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财政支持农业科技成果转化的思路和途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据山西省农业科学院近几年农业科技成果转化项目实际运作情况,重新界定了新形势下农业科技成果转化的内涵,并对农业科技成果转化利益主体的构成、地位和作用进行了分析,提出了财政支持农业科技成果转化的思路和途径。  相似文献   

The Council is not engaged in the supranational formulation of policy and planning on scientific research and technology, but has made considerable progress in coordinating research policies and plans on a limited number of scientific and technical problems of priority interest and of common concern to all members. The establishment of national science-planning institutions in CEMA countries and the adoption of a uniform approach to the formulation of national science policies and plans must be considered basic procedures for achieving international coordination of their efforts. The creation of organizational units within CEMA to deal specifically with the coordination of science policies and plans represents a strengthening of the institutional framework that is necessary for coordination of an internationally cooperative effort in research and technology. Moreover, CEMA's 1-year plan for science and technology has probably been of considerable value as a pilot project for the formulation of the research plan for 1966-70. The delineation of a limited number of important scientific and technical problems of common interest to the members, and the allocation of research projects to a country having the highest capability to conduct them, hold considerable promise for financial savings and for improved utilization of the limited scientific manpower and research facilities of the CEMA countries. While all these measures are significant in CEMA's attempt to improve coordination of science policy and planning, only time will enable true assessment of their effectiveness. The Council's scheme for the specialization of labor in research and technology has met and will undoubtedly continue to meet, considerable opposition by various segments of the scientific communities because of deep-rooted and long-standing national prejudices, and reluctance of vested interests to give up research activities in which they are interested and to which their professional futures are tied. Moreover, opposition to CEMA-sponsored programs for specialization in research will continue to stem from the desire of some member countries further to reduce Russian influence in their domestic affairs. While recognizing the financial savings that can accrue to them from division of labor in research within CEMA, the smaller countries cannot be unaware that there is probably a limit to which the Soviet Union, with its vast scientific and technological base, is willing to participate in the division of-labor scheme. As a world power, the Soviet Union can hardly become dependent upon other members of CEMA in any field. Nevertheless, by promoting the coordination of research plans and a division of labor among CEMA members, the Soviet Union stands to gain by having its scientific-research effort augmented in several fields by the efforts of other members.  相似文献   

董云秀  靳小真 《安徽农业科学》2014,(18):6079-6079,6082
农业机械化是农业现代化的重要标志,它在农业发展中具有重要作用。农业要进入新的发展阶段,必须进行种植业生产各要素的技术改造,把科学技术不断转化为生产力。反过来说要将农业建立在科学发展的基础之上,实现农业种植全程机械化是必由之路。因此,农业机械化是农业生产力发展的重要内容,发展机械化是农业经济发展的现实要求。  相似文献   

A recent newspaper account of the 1970 annual meeting of the AAAS was headlined, "Science's Blank Check Bounces." I am not, however, advocating that giving a "blank check" to science will solve all our problems. The discussion of science policy in the last three decades has too often confused necessary with sufficient conditions. A strong basic science is a necessary condition for a strong economy, a livable environment, and a tolerable society. But it is by no means a sufficient condition. That a vital science is an indispensable tool of human welfare in the present stage of evolution of man on the planet does not mean that it is the only tool or that it cannot also produce the opposite. Indeed, there seems almost to be a complementarity between the power for good and the power for evil inherent in science. Nuclear energy poses the possibility of nuclear holocaust, but is indispensable to a continuing supply of energy after fossil fuels run out. The computer threatens us with "big brother," but seems indispensable to the rational management of our complex social structures. Molecular genetics could be used for frightful purposes, but opens up the prospect of the final conquest of human disease and food supply. Drugs which control human behavior have opened up frightful possibilities for abuse and self-destruction, but they also offer the hope of conquest of mental illness. What I have referred to are really technologies, not science, but science is needed to use them wisely, although it will not guarantee their wise use. Although science cannot ask for a blank check, there is a part of it which must have the autonomy to "do its own thing"if it is to continue to serve society. How much of science should have this autonomy, and what sort of accountability should be required of it will be matters of continuing debate. Some accountability outside the scientific system itself is essential, as in any other human activity, but the degree of external accountability which is necessary will depend also on the success with which science maintains its own system of internal accountability, guaranteeing the intellectual excellence and integrity of its results. Although I do not believe scientists can be held accountable for the uses which society makes of the knowledge they produce, they do have an obligation to make clear the implications of this knowledge insofar as it is within their special intellectual competence to do so. However, I believe that the highest allegiance of science must continue to be to truth as defined by the validation procedures of the scientific process itself, and that the distortion of scientific results or the selective use of evidence for political purposes, no matter how worthy, is unforgivable insofar as it is presented cloaked by the authority and imputed objectivity of science. That science should have a measure of autonomy does not mean it cannot also respond to new social priorities. As in the past, new social missions can open up exciting new scientific questions, as fundamental as any generated by the internal workings of science. However, what is important is that no matter how much the broad strategy of science might be influenced by social priorities, the tactics should be largely governed by scientific criteria. Furthermore, it is essential that some science be supported and cultivated for its own sake alone. Here the primary criterion must be excellence as judged scientifically, that is, by internal standards. The fraction of the total technical effort that is supported in this way should have some degree of constancy over the long term. You are no doubt wondering what is the answer to the question posed by the title of this article. I cannot give a definite answer one way or the other. The threats to the integrity of science, both from within and from without, are probably greater than at any time in the past, because science is much more a part of the total social and political process, no longer the semihobby of a few dedicated and somewhat eccentric individuals. But I am an optimist. I do not think that the scientific enterprise is going down the drain. It will change, as science has always changed. It will respond to new social priorities, but, like an organism responding to disease, it will develop antibodies which will fight and finally contain excessive control by external criteria, and in fact will transform these external pressures into new opportunities and new fundamental fields of inquiry. But I could be wrong!  相似文献   

关于推进科技进步与创新,提升山西林业发展水平的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面分析山西省林业科技现状,充分肯定科技对于林业建设的历史贡献,寻找林业科技存在的问题和困难的基础上,站在发展现代林业的高度,重新审视了林业科技的地位和作用,对林业科技发展的思路、目标、重点和保障措施进行了深入的探讨和思考。建设性地提出了当前和今后一段时期应充分发挥林业科技的"三个地位"和"四个作用",以推广普及"十大实用技术",努力攻克"十项关键技术"和实施"科技五大工程"为重点,进一步推进林业科技进步与创新,为山西省林业又好又快发展提供强大的科技支撑。  相似文献   

The National Ignition Facility (NIF), a superlaser being built here at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in an effort to use lasers rather than nuclear explosions to create a fusion reaction, is supposed to allow weapons makers to preserve the nuclear arsenal--and do nifty fusion science, too. But a new report that examines its troubled past also casts doubt on its future. Even some of NIF's scientific and political allies are beginning to talk openly of a scaled-down version of the original 192-laser design.  相似文献   

中国农业科学数据共享分析与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵华  王健 《农业展望》2014,(9):54-57
农业科学数据是农业科技领域的宝贵资源,实现农业科学数据共享具有重要的意义。在阐述农业科学数据内涵的基础上,对中国农业领域科学数据共享的现状和存在的问题进行了深入分析,指出农业科学数据的管理与共享仍将是今后科技界的一个重要议题,并提出了促进农业科学数据共享的对策和建议。  相似文献   

与当前国家科学技术飞速发展极不相称的是国民素质水平远远落后于发达国家水平。如何履行科普宣传的社会责任是摆在科技工作者面前的严峻问题。就科技期刊从事科普宣传工作的意义、内容和宣传方式3个方面论述了科技期刊从事科普工作的必要性和可行性。最后对科普宣传工作提出了展望,旨在为科技期刊从事科普工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Lynn L 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,233(4761):296-301
Until recently the Japanese did not spend much on research and what they did spend was concentrated on the commercial development of technology. As a result there have so far been few Japanese breakthroughs in either science or technology. Dramatic changes have recently occurred, however, and Japan now trails only the United States and the Soviet Union in research spending. Beyond this, Japanese policy-makers are making a determined effort to overcome Japan's social and institutional barriers to scientific creativity.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]鉴别开放科学范式下科研人员需要具备的能力和技能,构建开放科学能力框架并对培养路径进行研究,以期为提高开放科学生态系统中领导者和决策者、科研人员和科研支持人员的开放科学能力,为推进中国开放科学进程、建设开放科学创新生态提供借鉴。[方法/过程]通过分析归纳国内外已有相关研究成果,基于胜任力模型构建开放科学能力框架,并对培养路径进行探讨。[结果/结论]开放科学能力框架包括拥抱开放科学价值观和理念、基于开放科学要素组成的开放科学知识习得和嵌入科研生命周期和数据生命周期的开放科学技能建设3个维度。开放科学能力培养路径包括制定能力建设相关的政策法规和战略规划,加强开放科学宣传和培训,以及提供贯穿科研全流程的全面支持。同时,图书馆是开放科学能力建设的关键行动者,应主导设计科学合理的开放科学培训体系,在推进开放科学范式变革中发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

为解决企业科研与生产经营脱节、与生产经营结合不够深入的问题,提出了企业科研与生产经营融合的观念,认为企业科研的全过程都必须围绕生产目标的实现和生产问题的解决而展开,要以市场为导向、效益为核心,与生产经营密切结合.以中国石油管道公司为例,分析了目前该公司科研与生产经营融合的现状,指出科研在与生产经营融合过程中存在的问题,提出通过建立科研全过程与生产沟通机制、强化科技项目后评价、不断开展技术集成和有形化、推广应用科技服务平台4条措施,推进科研与生产经营深度融合,从而有效地提升科技对企业安全生产保障和主营业务发展的支撑作用.(图1,参6)  相似文献   

浅谈基层农业科研单位科研管理能力提升措施   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2  
科研管理工作是对科技活动进行有效调节和控制的一项系统工程。提升科研管理能力,在推动科研工作持续、健康、快速发展中起着举足轻重的作用。文章通过分析提升科研管理能力的重要性和基层农业科研单位的科研管理现状,从科研管理创新有赖于一支具有较高创新素质的科研管理队伍建设的角度出发,提出以人为本的管理思想,通过提高科研管理人员的创新管理素质和管理理念,建立科学、合理的现代农业科技管理体系与用人、激励机制,以提升科研管理创新水平。  相似文献   

The DOD carefully evaluates its technical needs and executes programs of sponsored research and development to fulfill them. Thus, while individual projects proceed in accordance with established scientific principles of objectivity, the overall system of DOD funding allows the military to influence the development of science technology. Many have argued that this system of contracts and grants has well served science and the universities. One cannot deny that the influx of money led to rapid progress in selected scientific fields and increased scientific institutions' affluence. With this fact we have no quarrel. However, these same people often continue to argue that the systems of federal funding for science, specifically DOD funding of science, follows merely on the work's scientific merit, not on how it fits any larger scheme. They continue, that, since DOD supports good science for its own sake, the combination of military money and universities strongly encouraging faculty to seek that money encourages healthy competition for faster scientific progress. The DOD's approval process is seen to follow from the scientist up, with the military deciding which proposals for research have the most intrinsic (scientific) merit, then after the fact, thinking up a military justification for congressional budget requests. It is this latter belief with which we take issue. The DOD considers the scientific worth of the proposals for research it receives, but only after it has determined that the proposal fulfills a specific military need. This fact and its implications for the university as an institution charged with protecting the process by which man discovers new knowledge have been ignored in the debates over DOD sponsored research and development in universities. In addition, the Nixon Administration's efforts to tighten management controls over civilian research, especially in the biomedical and energy areas, promises to further undermine the university's role as an institution charged with fostering a search for truth free from bias in both methodology and subject selection.  相似文献   

冯桂真 《农学学报》2020,10(4):89-92
农业科普工作是加快推进中国特色农业现代化、助力乡村振兴发展的重要举措。而农业科普创作是将深奥、抽象的农业科学知识、科学原理转化成人民群众喜闻乐见、通俗易懂的形式进行传播,以提升农民科学素质和公众农业科学素养,是农业科普工作的源头。笔者从创作的选题、创作队伍的组建、创作手法、传播渠道以及存在问题和建议5个方面进行讨论。创作选题要分析了解受众目标与受众需求;组建包括科学家团队、科普创作团队与媒体渠道在内的协作团队;创作时要体现科学性与思想性,注重生动形象、通俗易懂的创作技巧以及各种新技术手段的应用,借助互联网扩宽科普作品传播渠道。文章最后就如何改善农业科普工作的激励机制与培养专兼职科普创作队伍提出建议。  相似文献   

孙咏萍  董杰 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(22):13268-13269,13333
孟德尔定律之再发现是科学史上的重要史实之一。回顾3位不同国度的科学家在这一史实中的主要贡献,再现了他们在揭示遗传学定律方面的主要科学活动,并从科学精神和科学史功能的角度评述这一过程,揭示了再现科学的可检验性、科学的求真务实精神以及科学史的为科学和学术服务的功能。  相似文献   

“一体化”农业科技评价体系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农业科技评价目的是增强政府农业科技决策的科学性和合理性,有效配置农业科技资源,带动农业经济持续健康发展。该文以农业科研项目为研究对象,针对项目特点,尝试建立立项、执行、验收跟踪3个不同阶段的"一体化"科技评价体系,并就如何进一步完善"一体化"农业科技评价体系提出了对策建议,为我国农业科技评价制度的建立,以及符合农业科研现状的评价指标体系的研究提供了借鉴意义。  相似文献   

京津冀农业科技成果转化是夯实农业发展的基础,农技人员是科技成果转化的主体,对提升科技成果转化效率起到重要作用。本研究以天津市农业科技人员为对象,开展问卷调查,利用多元Logistic回归模型,探析科技人员参与科技成果转化的主要行为及影响因素,旨在探明促进京津冀农业科技成果转化的协同机制。结果表明,科技人员参与成果转化的意愿十分强烈,但现阶段京津冀农业科技成果协同转化还缺少相应的扶持政策和共享平台,现有的管理体系、激励机制不完善,一定程度上阻碍了成果转化进程。建议从完善制度体系、创新激励机制、搭建协同转化平台、培育专业人才4个方面构建协同机制。  相似文献   

边全乐 《农学学报》2012,2(12):69-78
经过十多年的改革与发展,中国科技社团社会奖励已经广泛地发展起来,与国家奖励、省部级奖励形成三足鼎力的格局,共同构成了中国的科技奖励体系。对科技社团社会奖励进行专题调研,系统研究了科技社团社会奖励基本状况、科技社团评奖质量及推荐项目获国家奖情况、科技社团社会奖励发挥的作用等情况;梳理总结了科技社团发展中存在的自身建设、管理政策、品牌建设、公信力建设、主体地位形成等诸多问题;针对上述问题,从管理层面和业务运行层面提出多条对策建议。为相关主管部门全面调查了解科技社团设奖情况,优化科技社团社会奖励政策环境,培育科技社团社会奖励品牌奖项等提供了第一手参考资料。  相似文献   

The goal of science education interventions is to nurture, enrich, and sustain children's natural and spontaneous interest in scientific knowledge and procedures. We present taxonomy for classifying different types of research on scientific thinking from the perspective of cognitive development and associated attempts to teach science. We summarize the literature on the early--unschooled--development of scientific thinking, and then focus on recent research on how best to teach science to children from preschool to middle school. We summarize some of the current disagreements in the field of science education and offer some suggestions on ways to continue to advance the science of science instruction.  相似文献   

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