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池塘养殖斑节对虾的生长特性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对池塘养殖的斑节对虾的生长特性进行研究。不同生长发育阶段的1500尾斑节对虾的体长、体重生长参数进行测量和分析。结果表明,(1)池塘养殖斑节对虾体长和体重呈幂函数关系,♂∶W=2·0×10-5×L~(2.9498);♀:W=2·0×10-5×L~(2·9633);(2)同大多数对虾种类一样,斑节对虾也表现出雌、雄生长的差异。养殖前期,雌、雄虾的体长、体重生长差异不明显,雄虾略高于雌虾,在59·6d后,雌虾体长生长速度高于雄虾;雄虾体重的生长拐点出现在144·5d左右,雌虾体重的生长拐点出现在195·3d左右;(3)采用von Bertallanffy生长方程,拟合出池塘养殖斑节对虾体长、体重生长方程为:♂∶Lt=178.9(1-e-0·0093(t-28·2)),Wt=87·97(1-e~(-0·0093(t-28·2)))2·9498;♀∶Lt=233·7(1-e~(-0·0065(t-28·2))),Wt=208·96(1-e~(-0·0065(t-28·2)))2·9633。  相似文献   

洪心 《福建水产》2012,34(4):331-334
采用单人操作法,对斑节对虾实施人工移植精荚技术,观察对虾人工移植精荚技术在斑节对虾育苗生产中的应用情况。结果表明:采用人工移植精荚技术可使雌虾多次产卵受精,使有限亲虾得到充分利用,从而降低育苗成本,达到增产目的;实施人工移植精荚手术的最适宜时机为斑节对虾脱壳后12~24h,成功率高达97.3%;精荚获取以夹取法最佳,该法操作方便、效果较好,夹取后精荚可以再生、成熟,而挤压和虹吸两种方式对亲虾影响较大,成功率不高;术后亲虾经4~5 d精养,卵巢可发育成熟再次产卵,并且幼体孵化、生长等方面与非手术亲虾所繁育幼体生长无明显差异,可以达到类似自然交配的效果。  相似文献   

取性成熟期罗氏沼虾129尾(其中雌虾65尾,雄虾64尾),测定了额角长、头胸甲长、头胸甲宽、头胸甲高、腹长、体长、全长、第二步足长和体质量等9个性状参数,对雌、雄罗氏沼虾的性二型进行了比较研究。经独立样本t-检验,性成熟雄性体长和体质量均极显著大于雌性(P0.01),雌、雄罗氏沼虾的头胸甲长、头胸甲宽、头胸甲高、腹长、第二步足长和体长的性二型指数均大于1,说明罗氏沼虾属于雄性大于雌性的虾类。协方差分析结果表明:除了额角长在两性间的差异无统计学意义(F=1.279,P=0.260)以外,头胸甲长、头胸甲宽、头胸甲高、腹长和第二步足长在两性间的差异达到了极显著水平(P0.01)。雄性的头胸甲长、头胸甲宽、头胸甲高和第二步足长随体长的生长速率大于雌性;而腹长随体长的生长速率小于雌性。性选择使得雄性拥有较大的体型和第二步足,以确保其在生殖竞争中可以有效战胜竞争者,提高交配成功率。  相似文献   

为了解池塘养殖条件下罗氏沼虾雌、雄虾的生长差异,于2016年5月至10月定期测量池塘精养条件下罗氏沼虾的体长、体质量,期间采集样品1 040尾,对雌、雄罗氏沼虾的生长特性进行了研究。结果表明,罗氏沼虾的体长和体质量呈幂函数相关,其回归方程为:雌虾W=8×10~(-6)L~(3.262 4),(R~2=0.995 6,N=544);雄虾W=6×10~(-6)L~(3.320 8),(R~2=0.996 3,N=496)。应用Von Bertalanffy生长方程拟合罗氏沼虾雌、雄虾体长和体质量的生长过程,结果显示,雌、雄虾的渐近体长分别为103.05 mm和136.93 mm,渐近体质量分别为29.54 g和74.65 g。雌虾的生长拐点年龄为111.16 d,拐点体质量8.95 g;雄虾的生长拐点年龄为163.70 d,拐点体质量22.71 g。罗氏沼虾性成熟后,其雄性的个体显著大于雌性个体,可利用这一特性开展罗氏沼虾全雄性养殖,以获得更高的经济效益。  相似文献   

斑节对虾养殖过程中常出现个体大小参差不齐、“两极分化”的情况,影响了养虾经济效益。为此,我们在开展斑节对虾养殖高产试验的同时,进行了缩小个体“两极分化”的试验,取得良好效果。实施试验前斑节对虾平均体长4.8cm,5.0cm以上占47.6%,3.5cm以下占30%;试验后20天平均体长7.2cm,7.3cm以上占41%,6cm以下仅为9.8%。养殖89天,收获时平均亩产367.2公斤。一、投饵先粗后精,先干后鲜,少量多餐。对虾个体出现“两极分化”后,我们在试验池设置小吊网投饵观察,发现  相似文献   

对辽宁、盘锦二界沟镇养殖场池养对虾在6月25日至9月10日间的体长和体重变化进行了同步观测,依据观测结果建立了池养中国对虾体长与体重的回归方程和体长、体重的生长速度方程及加速度方程。结果显示:(1)北方人工养殖的中国对虾其体长与体重的关系式为W=0.02634IL~(2.6327),对虾肥满度大于自然水体增殖,但略差于南方;(2)北方人工养殖的中国对虾其体重生长拐点为48d,比自然增殖的对虾体重生长拐点相比提早7d,比南方池养中国对虾迟后6d;(3)北方人工养殖的中国对虾其体长拐点为20d,比体重拐点提前近一个月,即人工养殖的中国对虾其体长优先于体重生长。体长生长较体重生长提前结束;(4)北方池养的中国对虾极限体重为18.678g,极限体长为12.1cm,与南方池养和自然水域放流的中国对虾的极限体重和极限体长间存在很在并异,放速密度、水温期等是重要的影响因素。以上结果对优化北方中国对虾的池养提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文对用于交配的长毛对虾雄虾的合适规格进行了讨论。结果指出,体长11.7cm左右的雄虾完全可以作为海捕雌虾(体长16.0cm 左右)的交配用虾。越冬时只要留取10.6cm 左右的雄虾即可。  相似文献   

文章探究了维生素E(Vitamin E,V_E)和裂壶藻(Schizochytrium sp.,Sch)对斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)雄虾精荚再生的作用。以基础饲料配制了4种不同配合饲料(0添加组;V_E 200组;1%Sch组;V_E 200+1%Sch组),饲喂被挤压排出精荚的成熟雄性斑节对虾40 d,评估斑节对虾雄虾精荚再生后的精子数量和质量。结果表明,添加量为200 mg·kg~(-1) V_E饲料组的活精子数百分比显著高于对照组(P0.05);单一添加1%裂壶藻饲料组的活精子数与对照组间差异不显著(P0.05);共同添加200 mg·kg~(-1) V_E和1%裂壶藻的饲料组的精子总数显著高于对照组(P0.05)。综合精荚质量、精子数量及活精子数百分比3个指标得出,饲料中共同添加1%裂壶藻与200 mg·kg~(-1) V_E对斑节对虾雄虾精荚的再生和提高精子数量具有协同促进作用。  相似文献   

不同水系青虾交配苗种繁育及成虾养殖试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用太湖和长江两种不同水系的青虾进行交配,可有效改良青虾种质,增大青虾养成规格。试验分别收购天然青虾幼虾和性成熟天然青虾作亲本,进行2种方式青虾交配的苗种繁育,幼亲虾养成后交配共生产虾苗668万尾,子一代幼虾规格不整齐;性成熟亲本交配共生产虾苗295万尾,抱卵虾受精卵发育基本同步,子一代幼虾规格整齐。成虾对照养殖结果显示, 交配虾上市成虾平均体长为6.4 cm,高出天然抱卵虾子代成虾体长5.7 cm的9%,高出养殖虾仔代成虾体长4.7 cm的36%。  相似文献   

2个凡纳滨对虾群体仔虾的生长比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以凡纳滨对虾二代群体自交、选育家系(♀)×引进SPF(♂)群体杂交,通过自然交配和人工培育获得2个仔虾群体,待仔虾长至体长0.8~1.0 cm时,随机选取60万尾放养于3口0.133 hm2的对虾养殖高位塘中,密度150万尾/hm2,其中二代仔虾2口塘,杂交仔虾1口塘.投喂"恒兴"牌饲料,相同的养殖环境和管理措施,养殖30 d后,每隔10 d进行一次生长测定.结果表明,杂交仔虾的生长速度和成活率高于二代仔虾,体质量和体长的总生长率高于二代仔虾,抗应激能力强于二代仔虾,较二代仔虾均匀;在40 d的观测期内杂交仔虾体长的绝对增长量为4.49 cm,二代仔虾为3.66 cm,提高22.68%,杂交仔虾体质量的绝对增长量为3.73 g,二代仔虾为2.20 g,提高69.55%,杂交仔虾生长优势明显.  相似文献   

This 12‐month preliminary study investigated the development of sexual characters, primary sexual maturity, ovarian maturity and spawning performance of pond‐reared Penaeus merguiensis in relation to culture conditions in south‐east Queensland, Australia. Post‐larvae of P. merguiensis were produced and cultured in two 60‐m3 tanks during the first 14 weeks. Before winter, they were harvested and stocked in three different overwintering facilities: a 200‐m2 covered pond, two 60‐m3 outdoor tanks and a 15‐m3 indoor, recirculated tank at a stocking density of 10 individuals m?2. The development of sexual characters was found to be similar to that reported previously in wild P. merguiensis. Males matured at younger ages and smaller sizes than females. Overall, the average size at primary sexual maturity of pond‐reared P. merguiensis was 23.1 mm carapace length for males (possessed spermatophores) and 29.3 mm for females (being impregnated). Water temperature and the availability of natural food strongly influenced prawn growth, maturity rate and their subsequent spawning performance. Growth, maturity rate and spawning performance of prawns in the covered pond were significantly higher than in the other overwintering facilities. Prawns started mating at 6–7 months, reached full ovarian maturation and spawned as early as about 8 (peaked at 9–11) months from hatching, producing high fecundity and viable larvae. There was a strong relationship (P < 0.001) between prawn size and fecundity. The results of this study suggest a potential for using pond‐reared broodstock P. merguiensis for hatchery production and for domestication or selective breeding programmes.  相似文献   

张东  黄宁宇 《海洋渔业》1989,11(5):205-206
<正> 近年来,关于长毛对虾(Penaeus penicillatus Alock)育苗技术的研究已有大量报道,但在人工条件下的性成熟,除Liao(1973)的工作外,报道极少.到目前,长毛对虾苗种生产所需亲虾皆来自海区,有限的资源限制了养殖生产的发展,因此,人工培育亲虾的研究具有积极意义.本文对养殖长毛对虾在室外土池中的卵巢发育进行了初步探索,并用成熟亲虾进行了生产性育苗.  相似文献   

中国对虾在池塘中生长特性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据池养对虾生长情况的现场测量数据,通过回归分析求得体长及体重的生长方程式分别为:Lt=14.0733[1-e^-0.1403(t-0.8350)]和Wt=33.4479[1-e^-0.1403(t-0.8350)]^3,体重生长曲线的拐点t'=8.7。对虾在池塘中的实际生长速度由于受池塘生态环境及鲜活饵料供应的季节性变化等因素的影响,分别在7月上旬、8月上旬及9月中旬出现三次生长高峰。适当减少高  相似文献   

Abstract. Eyestalk-ablated and non-ablated pond-reared Penaeus monodon Fabricius of two sizes (116·3 ± 2·8g and 67·9 ± 1·0g body weight (BW)) were injected with crude thoracic ganglion extract from 'spent spawners'(0·4mg/g and 1·0mg/g shrimp respectively). Controls (ablated and non-ablated groups) received either equivalent amounts of crude muscle extract or crustacean saline.
In another experiment, non-ablatéd shrimps (67·4 ± 1·8g BW) were injected with crude gonad extract from 'spent spawners'. The controls received an equal volume of crustacean saline.
Significant differences (P < 0·05) in the gonadosomatic index and the gonad index in relation to the carapace length were detected between eyestalk-ablated and non-ablated shrimps; the larger shrimps showing a greater difference following treatments with muscle and thoracic ganglion extracts.
However, no significant differences (P > 0·05) were detected between the thoracic ganglion-treated groups and the controls in either the eyestalk-ablated or non-ablated shrimps. Nor were significant differences (P > 0·05) observed between the gonad-treated group and the control and between the two control groups receiving crustacean saline and crude muscle extract.  相似文献   

在江苏省南通市水深2m、面积467km~2的池塘中,每667m~2放养伞径5cm的海蜇Rhopilemae sculentum200只、全长1cm左右的斑节对虾Penaeus monodon 4000尾和4 000粒/kg的缢蛏Sinonovacula constrzcta 20万粒。经饲养,海蜇产量为855kg/km~2、斑节对虾67kg/km~2、缢蛏145kg/km~2,总产量为1 067kg/km~2,产值为8 600元,利润为6 057元,显示出较高的生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

上海地区低盐海水中斑节对虾养殖试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验共进行了两年。除88—2池跑苗外,试验组成活率达30%,产量均达到150公斤/亩左右,其中88—1池最高,为226.8公斤/亩。斑节对虾日生长率超过0.90毫米,与对照的中国对虾比,成活率、生长速度均高于对照组。在密度相近的条件下,生长速度快于中国对虾20%以上;饵料系数低于中国对虾,产量可达到或超过中国对虾产量,而生长期却缩短20天左右。试验结果说明,斑节对虾在上海地区养殖是完全可行的。  相似文献   

To address the preference of mud crab farmers for larger size Scylla serrata juveniles (5.0–10 g body weight or BW; 3.0–5.0 cm internal carapace width or ICW), a study was conducted to compare the growth and survival of crab juveniles (2.0–5.0 g BW; 1.0–3.0 cm ICW) produced a month after stocking of megalopae in net cages when reared further in net cages installed in earthen ponds or when stocked directly in earthen ponds. In a 3 × 2 factorial experiment, three stocking densities (1, 3 and 5 ind m−2), two types of rearing units (net cages or earthen pond) were used. Megalopae were grown to juvenile stage for 30 days in net cages set inside a 4000 m2 brackishwater pond and fed brown mussel (Modiolus metcalfei). Crab juveniles were then transferred to either net cages (mesh size of 1.0 mm) or earthen ponds at three stocking densities. After 1 month, no interaction between stocking density and rearing unit was detected so data were pooled for each stocking density and rearing unit. There were no significant differences in the growth or survival rate of crab juveniles across stocking density treatments. Regardless of stocking density, survival in net cages was higher (77.11±6.62%) than in ponds (40.41±3.59%). Growth, however, was significantly higher for crab juveniles reared in earthen ponds. The range of mean BW of 10.5–16.0 g and an ICW of 3.78–4.33 cm obtained are within the size range preferred by mud crab operators for stocking grow‐out ponds.  相似文献   

Abstract. One thousand each of pond and hatchery reared 0+ brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were fin-clipped and released in a 1300-m2 large earthen pond. The pond was drawn down 5 days after the introduction, and descending individuals were caught in a trap at the outlet. A total of 904 pond-reared and 890 hatchery-reared fish were recaptured, i.e. a loss of 9·6 and 110% respectively, A total of 25 pond-reared and 16 hatchery reared fish were recorded stranded in the pond during the draw-down, accounting for 2·7 and 1·8% of total recoveries.
Pond-reared fish descended significantly earlier than did hatchery fish. Most individuals descended during the first 4·5h (75-83%). However, the final recoveries were made 10 days (233h) after the first descent.  相似文献   

方斑东风螺池塘养殖试验   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在0.16 hm2的土池中,9月投放壳高1.30~2.61 cm、体重0.90~2.68 g的方斑东风螺稚螺5.41万粒,经4个月的试养,育成商品螺243.0 kg,个体重2.5~12.0 g,平均体重5.25 g;壳高2.53~4.35 cm,平均3.05 cm;成活率86.3%,饵料系数2.3,获产值28 188元。经试验方斑东风螺对养殖环境海水水质的适应能力较强,对水温的适应范围较广,是一种优良的海水养殖品种,适合南方池塘养殖。  相似文献   

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