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水盐胁迫下根系提水作用对土壤盐分与番茄产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究水盐胁迫下番茄根系发生提水作用的可能性及其对土壤盐分分布和番茄产量的影响,利用上下桶分根装置,设定上桶不同水分(W1、W2、W3表示土壤含水率为田间持水率的60%~70%、50%~60%、40%~50%)和盐分条件(S0、S1、S2表示Na Cl添加量分别为干土质量的0、0.2%、0.4%),监测分析了水盐胁迫下根系提水量、上桶盐分分布及番茄产量。结果表明:随着生育期的推进,根系提水量呈现先增加后减小的趋势,其中盐分对番茄根系提水量影响显著,在相同水分处理条件下,盐分含量越高,根系提水量越大;水盐胁迫下,上桶盐分含量与根系提水量呈线性正相关,除W1S0处理外,上桶土壤电导率在提水量达到最大时有所增加;与对照处理W1S0相比,水盐抑制了根系生长,使根系活性显著下降,同一水分处理下,随着盐分的增加,根长、根表面积及根体积减小;盐分对番茄水分生产率有显著影响,在相同水分条件下,盐分越大,水分生产率越大,7种处理中W2S2水分生产率达到最大,而其产量较对照并未显著减小,生育期提水量占需水量的17.73%。本研究对进一步理解作物在"上干下湿"的土壤水盐胁迫下充分利用土壤剖面深层水分来维持上层根系生存和提高水分生产率具有科学价值。  相似文献   

为了研究咸水灌溉条件下作物根系吸水与根区土壤盐分运动的关系,在石羊河流域开展咸水灌溉田间试验,引入Feddes提出的根系吸水模型,根据田间试验实际观测数据,对模型系数进行了计算。研究表明,通过计算相对根长密度和潜在蒸腾速率,推算得到最优灌水条件下的最大根系吸水速率;通过计算蒸腾强度与土壤渗透势,推算得到咸水充分灌溉条件下的盐分胁迫修正因子,并对盐分胁迫修正因子的参数p进行了验证,参数p推算和验证过程时的RMSE0.10,MRE10%,在允许的误差范围之内。建立了盐分胁迫条件下制种玉米根系吸水模型,为研究区研究制种玉米生长条件下土壤水盐运动规律奠定基础。  相似文献   

针对盐渍化地区作物受土壤水分和盐分联合胁迫影响的复杂机理,以内蒙古河套灌区主要经济作物油料向日葵为研究对象,采用田间试验的方法对北方盐渍化地区作物根系吸水模型进行了研究。通过田间和实验室分别测定了土壤水分运动特征参数,并对田间实测土壤基质势进行了标定,建立了土壤基质势和饱和度之间的数学模型。此研究为盐渍化地区土壤水分运动的研究提供了依据,可作为盐渍化地区SPAC系统研究的参考。  相似文献   

以影响根系吸水强度的三大要素即作物蒸腾强度、土壤含水率和根系分布密度为影响因子,结合土壤水动力学理论得到的根系吸水率,建立了控制性隔沟交替灌溉条件下玉米的二维根系吸水模型,并进行验证得到较好的结果。模型对预报控制性交替灌溉具有重要的理论及实用价值。  相似文献   

【目的】揭示水盐胁迫对超高产小麦幼苗生长及根系导水率的影响机制。【方法】以超高产小麦品种“烟农1212”为研究对象,设置水分胁迫、盐分胁迫和水盐胁迫3种胁迫处理(2%PEG6000、0.1%Na Cl和2%PEG6000+0.1%Na Cl)和对照(Hoagland营养液,CK),测定不同处理下的小麦的生长指标、根系导水率及全氮、K+和Na+量,利用逐步回归分析方法,分析水盐胁迫下导致小麦幼苗根系导水率降低的因素。【结果】(1)与CK相比,水分胁迫、盐分胁迫和水盐双重胁迫分别使冬小麦幼苗的株高和叶面积显著降低。(2)水分及盐分胁迫处理的根冠比与CK相比分别增加了12%和14%,而在水盐双重胁迫条件下则显著降低了6%。(3)与CK相比,盐分胁迫和水盐双重胁迫显著增加了小麦叶片和根系的Na+/K+比,水分胁迫下的Na+/K+比虽然也有增加,但差异不显著。(4)水分胁迫、盐分胁迫及水盐双重胁迫显著降低了叶片的全氮量。(5)与CK相比,水分、盐分及水盐双重胁迫使小...  相似文献   

水稻根系吸水模型的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
以沈农9660号水稻品种为试材,随机选取一个蒸渗仪(面积为2.5m×2m)进行根系生长观测试验。采用水洗法,测定水稻根系重量根密度。运用非称重式钢筋混凝土蒸渗仪的蒸腾量观测结果,在总结国内外作物根系吸水模型研究的基础上,运用有限差分法对有根系吸水条件下的稻田土壤水分运动进行了模拟,导出了水稻根系吸水模型。  相似文献   

不同滴灌方式下咸水灌溉对棉花根系分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过大田试验研究了不同滴灌方式利用咸水灌溉对棉花根系分布的影响。结果表明,2种滴灌方式下土壤中的水分和盐分在1 m土体内随土壤深度的增加和咸水浓度的增加而增加,且由于滴头的洗盐作用,地表滴灌和地下滴灌方式下土壤中的水盐分布深度均有所下移。正是由于水盐在土壤有这样的分布特征,2种滴灌方式下不同盐度咸水灌溉后,作物不仅可以感受到变化了的环境信息,而且自发地改变结构形态、空间构型,即增加根长、根干重、根半径以及根表面积,对盐胁迫做出适应性的根系形态变化。  相似文献   

河套灌区是全国受土壤盐渍化危害最为严重的地区之一。利用土柱试验和微区试验,研究了不同盐分条件下向日葵的根系分布,建立了基于根系总吸收面积和根长密度的两种根系分布函数(RAA函数和RLD函数),并利用HYDRUS-1D软件对微区试验土壤含水率进行动态模拟,以评价分别应用RAA函数、RLD函数、Zuo函数和Ning函数这4种不同根系分布函数计算根系吸水速率的准确性。结果表明,应用RAA函数的土壤含水率模拟准确性在不同的盐分条件下均最优。尤其在受轻度盐分胁迫时,RAA函数较其他3种根系分布函数具有明显的优势。此外,还通过HYDRUS-1D软件计算得到向日葵逐日根系吸水量,表明在向日葵全生育期内盐分胁迫对根系吸水始终具有抑制作用,但是向日葵根系的耐盐性随生育期的推进而提升,盐分的抑制作用逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

作物生长条件下潜水蒸发的数值模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作物生长条件下的潜水蒸发不仅与地下水埋深和土质有关,作物的种类,根系发育程度对潜水蒸发的影响也不容忽视,特别是在作物生长旺盛期,根系吸水占潜水蒸发很大比例。为此,以由能量平衡原理及边界层水气扩散理论导出的Penman-Monteith公式为基础,在考虑根系吸水的情况下,建立潜水蒸发模型,并采用全隐式有限差分格式进行求解。采用北京市水科所永乐店试验站的资料对模型进行检验,并分析了有作物情况的潜水蒸发的影响因素。  相似文献   

乔木根系发育,根系吸水作用显著。根系吸水作用下,根系附近饱和软土产生排水固结作用,使邻近路基土体发生变形乃至开裂病害,乔木根系吸水对软土路基影响机理研究有待深入研究。以沈海高速2159+600~2160+200软土路基受乔木根系吸水影响产生路基变形为研究对象,采用现场实验、数值模拟等研究方法,深入研究乔木根系吸水对软土路基影响机理。现场实验表明,乔木根系吸水作用下,在根系分布范围内产生明显的负压区,在负压作用下,周围饱和软土排水固结,路基最大沉降达25mm,路基最大水平位移发生于淤泥层达8mm,路基产生明显开裂病害,乔木砍伐后路基变形明显减少。根据现场实验结果,提出根系周围土体概化力学模型,建立根系吸水区周围土体的固结控制方程,并给出初始条件和边界条件。进一步数值分析结果表明,受根系吸水影响,路基周围土体变形比较明显区域约为4r0,路基土体变形随时间增长趋于减小。  相似文献   

微咸水灌溉与土壤水盐调控研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
随着淡水资源短缺的日益加剧,合理开发利用微咸水已成为缓解水资源供需矛盾的重要途径之一。由于微咸水中含有大量盐分,用其灌溉必然增加土壤盐分,影响作物生长和土地质量。因此,采取有效措施调控土壤水盐状况成为微咸水安全利用的基础。本文较详细地回顾了微咸水灌溉条件下土壤水盐运移特征、微咸水入渗模型和水盐运移模型、微咸水灌溉方法、微咸水灌溉对作物生长的影响、土壤水盐调控方法等方面的研究进展,并结合目前研究中关注的核心问题,提出了微咸水安全利用方面需要重点研究的科学和技术问题,为进一步研究微咸水灌溉对土壤和作物生长的影响和其内在机制,以及构建合理利用微咸水灌溉模式提供参考。  相似文献   

The salinity condition in the root zone hinders moisture extraction from soil by plants, because of osmotic potential development in soil water due to presence of salts, which ultimately, decreases transpiration of plants and thereby affects crop yield. Therefore, an effort was made in this study to quantify the impact of salinity on soil water availability to plants. The movement of salts under irrigation and evapotranspiration regimes in root zone of soil profile was studied throughout the growing season of wheat crop with adopting exponential pattern of root water uptake. A model was developed to analyze soil water balance to find out moisture deficit because of salinity. A non-linear relationship was formulated between moisture content and salt concentration for simultaneous prediction. The Crank–Nicolson method of Finite Differencing was used to solve the differential equations of soil water and solute transport. The effect of various salt concentrations on transpiration was analyzed to develop a relationship between relative evapotranspiration and relative yield. Relationships among salt concentration, matric potential, moisture deficit and actual transpiration were also established to provide better understanding about impact of salinization and to provide guidelines for obtaining better crop yields in saline soils.  相似文献   

基于非饱和土壤水动力学理论及根系吸水模型,建立地面滴灌土壤水分运动数学模型,应用HYDRUS-2D模型模拟全生育期不同灌水处理条件下设施茄子滴灌土壤水分动态变化,结果表明:土壤含水量模拟值与实测值之间具有较好的一致性,所建地面滴灌土壤水分运动数学模型能较好地反映滴灌条件下茄子土壤水分运动规律。  相似文献   

Water uptake by plant roots is an important process in the hydrological cycle, not only for plant growth but also for the role it plays in shaping microbial community and bringing in physical and biochemical changes to soils. The ability of roots to extract water is determined by combined soil and plant characteristics, and how to model it has been of interest for many years. Most macroscopic models for water uptake operate at soil profile scale under the assumption that the uptake rate depends on root density and soil moisture. Whilst proved appropriate, these models need spatio-temporal root density distributions, which is tedious to measure in situ and prone to uncertainty because of the complexity of root architecture hidden in the opaque soils. As a result, developing alternative methods that do not explicitly need the root density to estimate the root water uptake is practically useful but has not yet been addressed. This paper presents and tests such an approach. The method is based on a neural network model, estimating the water uptake using different types of data that are easy to measure in the field. Sunflower grown in a sandy loam subjected to water stress and salinity was taken as a demonstrating example. The inputs to the neural network model included soil moisture, electrical conductivity of the soil solution, height and diameter of plant shoot, potential evapotranspiration, atmospheric humidity and air temperature. The outputs were the root water uptake rate at different depths in the soil profile. To train and test the model, the root water uptake rate was directly measured based on mass balance and Darcy's law assessed from the measured soil moisture content and soil water matric potential in profiles from the soil surface to a depth of 100 cm. The ‘measured’ root water uptake agreed well with that predicted by the neural network model. The successful performance of the model provides an alternative and more practical way to estimate the root water uptake at field scale.  相似文献   

作物-水-盐的联合胁迫与响应模型的研究评估   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
将节水灌溉理论用于盐渍土和劣质水资源的利用 ,在论述土壤水盐联合胁迫过程对作物响应原理的基础上 ,对作物水盐响应模型 (MCRWS)的建模假定、建模方法及一些代表性模型的特征和应用效果进行了较系统评估 ;将 2 0世纪末期相关研究中学科前沿出现的新概念、新方法、对某些传统假设和理论提出的挑战作了重点介绍 ;并对今后有关 MCRWS的深入研究提出一些初步构想。  相似文献   

The principles of irrigation and drainage in cracking soils differ markedly from non-cracking soils, and are not thoroughly understood. This paper presents a conceptual model to simulate water and salt flows in cracking soils of the Imperial Valley, CA, in the presence of ground water that contributes partially to ET demand of crops. A salt reactivity function is introduced in the model to account for mineral precipitation (salt deposition) and mineral dissolution (salt pick up). The conceptual water flow model assumes that surface irrigation water moves into the cracks, infiltrates horizontally to wet the soil profile and a fraction bypasses below the root zone into the shallow ground water and is retained for later crop extraction via upflow. Then, water drains vertically through the soil profile step by step, and root water extractions are calculated. When ET exceeds available water upflow of ground water is calculated. Provision for reclamation leaching before the next crop is also made. The associated conceptual salt transport model involves complete mixing of invading and resident soil water. Salt concentration from ET is subjected to a salt reactivity function to obtain salt deposition of calcite and gypsum to obtain salt concentration after precipitation. This reactivity function is also used in the inverse when two or more waters mix to transform salt after precipitation to salt concentration after ET. The flow of salts follows the water transport algorithum. The model has been applied to a point in the Imperial Valley and observed data from Bali et al. (2001) was used for calibration. Simulated point data from four successive years of alfalfa, reclamation leaching, wheat and lettuce are evaluated in this paper.  相似文献   

Artificial subsurface drainage is not an option for addressing the saline, shallow ground water conditions along the west side of the San Joaquin Valley because of the lack of drainage water disposal facilities. Thus, the salinity/drainage problem of the valley must be addressed through improved irrigation practices. One option is to use drip irrigation in the salt affected soil.A study evaluated the response of processing tomato and cotton to drip irrigation under shallow, saline ground water at depths less than 1 m. A randomized block experiment with four irrigation treatments of different water applications was used for both crops. Measurements included crop yield and quality, soil salinity, soil water content, soil water potential, and canopy coverage. Results showed drip irrigation of processing tomato to be highly profitable under these conditions due to the yield obtained for the highest water application. Water applications for drip-irrigated tomato should be about equal to seasonal crop evapotranspiration because yield decreased as applied water decreased. No yield response of cotton to applied water occurred indicating that as applied water decreased, cotton uptake of the shallow ground water increased. While a water balance showed no field-wide leaching, salinity data clearly showed salt leaching around the drip lines.  相似文献   

The root zone water quality model (RZWQM) was developed primarily for water quality research with a generic plant growth module primarily serving as a sink for plant nitrogen and water uptake. In this study, we coupled the CERES-Maize Version 3.5 crop growth model with RZWQM to provide RZWQM users with the option for selecting a more comprehensive plant growth model. In the hybrid model, RZWQM supplied CERES with daily soil water and nitrogen contents, soil temperature, and potential evapotranspiration, in addition to daily weather data. CERES-Maize supplied RZWQM with daily water and nitrogen uptake, and other plant growth variables (e.g., root distribution and leaf area index). The RZWQM-CERES hybrid model was evaluated with two well-documented experimental datasets distributed with DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) Version 3.5, which had various nitrogen and irrigation treatments. Simulation results were compared to the original DSSAT-CERES-Maize model. Both models used the same plant cultivar coefficients and the same soil parameters as distributed with DSSAT Version 3.5. The hybrid model provided similar maize prediction in terms of yield, biomass and leaf area index, as the DSSAT-CERES model when the same soil and crop parameters were used. No overall differences were found between the two models based on the paired t test, suggesting successful coupling of the two models. The hybrid model offers RZWQM users access to a rigorous new plant growth model and provides CERES-Maize users with a tool to address soil and water quality issues under different cropping systems.  相似文献   

Many models for water flow in cropped soil contain parameters such as rooting density, root permeability, and root water potential. Usually these parameters are chosen by trial-and-error method and direct measurements are difficult and impractical in some cases. This study presents a simulation model capable of analyzing water transport dynamics in a soil–plant–atmosphere continuum (SPAC). This model is developed by combining an existing mathematical model for soil water flow, a modified transpiration model taking into account of the air pressure and diurnal changes of the extinction coefficient of crop canopies, and a new simple model for root water uptake. Using data from lysimeters in a field experiment carried out on a wheat crop, we also developed two new empirical equations for the estimation of total canopy resistance and soil evaporation.We then applied the model for 2 years (1990–1991, 1991–1992) on winter wheat in a semiarid area of northwest China. Required parameters, particularly soil hydraulic and crop parameters, were determined by field and laboratory tests. Outputs from the simulation were in good agreement with the independent field measurements of seasonal changes in soil water content, canopy transpiration, surface evaporation, and root water uptake along the soil profile. In addition, this simulation agreed well with the actual measurements of seasonal crop water consumption and soil water balance among the treatments for different irrigation amounts.  相似文献   

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