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美国发现大豆锈病对我国大豆进口的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年11月美国本土发现大豆锈病,这对我国大豆市场有无影响?笔者分析了世界大豆生产形势和大豆锈病发生为害情况,综述了我国及国际上对大豆锈病发生规律及防治技术的研究进展之后,认为美国本土发现大豆锈病,对大豆贸易不会有多大影响,但在学术上有重要意义。我们应加大大豆生产和科研力度,立项研究大豆锈病持续控制技术,发展大豆生产,逐步减少对进口的依赖。  相似文献   

大豆锈病发生与无公害防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大豆锈病(Phakpsora pachyrhiziSydow)属世界性、气传、专性寄生病害,是中国南方大豆上的重要病害之一.1902年日本人Nakanishiki首次在大豆上报道其病原,从而拉开了对大豆锈病研究的序幕.在大豆锈病病原、分布、寄主、流行、抗病机理、抗性遗传与鉴定,以及综合防治等方面,取得了较大的进展.但人们对喜爱食用的大豆提出了无公害食品的要求.因此,作者通过对大豆锈病危害症状和发病规律的研究,提出合理化无公害防治.  相似文献   

黄荣华 《植物保护》1984,10(5):38-38
我县秋大豆锈病(phakopsora pachzr-hizi Sydow)自1972年开始引起重视,流行年份造成大豆严重减产,早发重病年减产4—5成,中发年减产2—3成,不但产量下降,而且豆品质也变差,因此防治锈病是提高秋大豆产量的关键。我们从1973年开始对秋大豆锈病发生的有关条件,菌源、寄主、气候三个因素进行观察,未发现高抗品种。  相似文献   

广东省新推广大豆品种病害的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用普查和定点调查以及传统的植物病害鉴定方法,在2006年6月至2010年10月对广东省新推广高产优质大豆品种的病害种类、发生危害及分布进行了调查.发现病害共有12种,其中真菌病害9种,分别是锈病、霜霉病、红冠腐病、丝核菌叶枯病、炭疽病、白绢病、白粉病、镰刀菌根腐病和煤烟病;细菌性病害、线虫病害和病毒病害各1种,分别为细菌性叶斑病、根结线虫病和花叶病.主要病害为锈病、霜霉病、红冠腐病、花叶病、丝核菌叶枯病和炭疽病等.不同季节大豆的主要病害发生情况不同.春大豆以霜霉病发生较为严重;而夏大豆则以红冠腐病、锈病、花叶病毒病和丝菌核叶枯病发生较严重.  相似文献   

大豆锈病(PhakopsorapachyrhiziSyd)属气传、专性寄生世界性病害,目前在我国广东、四川、湖北、江西、云南、安徽、江苏、福建、台湾、海南、广西、河南、陕西、浙江、贵州、山东、山西、甘肃等23个省份发生为害,且有从南向北蔓延的趋势。发病后一般损失10%~30%,部分田块达50%,早期发病甚至造成绝收。一、大豆锈病发生特点大豆锈病主要侵染叶片、叶柄、茎杆,其中以叶片为害最重。大豆整个生育期均能被感染。发病初期叶片上出现褐色小点,以后病斑逐渐扩大,呈黄褐色,红褐色,紫褐色或黑褐色小斑…  相似文献   

豆科蔬菜锈病的发生和防治措施王润初,陈俊炜,易国强(郑州市植保站,450006)豆科蔬菜的种类很多,本文主要将近年发生较重的菜豆和豇豆锈病发生和防治措施,总结如下。1发生和危害豆科蔬菜锈病是一种侵染性气传病害,年份间流行频率差异较大,近年中原地区该病...  相似文献   

据悉.美国大豆协会ASA对杀真菌剂的供给缺乏有可能难以控制大豆锈病的爆发表示担心,并呼吁致府对这个问题引起高度重视,并采取应对措施。事实上,USDA的经济研究服务已经警告说如果大豆锈病爆发,那么根据危机的严重性,这个国家的经济有可能因此而每年损失2.4亿美元到20亿美元。  相似文献   

防控大豆病害的农药登记现状及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析大豆生产和病害危害的基础上,对我国大豆生产中防控病害的农药登记现状进行了统计分析。目前我国大豆上登记的杀菌剂有效成分12个,产品64个,分别占61个总有效成分数量的19.67%,306个总产品数量的20.92%;其中福美双、多菌灵和克百威不同配比的混配产品在2002年前占登记杀菌剂产品的82%以上;登记的靶标病害包括大豆根腐病、紫斑病、孢囊线虫病、锈病和病毒病等5种,占国内已经报道的33种病害总数的15.15%。目前丁硫克百威、毒死蜱和阿维菌素等替代高毒的克百威与福美双、多菌灵混配的种衣剂产品登记发展较快;甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂嘧菌酯和三唑类杀菌剂戊唑醇、苯醚甲环唑和丙环唑先后取得登记,对防控大豆锈病等具有较好效果。建议加速具有针对性、超前性的杀菌剂新有效成分及新产品的研究开发,推进"小范围使用登记",促进我国大豆病害防控的可持续发展。  相似文献   

嘧菌酯是防治大豆锈病的重要杀菌剂,明确嘧菌酯在大豆上的残留规律是一项亟待开展的课题。本研究采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱 (UPLC-MS/MS) 技术,建立了大豆种植体系中茎、叶、籽粒及土壤中嘧菌酯的残留分析方法,定量限达0.005 mg/kg。在田间试验点基础上,明确了安徽、山东和吉林3个试验点嘧菌酯在大豆上的沉积与降解规律,发现250 g/L嘧菌酯悬浮剂在施用后主要沉积在大豆叶片中,沉积量由北向南呈逐渐降低趋势,嘧菌酯在上部茎叶中降解速率较快,地区间无明显差异;比较了不同剂量嘧菌酯与大豆锈病防效之间的关系,同时给出了残留量,得到了嘧菌酯的最低有效防控剂量为225 g/hm2。本研究成果对指导嘧菌酯在大豆生产中的科学使用以及对大豆上农药减量实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

甘蔗褐锈病是目前中国蔗区发生最普遍、危害最严重的病害之一,选育和种植抗病品种是防治该病最为经济有效的措施。为明确近年国家甘蔗体系育成的50个新品种(系)对甘蔗褐锈病的抗性,确定其应用潜力,本研究通过在甘蔗褐锈病高发蔗区云南德宏、保山2个区域化试验站,采用田间自然抗性调查与分子标记辅助鉴定抗性基因的方法,于2014年和2015年对中国近年选育的50个优良新品种(系)及2个主栽品种进行抗褐锈病基因Bru1的分子检测及自然抗性评价。田间自然发病调查结果表明,50个优良新品种(系)及2个主栽品种中,高抗至中抗的有34个,占65.38%。其中15个材料表现高抗,占28.85%,16个材料表现抗病,占30.77%,3个材料表现中抗,占5.77%;分子检测结果显示,共29个抗病材料含有抗褐锈病基因Bru1,出现频率为55.77%,表明中国近年选育的优良新品种(系)中抗褐锈病性主要由Bru1控制;其余5个抗病材料均不含抗褐锈病基因Bru1,暗示除了Bru1外,可能还有其他抗褐锈病基因存在。不同系列品种田间感病品种的频率和含抗褐锈病基因Bru1的频率不同,粤糖系列品种感病品种的频率最高达到60%,含Bru1的频率最低,只有30%,抗性最弱;云蔗系列品种感锈病品种的频率最低只有12.5%,含Bru1的频率最高,达到81.25%,抗性最好。本研究结果为深入开展甘蔗抗褐锈病育种,选育和推广优良抗病品种,有效防控甘蔗褐锈病提供了科学依据和优良抗性新品种(系)。  相似文献   

Pivonia S  Yang XB 《Phytopathology》2006,96(4):400-407
ABSTRACT Soybean rust, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, has been considered a threat to the production of the U.S. soybean, Glycine max. During the past decade, this disease gradually spread to Africa, South America, and recently to the United States. Previous soybean rust risk assessments with an assumption of availability of spores early in a season showed that weather conditions (dew and temperature) during a growing season, in general, are suitable for disease development in U.S. soybean-growing regions. Predicting the time of rust appearance in a field is critical to determining the destructive potential of rusts, including soybean rust. In this study, comparative epidemiology was used to assess likely rust incipient time in four locations within the U.S. Soybean Belt from south to north: Baton Rouge, LA; Charlotte, NC; Indianapolis, IN; and Minneapolis, MN. Temperature effects on the infection cycle of five rusts occurring in the Midwest were evaluated using a general disease model. The likely incipient times were examined with the modeling results. Among the rusts studied, early-appearing rusts had suitable conditions for development earlier in a season. However, a lag period of several weeks to more than 3 months was found from the time when conditions are suitable for a rust to develop or when hosts are available to the time when the rust was detected in fields. Length of the lag period differed among the rust species examined. If nature of long-distance dispersal is not significantly different among the rusts, implications of our study to the expected seasonal soybean rust incipience in fields lead to two possible scenarios: (i) average appearance time of soybean rust across the Soybean Belt should be somewhere between appearance times of common corn rust and southern corn rust, and (ii) with late appearance of the disease, late-planted soybean in the south has greater risk.  相似文献   

Soybean, caused by the rust fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is the most important foliar pathogen infecting soybean. Historically, the disease was important only in the Eastern Hemisphere, but since 1994 the disease has been reported in many countries in Africa and the Americas. In the U.S.A., soybean rust has been perceived as a threat to soybean production and monitoring of the disease occurs throughout the country where soybean is grown. The objectives of this study were to show conclusive evidence that soybean rust spores can be transported by non-conventional means such as clothing. The implication may affect how researchers approach monitoring this disease in research and sentinel plots.  相似文献   

Soybean is a major source of oil and proteins worldwide. The demand for soybean has increased in Africa, driven by the growing feed industry for poultry, aquaculture and home consumption in the form of processed milk, baked beans and for blending with maize and wheat flour. Soybean, in addition to being a major source of cooking oil, is also used in other industrial processes such as in the production of paints and candle wax. The demand for soybean in Africa so far outweighs the supply, hence the deficit is mainly covered through imports of soybean products such as soybean meal. The area under soybean production has increased in response to the growing demand, a trend that is expected to continue in the coming years. As the production area increases, diseases and insect pests, declining soil fertility and other abiotic factors pose a major challenge. Soybean rust disease, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, presents one of the major threats to soybean production in Africa due to its rapid spread as a result of the ease by which its spores are dispersed by the wind. Disease control by introducing resistant soybean varieties has been difficult due to the presence of different populations of the fungus that vary in pathogenicity, virulence and genetic composition. Improved understanding of the dynamics of rust ecology, epidemiology and population genetics will enhance the effectiveness of targeted interventions that, in turn, will safeguard soybean productivity.  相似文献   

Soybean rust, caused by the biotrophic fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is the most important foliar disease of soybean (Glycine max) worldwide. Deployment of resistant soybean cultivars is the best option for managing this disease. Genes conferring resistance to P. pachyrhizi have been identified, but pathotypes of the rust fungus overcoming these resistance genes have also been found. To identify novel resistance genes, soybean genotypes from both local and international sources were screened at multiple locations in Tanzania and Uganda in 2016 and 2017. The results from this screening revealed that infection types, disease severities, and sporulation levels varied among the genotypes and locations. The majority of the genotypes had tan-coloured (TAN) lesions and developed moderate sporulation, implying susceptibility, while only seven of the 71 lines had reddish-brown (RB) lesions and showed low disease severities in all of the screening environments. We identified seven genotypes that were the most resistant to rust in the most locations over the two years. These genotypes will be useful for further studies and, ultimately, for rust management, as they show broad resistance to various pathotypes of the rust fungus.  相似文献   

Although considerable information exists regarding the importance of moisture in the development of soybean rust, little is known about the influence of temperature. The purpose of our study was to determine whether temperature might be a significant limiting factor in the development of soybean rust in the southeastern United States. Soybean plants infected with Phakopsora pachyrhizi were incubated in temperature-controlled growth chambers simulating day and night diurnal temperature patterns representative of the southeastern United States during the growing season. At 3-day intervals beginning 12 days after inoculation, urediniospores were collected from each plant and counted. The highest numbers of urediniospores were produced when day temperatures peaked at 21 or 25°C and night temperatures dipped to 8 or 12°C. When day temperatures peaked at 29, 33, or 37°C for a minimum of 1 h/day, urediniospore production was reduced to 36, 19, and 0%, respectively, compared with urediniospore production at the optimum diurnal temperature conditions. Essentially, no lesions developed when the daily temperature high was 37°C or above. Temperature data obtained from the National Climatic Data Center showed that temperature highs during July and August in several southeastern states were too high for significant urediniospore production on 55 to 77% of days. The inhibition of temperature highs on soybean rust development in southeastern states not only limits disease locally but also has implications pertaining to spread of soybean rust into and development of disease in the major soybean-producing regions of the Midwestern and northern states. We concluded from our results that temperature highs common to southeastern states are a factor in the delay or absence of soybean rust in much of the United States.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Soybean rust occurs in Australia and many countries throughout Africa, Asia, and South America. The causal agents of soybean rust are two closely related fungi, Phakopsora pachyrhizi and P. meibomiae, which are differentiated based upon morphological characteristics of the telia. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region revealed greater than 99% nucleotide sequence similarity among isolates of either P. pachyrhizi or P. meibomiae, but only 80% sequence similarity between the two species. Utilizing differences within the ITS region, four sets of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers were designed specifically for P. pachyrhizi and two sets for P. meibomiae. Classical and real-time fluorescent PCR assays were developed to identify and differentiate between P. pachyrhizi and P. meibomiae. Identification of P. pachyrhizi from infected soybean leaves using the real-time PCR assay will allow for more rapid diagnoses.  相似文献   

A sequence‐based approach was used to investigate molecular genetic variations in Phakopsora pachyrhizi, an obligate biotrophic pathogen that causes Asian soybean rust. In Argentina, the samples came from uredinium‐bearing leaves taken from 11 soybean fields; in Brazil, the samples comprised urediniospores from leaves of 10 soybean genotypes that had been grown in three experimental stations during two growing seasons. PCR‐based cloning techniques were used to generate DNA sequences for two gene regions and alignments were supplemented with data from GenBank. A total of 575 sequences for the internal transcribed spacer region (18 ribotypes) and 160 partial sequences for a housekeeping gene encoding ADP‐ribosylation factor (10 haplotypes) were obtained. Ribotype accumulation curves predicted that about 20 bacterial clones would recover 5–6 ribotypes (c. 70–80% of the total molecular variation) per locality. The samples from the three experimental stations in Brazil displayed most (14 out of 16) ribotypes found worldwide; the lack of genetic structure and differentiation at a diverse geographic scale suggests that both local and distant sources provide airborne inoculum during disease establishment. Soybean genotypes with resistance genes for the Asian soybean rust did not decrease the molecular genetic variation of fungal populations.  相似文献   

Kim KS  Wang TC  Yang XB 《Phytopathology》2005,95(10):1122-1131
ABSTRACT Few biologically based models to assess the risk of soybean rust have been developed because of difficulty in estimating variables related to infection rate of the disease. A fuzzy logic system, however, can estimate apparent infection rate by combining meteorological variables and biological criteria pertinent to soybean rust severity. In this study, a fuzzy logic apparent infection rate (FLAIR) model was developed to simulate severity of soybean rust and validated using data from field experiments on two soybean cultivars, TK 5 and G 8587. The FLAIR model estimated daily apparent infection rate of soybean rust and simulated disease severity based on population dynamics. In weekly simulation, the FLAIR model explained >85% of variation in disease severity. In simulation of an entire epidemic period, the FLAIR model was able to predict disease severity accurately once initial values of disease severity were predicted accurately. Our results suggest that a model could be developed to determine apparent infection rate and an initial value of disease severity in advance using forecasted weather data, which would provide accurate prediction of severity of soybean rust before the start of a season.  相似文献   

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