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黄海  唐常青 《果树科学》1995,12(1):25-28
连续两年对4个苹果品种进行了同时期土壤施用多效唑的试验,结果表明,苹果土施情况下,其“滞后期”只需2-2.5个月。为了让明显的抑制效果从旺盛生长-开始就发生,就需要把施用的时间向前推移。合适的施用时间应在9月上半个月(大体相当于金冠采收期)及8月。  相似文献   

现对果树控释肥的使用方法、使用时间和使用量对苹果产量和质量的影响效应进行研究,以推动控释肥在苹果生产中的科学施用。结果表明:苹果园施用控释肥以沟施为宜,施肥深度20cm,在春季1次或春、夏2次施用,盛果期果园每株使用量2~3kg为宜。  相似文献   

怎样防治苹果小叶病答山东省德州市读者李莉莉沙地、瘠薄地和盐碱地果园容易发生苹果小叶病,应首先增施有机肥、改良土壤;其次应施用硫酸锌;在苹果发芽前半个月喷布3%~5%硫酸锌液(或发芽初喷布,浓度降至1%);花后3周喷布0.2%硫酸锌加0.3%尿素;结合...  相似文献   

1套袋苹果黑点病持续严重发生的原因据调查.套袋苹果黑点病发生严重的原因主要有以下几个方面。1.1树体营养不平衡一是修剪量过大.抽条多.营养消耗大导致树势下降。抗性降低。二是环剥过重或环剥时间不恰当,导致大量根系死亡,营养吸收困难。三是氮肥施用过量,有机肥施用不足,中微量元素缺乏,影响了果树营养的平衡。6~8月份,大量施用含氮高的复合肥或液体冲施肥,或未腐熟的鸡粪.都会加重黑点病的发生。  相似文献   

苹果水心病多发生在果心及其附近.也可发生在果肉的任何部位。开始发病,一般看不出来,等到果面上看出来少有点变褐,整个苹果果肉就烂了大部分,尤其采前1个月左右到贮藏期1个月之内,再加上气温偏高、干燥等气候条件的影响,病情发生很快,3~5天顶多一个星期左右,整个苹果就烂掉。  相似文献   

基肥施用是苹果管理中的重要环节之一,施肥效果的好坏受多种因素制约。根据静宁苹果产区的调查,苹果基肥施用中存在诸多的问题,应注意克服。1存在的问题1.1肥源不足在苹果产区,由于群众将主要精力用于务作苹果,象静宁以苹果为主的经济林面积已达5.33万hm2,户  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究施用土壤调理剂对‘富士’苹果产量、品质及效益的影响。结果表明,施用土壤调理剂后能显著提高苹果的品质和产量,使苹果的糖度上升、酸度下降,每667 m2增产221.2 kg,经济效益提高1 147.2元。  相似文献   

试验通过5个有机肥施用水平对威宁‘红富士’苹果的产量以及生长结果等指标进行分析,得出:威宁‘红富士’苹果最佳有机肥施用量为2600 kg/667 m2  相似文献   

正目的:研究啤酒污泥堆肥在苹果上的最佳施用方式及其增产机理。方法:采用盆栽试验方法,探讨啤酒污泥堆肥与土壤混合(H)、堆肥覆盖土壤表面(F)、混合+覆盖(HF)3种施用方式对苹果苗生长、叶片生理特性以及根系形态的影响。结果:啤酒污泥堆肥不同施用方式均能显著促进苹果苗的生长,H与HF处理在提高苹果苗干径、苗枝径、单叶片叶面积和单株叶面积方面效果更显著;不同施用方式下叶片叶绿  相似文献   

苹果施用多效过量造成树体抑制过重,叶面积减小,果柄变短,效果率及单果重降低,树势衰弱;在花序分离期(4月4日)和幼果期(5月30日),连续两次喷施250mg/L的赤霉素,使苹果的叶面积,座果率及单株疸达到或超过正常生长结果水平,可促进枝条生长,复壮树势。  相似文献   

苹果RAPD分析体系的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对富士苹果(Malus pumila Mill.cv.Fuji)RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA)分析体系的优化研究表明,RAPD反应体系中,DNA、Taq酶、引物和Mg2+4种主要成分的最适用量分别为:20ng、1.0 U、0.2umol·L-1和3.0umol·L-1。采用该优化体系,以 OPJ03为引物,构建了我国及世界范围内苹果生产中重要的28个品种的RAPD指纹图谱,分析了其遗传多样性,区分了供试的28个苹果品种中的15个,区分率达53.6%。讨论了RAPD鉴定苹果品种的应用及其主要影响因素。  相似文献   

苹果主要害虫的演变及原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苹果园内植食性昆虫种群数量的上升和主要种类的变替,原因是多方面的.其主要虫害会随着农药的施用、品种的替换、不同的农事而发生变化,因此不同年代主要的虫害并不恒定,随着时间而变化.对我国苹果主要产区过去50多年重要害虫的发生及种类演替进行综述,并分析其原因.导致演替的主要原因有以下几种:不合理使用农药;新的管理措施的应用,如套袋技术、生草果园及生态苹果园的推广等;新害虫的入侵等.  相似文献   

The investigations should purify whether the temperature during apple storage can be increased by application of 1-MCP to decrease energy consumption and costs. The investigations were carried out over 2 years with the following treatments: Year 1: The apple cultivars ‘Elstar, Elshof’ and ‘Gala, Must’ were investigated. For both cultivars 3 different storage temperatures (1, 2 and 4°C) with and without application of 1-MCP were examined. Each temperature and 1-MCP treatment was investigated both under CA-/ULO-conditions with 1.5% O2 and 2% CO2 and in cold storage with normal atmosphere. Year 2: The apple cultivars ‘Jonagold, Jonica’ und ‘Golden Delicious, Weinsberg’ were investigated. For both cultivars 3 different storage temperatures (1, 2 and 4°C) with and without application of 1-MCP were examined. Each temperature and 1-MCP treatment was investigated both under CA-/ULO-conditions with 1.5% O2 and 3% CO2 and in cold storage with normal atmosphere. The influence of temperature, storage atmosphere and 1-MCP application on fruit firmness, soluble dry matter (sugar) and fruit acid was investigated on 6 dates (September to October in the first year) respectively on 5 dates (October to March) during the storage period. Following results were obtained:
  1. In the first year storage temperature did not influence the content of soluble dry matter of both cultivars. Application of 1-MCP led to a less decomposition of soluble dry matter. In the second year the content of soluble dry matter decreased slightly with increasing temperatures. A clear positive effect of 1-MCP-application was not noticeable. Altogether an increase of storage temperature has no or only a small influence of the content of soluble dry matter. 1-MCP can slow down the decomposition of soluble dry matter.
  2. An increase of storage temperature had no or only a small influence of fruit firmness. With increasing storage temperature fruit firmness decreased slightly.1-MCP application led to a higher fruit firmness, especially during cold storage in normal atmosphere. In both years all cultivars showed a same or higher fruit firmness at 4°C with 1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions as at 1°C without 1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions.
  3. An increase of storage temperature had no or only a small influence of the content of fruit acid.1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions reduced the decomposition of fruit acid. In both years usually all cultivars showed a same or higher content of fruit acid at 4°C with 1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions as at 1°C without 1-MCP application under CA-/ULO-conditions.
The results show that an increasing of storage temperature under CA-/ULO-conditions and with 1-MCP application has no negative influence on fruit quality in comparison to fruits which were stored under CA-/ULO-conditions at low temperatures without 1-MCP application.  相似文献   

为阐明苹果(Malus×domestica)R2R3-MYB转录因子基因MdMYB2在非生物胁迫条件下的生物学功能,对MdMYB2的启动子序列进行分析,发现其含有非生物胁迫相关顺式作用元件,且MdMYB2的表达量受外源ABA、聚乙二醇(PEG)和4℃低温的诱导。在不同处理对MdMYB2过表达拟南芥植株和MdMYB2过表达苹果愈伤组织的试验中发现,外源ABA处理抑制了MdMYB2转基因拟南芥种子的萌发,且转基因幼苗提高了对ABA的敏感性、耐旱性和抗冷性。同时,过表达MdMYB2的苹果愈伤组织也表现出对ABA敏感、耐旱和抗冷的表型。以上结果说明MdMYB2在植物的逆境胁迫响应中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

When examined in the field certain varieties of cider apple, e.g. Michelin, vary from apparent self-sterility to self-fruitfulness.

It is suggested that this behaviour is due to the influence of the nitrogen status of the tree. Under conditions of nitrogen supply which are sub- optimal, a common condition in cider orchards, the time of fertilizer application has a considerable bearing on the response of the tree. The use of summer nitrogen immediately after extension growth has ceased has been shown to promote fruit-bud production and to increase self-fruitfulness.

The variation in response to selfing in the variety Michelin was examined and found to depend on two factors, the longevity of the embryo- sac and the rate of pollen-tube growth. Both have been increased by boosting available summer nitrogen. In flowers from trees low in nitrogen, the short-lived embryo-sacs were usually disorganized before pollen tubes resulting from self-pollination at anthesis had reached the nucellus.

The relationship between fruit-bud production and flower behaviour is discussed, together with the advantages of summer applications of nitrogen in improving cider apple crops and grass management.  相似文献   

土壤镉含量对苹果叶片和果实镉含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以10年生盆栽红富士苹果为试材, 通过土施氯化镉研究了土壤镉含量对苹果叶片和果实镉含量的影响。结果表明:在苹果生长发育各时期,叶片中的镉含量随土壤中镉含量的增加而增加,两者呈显著正相关。在苹果叶片发育过程中其镉含量随土壤镉处理时间的延长而增加,果实缓慢生长期(9月23日)出现峰值,之后下降。果实成熟期的土壤镉含量对果实镉含量影响最为显著,根据该时期不同镉处理的土壤和果实镉含量拟合方程,推算出生产无公害苹果的壤质褐土(pH 7.133)镉含量阈值为2.59 mg·kg-1。  相似文献   

为明确矮化中间砧苹果树合理的施肥位置,减少氮肥的浪费。试验于2018年和2019年,以‘烟富3’苹果/SH6/八棱海棠为试材,借助15N同位素示踪技术,研究了萌芽前在树冠投影范围距树干由近及远的3个水平距离——内环、中环和外环施氮对新梢旺长期细根和土壤15N分布、树体15N吸收以及果实产量和品质的影响。结果表明:各处理的苹果细根(直径≤2 mm)根长密度均在水平方向和垂直方向呈衰减规律,主要分布在距离树干水平方向0~100 cm、垂直方向0~40 cm土层范围;与不施肥(对照)相比,施氮增加了细根根长密度,以施氮区内细根根长密度增加最为显著;从垂直方向0~20 cm土层施氮区细根根长密度增加量来看,内环施氮处理增幅最大,为对照的1.33倍~1.36倍,其次是中环施氮处理。各处理土壤15N含量峰值在水平方向均出现在施氮区域,在垂直方向均出现在0~20 cm土层。不同处理间树体细根根长密度与土壤15N分布空间吻合度(RLD-15N)差异显著,内环施氮处理显著高于中环和外环施氮处理。内环施氮显著提高了新梢旺长期树体新生器官氮素累积量,树体15N利用率表现为内环施氮>中环施氮>外环施氮;内环施氮和外环施氮土壤15N残留率无显著差异,但均高于外环施氮。与外环施氮处理相比,内环施氮处理显著提高了果实产量、可溶性糖含量和糖酸比,而硬度和可滴定酸含量无显著差异。可见,矮化中间砧苹果内环施氮有利于提高细根根长密度与土壤氮的空间分布吻合度,增加了生长前期新生器官含氮量,提高了树体15N利用效率,提高了果实产量和可溶性糖含量。因此实际生产中成年矮化中间砧苹果树推荐在靠近树干位置的1/3树冠投影面积处,即约为距树干水平距离0~75 cm范围内施氮肥。  相似文献   

The present investigation was conducted to study organogenesis of a conventionally easy-to-regenerate (‘Royal Gala’) and a difficult-to-regenerate (‘Freedom’) apple cultivar using leaf transverse thin cell layers (tTCLs). The position of the leaf source, explant type and light regime applied to tTCLs were investigated as was their influence on the organogenic outcome. Light during the onset of regeneration delayed morphogenesis or, in ‘Freedom’, completely inhibited organogenesis on leaf tTCLs. Genotype and initial position of the leaf also influenced percentage regeneration and number of regenerated shoots per explant. This study demonstrates the successful application of leaf tTCLs for adventitious shoot regeneration in apple, even though further studies are needed to increase the number of shoots more than control explants. Shoot regeneration from apple leaf tTCLs serves as an alternative protocol for studying fundamental and applied aspects of regeneration.  相似文献   

Consumption of fresh apple fruits can induce allergic reactions in humans. The apple allergen Mal?d?1 is responsible for these allergic reactions in humans in Central Europe and North America. Biosynthesis of Mal?d?1 depends on apple cultivar, and its concentration increases with time during fruit storage. However, data on the impact of different fruit storage conditions during long-term storage are scarce. Hence, the Mal?d?1 contents of eight apple cultivars were analyzed for this study during long-term storage in a cold chamber as well as under controlled atmosphere conditions (CA). After harvest, apple fruits were stored for 12, 20, 28 or 36 weeks in a cold-chamber at +?2?°C or as under controlled atmosphere conditions of 1.5?% CO2, 1.5?% O2 at +?2?°C. Mal?d?1 content in apple fruit of all eight cultivars examined increased during fruit storage. In most cases, differences between Mal?d?1 of apple fruits stored in the cold chamber and under CA conditions were significant, but inconsistent. In apple cv. ??Elise??, fruits stored in the cold chamber contained more Mal?d?1 compared with those stored in CA, whereas the situation reversed in other varieties like cv. ??Boskoop??. The greatest Mal?d?1 content was measured in fruits of cvs. ??Golden Delicious?? and ??Gala??, whereas the smallest Mal?d?1 level was in cvs. ??Elise?? and ??Pinova?? over the whole storage time. Overall, this experiment showed the complexity of the relationship between the Mal?d?1 content, allergenicity of apple fruits, different cultivars, storage conditions and storage time. Persons allergic to apple fruits should consume the fruits as fresh as possible or only after a limited storage time. Furthermore, they should prefer apple varieties with a low content of allergenic proteins, such as cv. ??Elise?? or cv. ??Boskoop?? as a cultivar known for its large polyphenol content.  相似文献   

以2年生盆栽红富士苹果[Malus × domestica Borkh.‘Red Fuji’/Malus hupehensis Rehd.]幼树为试材,将苹果枝干碎屑发酵后施入盆土,定期调查苹果叶片光合与蒸腾速率、干周生长量、根系活力以及根系构型等指标。结果表明,向土壤施入质量比为2%和4%的发酵果树枝碎屑可以提高苹果幼树叶片净光合速率和根系活力,增加干周增长量,对叶片蒸腾速率和水分利用效率的影响不明显;2%的处理还能够增加新根数量,提高新根表面积和体积,促进新根加粗和加长生长,增大根系分形维数,促使根系结构复杂化,而施入4%的发酵果树枝碎屑则降低新根数量、体积和长度。综合分析表明,施用2%的发酵果树枝碎屑促进幼树根系和树干生长的整体效果好于4%的处理。  相似文献   

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