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纽荷尔脐橙果实发育期叶片不同形态硼含量与缺硼的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
盛鸥  严翔  彭抒昂  邓秀新  方贻文 《园艺学报》2007,34(5):1103-1110
以‘纽荷尔’脐橙为材料,连续两年研究了缺硼和正常(对照)叶片总硼和不同形态硼含量的动态变化。结果显示:1)在果实膨大期(花后120~160 d),越冬老叶和春梢新叶的总硼含量均有一个显著下降的过程,且大部分时间里缺硼处理的比对照硼含量低;2)缺硼树越冬老叶的自由态硼和半束缚态硼含量在果实膨大期很低,对照较高;缺硼树越冬老叶在花后120~160 d束缚态硼含量较低,相对含量较高;3)缺硼和对照树春梢新叶的自由态硼和半束缚态硼含量比越冬老叶高,束缚态硼含量较越冬老叶低;缺硼树叶片的3种形态硼含量在花后140~160 d显著低于对照,且束缚态硼相对含量较高。就‘纽荷尔’脐橙叶片不同形态硼的动态与缺硼的生理机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

纽荷尔脐橙缺硼表现与其硼、糖含量年变化的关系   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
 研究了赣南‘纽荷尔’和‘朋娜’脐橙果实及叶片的硼和可溶性糖含量的年变化。结果表明: 幼果期两品种果皮硼含量均较高, 之后果皮与果肉硼含量均趋下降, 但在果实膨大中后期均出现显著上升。纽荷尔越冬老叶硼含量趋明显下降并居较低水平, 而朋娜老叶硼含量变幅小且相对较高。果实膨大中后期两品种果皮和果肉的可溶性糖含量均与果实硼含量出现同步积累, 此时二者老叶和朋娜春梢叶的糖含量均出现低谷, 而对应纽荷尔春梢叶糖含量并无明显下降。  相似文献   

大樱桃缺硼及防止对策答河北省玉田县读者武秀珠多年大樱桃缺硼主要是由于土壤中硼元素含量较低所致,表现症状是早春叶脉间呈黄萎状、果梗变短、结实率低下;缺硼严重时,叶片畸形、枝条光秃、花芽形成恶劣,即使开花也不结实;一般果实在幼果期症状不明显,从果实膨大期...  相似文献   

<正> 罹短枝枯顶病的梨树于7月份表现叶脉失绿,顶部叶片畸形,顶梢和侧梢枯顶,并产生裂果。发病果园土壤的硼含量(0.56ppm)高于一般果园(0.14ppm)。罹病植株叶的硼含量达120ppm,而正常植株叶的硼含量仅39ppm。在高硼条件下(>0.5ppm)砂培的植株表现出与感病果园植株相同的症状,其叶的硼含量达122.2ppm,新梢皮部的硼含量高达166ppm。高硼处理导致叶中钾含量降低和磷含量增加,但对叶中钙、氮和镁含量没有影响。认为梨新梢枯顶是由硼毒害所致。(文摘号5510) 译自(英)《园艺学文摘》1988年第58卷第9期译者:吴瑗  相似文献   

以1年生枳砧纽荷尔脐橙为材料进行盆栽沙培,观察缺镁植株叶脉肿裂与叶片黄化症状的进程,测定不同枝梢叶片相对叶绿素和镁硼元素含量,探讨缺镁对纽荷尔脐橙叶脉肿裂、叶片黄化的影响。结果显示,第3个月时缺镁组2龄秋梢叶出现叶脉肿裂、叶片黄化的症状,而且随着时间延长症状加重;第3个月时对照组和缺镁组1龄春夏梢叶的叶色无明显差异,在第4个月时缺镁组出现明显黄化症状。第3个月时缺镁组各枝梢叶的相对叶绿素含量均显著降低,并且下降幅度随着时间延长而明显增大。第4个月时缺镁组和对照组的硼含量均处于高量水平,而缺镁组各枝梢叶镁含量均处于严重缺乏水平。表明,缺镁不仅会导致纽荷尔脐橙叶片黄化,也会导致叶脉肿裂。  相似文献   

 研究了野生欧李萌动期、开花期和果实发育期各组织器官中不同形态钙含量的变化及其相关性。结果表明,野生欧李对钙的吸收积累与钙的形态密切相关,木质部和花器官、果实、果柄中的钙主要以果胶钙形态为主,韧皮部和新梢中的钙主要以草酸钙形态为主。在年生长发育时期,木质部中各种形态钙含量总体呈下降趋势,进入果实成熟膨大期含量回升;韧皮部中各种形态钙含量总体呈下降趋势,进入果实成熟膨大期水溶钙、果胶钙、磷酸钙和草酸钙含量略有回升;花器官和果实中各种形态钙含量变化呈“下降—增加(或下降)—下降”的变化;在果实发育期,新梢中的水溶钙、果胶钙、草酸钙和剩余钙含量明显增加,而果柄中的水溶钙含量增加最为明显。随生长发育进程各组织器官中存在钙形态转化。木质部、韧皮部、花和果实中水溶钙和果胶钙含量的年变化与相应器官中钙总量之间存在高度正相关。  相似文献   

铜梁是一个古老的农业县,20多年来,耕作制度、栽培方式、种植作物种类、肥料施用情况以及粮食产量结构都发生了巨大变化,土壤中微量元素含量也随之发生着变化。对2009年与1984年采集的土样微量元素化验数据作比较,发现土壤中有效铜、锌、铁的含量有较大幅度提高,锰和硼的有效性降低,有效硼的降低幅度最大,95%的化验样品都低于缺硼临界值。  相似文献   

为明确缺硼胁迫对枳[Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Raf.]幼苗根系损伤的机制,采用营养液培养法研究缺硼对枳幼苗根系生长发育、线粒体活性氧代谢、抗氧化酶活性变化、线粒体特性和线粒体超微结构的影响。结果表明:缺硼处理抑制了枳幼苗根系生长,根系总根长、总表面积、总体积、平均直径及根系生物量均明显降低,根系活力也显著下降。缺硼处理降低了根系线粒体超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,增加了过氧化氢(H2O2)和丙二醛(MDA)含量。缺硼处理还使线粒体膜吸光度变化值降低,说明增大了线粒体膜透性转换孔开放程度。缺硼处理降低了线粒体膜流动性、线粒体膜电位和细胞色素c/a值,线粒体功能受损导致ATP合成明显减少。透射电镜观察结果显示缺硼处理的根系线粒体结构被破坏,线粒体内嵴减少,出现空泡化现象。综上,缺硼会显著抑制枳幼苗的生长发育,其作用机制可能与线粒体结构与功能受损有关。  相似文献   

低温下磷硼营养对西瓜幼苗生理生化特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索磷硼营养对西瓜苗期抗寒性的影响,为西瓜幼苗期养分管理提供依据,选用当地主栽品种-京欣一号为材料,采用营养液培养,设置缺磷、缺硼、缺硼磷及施硼磷4个处理,3叶1心时进行5d低温及常温处理。结果表明,硼磷配合在低温下POD活性比常温下同一处理上升72.06%,但无论常温或低温施加磷、硼及其配合处理POD活性比对照下降;脯氨酸含量增加幅度高达260.01%,而缺硼磷处理仅上升191.18%;硼磷、硼、磷和不施硼磷的MDA含量较常温下分别上升27.84%、33.33%、33.01%和36.63%;缺硼磷处理电导率与硼磷配合比升高43.61%;磷、磷硼配合处理糖含量增加幅度较缺硼磷处理达极显著水平。总体而言,磷硼配合更有利于提高西瓜幼苗抗寒性。  相似文献   

施用农药福美胂对苹果果园砷污染的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
赵政阳  张翠花  梁俊  刘子龙  高华 《园艺学报》2007,34(5):1117-1122
 重金属元素砷是果品质量安全的重要控制对象之一。为了解苹果生产过程中砷元素的残留污染情况,为其污染控制提供依据,对连续使用福美胂农药5年的苹果园的果实、叶片、枝干、根系及土壤中的砷含量进行了调查。结果表明,果树喷施或主干涂抹福美胂均不同程度提高了树体各部位和果园土壤中的砷元素含量,其中叶片、主枝皮部、主干皮部和浅层主根(0~40 cm)中的砷含量较高,果实中砷含量也有所增加。喷施处理显著提高了叶片和主枝中的砷含量,使表层土壤(0~20 cm)砷含量也明显提高;涂抹处理显著提高了主干和主枝皮部的砷含量,果实中的砷含量也明显高于对照。涂抹处理的树体砷总累积量高于喷施处理,且地上部分砷总累积量均高于地下部分;各器官中,浅层主根是砷残留累积的主要部位。使用福美胂对苹果园的砷污染表现出持效期长、范围广的特点。  相似文献   

几种砧木对苹果新梢及叶特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对几种苹果砧木嫁接的四年生苹果树新梢及叶的特性进行了研究。结果表明,八棱海棠砧苹果树新梢和叶的总生长量高于用各类矮化砧木嫁接的苹果树。各矮化砧苹果树中短梢及其上叶的总生长量占全树新梢及叶总生长量的比例,高于乔砧树;矮砧树中短枝的单枝鲜重、比枝重、单枝叶数、单枝叶面积、单枝叶鲜重等指标,高于乔砧树。这是矮砧树树冠小、易成花结果的主要原因。以两个矮化砧木双重嫁接的苹果树,各类枝的质量明显好于以其中一个砧木嫁接的苹果树。  相似文献   

The weekly rates of shoot extension and total growth in leaf length of the glasshouse tomato variety Potentate increased from germination until soon after the start of ovary swelling. It is postulated that when, or soon after, the first flower primordia were initiated, an internal reaction was stimulated that eventually resulted in the cessation of the progressive increase in the rates of shoot extension and growth in leaf length. Increase in the rate of vegetative growth ceased soon after the start of ovary swelling, but this occurred even when no ovaries were allowed to swell.

The diameter of the shoot was unaffected by removal of leaves but increased when no fruits were allowed to develop. Conversely, shoot extension growth was unaffected by removal of fruit but decreased when alternate immature leaves were removed, although the removal of mature leaves had no effect on shoot extension growth.

Removal of leaves was associated with a reduction in total fruit volume and an increase in total leaf length.

Removal of immature fruit was associated with an increase in total leaf length. Removal of alternate immature fruits had little effect on total fruit . volume ; the difference between normally fruiting plants and plants from which alternate fruits had been removed was less than 0?5%.  相似文献   

乔砧富士苹果树冠枝梢数量和分布对产量与品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以20年生改良高干开心形乔砧富士苹果树为试材,应用树冠分格方法,研究了透光和郁闭树冠内长、中、短枝(梢)的数量、比例与产量和品质的空间分布差异和枝(梢)数量、类型与比例对果实产量品质的影响。结果表明,透光和郁闭树冠枝(梢)总量分别为104×104和124×104条·hm-2,在树冠内膛、中部和外围的比例分别为41.87%、42.83%、15.30%和10.00%、36.92%、53.08%;透光树冠的折合产量为63.30t·hm-2,显著高于郁闭树冠的47.96t·hm-2,并集中分布在树冠1.0~2.5m的层次高度,透光树冠每层的果实产量均大于郁闭树冠;透光树冠的单果质量、可溶性固形物、固酸比分别比郁闭型树冠高11.84%、18.01%和68.22%。典型相关与多元回归分析获得了影响果实品质因素的主要枝(梢)类型和重要程度,长枝(梢)数量与果实单果质量、硬度呈显著正相关,短枝(梢)数量与果实可溶性固形物含量呈正相关,与可滴定酸含量呈显著负相关;线性规划得到了乔砧富士苹果优质的总枝(梢)量为96.57×104~103.68×104条·hm-2,长、中、短枝(梢)比例分别为9.41%~10.62%、14.12%~15.00%、74.57%~76.47%。  相似文献   

The study was conducted to document the range in soil nutrients, trunk and shoot growth, leaf characteristics and nutrient content, flower bud characteristics, yield, fruit quality, disease occurrence, light penetration, and shoot bark color in a 15-year-old ‘Fuji’ apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) orchard on M.26 rootstocks trained to four growing systems. SS trees naturally growing had greater width and volume than the LT lightly heading, MLT heavily heading, and S trees thinning and bending. LT trees had more upward terminal shoots at old branches, large numbers of lateral shoots, and longer total shoot length. Leaf [N], [P], and [K] were the lowest for the MLT trees. SS and S trees had greater flower bud density and fruit yield, but LT trees had poor fruit color and less soluble solids and firmness. Percent light penetration into the canopy was the highest with the S system but not different from MLT or SS. The lowest was for the LT system, however, it was not statistically different from MLT or SS.  相似文献   

The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean region under warm climates. Fig yield is governed by the previous crop load and is strongly dependent on shoot length. Special cultural practices are required to stimulate new vegetative growth that will ensure regular and high productivity. The present study focused on the use of the rest breaking agent hydrogen cyanamide (HC) as Dormex to enhance vegetative growth, which influences the yield. A field trial was held in northern Tunisia (36° 49′ N; 9° 48′ E) on mature fig trees cv. Zidi. In reference to untreated trees as control, two hydrogen cyanamide treatments at 1% and 1.5% HC were considered. Bud break rate, vegetative growth, starch content of shoots, yield, and fruit characteristics were assessed. Results indicated that 1.5% HC significantly increased shoot length, fruit number per shoot, and yield. It advanced bud break by 10 days and fruit ripening by 7 days compared to the control. However, leaf number, leaf area, and starch content seem to be unaffected by hydrogen cyanamide treatments. Regarding fruit quality, a 1.5% HC dose significantly increased dry matter content, while fruit diameter and total soluble solids remain unaffected. In conclusion, hydrogen cyanamide could be used under warm conditions to improve vegetative growth of fig trees cv. Zidi and consequently fig productivity. Application of 1.5% HC 40 days before bud break was the most effective in increasing shoot length and yield.  相似文献   

Flower clusters were removed at full bloom from ten year old ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ trees on M.9 rootstocks, over the whole tree, on alternate branches or on whole sides. Mean fruit weight per tree at harvest was linearly dependent on leaf area per fruit and on light interception per fruit, both relationships accounting for over 90% of the variance. These relationships did not differ between treatments, implying either a mobile pool of carbohydrate or photosynthetic adjustment within the tree to crop load. Measurements of leaf photosynthesis in July and September showed no statistically significant differences in photosynthetic rate of spur or extension shoot leaves on bearing or non-bearing branches. Although the treatments caused no overall effects on shoot growth or leaf area per tree, sides of trees without fruit had greater leaf area and shoot growth than did sides bearing fruit. Fruit mineral composition and percentage dry weight were not affected by treatment except where the treatments significantly altered fruit size. In the following spring, although the treatments did not affect the total number of flower buds produced, branches that were deflowered in the previous spring carried significantly more flower buds than did branches which had cropped.  相似文献   


The effects of light, moderate, or heavy thinning (5, 10, or 20 cm between fruit, respectively), conducted before (7 d or 15 d), during, or after (7 d or 15 d) pit hardening (PH), on the incidence of split pits, fruit yield, fruit quality characteristics, and leaf mineral contents, were studied in the canning peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch.) cultivar ‘Andross’ over two growing seasons. The percentage of fruit with split pits increased by 58.2% in heavily-thinned trees compared with moderately- or lightly-thinned trees, and by 22.9% for the earliest time of thinning (15 d before PH) compared with thinning during, or after PH. Fruit fresh weight (FW) was greater in moderately- and heavily-thinned trees compared with lightly-thinned trees, but yields were similar among the different crop-load treatments. The latest time of thinning (15 d after PH) also had a negative impact on yield at first harvest and on total yield, fruit FW, and delayed fruit ripening compared to thinning during, and 15 d before PH. Total anti-oxidant capacities and phenolic contents were usually greater in fruit from heavily-thinned compared with lightly- or moderately-thinned trees only when thinning was conducted during, or 15 d after PH. Moreover, anti-oxidant levels were highest in fruit from the earliest-thinned trees. There was no significant effect of crop load, or of time of thinning application treatment on fruit colour, or on the K, P, Fe, Mn, and Cu contents of leaf tissues. In conclusion, light or moderate thinning during PH resulted in minimal split pits during processing, and in optimal yields and fruit quality characteristics in the canning peach cultivar ‘Andross’.  相似文献   

Six-week-old tomato plants were subjected to 5 root-zone temperatures, ranging from 12 to 36°C, and 4 light levels in a factorial design. Large increases in shoot dry weight, leaf area and fruit development resulted from soil warming to 24°C when plants were grown under high light conditions. Shoot growth and fruit weight were reduced at 24°C root temperature under low light conditions. Total plant photosynthesis, leaf area index, net assimilation rates and leaf chlorophyll content were related to plant growth and flower development for the various treatments. Our experiments have shown an interaction between root-zone temperature and light levels for greenhouse tomatoes. Soil warming caused large increases in shoot dry weight and fruit development when light was not limiting plant growth, but had deleterious effects on flowering and fruit set under shaded conditions.  相似文献   

Fruit set was increased by removing all shoots 5 days after full bloom and at weekly intervals thereafter from trees of Sunset and Laxton’s Fortune, but removing shoots from Fortune trees 25 days after full bloom produced no beneficial effect on fruit retention. All treatments resulted in a heavier rate of fruit shedding during the ‘June drop’ period than occurred from control trees, and at harvest the trees without shoots had fewer fruits, and lower yields, than the controls. In a comparison of shoot removal and shoot tip removal starting 15 days after full bloom on Fortune trees, both treatments improved set, but whereas shoot removal caused a heavier ‘June drop’ compared with untreated trees, shoot tip removal increased the number of fruits retained to harvest and produced a yield increase. The difference between the two treatments in their influence on fruit retention, during and after the ‘June drop’, is accounted for by the beneficial effect of a relatively small number of leaves on each tipped shoot. Studies on the pattern of distribution of photosynthates, using 14CO2 and autoradiography, produced results supporting the concept of competition between fruits and shoots and also showed changes in the pattern of assimilate movement brought about by shoot tip removal. It is concluded that competition between fruits and shoots, occurring during blossoming and the following 2–3 weeks, may limit fruit set, but the presence of shoot leaves is beneficial to fruit retention in the later part of the season, particularly during the ‘June drop’ period.  相似文献   

以5a生田间红富士苹果为试材,以初夏土施15N-尿素为手段,研究了当年不同时期主要器官对15N-尿素的吸收、分配和利用特性。结果表明,从幼果期到果实采收期,叶片全氮质量分数最高,新梢、根系和果实依次递减;根系优先吸收15N-尿素,在幼果期15N质量分数达到最高,随物候期推进,吸收的15N-尿素外运用于新生器官(新梢、叶片与果实)的建造。到采收期,新生器官的15N质量分数提高,地上部分的15N吸收量明显高于地下部分,其中新梢、叶片和果实15N分配势(Ndff%)比幼果期分别增加了68.6%、80.6%和57.2%;地上部分15N吸收量达366.693mg,分配率为63.9%,占树体总氮量的0.75%;根系Ndff%比幼果期减少了68.8%,15N吸收量为207.5643mg,分配率为36.1%,占树体总氮量的0.42%。采收期树体的当年氮肥利用率为5.7%。  相似文献   

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