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实践证明,棉农是国家实施棉花良种补贴的最大受益者,实现了棉花良种补贴的主要目的.有人对棉花良种补贴持有不同的态度,是因为棉农、种子企业和基层农技推广部门等相对独立的利益主体,均以从项目实施中获利多少来评价政策的优劣.棉种市场混乱是制约项目实施的关键因素,要提高项目实施水平,必须采取综合措施,重点是整治棉种市场,简化补贴操作程序.  相似文献   

黑龙江省甜菜种植比较效益分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对相关数据的调查分析,详细比较了黑龙江省种植甜菜和玉米、大豆、马铃薯的成本、收入、收益情况。结果得出农户种植甜菜纯收益除了低于马铃薯外。明显高于其它作物。具有较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

Rice line 1892S is an elite thermo-sensitive genic male sterile(TGMS)line for two-line hybrid rice production.However,1892S is susceptible to rice blast,bacterial blight and submergence.Here we reported the introduction of blast resistance(R)gene Pi9,bacterial blight R gene Xa21 and submergence tolerance gene Sub1A into 1892S genetic background through backcrossing and marker-assisted selection.The improved TGMS line 31892S and its hybrids conferred disease resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight,and showed submergence tolerance for over 14 d without significant loss of viability.The sterility-fertility conversion of 31892S was similar to that of 1892S.31892S and its derived hybrid rice had similar agronomic traits and grain quality with 1892S and the control hybrid rice,respectively.The newly developed 31892S provided an improved TGMS line for two-line hybrid rice production with disease resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight,and submergence tolerance with no yield penalty or change in grain quality.  相似文献   

江苏省大丰市方强镇地处黄海之滨,植棉历史悠久,是典型的老棉区.棉花补充养分很重要,农民种棉花习惯在6月上中旬追施棉花苗肥,7月中旬追花铃肥,忽视了后期追肥.棉花追施盖顶肥是夺取高产的一项关键措施.种棉花想夺高产,必须抓住秋桃,秋桃盖顶非常重要,要抓住秋桃就必须追施盖顶肥,满足棉花后期生长需要.  相似文献   

很久没有自己泡茶喝了,于是手就痒痒了起来,心也跟着痒痒。决定找个时间泡一下,这么想着想着,就心花怒放了,仿佛一个孩子即将要得到想要了很久的玩具,有些手舞足蹈。  相似文献   

2009.9.22-2009.11.25在广州富国丽思卡尔顿酒店举行品牌活动。本次品牌评选活动由:中国国际品牌协会、中国新闻传播中心、中国轻工企业投资发展协会调研部联合主办根据2009中国茶品牌(乌龙、黑茶)金芽奖陆羽奖品牌评选方案,按照公开、公正、公平的评审原  相似文献   

太平猴魁简介:太平猴魁创制于1900年前后,是中国十大名茶之一,创制的时间虽不长,其茶树却是一个古老的原生品种一一柿大茶。柿大茶承云天之甘露,黄山之灵秀,加以传统的植茶之法及独特的制作工艺,便成太平猴魁。《南京市茶商业历史资料》中评论的徽茶分南北二路,南茶又名尖茶,以猴魁为最佳,全国名茶之极。其外形两叶抱一芽,俗称两刀一枪,平扁挺直,魁伟重实,有猴魁两头尖,不散不翘不卷边之称,色泽苍绿匀润,素有绿金王子的美誉,白毫隐伏,叶脉绿中隐红,俗称红丝线。  相似文献   

中国工程院院士陈宗懋教授、美国哈佛大学麻省总医院研究员张群豪博士最近到漳州天福茶学院讲学访问,介绍最新科研成果,畅谈具有五千年悠久历史的中华国饮--茶叶之功效.……  相似文献   

古谚语:遂应场,两件宝,地下掘白银,山上采仙岩.说的就是锦屏村自宋朝开始便开采银矿,历时300余年.年税银多达5000两. "仙岩"则是指产于仙岩的茶叶,也就是著名的仙岩茶, 仙岩茶(俗称芽茶).……  相似文献   

最近几年來本省夏秋茶產量有很大的增長,特别是1955和1956这兩年,可以看出夏秋茶產量在全年茶叶產量中的比重有顯著增大的趋势。由于夏秋茶產量的增加,对补救1955年初的冻害所造成的產量損失起了很大作用,1955年春茶比1954年減產达31159担,但夏秋茶不僅沒有減產,而且还比1954年增產3600多担;並且由于夏  相似文献   


Vitamin A, iodine, and iron deficiencies affect large numbers of people worldwide. A deficiency of one or more of these micronutrients adversely affects the physical and mental abilities of humans. South Asia contains a high percentage of these individuals, not just because of its large population, but also the prevalence of deficiency is higher there than in many other parts of the world. The reasons for the high rates of deficiency in South Asia are many, but they include inadequate availability of micronutrient-rich foods, sub-optimal dietary habits, and high rates of infection. Across the region, national plans vary from (a) increasing availability of appropriate foods, (b) introducing new dietary behaviors, (c) improving health status, and (d) directly addressing deficiency through intervention programs. The extent to which each of the countries is making progress toward the goals of these plans can help in understanding the priorities for future efforts to address micronutrient malnutrition. This article discusses the adverse effects of micronutrient deficiencies in humans with special reference to South Asia.  相似文献   

石灰及其与有机肥配施对甘蔗幼苗黄化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间试验方法对石灰及其与有机肥、硅肥配合施用对宿根蔗幼苗黄化的影响进行了探讨,旨在为甘蔗黄化病的防控提供科学依据。结果表明,石灰施用显著提高土壤pH值,降低根区和非根区土壤中的水溶态、交换态锰和活性锰含量,使甘蔗幼苗叶片锰含量减少11.8%~42.0%、叶绿素含量增56.0%~251.1%、幼苗黄化率降低37.7%。在施用石灰的基础上施用有机肥对土壤锰形态及含量的影响趋势与石灰处理相似,植株幼苗叶片锰含量、幼苗黄化率显著降低。然而,在石灰和有机肥施用的基础上施用硅肥与否对甘蔗幼苗黄化的影响不显著。这些结果说明石灰及其与有机肥配施是防控甘蔗幼苗黄化病的有效措施。  相似文献   

Dough mixing involves a combination of different deformation flows, e.g. shear and elongation. The complicated nature of mixing process makes it difficult to understand dough processing at a mechanistic level. A new Couette device allowed the effects of shear flow on the physical properties of glutenin macro-polymer (GMP) and micro-structure formation of the dough to be studied. Steady shear deformation using concentric Couette-type flow did not decrease GMP content or size of glutenin particles. Confocal scanning laser microscopy revealed the formation of interconnected gluten domains indicating the development of a gluten network. In an eccentric Couette configuration the results depended on the degree of eccentricity. A higher degree of eccentricity and a longer processing time led to considerable reduction in GMP content and size of glutenin particles. The micro-structural change in the narrow gap regions of the eccentric cell occurred early in processing, leading to a break up of large protein domains, and a microscopically more homogeneous dough. Transient high shear flow led to elongation and break up of the macroscopic gluten network. In low shear regions of the eccentric cell (wider gap settings), reformation or aggregation of protein domains was observed. Thus, the gluten aggregation–break up mechanisms are strongly influenced by the local flow profile in a conventional mixer. The impact of different types of shear flow must be taken into account in the design of dough mixers.  相似文献   

Systemic‐ and seed‐transmitted fungal endophytes are suggested to enhance competitive dominance of agronomic grasses by increasing plant growth and defence against herbivores. We studied whether Neotyphodium uncinatum endophyte infection frequencies of meadow fescue (Schedonorus pratensis) and botanical composition of pastures are affected by 4, 5, 7 and 21 years of grazing by dairy cattle. We then examined with one greenhouse and two field experiments, whether endophyte infection and clipping affect regrowth of young or mature plants relative to nutrient availability in soil. The frequencies of infected plants and the number of plant species were less in grazed parts of the pastures. Endophytes significantly reduced relative regrowth and dry biomass of regrowth of the grass irrespective of nutrient levels in a 1‐year‐old field (on an average 18% in 2 months) and under high nutrient conditions in the greenhouse experiment (on an average 3% in 3 months) respectively. However, effects of endophytes were not detected in 5‐year‐old fields and under low nutrient conditions in the greenhouse. In contrast to past studies, our results demonstrate that grazing may negatively affect endophyte–grass symbiosis and number of plant species of successional pastures, and suggest that the effects of endophytes may be linked to the ontogeny of the host.  相似文献   

Four high yielding varieties of field (Rachna and RFP4) and vegetable peas (Bonnivielle and Arkal) were studied for their protein quality. Crude protein and true protein content of all four pea varieties varied from 19.5 to 20.6 percent and 18.7 to 19.8 percent, respectively. Non protein nitrogen formed only 3.94 to 4.84 percent of total nitrogen. Globulins were the major fractions followed by albumins and glutelins. All the four varieties of peas had similar methionine and tryptophan content. Lysine content of four pea varieties ranged from 7.56 to 9.65 g per 16 g of N. Cooking brought about an increase in in vitro protein digestibility of peas by 10 percent. The sodium dodecyl polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis of total protein revealed the presence of 22–25 bands with some difference in banding pattern of all four varieties. Some differences were observed in banding patterns of globulin and albumin of all four varieties, suggesting that composition of protein of pea varieties differed.  相似文献   

The technique of spraying plants with inorganic forms of selenium can be employed for phytochemical production of organic selenium compounds. Fractionation of the plant material makes it possible to produce a highly concentrated and well defined selenium supplement with potential use in animal and human nutrition. The fractionation also gives opportunities to combine production of organic selenium compounds with other products, for example plant fibres. Multiple use of plants can contribute to a more efficient utilization of land area (in comparison to monocultures solely adapted to food production). It also gives the opportunity to develop systems suitable for long term fixation of carbon, as long as the plant material is not reoxidised to carbon dioxide. Plant fibres could provide raw material for the production of paper or building materials in combination with the production of organic selenium compounds preferentially accumulated in another fraction of the processed plant.  相似文献   

Marine organisms represent an excellent source of innovative compounds that have the potential for the development of new drugs. The pharmacokinetics of marine drugs has attracted increasing interest in recent decades due to its effective and potential contribution to the selection of rational dosage recommendations and the optimal use of the therapeutic arsenal. In general, pharmacokinetics studies how drugs change after administration via the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME). This review provides a summary of the pharmacokinetics studies of marine-derived active compounds, with a particular focus on their ADME. The pharmacokinetics of compounds derived from algae, crustaceans, sea cucumber, fungus, sea urchins, sponges, mollusks, tunicate, and bryozoan is discussed, and the pharmacokinetics data in human experiments are analyzed. In-depth characterization using pharmacokinetics is useful for obtaining information for understanding the molecular basis of pharmacological activity, for correct doses and treatment schemes selection, and for more effective drug application. Thus, an increase in pharmacokinetic research on marine-derived compounds is expected in the near future.  相似文献   

为研究外源褪黑素处理对菜用大豆残留杀菌剂降解的影响,以菜用大豆品种浙鲜12为材料,以多菌灵和百菌清为杀菌剂,通过测定外源褪黑素处理对菜用大豆农药残留量、抗氧化系统、解毒系统的影响,探讨外源褪黑素处理在菜用大豆农药降解中的作用。结果表明:外源褪黑素处理提高菜用大豆中抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽含量以及抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶)活性,有效清除菜用大豆体内活性氧,并且诱导了菜用大豆解毒相关基因的表达,增强其对残留多菌灵和百菌清的解毒代谢,从而促进残留农药的降解,降低菜用大豆中多菌灵和百菌清的残留量。  相似文献   

Biopolymers, in particular collagen and fibrinogen, are the leading materials for use in tissue engineering. When developing technology for scaffold formation, it is important to understand the properties of the source materials as well as the mechanisms that determine the formation of the scaffold structures. Both factors influence the properties of scaffolds to a great extent. Our present work aimed to identify the features of the molecular characteristics of collagens of different species origin and the changes they undergo during the enzymatic hydrolysis used for the process of scaffold formation. For this study, we used the methods of gel-penetrating chromatography, dynamic light scattering, reading IR spectra, and scanning electron microscopy. It was found that cod collagen (CC) and bovine collagen (BC) have different initial molecular weight parameters, and that, during hydrolysis, the majority of either type of protein is hydrolyzed by the proteolytic enzymes within the first minute. The differently sourced collagen samples were also hydrolyzed with the formation of two low molecular fractions: Mw ~ 10 kDa and ~20 kDa. In the case of CC, the microstructure of the final scaffolds contained denser, closely spaced fibrillar areas, while the BC-sourced scaffolds had narrow, short fibrils composed of unbound fibers of hydrolyzed collagen in their structure.  相似文献   

刘杨  王昌全  李冰  李焕秀  杜倩  张伟 《茶叶科学》2010,30(5):343-349
通过叶面配合喷施不同浓度亚硒酸钠(Na2SeO3)和醋酸锌[(CH3COO)2Zn·2H2O],研究硒(Se)、锌(Zn)及硒锌交互(Se-Zn)作用对春茶硒化学形态的影响。结果表明:(1)单独喷施Na2SeO3均能提高醇溶态、水溶态、盐溶态的硒含量,尤以200~400 μg/mL的硒处理对春茶中硒的含量提高效应明显,其中醇溶态硒占总量的比例最大,水溶态次之,盐溶态最小,且醇溶态、水溶态硒占总量的比例分别较对照有不同程度的增加;(2)0.20%~0.40%的锌对3种化学形态硒含量有显著的提高效应,而高浓度锌(1.20%)抑制3种形态硒的吸收;(3)低浓度硒(50 μg/mL)与不同浓度的锌配比,3种形态的硒含量整体都较低,醇溶态、水溶态硒所占比例差异不显著,但均显著大于盐溶态,其余浓度的硒锌配比,硒的化学形态分布与单硒相似,200~400 μg/mL的硒与0.40%~0.80%的锌配合喷施,3种化学形态硒含量提高效应最明显,醇溶态、水溶态硒的比例分别较对照有不同程度的增加,又以200 μg/mL的硒与0.80%的锌配比效果最好。  相似文献   

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