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为研究膨胀蛭石对宽体金线蛭卵孵化的影响,在(25±1)℃的恒温条件下,分别用膨胀蛭石和土壤(对照组)作为孵化基质孵化宽体金线蛭卵,并进行了对比试验。试验组和对照组各设5个重复,测量并计算不同基质条件下宽体金线蛭卵的平均孵化期、平均孵化率和孵出幼体的平均体质量。结果显示:膨胀蛭石组中宽体金线蛭卵的平均孵化期、平均孵化率和孵出幼体的平均体质量分别为11.16、11.40、11.08、11.52和11.32 d,98.04%、100%、94.12%、96.08%和96.08%,0.025 6、0.025 9、0.025 4、0.025 2和0.025 7g;土壤组中宽体金线蛭卵的平均孵化期、平均孵化率和孵出幼体的平均体质量分别为12.12、12.26、12.16、12.28和11.94 d,88.24%、92.16%、90.20%、94.12%和90.20%,0.025 1、0.024 8、0.024 5、0.024 7和0.025 0 g。各组对应数据之间均存在显著性差异(P0.05)。试验结果表明:以膨胀蛭石作孵化基质,对宽体金线蛭卵的孵化期、孵化率和孵出幼体的体质量有显著影响,膨胀蛭石适宜作为宽体金线蛭卵的加温孵化基质。  相似文献   

研究了挂卵时间、培养水温、水质和pH等环境因子对锚头鳋卵囊孵化率、无节幼体培育成活率的影响。结果表明,锚头鳋排出的卵囊继续在虫体上挂48 h的孵化率最高,采用过滤池塘水并调节pH到7.5、在25℃水温等条件下进行锚头鳋卵囊孵化和无节幼体的培养,可以获得最高的卵囊孵化率和无节幼体的成活率。  相似文献   

卤虫即盐水丰年虫(Artemia saliva),是目前国内外用于培育蟹、虾类幼体的良好饵料之一,有关其资源及提高孵化率的方法已有报道(1975年,陈清潮等)。本试验是为解决卤虫无节幼体的大量生产,进行盐度、密度、温度等因子对卤虫休眠卵孵化影响的试验,并在此基础上,于1978年提出了流水孵化卤虫休眠卵的新工艺,使单位水体卤虫卵孵化无节幼体的产量提高了数十倍。  相似文献   

从白洋淀水产种质资源保护区捕获的抱卵虾中挑选出200 kg作为孵化用亲虾,经1020 d培育,受精卵破膜孵化出幼体。自然水温(2020 d培育,受精卵破膜孵化出幼体。自然水温(2030℃)条件下,青虾初孵幼体经2530℃)条件下,青虾初孵幼体经2530 d的培育,生长发育成体长1.030 d的培育,生长发育成体长1.01.5 cm的仔虾。2013年,利用450 m3水体共培育仔虾4 800万尾,培育密度最高达15.6万尾/m3,最低6.8万尾/m3,平均11.1万尾/m3。  相似文献   

为研究温度对黄缘闭壳龟受精卵孵化和稚龟表型特征的影响,采用恒温孵化法,设置3个孵育温度(26±0.5)、(28±0.5)、(30±0.5)℃,每个温度放置卵30个,检测孵化期、孵化率和孵化稚龟表型特征并进行统计分析。试验结果表明,28℃试验组的孵化成功率最高,达到93.3%,孵化期75 d,相对较短,所孵幼体的体质量和13个表型性状显著高于26℃试验组(P0.05),有利于幼体的生长;依据孵化率高低、稚龟体质量和表型特征大小,28℃是黄缘闭壳龟在北京及周边地区孵化的适宜温度条件。因此,孵化温度显著影响龟卵孵化效果和稚龟表型特征,该试验结果对黄缘闭壳龟在京津冀地区的繁育孵化具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

本研究采用自制离体孵化装置,对日本米虾(Caridina japonica)不同发育期胚胎进行离体孵化研究,结果显示,水温为25.5℃时,日本米虾受精卵孵化大约需要25 d,发育积温为637.5℃。胚胎发育历经受精卵、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、前无节幼体期、后无幼体期、前溞状幼体期和膜内溞状幼体期8个时期。各期离体胚胎均能孵化出幼体,膜内溞状幼体期离体胚胎孵化率最高,为(80.7±2.4)%,非离体孵化的对照组为(79.1±4.9)%,二者差异不显著;卵裂期离体胚胎孵化率最低,为(28.2±2.6)%,与对照组差异显著。各组离体胚胎所孵化出的Ⅰ期(ZⅠ)和Ⅱ期溞状幼体(ZⅡ)的变态率无显著差异。温度对日本米虾前溞状幼体期胚胎离体孵化影响显著,在15.0℃~32.5℃范围内,随水温升高孵化时间逐渐缩短,15.0℃时,前溞状幼体离体孵化时间为(436.8±124.8) h,32.5℃时缩短至(228.0±88.8) h,但温度高于29.0℃时,孵化出的幼体变态率开始下降。本研究可为日本米虾繁殖生物学及甲壳动物胚胎离体孵化技术研究提供参考。  相似文献   

从虾卵受精到蚤状幼体孵化出膜,这一段时期称为虾卵孵化期。搞好虾卵孵化期的培育,提高虾卵孵化率,是罗氏沼虾人工繁殖的关键,怎样提高虾卵孵化率呢?其技术关键如下: 1.搞好抱卵虾的饲养。抱卵虾应在蚤状幼体培育槽内单独进行饲养,每天投喂新鲜碎鱼肉、碎蚌肉、螺蛳肉等营养较丰富的动物性饵料,投喂量以第2天早上稍有剩余为宜。并经常要除掉池中污物残饵,防止水质污染。  相似文献   

自然温度下,分别以泥土、沙子和蛭石为孵化介质,研究了三种孵化介质对黄喉拟水龟(Mauremys mutica Cantor)卵的孵化期、孵化成功率和孵出幼体特征的影响。用泥土、沙子和蛭石作为孵化介质时,孵化期依次缩短,平均孵化期分别为61.2d、60.9d、59.4d,差异显著(P< 0.05);孵化期间,卵壳外层出现龟裂现象的卵所占比率分别为0、12.5%、40%;孵化成功率分别为40%、75%、90%。三种孵化介质条件下孵出的幼体的平均体重、体高、尾长和运动能力均无显著差异,而平均背甲长、背甲宽和平均腹甲长、腹甲宽差异显著,其中以蛭石作为孵化介质时孵出的幼体的腹甲宽和背甲宽最大,且运动能力较好。试验结果表明,三种孵化介质中蛭石的孵化效果最好,蛭石作为孵化介质时黄喉拟水龟卵的平均孵化期最短、孵化率最高,且孵出幼体的个体相对较大,并具有较强的运动能力。  相似文献   

通过开展室内外刺参产卵孵化效果比较,并采用投喂海洋红酵母与覆盖遮阳网两种方法进行浅海网箱刺参幼虫培育比较试验,进一步优化刺参苗种培育方式。研究表明,水温为19.8~22.0℃,浅海网箱中受精卵孵化率为52.4%~57.9%,低于室内孵化率。投喂海洋红酵母组幼虫日均增长86.4μm/d,存活率为(55.1±8.0)%,不投喂海洋红酵母组幼虫日均增长85.1μm/d,存活率为(53.0±7.5)%。投喂海洋红酵母组与不投喂海洋红酵母组有差异但不显著。覆盖遮阳网组幼虫7 d时存活率为(52.8±7.4)%,显著高于不覆盖遮阳网组(46.9±7.0)%。因此,通过实施室内产卵孵化提高孵化率,并对浅海网箱覆盖遮阳网,有效地将室内小水体与天然水域大网箱相结合,提高浅海网箱幼虫苗种繁育效率。  相似文献   

为优化曼氏无针乌贼人工繁育技术,提高人工增殖苗种的产量与质量,采用实验生态学方法,对比分析了野生和养殖曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella japonica)的表观形态、生化组分及其受精卵的形态差异,探究了光照周期与受精卵胶质外膜对曼氏无针乌贼胚胎发育的影响。结果显示:野生和养殖曼氏无针乌贼的表观形态、生化组分均存在显著差异,野生群体性成熟规格远大于养殖群体,肌肉和肝脏组织中的脂肪含量显著低于养殖群体(P<0.05),卵巢中的蛋白质含量则显著高于养殖群体(P<0.05);养殖亲体所产黑卵在12D12L光照周期条件下孵化率最高,所产白卵在24D和24L条件下孵化率最高,野生亲体所产卵在24D和12D12L条件下孵化率最高;随光照时间的延长,受精卵的平均孵化时间具有先增加后减小的趋势,表明光照周期是影响曼氏无针乌贼胚胎发育的重要因素;实验发现,将受精卵胶质外膜剥离处理后,养殖亲体所产黑白卵的平均孵化时间具有减少的趋势,但孵化率显著下降(P<0.05)。综上所述,建议在曼氏无针乌贼人工苗种生产过程中,尽量选用大规格野生乌贼作为繁育亲体。此外,在受精卵孵化期间,应对孵化池进行适当遮光处理,避免受精卵长时间暴露于强光照环境中,以提高孵化率和仔乌成活率。本实验研究结果可为曼氏无针乌贼人工苗种繁育技术优化提供参考。  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on the embryonic development of Sepia pharaonis eggs was tested experimentally using S. pharaonis embryos at various developmental stages. The hatching rate, incubation period, hatching period, wet weight of hatchling cuttlefish, and yolk utilization efficiency ratio were quantified at salinities of 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, and 36. These variables were significantly affected by salinity. The weight of the eggs first decreased and then increased during embryonic development. The range of suitable salinities for hatching of S. pharaonis eggs was 27–33, and the optimal salinity was 30.  相似文献   

The effects of three light intensities (100, 350 and 1200 lux) on cuttlefish hatchling rearing performance was studied in black tanks. A total of 270 cuttlefish with a mean wet weight (MWW) of 0.089 ± 0.012 g were used in the experiment, which was undertaken during the first 50 days after hatching (hatchling stage plus the transition to the juvenile stage). According to results of the present study, light intensity is an important factor for growth and survival consistency in cuttlefish rearing. All three light intensity groups displayed exponential growth. The effect of days, light intensity and their interaction only displayed differences (P < 0.05) between light groups in terms of mean wet weight. The 100 lux light intensity promoted the best absolute values of total biomass and total mortality. We believe that the higher mortality observed in 1200 lux reared cuttlefish during the first 10 days after hatching (DAH) was due to light intensity and individual adaptation to light conditions. Therefore, the 100 lux light intensity, obtained with daylight spectrum bulbs, is recommended for cuttlefish rearing during the first 50 DAH. This light setup promotes higher growth and survival rates and lower energetic costs, which are key aspects to consider in a cuttlefish hatchery.  相似文献   

Feeding rates, growth rates and feed efficiency ratios were studied in experimentally reared juvenile cuttlefish Sepia officinalis which had been hatched from eggs collected from three different locations, Plymouth, North Wales and Southampton. Groups of newly hatched cuttlefish were either maintained at 19°C and well fed (experiment 1) or were maintained at ambient seawater temperature (7–16°C) with little food for 6 months so that their development was delayed and then transferred to optimum conditions (experiment 2). In the first investigation (expt 1), no significant differences in growth rates (3.72±0.08%, 3.75±0.04% and 3.55±0.04% body weight (BW) day?1 respectively), feeding rates (9.53±0.36%, 9.28±0.36% and 8.95±0.37% BW day?1 respectively) and feed efficiency ratios (38.11±1.67%, 40.52±1.78% and 39.96±1.78% respectively) were observed between cuttlefish from the 3 locations. During the second investigation (expt 2), cuttlefish, whose development was initially delayed after hatching and then were stimulated to grow under optimum conditions (19°C and fed), showed growth rates (3.46±0.08% BW day?1) similar to those held under optimum conditions of seawater temperature (19°C) and food supply shortly after hatching. Feeding rates and feed efficiency ratios were however significantly higher in cuttlefish maintained at 19°C compared to 11°C (8.27±0.14% BW day?1, 41.25±0.52% and 2.75±0.09% BW day?1, 24.87±1.87% respectively).  相似文献   

Lipids and essential fatty acids, particularly the highly unsaturated fatty acids, 20:5n‐3 (eicosapentaenoic acid; EPA), 22:6n‐3 (docosahexaenoic acid; DHA) and 20:4n‐6 (arachidonic acid, AA) have been shown to be crucial determinants of marine fish reproduction directly affecting fecundity, egg quality, hatching success, larval malformation and pigmentation. In Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) culture, eggs from farmed broodstock can have much lower fertilization and hatching rates than eggs from wild broodstock. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that potential quality and performance differences between eggs from different cod broodstock would be reflected in differences in lipid and fatty acid composition. Thus eggs were obtained from three broodstock, farmed, wild/fed and wild/unfed, and lipid content, lipid class composition, fatty acid composition and pigment content were determined and related to performance parameters including fertilization rate, symmetry of cell division and survival to hatching. Eggs from farmed broodstock showed significantly lower fertilization rates, cell symmetry and survival to hatching rates than eggs from wild broodstock. There were no differences in total lipid content or the proportions of the major lipid classes between eggs from the different broodstock. However, eggs from farmed broodstock were characterized by having significantly lower levels of some quantitatively minor phospholipid classes, particularly phosphatidylinositol. There were no differences between eggs from farmed and wild broodstock in the proportions of saturated, monounsaturated and total polyunsaturated fatty acids. The DHA content was also similar. However, eggs from farmed broodstock had significantly lower levels of AA, and consequently significantly higher EPA/AA ratios than eggs from wild broodstock. Total pigment and astaxanthin levels were significantly higher in eggs from wild broodstock. Therefore, the levels of AA and phosphatidylinositol, the predominant AA‐containing lipid class, and egg pigment content were positively related to egg quality or performance parameters such as fertilization and hatching success rates, and cell symmetry.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide a reference value for the safe regulation and control of ammonia nitrogen in the aquaculture of Sepia pharaonis. The effects of acute and chronic toxicity of ammonia on the cuttlefish, S. pharaonis, were tested experimentally using juvenile S. pharaonis. The results showed that the half‐lethal concentration (LC50 ) values of ammonia nitrogen in juvenile S. pharaonis with a body weight of 6.52 ± 0. 23 g at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h were 31.72, 25.77, 23.33, and 18.33 mg/L, respectively, and the corresponding un‐ionized ammonia nitrogen (UIA‐N) concentrations were 1.66, 1.35, 1.22, and 0.96 mg/L, respectively. Compared with the control, the survival rate, specific growth rate, and feed intake of juvenile S. pharaonis declined significantly, and the feed conversion ratio and hepatosomatic index increased significantly at 56 d after exposure to >1 mg/L ammonia nitrogen. Juvenile S. pharaonis should be maintained at a concentration of ammonia nitrogen of no more than 1 mg/L (UIA‐N is 0.056 mg/L) in culture, and removing harmful nitrogenous wastes from the seawater is critical in maintaining cuttlefish culture.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of ammonia nitrogen on the embryonic development of the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis . Embryos were exposed to different concentrations (0, 1, 3, and 5 mg/L) of total ammonia–nitrogen (TAN) during incubation. The developmental rate, malformations, mortality, hatching rate, incubation period, yolk utilization efficiency ratio, and weight of the newly hatched cuttlefish were determined. The results showed that ammonia nitrogen significantly inhibited the development of S. pharaonis embryos and induced malformations and even death. Hatching was delayed, the hatching rate was reduced, mortality and the incubation period increased, and the yolk utilization efficiency ratio and weight of the newly hatched cuttlefish significantly decreased in a dose‐dependent manner after the embryos were exposed to more than 1 mg/L TAN for prolonged period. These variables could be used as an integrative biomarker or indicator of aquatic environmental ammonia contamination. In summary, our results indicated that ammonia caused toxicity in the embryos. When the concentration of TAN is greater than 1 mg/L, ammonia levels should be reduced to prevent toxic effects on embryonic development.  相似文献   

牛雪莹  任志明  吴佳颖  母昌考  王春琳 《水产学报》2024,48(1):019609-019609
为了探究三疣梭子蟹受精卵的离体孵化技术及效果,本研究先后开展了受精卵块最适分离液种类及作用条件的筛选、分离液处理不同发育期受精卵离体孵化的差异、分离液处理对受精卵卵膜的结构影响,及分离液处理受精卵对孵化后幼体活力的影响实验。结果显示,木瓜蛋白酶是一种较为理想的分离液,在浓度为0.09 g/mL,分离时间30 min时,分离率可达到99%以上;经过分离液处理后的各期受精卵均能孵化出幼体,卵内溞状幼体期离体胚胎孵化率最高,为89.0%±3.3%,未经处理的对照组为70.0%±4.8%;卵裂期离体胚胎孵化率最低,为58.0%±3.9%,对照组为31.0%±2.3%,与对照组相比,处理组的孵化率明显提高。透射电镜结果显示,经过分离液处理的受精卵卵膜结构疏松,且厚度降低,符合处理组孵化率增加这一现象,干露、福尔马林溶液胁迫和行为学测试对不同处理组的幼体进行质量评价的结果显示,处理组和对照组幼体活力无显著差异。研究表明,实验所获得的分离液可以有效提高三疣梭子蟹受精卵的分离率和孵化率,且不影响幼体质量,可为三疣梭子蟹及其他甲壳动物受精卵的离体孵化提供参考。本研究可为三疣梭子蟹的苗种繁育提供新的技术手段,也将为基因编辑辅助育种等技术的实施奠定基础。  相似文献   

Spotted rose snapper, Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner), eggs were incubated under different photoperiods to examine the effect of photoperiod on incubation. The eggs from two fish were incubated under five artificial photoperiods: constant dark (D), constant light (L) from 06:00 hours and 6, 10 and 14 h of light from 06:00 hours. The eggs from seven other fish were incubated under a natural photoperiod. Different spawning times (21:00 – 01:00 hours) and different photoperiods combined to give the start of the dusk photoperiod change after 11–23 h of incubation. Constant light or applying the dusk photoperiod change after ≥20 h of incubation appeared to extend the hatching period. The mean hatching period for groups of eggs incubated in darkness or that received the dusk photoperiod change after ≤19 h of incubation (n=8 different groups) was 2 h 15±10 min, which was significantly lower (P<0.05) than the mean hatching period of 4 h±37 min for groups that did not receive the dusk photoperiod change or that received the dusk photoperiod change after ≥20 h of incubation (n=9 groups). However, despite these differences, the majority of the eggs hatched during a 2–3 h period from 17 to 20 h of incubation, and a sigmoid regression (r2=0.9) explained the relationship between percentage hatch and hours of incubation for all photoperiod groups.  相似文献   

Sepiapharaonis, the pharaoh cuttlefish was cultured through multiplegenerations in the laboratory (5 consecutive generations) using closed,recirculating water filtration systems. The eggs of the original parentalgeneration (GP) were spawned by a wild caught Gulf of Thailandfemale in alocal fisheries laboratory, then packed and shipped air cargo to Texas wherehatching occurred. The culture temperature ranged 25°–28°C, except for one generation that was chilled intentionallyto21 °C and then warmed to 25 °C after 9.6months. Spawning occurred as early as day 161. Spawning output was high in allgenerations except the group that was cultured at 21 °C. Eggfertility was low in captivity (< 20%), but hatchling survival was high(>70%). The average egg incubation time was 13.6 d at 25–28°C. The largest spawn resulted in 600 viable hatchlings andthesmallest resulted in 11 hatchlings. The cuttlefish ate a wide variety ofestuarine crustaceans and fishes as well as frozen shrimp. There were noapparent disease problems since survival from hatching to maturity was over70%.The average life span for cuttlefish cultured at 25–28°Cwas 8.9 months and 12.3 months at 21 °C. Size at hatching wasmeasured for fourth generation (G4) hatchlings; the mean weight athatching was 0.103 g and the mean mantle length was 6.4mm. The largest cuttlefish cultured was a male 300 mmML and 3,045 g; the oldest cuttlefish lived 340 d.This cuttlefish species presents an excellent choice for commercial mariculturebecause of its rapid growth, short life span, tolerance to crowding andhandling, resistance to disease and feeding habits.  相似文献   

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