how these mechanisms structure patterns of ON uptake by mycorrhizal plants in ecosystems. Using a synthesis of published data, we found that uptake of amino acids by mycorrhizal fungi is related to the relative abundance, N content, and carbon structure of the amino acid. We hypothesize that the bond strength and structural diversity of soil ON controls the breakdown of polymeric ON by mycorrhizal fungi. In addition, the availability of carbon resources for the mycorrhizal fungus influences the capacity for mycorrhizal fungi to assimilate amino acids and produce extracellular enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of polymeric ON.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根对芘污染土壤修复及植物吸收的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用温室盆栽试验方法,研究了两种丛枝菌根真菌Glomus mosseae和 Glomus etunicatum对三叶草(Trifolium subterraneum L.)和辣椒(Capsicum annuum L.)修复芘污染土壤的影响。供试土样中芘初始浓度为0 ~ 75.18 mg/kg。结果表明,接种AMF可促进供试植物对土壤中芘的吸收,并且显著提高三叶草根的芘含量、根系富集系数、根和茎叶的芘积累量,但对辣椒根和茎叶芘含量、根系富集系数的影响不显著,这主要与植物的菌根侵染率和“菌根依赖度”不同有关。接种AMF土壤中芘的削减率高于普通植物修复,但植物吸收积累对修复的贡献率小于0.2%;因此推测,AM作用下良好的根际环境对土壤微生物数量和活性的提高、进而对土壤中芘降解的促进可能是菌根修复的主要机理。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) metabolism is of great economic importance because it provides proteins and nucleic acids which in turn control many cellular activities in plants. Salinity affects different steps of N metabolism including N uptake, NO3? reduction, and NH4+ assimilation, leading to a severe decline in crop yield. Major mechanisms of salinity effects on N metabolism are salinity-induced reductions in water availability and absorption, disruption of root membrane integrity, an inhibition of NO3? uptake by Cl?, low NO3? loading into root xylem, alteration in the activities of N assimilating enzymes, decrease in transpiration, and reduction in relative growth rate which results in a lower N demand. However, the effects of salinity on N metabolism are multifaceted and may vary depending on many plant and soil factors. The present review deals with salinity effects on N metabolism in plants, emphasizing on the activities of N metabolizing enzymes in a saline environment.  相似文献   

While it is well established that plants are able to acquire nitrogen in inorganic form, there is less information on their ability to ‘short circuit’ the N cycle, compete with microbes, and acquire nitrogen in organic form. Mycorrhizal fungi, known to enhance nutrient uptake by plants, may play a role in organic N uptake, particularly ericoid mycorrhizas. We asked the question—Can mycorrhizal fungi increase the ability of plants to take up organic N, compared to inorganic N? Here, we report on the abilities of three plant species, ericoid mycorrhizal Rhododendron macrophyllum and Vaccinium ovatum and arbuscular mycorrhizal Cupressus goveniana ssp. pigmaea, to acquire C and/or N from an organic and an inorganic N source. All three species are native to a California coastal pygmy forest growing in acidic, low-fertility, highly organic soils. In a pot study, glycine-α13C, 15N and 15N-ammonium were applied to pygmy forest soil for 17 or 44 h. Ericoid mycorrhizal species did not demonstrate a preference for either inorganic or organic sources of N while Cupressus acquired more NH4-N than glycine-N. For all species, glycine-N uptake did not increase after 17 h suggesting glycine uptake and glycine immobilization occurred rapidly. Both glycine-N and glycine-C were recovered in shoots and in roots suggesting that all species acquired some N in organic form. Regression analyses of glycine-N and glycine-C recovery in root tissue indicate that much of the glycine was taken up intact and that the minimum proportion of glycine-N recovered in organic form was 85% (Cupressus) and 70% (Rhododendron). Regressions were non-significant for Vaccinium. For all species, glycine-N remained predominantly in roots while glycine-C was transferred to shoots. In contrast, NH4-N remained in roots of ericoid plants but was transferred to shoots of arbuscular mycorrhizal Cupressus. Since net N mineralization rates in pygmy forest soils are low, our results suggest that organic N may be an important N source for plants in this temperate coniferous ecosystem regardless of mycorrhizal type. Acquisition of amino acid C by these species also may partially offset the carbon cost to plants of hosting mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

Earthworms and mulch can have positive or negative effects on mycorrhizae (fungus-roots) and N uptake by plants. In the present experiment, maize plants were grown under greenhouse conditions with or without tropical earthworms (Balanteodrilus pearsei) and mulch of velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis). The formation of vesicles and hyphae of arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in roots and N uptake by maize plants was measured at harvest. The addition of earthworms and velvetbean reduced AM root colonization. Earthworms had no effect on plant root or shoot biomass. In the absence of velvetbean, earthworms reduced AM colonization, but when velvetbean was present, this effect disappeared. The addition of velvetbean mulch, on the other hand, had an effect on plant biomass (above- and belowground) and a positive effect on AM fungal colonization of roots in presence of worms, but a negative effect when worms were absent. When both M. pruriens and B. pearsei were added, shoot and root biomass and N concentrations increased. Vesicle formation was related to velvetbean mulch decomposition as well as the higher N concentration in maize roots. Management of mulch–earthworm interactions may be of value, particularly in low-input and organic agricultural systems, and deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Erythrina poeppigiana, a woody tropical plant, was inoculated with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungiGlomus etunicatum Becker and Gerdeman,G. mosseae Nicol. and Gerd. Gerdeman and Trappe, orG. intraradices Schenk and Smith. Growth, N uptake, and nutrition were evaluated in VAM-inoculated plants and controls fertilized with two levels (3 or 6 mM) of either NH inf4 sup+ -N or NO inf3 sup- -N. The response by the mycorrhizal plants to N fertilization, according to N source and/or level differed significantly from that of the control plants. In general, the growth of the mycorrhizal plants was similar to that of the non-mycorrhizal plants when N was provided as NH inf4 sup+ . When the N source was NO inf3 sup- the control plants grew significantly less than the VAM plants. Inoculation with VAM fungi gave yield increases of 255 and 268% forG. etunicatum-colonized plants, 201 and 164% forG. mosseae-colonized plants and 286 and 218% forG. intraradices-colonized plants fertilized with 3 and 6 mM NO inf3 sup- -N, respectively. The increased growth and acquisition of nutrients by plants fertilized with NO inf3 sup- -N and inoculated with VAM shows that VAM mycelium has a capacity for NO inf3 sup- absorption. The results also showed thatE. poeppigiana seedlings preferred NH inf4 sup+ as an N source.G. etunicatum was the most effective endophyte, not only increasing N, P, Ca, Mg, and Zn uptake in the presence of NO inf3 sup- fertilizer but also P and Mg in the presence of NH inf4 sup+ applications. From these results we conclude that VAM symbiosis affects N metabolism inE. poeppigiana plants and that this species can overcome limitations on the use of NO inf3 sup- -N by the mediation of VAM fungi.  相似文献   

In terrestrial ecosystems, plants are frequently in symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) with mineral nutrients and photosynthesis carbon exchanges in between. This research sought to identify the effects of phosphorus (P) levels on the nitrogen (N) uptake via extraradical mycelium (ERM) and the mycorrhizal growth response (MGR) of maize plants within the AMF symbiosis. Pots were separated into root compartments and hyphae compartments (HCs) with two layers of a 30‐μm mesh membrane and an air gap in between, where only hyphae could pass through, to avoid both N diffusion and root growth effects. Maize plants were inoculated with Rhizophagus irregularis with different N fertilization in HCs under two different P fertilization levels. Our results indicated that a strong increase in MGR with low‐P fertilization. The same tendency was not observed with high‐P fertilization, although both had a large increase in P concentration as a potential source of growth in shoot tissue of mycorrhizal plants. Substantial effects (10.5% more N) were observed in the case of high‐P availability for the host plants from ERM fed with N, whereas under low‐P conditions ERM may prioritize P uptake rather than N uptake. The AM fungi increase the uptake of N and P, which are most limiting in the soil with fewer forces from soil resources. In addition, there was still more P accumulated than N due to the high N for ERM with high‐P supply. Low N in HCs corresponded with a lower colonization rate in roots but with high hyphae density in HCs; this result suggest that N and P availability might change the ratio of extraradical to intraradical hyphae length.  相似文献   

水分胁迫及VA菌根接种对绿豆生长的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文采用土培试验研究了水分胁迫下接种VA菌根真菌Glomusmosseae,G .sp .和G .caledonium对绿豆生长及代谢活动的影响。结果表明 ,水分胁迫严重抑制了植株的生长 ,但对VA菌根真菌的侵染能力影响不大。接种VA菌根真菌不仅有利于植株对土壤中磷和氮的吸收 ,而且明显改善了植株的水分状况 ,降低了植株叶片的脯氨酸含量 ,提高了接种株叶片的光合效率 ,显著增加了植株干物质量 ,增强了绿豆的抗旱性或耐旱性。 3种真菌中 ,以Glomusmosseae的接种效果最好。  相似文献   

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