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针对人工泼洒渔药工作劳动强度大、施药效率低、对人身危害大等问题,设计了一种新型的基于水力推进的渔药自动喷施装置。该装置以玻璃钢船为载体,由直流自吸水泵驱动,采用锂电池供电,利用喷水推进原理行进。整机由船体、推进装置、转向系统、施药系统、无线遥控系统以及配套的管路系统组成。样机测试结果表明,该装置作业平均前行速度为1.0 m/s,总体混药稀释比例整数范围达1∶1000~1∶5000,实际施药效率达460 m~2/min,较传统人工泼洒效率提升160%。通过遥控渔药喷施作业,可以保证操作人员的安全,也可避免喷施药液配置过多造成浪费和污染环境。研究表明,该装置提供了一种移动式在线混药水下施药方法,对精准化水产养殖具有促进作用。  相似文献   

1前言液压传动有着诸多独特的优点,这些优点、使其较其他传动方式更适合于渔船作业环境和工况,因而在渔船甲板机械中,现多采用液压传动。液压设备一旦出现故障,要诊断故障的原因和部位是比较困难的,由此可能造成很大的经济损失。对于渔船来说情况更是如此,如果液压绞纲机出现故障,不能及时排除,就会影响生产,甚至导致返航修理,其损失之大可想而知。液压故障诊断技术是一门较新且实用性很强的技术。如何诊断与排除故障、以及排除故障的步骤都是液压设备用户十分关心的问题。本文就上述方面的问题作一个粗浅的介绍,希望能对液压设…  相似文献   

我所根据传统的养鱼生产方式和生产工艺,采用水力、气流辅以机械等联合的方法,研制成功L-12型池塘联合投喂施肥机。本机采用前轮驱动四轮型式的机型,各工作装置配置在机器前方,有良好的视野,便于观察和操纵各工作部件的运转及作业情况。经两年来生产性试验,证明性能稳定、可靠。可满足投喂饲料、池塘施肥、搬运鱼种、应急增氧和拉网等作业的工艺要求,还可用作场内运输和驱动饲料加工机具或电捕等养捕机具进行各项作业,是一种用途较广的联合作业机械,适合于商品鱼基地和鱼种场的池塘养殖生产使用。本机组已于1982年底通过省级鉴定。  相似文献   

目前,水库经济鱼类捕捞,多采用以“赶、拦、刺、张”联合渔法为主、其它捕捞方法为辅的作业形式,存在捕捞效率低,劳动强度大,捕捞成本高等问题。为破解水库捕捞作业难题,开展了“自动升降组合式定置捕鱼网具”研究设计工作,以空气作浮力实现网具的自动升降,光诱捕鱼并安装防逃设施,远程电控实现网具自动按时升降,实现水库捕捞的机械化、自动化,加速水库渔业现代化建设。  相似文献   

<正>一、贝类收获技术与装备研究现状1.延绳养殖牡蛎机械化收获技术与装备传统的延绳养殖牡蛎收获,主要依靠小型收获船人工作业的模式,通过人工把主缆绳提起,再把吊养牡蛎串拉拽到船舱,船舱内铺设网兜,收获满舱后返回码头,通过起吊设备将装满牡蛎的网兜吊到运输车上,再折返继续作业,存在收获效率低、工人劳动强度大等问题。针对这些问题,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所开展了延绳养殖牡蛎海上机械化收获与处理专用装  相似文献   

瑞典Belitronio公司研制了BJ5型自动拟饵曳绳钓机(其断开情况见右图)。该机配有电子控制部份,可以调节面板上的刻度盘,预先调节渔捞深度、钓钩间隔以及渔获重量。一旦启动编制程序部件,曳绳钓机便全部自动进行操作。当渔获物达到预定重量后,便停止曳钓作业,机器就自动起钓渔获物。工作开始时,揿下“启动”按钮,曳绳则放到预定的渔捞深度,然后机器按预定间隔进行曳钓作业。  相似文献   

在水产养殖日常管理工作中,最耗费时间的工作就是投饲。投饲方式主要有人工投喂和自动投饵机投喂2种。采用人工投喂,劳动强度大、人为因素影响较大,投喂精确度低,饲料损失率16%~20%,饲料成本高,养殖效果差;采用自动投饵机投喂,基本解决了人工投喂存在的问题,饲料的损失率8%~9%,养殖效果明显提高。但在养殖过程中,使用投饵机还存在一些缺点,  相似文献   

无锡市农业机械研究所和无锡市农业机械厂研制的YP-300型牵捕机是一种双边牵网、起网作业的小型捕捞机械,适用于15亩左右鱼池。该机采用圆锥、圆柱二级齿轮传动减速设计,结构紧凑,重量轻,有较高的传动效率。附设的挑绳机构,可自动缠绕绳索,免去3个人工理绳的困难。整机为组合式,拆装容易、搬运方便、操作安全。一次牵捕可节省6~10个劳动力,有较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝苗计数装置的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现虾夷扇贝苗的精准底播,确保底播海区养殖容量更加合理,同时解决目前计数与统计工作仍以人工为主,存在劳动强度高、工作效率低、计数与统计误差高等问题。设计了一种基于STC89C52单片机,并结合光幕计数传感器的贝苗计数装置,能够实现贝苗的自动排队、数据采集、显示及打印等功能。结果显示:通过第1阶段的正交实验,确定了装置的最佳工艺参数;通过第2阶段的15组生产性对比试验,计数与统计的平均准确率为99.6%,作业效率为2.49 kg/(人·min),约为人工计数与统计作业效率的1.73倍。研究表明:虾夷扇贝苗计数装置具有较高的准确性、稳定性和高效性,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

今年4月,陕西省宝鸡市水产工作站组织攻关,渔农李拴柱研制的自动投饵机获国家实用技术发明专利(专利号:00226358.0)。正是这个小发明,为当地渔业生产增添了璀璨的光点。 汗水浇灌出成功的花蕾 说起自动投饵机的研制者──李拴柱,他年过半百,虽然文化程度不高,却一直爱好机械和电器。多年的养鱼生涯,造就了他特别能吃苦的精神,勤于动脑的良好习惯。在饱尝了人工喂鱼的酸甜苦辣和艰苦劳动后,他萌发了机械化投饵养鱼的念头。 1994年,在一无技术,二无资料,三无设备的情况下,他硬凭着一股拼命精神和钻劲,夜以继…  相似文献   

饲料蛋白对翘嘴红鲌蛋白质周转代谢的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王桂芹 《水产学报》2006,30(3):397-403
在养殖虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)的生产过程中需要多次将其按大小分级。传统方法采用筛子和分级机筛分,会使扇贝受到振动、碰撞。振动影响扇贝生长发育,碰撞使扇贝边缘受到损伤,贝壳碎裂外套膜裸露在壳外,造成病贝、死贝,且机械筛分分级精度低,人工筛分劳动强度大、效率低。本文研究一种新的方法,利用机器视觉检测扇贝大小。通过摄像头获取扇贝图像、计算机对输入的图像进行预处理、图像分割、膨胀腐蚀,提取扇贝的面积等特征值,建立扇贝的几何模型、数学模型,确定面积与壳长的关系,进一步识别扇贝的大小。试验表明,该方法检测速度快,正确率高,能够满足虾夷扇贝分级要求。摄像头与扇贝不接触,可以避免机械振动、碰撞对扇贝的损伤。  相似文献   

为分析上海销售端扇贝冻品的品质状况及存在的问题,探究市售扇贝冻品的品质评价方法以及冻藏过程中导致其品质劣变的关键因素,本研究依据冰柜温度、冻藏时间、产品形式、包装方式和摆放位置共5种常见影响因素,对上海市售的11种扇贝冻品商品进行采样,测定白度、解冻损失、蒸煮损失、持水力、回复性、内聚性、弹性、咀嚼性、硬度和感官评分共10项品质指标,利用因子分析构建扇贝冻品品质评价模型,并结合多元线性回归分析确定影响扇贝冻品品质劣变的关键因素。结果显示,扇贝冻品10项品质指标之间存在一定相关性,通过因子分析提取了3个因子成分,累计方差贡献率为73.33%,可以代替原有指标来综合评价扇贝冻品的品质,建立了市售扇贝冻品的品质评价模型:f=0.467f1+0.302f2+0.231f3,其中,f1公因子包括弹性、回复性、内聚性、蒸煮损失和持水力,f2公因子包括硬度、白度和咀嚼度,f3公因子包括解冻损失和感官评分;进一步由多元线性回归分析得出,冻藏时间、冰柜温度和产品形式是影响扇贝冻品品质的关键因素,其他2种因素无显著影响。研究表明,基于因子分析和多元线性回归的方法能够较好地进行扇贝冻品的品质评价并分析导致其品质劣变的影响因素。  相似文献   

Specimens taken from natural populations of the scallop, Euvola ziczac (L.), were mass spawned in order to produce an initial stock of parents for a selection experiment. The purpose of the present study was to improve scallop shell growth and to calculate the degree of heritability of this characteristic. At one year of age, the top 10‰ of the stock (i.e. the larger scallops) were segregated to create the selected line. An equal number of mean-sized scallops was used to create the control line. In the second generation, after 294 days in culture, the heritability values of the scallops were calculated. Heritability estimates fluctuated between 0.47 and 0.54 depending on the character investigated, i.e. shell length or shell height. The selected line was 5.5‰ longer and 4.5‰ higher than the control line, and 7.3‰ longer and 9.4‰ higher than the parental line.  相似文献   

World scallop landings increased dramatically inthe last 20 y and in 1996 were about 1.7 million t (whole weight). Aquaculture was the reasonfor this increase and in 1996 accounted for about 90%of landings. Most production of scallops from cultureoperations was from China and Japan (88% of worldproduction) and to a much lesser extent from Chile. Aconsistent 1,000 t annual production from cultureoperations in other countries has rarely been met anddevelopment of the British Columbia scallop culture industry is used as an example to explain the slow progress in achieving higher production. Methods are discussed that could enable establishment of largeeconomically viable scallop culture industries. Thepotential for scallop culture remains high in manycountries but it will require a firm commitment bygovernments and industry to achieve this goal.  相似文献   


Optimizing the release density and size of juvenile commercial species for local ecosystems is a critical issue that should be considered when countering predation impacts. To ascertain whether mariculture production of the Japanese scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) could be enhanced by modifying releasing practices, we experimentally investigated the effects of density and size of scallop seeds on their survival in the presence of two sea star species, Asterias amurensis and Distolasterias nipon, with different predation capacities. Under current mariculture practices, the juveniles are briefly exposed to air just before release; therefore, we also examined how air exposure stress increased the predation risk. Scallop survival in the presence of both sea stars increased by?>?20% by increasing scallop size from 30 to 50 mm. Increasing scallop density (range: 5 to 30 scallops m?2) increased each individual’s survival in the presence of A. amurensis but had no significant effect on predation by D. nipon. Therefore, the release of smaller quantities of large-sized scallops rather than larger quantities of small scallops is recommended to reduce D. nipon predation. In the presence of sea stars, especially by D. nipon, the predation impact on small scallops increased after just a few hours of air exposure, indicating that air exposure of juvenile scallops should be minimized. Our results will mitigate the economic cost of mariculture by facilitating the determination of optimal release conditions for juvenile scallops.


Saroma Lake is the southernmost lagoon exhibiting seasonal sea ice coverage in the Northern hemisphere and one of the most important aquaculture areas for Japanese scallops (Mizuhopecten yessoensis). Under conditions of adequate food and appropriate temperature, scallops grow well from the time of ice melting in April to harvesting starting in July. However, over the past decade, Saroma Lake frequently has not been completely covered by ice in winter, and the production of Japanese scallops has shown significant changes. Therefore, this study integrated data from satellite remote sensing, buoys, and in situ observations with climatic events [the winter East Asian Monsoon (EAM) and El Niño/La Niña–Southern Oscillation events] to investigate the impact of ice coverage variations on scallop growth in Saroma Lake between 2007 and 2015. Daily ice conditions were detected using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer false colour images and an unsupervised classification method. The results indicated that EAM strongly influenced the ice coverage variation in Saroma Lake through their effects on temperature during winter. Ice coverage variations show a strong correlation with water temperature and spring phytoplankton blooms, which are the two most important environmental factors for scallop growth. In addition, extreme climate events could cause water temperature anomalies (as in 2015) which are unfavourable for scallop growth. Monitoring ice conditions should be considered when developing plans and management strategies for scallop aquaculture in Saroma Lake.  相似文献   

采用压力传感器—测力计, 测定了 3 个规格虾夷扇贝(Pationopecten yessoensis)的闭壳力及其对捕食者海星刺激的逃跑行为响应, 以期了解虾夷扇贝的运动行为特性。3 个规格组虾夷扇贝壳长设置分别为(82.71±3.49) mm (大组)、(65.76±4.20) mm (中组)、(32.36±2.38) mm (小组)。研究发现, (1)3 种规格虾夷扇贝的闭壳频次(time/min) 分别为 0.7±1.6、1.1±0.5 和 0.6±0.4; 最大闭壳力 Fmax 分别为(11.4±5.2) N、(5.9±1.3) N 和(1.8±0.6) N。虾夷扇贝的位相性与紧张性收缩交替出现, 在一个运动周期中, 紧张性收缩力大于位相性收缩力; 不同规格之间都存在显著性差异。规格越大, 闭壳能力越强。(2)当有海星刺激时, 3 个规格扇贝的 Fmax、闭壳频次、总收缩力和紧张性收缩力都显著性增加。其中, 大中小 3 个规格的 Fmax 分别增至(17.1±2.8) N、(8.3±2.3) N、(2.6±0.5) N。该方法量化了扇贝的运动行为。  相似文献   

The culture of bay scallops, Argopecten irradians, is limited by a reliable and affordable supply of spat and the ability to ensure that animals attain market size within a single growing season. The main goals of our study were thus: (1) to develop growth-optimizing algal diets for implementation in hatcheries, and (2) to identify and compare bay scallop postlarval and juvenile dietary requirements, especially of lipids and fatty acids, which if met may enhance production. Nutritional needs of postlarval bay scallops (present study) are compared with those of sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, offered the same diets in a previous companion study. To this end, postlarval (initial shell height, SH = 240 μm) and juvenile (initial SH = 10 mm) bay scallops were offered 6–7 microalgal diet combinations at 20 °C, for 3 weeks. A similar growth ranking among diets was observed between the two developmental stages. A combination diet of Pavlova sp. (CCMP 459) and Chaetoceros muelleri was far superior to any other diet tested, yielding growth rates of 58 and 357 μm day− 1 which were 65% and 25% higher than the next highest performing diet of Tetraselmis striata/C. muelleri in postlarvae and juveniles, respectively. The T. striata/C. muelleri diet, which is limited in the n-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), yielded very poor growth of sea scallop postlarvae in a prior study, indicating that bay scallops may have less stringent requirements for DHA than sea scallops. The Pav 459/C. muelleri diet, which also supported the highest growth of sea scallop postlarvae, is characterized by elevated levels of the n-6 fatty acids, arachidonic (AA) in C. muelleri and 4,7,10,13,16-docosapentaenoic (DPA) in Pav 459. The two diets deficient in AA and n-6 DPA, Pavlova lutheri/Thalassiosira weissflogii and P. lutheri/Fragilaria familica, yielded the lowest growth rates in both bay scallop postlarvae and juveniles. Tissue enrichment of these two fatty acids relative to the diet, as well as overall enrichment in ∑n-6 fatty acids was observed across developmental stages and dietary treatments. A similar pattern has previously been observed in sea scallop postlarvae, suggesting a dietary requirement for n-6 fatty acids in pectinids that has often been overlooked in the past.  相似文献   

Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying was tested as an improved dehydration method for scallop muscle. The scallop muscle was dried in an EHD drying system at 15°C, in an oven at 60°C, and in ambient air at 15°C. The energy consumption of EHD and oven drying, as well as the shrinkage rate, water absorption, solid loss, and sensory properties such as color and anti-crushing durability of the dried scallop muscle were measured. Results showed that the drying rate of scallop muscle significantly improved using the EHD drying system. Under a 45 kV voltage, the drying rate of EHD is 7 times higher compared with that of air drying in the 1st h. Compared with oven drying, EHD drying was more efficient in terms of energy saving. Furthermore, EHD drying cost only 28.67% of the electric energy required for oven drying. The dried scallop muscle by EHD had better sensory qualities and higher anti-crushing durability. EHD drying is very advantageous and can be used as a substitute to the traditional drying method.  相似文献   

三倍体栉孔扇贝的生殖腺观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)的繁殖季节,对人工诱导的三倍体栉孔扇贝的生殖腺进行了外观,组织学及电镜观察,结果表明,三本栉孔扇贝的生殖腺外观呈透明状,分不出雌雄,组织切片观察,三倍体雌性的生殖腺滤泡细胞数量少,为一大的空腔,沿滤泡壁排列着单层不连续的卵原细胞,呈不规则形态,另外有许多三倍体的生殖腺组织内含有大量的不定性细胞,可能是尚未分化的生殖细胞,分布在稀少的滤泡内及及其周围,未发现卵原细胞和精原细胞,无法根据滤泡的组织学牧场生区分雌雄,在检查的样品中未发现雄性个体,电镜下观察到了三倍体的精母细胞,细胞结构呈梭形,核开始收缩,细胞质内线粒体较发达,但与二倍体相比细胞及线粒体数量稀少,说明三倍体栉孔扇贝存在着雄性个体,生殖细胞增殖分化出精原细胞和少数初级精母细胞后即停止了发育。  相似文献   

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