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梭鲈生物学及引种养殖初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梭鲈生物学及引种养殖初报郑亘林闫有利罗德珍(辽宁省淡水水产研究所,辽阳111000)关键词:梭鲈引种养殖梭鲈(Luciopercalucioperca),属鲈形目,鲈科,梭鲈属。分布于欧洲的易北河,波罗的海水系以及黑海、里海和咸海等水系。是欧洲著名的...  相似文献   

梭鲈(LuciopercaLucioperca)原产欧洲中部,是鲈科的主要经济鱼类。该鱼适温广、耐盐碱,适宜多种形式的养殖。梭鲈肉味鲜美、肉质细嫩、无肌间刺,其蛋白含量高于20%,食用效果好于鳜。北京市水产科研所于1995年引进该鱼,即进行了人工繁殖...  相似文献   

梭鲈( Lucioperca lucioperca)属鲈形目、鲈科、梭鲈属,主要分布在前苏联的波罗的海、亚速海、黑海、里海及咸海等地区,我国仅在新疆的伊犁河、额尔齐斯河流域及布伦托海有分布。梭鲈生长速度快,肉味鲜美,营养丰富,可食部分比例大,可同鳜鱼相媲美,近年来被广泛关注。1993年以来,先后被移植到湖北、北京、天津等地区。威海市郭格庄水库管理处承担了市科委下达的梭鲈引进试验课题,于1995年首次将梭鲈引进山东,先后开展了苗种培育、养成和人工繁殖等试验,取得了良好的结果。本文结合梭鲈引种试验的实…  相似文献   

梭鲈Stizostedionlucioperca(L)原产自欧洲,分布于黑海、里海、波罗的海沿岸的河流和湖泊,60年代初,梭鲈通过伊犁河和额尔齐斯河扩散分布到我国新疆境内,1971年“引额济海”渠道建成后,梭鲈通过该渠进入新疆第二大淡水湖布伦托海。该...  相似文献   

我国鳜属(Siniperca)鱼类,体形似鲈鱼,因此又称为中华鲈。鳜属鱼类在鱼类分类学中的地位,过去被归属于鲈形目的科,现在有人提出应归属于叉尾鲈科(Percichthyidae)。根据文献记载,鳜属包括多种鳜鱼,其中:最著名的是翘嘴鳜(Sinipercachuatsi,又称鳌花鱼),其次是大眼鳜(S.kneri,又称羊眼鳜),其他还有斑鳜(S.scherzeri,又称岩鳜)、朱氏鳜(S.chui)、广西鳜(S.kwangsiensis)、钱氏鳜(S.chieni)、百泉鳜(S.p。chu。e。…  相似文献   

月鳢的生物学特性及其养殖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
月鳢的生物学特性及其养殖陈一骏,李启浩(湖北省荆州地区水产学校)月鳢(Channaasiatica)属于鲈形图(Perciformes)鳢科(Ophiocephalidae),鳢科鱼类在我国仅乌鳢、斑鳢及月鳢3种,以月鳢体型较小,只在广酉、广东、湖南...  相似文献   

梭鲈(Luciopercalucioperca)属鲈形目,鲈科,梭鲈属。梭鲈适温广、生长快、饵料系数低、肉味鲜美林工简便、无肌间刺、蛋白含量高于一般鱼类,是一种高档鱼类,也是鲈科的重要经济鱼类。近年梭鲈增养殖技术的研究已引起国内外水产工作者的重视,多种形式的养殖亦在进行或于试验中,梭鲈养殖越来越被广大生产者所接受,具有广阔的开发前景,有望成为淡水养殖新品种。一、分布及国内外养殖概况梭鲈原分布于咸海、黑海、里海及波罗的海水系的河流、湖泊中。经多次移殖现已遍及德国、匈牙利等欧洲各国,已成为欧洲许多国家的淡水增养殖对象…  相似文献   

3种重金属离子和2种杀虫剂对梭鲈胚胎发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在常温静水条件下,研究了铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、镉(Cd)3种重金属离子和甲醛、晶体敌百虫2种杀虫剂对梭鲈(Stizostedionlucioperca)胚胎发育的影响。结果表明,3种重金属离子对梭鲈胚胎的毒性大小依次为:Cd2+ >Cu2+ >Zn2+;当甲醛浓度为1000mg/L时,对梭鲈胚胎的毒性影响较强,而高浓度的晶体敌百虫对梭鲈胚胎有明显的毒性作用。在梭鲈繁殖用水中使用杀虫剂时,甲醛和晶体敌百虫的安全浓度分别为200mg/L和0.4mg/L。  相似文献   

梭鲈繁殖习性及苗种培育技术总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梭鲈 (stizostedionluciopercaL)属鲈形目、鲈科、梭鲈属 ,主要分布在前苏联的波罗的海、亚速海、黑海等地区 ,我国仅在新疆地区有分布。由于梭鲈具有生长快、肉味鲜美、营养丰富等特点 ,近年来被广泛关注 ,是农业部、水利部两部重点推广的优良品种。 1993年以来 ,已先后被移植到山东、湖北、北京、天津等多个省市。但由于对梭鲈繁殖习性及苗种培育技术的研究尚有欠缺 ,目前生产上苗种供应明显不足。笔者依据 1998~ 1999年对梭鲈池塘繁殖习性及苗种培育的试验观察 ,摸索出一些生产中的技术要素 ,现将试验情况总结出…  相似文献   

自1957-1966年原苏联鱼类工作者将乌拉尔河及锡尔河水系的梭鲈(Stizostedionlucioperca)和伏尔加白鲈(Stizostedionvlge)人工移植巴尔喀什湖和额尔齐斯河的拦河水库一石头山口水库以后,这两种珍贵经济鱼相继在1962年和1968年前后上溯到伊犁河和额尔斯河水系的新疆河段。使新疆的护科鱼类从原有的三种增加到五种,其中有三种为重要经济鱼类。近年来我国梭护的人工养殖受到青睐,一些地区纷纷来疆移植梭鲈苗种。由于核护与河鲈(Percafluvi-atilus)在生长环境、生殖习性和天然水域中苗种分布上均较相似,苗种的鉴别,有一定困难。本文…  相似文献   

Pikeperch were induced to spawn 3 months prior to the natural spawning period through photothermal and hormonal stimulation. Females (five specimens in each group) were stimulated with injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) once (200 IU kg–1), twice (200 IU kg–1, second dose after 48 h–400 IU kg–1) or three times (200 IU kg–1, after 24 h–200 IU kg–1 and after another 24 h–200 IU kg–1). The control group was injected once with 0.9% NaCl. The males were stimulated with a single hormone dose of 200 IU kg–1. Eggs were obtained from all the hormonally treated fish. None of the control group females, which were only stimulated photothermally, ovulated any eggs. The time of ovulation was 66–71 h following the first injection, and the eggs viability until the eyed stage (from 71.5 to 77.5%) did not depend on the number of hormone doses (P > 0.05). The out-of-season spawning method described in this paper could be used to provide pikeperch larvae for intensive culture systems (recirculating water systems) before natural spawning season and to produce larger-sized pikeperch fingerlings for stocking.  相似文献   

为了加强良种选育工作,切实做好亲本遗传管理,防止近交衰退的发生,利用20个微卫星分子标记对白梭吻鲈(Sander lucioperca)新疆野生群体及山东和苏州2个养殖群体的遗传结构进行检测。结果表明,20个微卫星标记中18个有扩增产物,14个呈现多态性;每个位点的等位基因数为2~6个,平均等位基因数为3.6个,3个群体的平均等位基因数为2.57~3.36,平均观测杂合度为0.5085~0.5621,平均多态性信息含量为0.3931~0.4764,表明3个白梭吻鲈群体的遗传多样性处于中等偏低水平,遗传多样性大小为:新疆群体苏州群体山东群体。群体的Fst为0.1798,表明群体间有一定的遗传分化。在白梭吻鲈人工繁殖与养殖过程中,必须加强亲本遗传结构监测并维持一定数量的亲本规模,以利于其产业的持续发展。  相似文献   

在常温静水条件下,研究了铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、镉(Cd)3种重金属离子和甲醛、晶体敌百虫2种杀虫剂对梭鲈(Stizostedion lucioperca)胚胎发育的影响.结果表明,3种重金属离子对梭鲈胚胎的毒性大小依次为:Cd2+>Cu2+>Zn2+;当甲醛浓度为1000 mg/L时,对梭鲈胚胎的毒性影响较强,而高浓度的晶体敌百虫对梭鲈胚胎有明显的毒性作用.在梭鲈繁殖用水中使用杀虫剂时,甲醛和晶体敌百虫的安全浓度分别为200 mg/L和0.4 mg/L.  相似文献   

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) is a highly profitable commercial species whose economic value has greatly increased in the last decade. As in other species, the...  相似文献   

Abstract The abundance of 0+ pikeperch, Stizostedion lucioperca (L.), in trawls was compared with water temperature, water level and commercial catches 6–9 years later. The abundance of juveniles in autumn was positively correlated with the water temperature but not with water level in May or in June. The sum of a year abundance of juveniles showed a strong correlation with the catch years later. This abundance and the cumulative water temperature between August and October inclusive in five consecutive years one year prior to recruitment into the commercial fishery explained 86% of the variation in catches. This empirical model indicates that catches of pikeperch depend on both juvenile abundance and water temperature.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) was determined according to their physiological status, during starvation (10 days) and feeding (28 days). In starved larvae, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids were utilized as metabolic substrates until day 9. At day 10, all fatty acid levels remained stable or, at least, increased in larval body. Among fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid 22:6 n-3 was used preferentially (20.3% from total fatty acids utilized) followed by palmitoleic acid 16:1 n-7 (13.9%) and then by oleic 18:1 n-9 (12.3%), linoleic 18:2 n-6 (10.1%), linolenic 18:3 n-3 (9.7%) and eicosapentaenoic 20:5 n-3 (9.1%) acids. On the other hand, arachidonic acid 20:4 n-6 was utilized very lowly (0.3%). In fed larvae, no utilization of body fatty acids was observed during the experiment. It seems that energy requirements (and others) of fed larvae were satisfied by feed.  相似文献   

The variation of virulence of Renibacterium salmoninarum , the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD) in salmonid fish, was studied by infecting rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), with two isolates (strains 325 and 932) from diseased Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and one isolate (strain 4366) from an apparently healthy Atlantic salmon. Coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), were injected with the strain 932 to estimate difference in fish species resistance. Fish were removed by random sampling for other study purposes, a study design possible with analysis of lifetime distributions incorporating both sampling-, death- and survival-times. At the end of the experiment, the rainbow trout infected with strains 325, 932 and 4366 had a survival probability of 33%, 51% and 72%, respectively. The coho salmon infected with strain 932 had a 26% survival probability. The strain differences were significant according to the log-rank test, and the risk ratio between the strains ranged from 1·8 to 5·4. The strain from the apparently healthy fish was least virulent. The survival of the fish species was different over time. Rainbow trout were more likely to die early in the time course, but high numbers of coho died later, resulting in an overall risk of mortality of 1·4 in favour of rainbow trout. Differences in virulence may reflect changed selective pressure on R. salmoninarum when introduced from feral stocks into the environment of fish farms.  相似文献   

水硬度对七彩神仙鱼幼鱼发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用不同硬度的水对七彩神仙鱼幼鱼进行饲养。6周龄幼鱼在硬度为7.94°dH±0.30°dH时饲养84d后,比在硬度为14.71°dH±0.23°dH水中的幼鱼个体大,生长速度快。表明较高硬度的水有利于七彩神仙鱼幼鱼的生长发育。  相似文献   

Anti-proteinase activity was demonstrated in the seminal plasma of cyprinid fish species (bream, chub, ide, dace, asp, goldfish, roach, common carp) using electrophoretic techniques combined with a detection method based on inhibition of bovine trypsin. We found species-specific protease inhibitors in the seminal plasma of cyprinids. At least three bands of protease inhibitors with different migration rates could be identified by native PAGE. Higher variability was characterized for bands with slower migration rates. Visualization of inhibitors after SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions allowed estimation of their molecular weights. Apparent molecular weights were within the range of 51–59 and 47–54 kDa for the bands with slower and moderate migration rates, respectively. The molecular weight of fast migration bands for roach and common carp were estimated to 23 and 30 kDa, respectively. Inhibitors of common carp seminal plasma differed in their affinity toward serine proteases. Three inhibitors in common carp seminal plasma could be visualized using cod and bovine trypsin, but only two inhibitors (of high molecular weight) were recognized with chymotrypsin. There were differences in anti-proteinase activity and seminal plasma protein concentration in relation to the origin of common carp seminal plasma (breeding lines) and time of milt collection (spawning vs. post-spawning season).  相似文献   

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