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梭鲈鱼苗驯食人工饲料的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以平均体全长2.35cm,平均体重0.127g的核鲈鱼苗为驯化对象,采取从活饵、部分人工饵料到全部人工饵料的驯化过程,经118天的驯化.出塘时平均体全长7.54cm,平均体重2.47g,成活率82.5%。其体重-体民回归方程为:W=0.0772L~(1.9001)。而投喂活饵的对照他的试验鱼其体重-体长回归方程为:W=0.0090L~(3.2940).  相似文献   

施氏鲟人工配合饵料试验总结报告   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1988年我们试验成功了施氏鲟人工繁育技术之后,1992年又实施了省科委下达的《施氏鲟人工配合饲料研究》重点攻关课题。经3年努力,幼鲟经驯化、消毒、投喂人工饵料,科学饲养等几个阶段试验,有65%幼鲟由食生物活饵转口食人工饵料;1993年投喂出膜5天后的仔鲟开口料,平均成活率61.25%,最高为71%,试验均获得成功。  相似文献   

1992年在黑龙江水产研究所室内水族箱进行了施氏鲟幼鲟人工配合饵料饲养的试验。幼鲟经驯化、消毒、投喂人工饵料、科学饲养等几个阶段的试验,有65%的幼鲟由食生物活饵转口食人工饵料,试验获得了成功。  相似文献   

采用单胞藻(SA)、配合饵料(AF)、轮虫(BP)和卤虫幼体(BS)4种饵料,设计了SA+AF、SA+AF+BP、SA+AF+BS和SA+AF+BP+BS 4种饵料组合并用于中国对虾苗种培育,投喂SA+AF饵料的受精卵分设“碘伏”消毒及未消毒组,投喂其他饵料的受精卵均为“碘伏”消毒组。分析各期幼体成活率、P10体重及WSSV携带量,结果表明,N-Z期间,受精卵消毒与否及投喂不同饵料对中国对虾的成活率差异均不显著(P>0.05);Z-P期间,投喂BP的成活率明显高于未投喂BP组(P<0.01);投喂SA+AF+BS的幼体在M-P期间成活率与其他饵料组差异极显著(P<0.01);投喂SA+AF+BP 饵料组P10幼体的平均体重小于投喂SA+AF+BP+BS组的幼体(P<0.01);SA+AF消毒组P10仔虾WSSV携带量为10.52±3.3 copies/ng DNA,低于其他饵料组仔虾的WSSV携带量(P<0.05)。在P11-P60培育期间,分别投喂菲律宾蛤仔足肌(CF)+配饵(AF)、60Co γ辐照菲律宾蛤仔足肌(RCF)+配饵(AF)、高锰酸钾消毒菲律宾蛤仔足肌(DCF)+配饵(AF)和配饵(AF)4种饵料组合。结果表明,CF+AF组对虾体重和体长增长最大,但与AF组差异不显著,而CF+AF组和AF组与其余两组差异显著(P<0.05);4组对虾存活率差异不显著(P>0.05)。WSSV人工感染实验结果表明,4种饵料投喂的对虾累积死亡率都在90%以上,差异均不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

鱼苗的标粗与管理 1、鱼种驯化 海鲈在体长3厘米以下的鱼苗主要摄食浮游动物、小虾及其它小甲壳类,所以培育期间需经过驯饵使其逐渐转食。驯饵进程按照鱼糜、鱼糜与鳗料、鱼糜与适口配合饵料、配合饵料逐渐进行,将饵料均匀泼洒投喂,还要逐渐驯化其定点摄食。每日投饲2~3次,目投喂量为鱼体重的1%~6%。  相似文献   

采用投喂活饵小鱼→冰鲜小鱼→颗粒饲料的方式进行鳜鱼(体长4~5 cm)驯食颗粒饲料试验.经过养殖驯化90 d,成活率达到70%,驯化率达100%,平均体长达14.5±1.8 cm,体重达40~50 g.  相似文献   

网箱养鳜经济投喂模式的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1993年在6只小体积网箱(2.4m^3)中利用大规格鳜鱼种(平均体重182g)进行两种活饵料鱼投喂模式养殖商品鳜的对比试验。经过120天饲养,用常规投喂模式(过量投喂法)和试验投喂模式(饱食投喂法)养殖鳜的平均体重分别为560g和568g,饵料系数分别为5.6和3.9,成活率分别为87%和100%,用试验投喂模式养鳜,不仅生长速度与常规投喂模式没有显著性差异,而且饵料转化效率和鳜的成活率分别提高  相似文献   

为比较鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)不同驯食方式的驯食效果,以初始均重为(1.9±0.4)g的鳜鱼苗为对象,分设实验组Ⅰ(快速驯饲、软颗粒饲料)、实验组Ⅱ(常规驯饲、软颗粒饲料)、实验组Ⅲ(常规驯饲、硬颗粒饲料)。实验组Ⅰ:以饥饿→活饵→活饵加死饵→死饵加软颗粒饲料→软颗粒饲料的方式逐步过渡驯化;实验组Ⅱ:以活饵→活饵加死饵→死饵加冰鲜饵→冰鲜饵加软颗粒饲料→软颗粒饲料的方式逐步过渡;实验组Ⅲ:以活饵→活饵加死饵→死饵加冰鲜饵→冰鲜饵加硬颗粒饲料→硬颗粒饲料的方式逐步过渡。结果显示,使用快速驯饲与软颗粒饲料技术,驯食天数5 d,稳定投喂3 d,平均驯化率为78.73%;使用常规驯饲与软颗粒饲料技术,驯食天数17 d,稳定投喂3 d,平均驯化率为91.35%;使用常规驯饲与硬颗粒饲料技术,驯食天数17 d,稳定投喂3 d,平均驯化率为56.36%。结果表明,快速驯饲的驯化率低于常规驯饲,但驯化周期明显缩短,投喂软颗粒饲料的驯化率比投喂硬颗粒饲料高。  相似文献   

采用4种饵料投喂中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)幼虾,用投喂感染的方法人工感染WSSV。测定体长、体重以及各组的攻毒存活率,实验周期15d。ANOVA分析结果表明,投喂鲜活卤虫组体长、体重的增长明显优于其他各组,差异达极显著水平(P〈0.01);投喂人工配合饵料实验组的体长、体重增长量最小;投喂鱼肉组体长增长慢于投喂蛤蜊肉组,而体重的增长快于投喂蛤蜊肉组,差异均不显著(P〉0.05)。投喂卤虫成体和投喂鱼肉两组的攻毒存活率最高,明显高于投喂配合饵料和蛤蜊肉两实验组,差异达极显著水平(P〈0.01);投喂卤虫组和投喂鱼肉组之间存活率无显著差异(P〉0.05),投喂人工配合饵料组和蛤蜊肉组差异不显著(P〉0.05)。巢式PCR检测表明,人工感染前的中国对虾幼虾少数携带WSSV,人工感染后全部个体检测到病毒特征片段。  相似文献   

美国青蛙同牛蛙一样,蝌蚪变态成幼蛙后,只能援食活动着的饵料,对静止不动的毫不理会。但只喂活饵,资源来源毕竟有限,费工费时,又很难满足蛙类日益增长的食欲和营养需求。所以对美国青蛙进行食性驯化,既可解决活饵不足,又可保证饵料的均衡供应。正养蛙饲料目前养蛙用的饲料一般分两大类,一类是鲜活的动物饵料,如黄粉虫、蝇蛆等。另一类是死饵,死饵又可分为鲜湿饵(如动物内脏、螺蚌肉等)和于饵(如干蚕蛹、干小鱼虾、人工配合饲料等)。据湖南省水产研究所对蛙类营养需求分析,美国青蛙对饲料蛋白质的最适需要范围为30.9%~37.…  相似文献   


This study developed and evaluated dry artificial fish bait for trap fishing utilizing tuna red meat (TRM) and shrimp head powder (SHP), aiming to replace the usage of edible fishes, such as sardines and squids, as bait. A total of 23 dry baits were prepared and tested for stability in seawater and acceptance by tilapia. Based on the stability and acceptability test results, two baits were selected as ideal and were further tested for protein leaching and dry matter loss in seawater. The tests revealed that the stick-shaped bait containing 61% TRM and 15% SHP was the ideal bait, with a protein leaching rate of 24.82 mg/g/h and dry matter loss of 36.6 mg/g/h. The catch rate of the traps baited with the artificial fish bait was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those baited with squid meat (17 Nos/trap) and sardines (23 Nos/trap). Further, the catch rate of traps baited with artificial bait (38 Nos/trap) was found to be comparable with those baited with raw shrimp head wastes (SHW) (40 Nos/trap). When the bait was concentrated with 0.1% sodium benzoate, shelf life was extended by up to 6 months.  相似文献   

In the USA, cambarid crawfishes are harvested commercially with traps baited with fishes, formulated baits, or a combination of the two. Commercially formulated baits and fish baits, done and in combination, were evaluated to assess their relative effectiveness M attractants for crawfish. Traps baited with a combination of fish and formulated bait generally captured the most crawfish. Traps baited with common carp, the most effective natural bait, captured more crawfish than traps baited with skipjack herring, gizzard shad or channel catfish heads. Crawfish harvest from traps baited with several types of commercially formulated baits was equal to that obtained with traps baited with either gizzard shad or skipjack herring. Population density of crawfish and the availability of natural forage did not appear to influence relative effectiveness of either formulated baits or fish baits.  相似文献   

We compared the luring effectiveness of artificial bait made from fish waste with natural baits in pots targeting the sand crab Ovalipes punctatus in the East China Sea. Bait types used were fish (mackerel), minced fish (heads of greenling) and two artificial baits made mostly from fish waste and starch. The first two need frozen storage but artificial bait does not. Three fishing operations were conducted in May 2010 and in each forty pots (10/treatment) were fastened along a bottom line. Results for the three operations had catch data for 30 pots/treatment. The number of crabs captured was 496, of which 206 (41.5%) were caught in pots containing fish, 116 (23.4%) in those with minced bait, and 93 (18.8%) and 81(16.3%) in pots baited with the two artificial baits, respectively. Fish was significantly more attractive than minced bait and artificial baits, but no differences were detected between the other baits. Natural baits disappeared almost entirely by the time of hauling, with only 1% of the fish and 5.3% of the minced bait remaining; artificial bait remained almost intact (96.3–100%). The artificial bait catch was approximately half of that of fish bait, but it only contained 30% fish waste. Furthermore, if catch returns are calculated according to the bait's fish content their efficiency seemed higher, ranging from 88 to 100 crabs/kg of fish waste vs only 69 crabs/kg of fish.  相似文献   

Growth of larval sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus fed live Artemia nauplii , a specially prepared dry feed (MN-3), a commercial dry salmon starter feed (Silver Cup 3600), or a combination of 50% live Artemia and 50% MN-3, under conditions of either light or dark for 21 days was studied. For all diets, fish reared in darkened tanks were significantly larger than those in illuminated tanks from day 8 onwards. Fish fed a combination of live Artemia plus MN-3 grew significantly more quickly than those fed either live Artemia or MN-3 only. On day 21 of the experiment, average weight of fish fed the combined diet was 649 ± 30 mg (mean ± SEM ) in darkened tanks and 445 ± 16 mg in illuminated tanks, while those fed Artemia alone were 242 ± 9 and 198 ± 13 mg (dark and light, respectively) and fish fed MN-3 only were intermediate at 377 ± 20 and 267 ± 16 mg (dark and light, respectively). Catfish fed the salmon starter initially grew slowly, but after day 11 grew more quickly than the other groups. Mortalities were highest for fish fed salmon feed.
Permanent darkness enhances the growth of C. gariepinus larvae during and after metamorphosis. While dry diets promoted higher growth rate than live Artemia nauplii alone, a combination of the two resulted in the fastest growth.  相似文献   

Fishing tourism is growing steadily in Brazil. Artisanal fishers meeting the demand for recreational fishing are capturing live juvenile shrimp in the estuaries and selling them for live bait, preventing the recruitment of a larger contingent into the ocean. This study compares the efficiency of using lambari, Deuterodon iguape Eigenmann, as live bait with the shrimp, Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, while fishing for common snook (Centropomus spp.), as well as to evaluate the swimming behaviour of D. iguape in different salinities. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the live baits used (P. schmitti vs D. iguape). The month, the period of the day and salinity presented differences. The size of the species did not depend on the type of bait used. There was no statistical difference in swimming behaviour, but there was a trend of increased speed and displacement in the group exposed to a salinity of 10 g/L. In conclusion, D. iguape appears as effective as P. schmitti and can be successfully used as live bait; and from an ecological point of view, it reduces the impact of fishing on juvenile shrimp.  相似文献   

Four commercially available crayfish baits and two trap types were evaluated for efficiency in trapping Orconecres virilis and O. immunis from 13 unmanaged, contiguous earthen ponds in southern Illinois from May through October 1988. Specifically, this study compared three long-life baits and one one-day bait to gizzard shad, and four-funnel submerged pillow traps to three-funnel stand-up pyramid traps in matched-pair comparisons. Data from O. immunis harvest was not included in the final evaluation because of the relatively low numbers caught (343). The three long-life baits attracted significantly more O. virilis than did gizzard shad, but the attractability of the one-day bait was not significantly different from shad. There were no significant differences between four-funnel pillow traps and three-funnel pyramid traps or between catch per unit effort from deep or shallow ends of typical culture ponds. These data indicate that wild populations of O. virilis are susceptible to trapping with typical baits and traps used in the southern United States, and these methods may be more effective than those currently employed.  相似文献   

The influence of ontogeny and nutrition on metabolic enzyme activities in larvae of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, was studied. After start of exogenous feeding, the larvae were reared for 10 days under three different nutritional conditions: Artemia nauplii, a dry starter diet, and starvation. The live feed gave the best growth (96 mg within 10 days) whereas the dry diet resulted in low growth (33 mg). This growth difference was reflected in larval RNA and DNA concentrations, but not in the levels of soluble protein. Enzymes representing the following aspects of metabolism have been analysed: NADPH generation (G6PDH, ME), glycolysis (PFK, PK), gluconeogenesis (FDPase), amino acid catabolism (GOT, GPT) and oxidative catabolism (CS). All enzymes were present from the start of exogenous feeding onwards, but their maximum specific activities displayed different developmental patterns. In catfish larvae fed on Artemia, G6PDH and ME activities steadily increased with age and weight of the larvae. CS levels remained, after an immediate enhancement upon onset of exogenous feeding, on a rather stable plateau. The amino acid-degrading enzymes GOT and GPT showed maximum levels at days 3–5 of feeding or at a body weight of 10–20 mg, but decreased thereafter. Activities of PFK, PK and FDPase showed low initial levels, and increased significantly with age and size. Based on the ontogenetic patterns of metabolic enzymes, in C. gariepinus larvae an early and a late developmental phase can be distinguished. During the early phase, the glycolytic and gluconeogenetic capacities are low, whereas they are enforced during the later phase. The oxidative capacity is high both during the early and the late phase. The metabolic changes in catfish development coincide with other major ontogenetic events, e.g., alterations of muscle organization, gill morphology, respiration and stomach structure and function. Rearing catfish larvae on a dry diet instead of Artemia partly altered the developmental pattern described: The ontogenetic elevation of CS, PFK and FDPase was delayed and the early peak in GOT and GPT activities was not realized. Particularly during the early developmental phase, the enzyme behaviour of the larvae fed on dry food was similar to that of starved larvae.Abbreviations CS citrate synthase - FDPase fructose-1,6-diphosphatase - GOT glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase - GPT glutamate pyruvate transaminase - G6PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - ME malic enzyme - PFK phosphofructokinase - PK pyruvate kinase  相似文献   

Abstract. The 96-h medium tolerance limit of Furanace (nifurpirinol: P-7138) for channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus at 21°C was 0-94 mg/1. The most effective treatment level for channel catfish, experimentally infected with Aeromonas hydrophila , was 2mg/1 for 6.5 h. Furanace at 0.5 and 1.0 mg/1 in brain heart infusion agar reduced in vitro growth of A. hydrophila and at 2.0 mg/1 growth was completely  相似文献   

Fishing trials were conducted in a pond using collapsible pots containing fish mince inside a “teabag” or cut fish baits. Scomber japonicus was minced (100 g) and packed in a teabag or cut in half; non-baited pots served as controls. Baits were placed inside box-shaped pots (2.3 cm mesh size) with two slit entrances. Trials consisted of 100-pot hauls/bait type using a 1-day soaking time. The crab catches of Charybdis japonica and Portunus pelagicus from “fish” and “mince teabag” baits were not significantly different, but differences were found for total catch and damselfish Chromis notata. Trials using 80 g of mince and 20 g of sugar as the “teabag” bait lowered the catch of C. japonica, Thalamita sima and Thalamita prymna but not P. pelagicus when compared with fish bait. Results indicate that the mince in teabags is as suitable as fish bait, and that adding substances to the mince might be used to make selective crab baits.  相似文献   

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