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食物诱剂诱杀成虫是目前防治柑橘大实蝇的最主要措施,但是效果受施药期间的天气制约,周边山林多的橘园防治效果不稳定,5月下旬加挂诱蝇球,能够弥补其不足,提高防治效果。示范区加挂诱蝇球后,大实蝇虫果率显著下降,基本上达到防治标准。  相似文献   

在田间测定了点喷和瓶诱两种施药方式下柑橘大实蝇4种常用食物诱剂的诱杀能力与诱杀持续期,结果表明,果瑞特、桔丰和糖醋液对柑橘大实蝇成虫均有较强的诱杀活性,其点喷施药的诱杀持效期为5-8d,并以6月中旬施药时的持效期最长,但挂瓶施药的持效期与施药时期相关,前(6月上旬)、中(6月中旬)、后期(6月下旬)施药的持效期逐渐缩短。建议在进行柑橘大实蝇成虫诱杀时,前期以挂瓶诱杀为主,中后期以点喷诱杀为主。  相似文献   

通过羽化监测取得大实蝇Bactrocera minax(Enderlein)成虫雌雄性比数据,采用诱蝇球诱集方式,监测弃管园田间成虫数量和性比变化情况,对各时段诱集的雌性成虫进行卵巢解剖分级,发现诱蝇球对雌性成虫的诱集能力略高于雄虫;田间成虫盛期雌性成虫卵巢发育加快,普遍具备产卵能力,田间成虫盛期与产卵为害盛期同步。大实蝇防治实践中,根据成虫发生时间确定诱蝇球的使用时间,不必考虑性别影响。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇是危害我国柑橘产业发展的重大害虫之一。传统物理防控、化学防控和理化诱控方法难以清除虫源,易增强实蝇抗药性,诱杀效果不强,而诱蝇球作为一款新型理化诱控产品,能有效克服常规防控方法的不足。本文综述了诱蝇球的起源,并从诱蝇球的制作材料、球体直径、球体颜色和诱杀策略等方面分析了其诱杀效果的改良。与其它防控方法相比,改良后的诱蝇球成本低,操作简单,绿色环保,效果直观,在柑橘病虫害监测和防治中取得了良好成效,对促进我国柑橘产业健康可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇是柑橘产区的重大虫害,在宜昌成虫羽化初见日一般在5月10日左右,羽化始盛期距初见日7—9天,持续时间6—8天,高峰日距初见日9—10天,羽化历期25天左右。通过诱蝇球诱粘,田间诱粘始盛期距羽化初见日约18天—20天,距羽化始盛期14天左右,诱粘盛期在正常药剂诱杀情况下持续接近20天左右,以6月上中旬为最集中时期,但靠近山林橘园6月下旬仍可处于盛期。挂球加糖酸液诱杀可能将为害率控制在较低水平。  相似文献   

本文介绍了柑桔大实蝇防治的一种新技术。该技术的关键是,在成虫羽化期于桔园及其周围杂草上喷施诱杀剂,诱杀刚羽化出土的成虫,使用药剂为自配糖醋敌百虫诱杀剂,防治效果达99.81%,新技术的防治效果显著优于常规防治技术树冠诱杀所采用的点喷和挂瓶方式的防治效果,常规树冠诱杀使用药剂分别为:果瑞特、猎蝇、诱粘,防治效果分别为61.67%、59.53%、57.47%。  相似文献   

采用黄色粘虫板对梨园内柑橘小实蝇成虫的诱杀效果进行了研究,结果表明:好粘对柑橘小实蝇的诱杀效果最好,试验期间7d内虫量达52.7头/板,雌虫比例为1.5%;其次为附有甲基丁香酚、甲基丁香酚 乙酸乙酯 乙醇的纽康牌黄板,7d内诱虫量分别为25.7头/板和24.6头/板;附有异丁香酚的黄板和单一黄板效果最差。另外,附有诱蝇酮的黄板对南瓜实蝇的效果较好。  相似文献   

测试了不同诱剂配方对柑橘小实蝇成虫的诱杀效果,试验结果表明,引诱效果最好的是甲基丁香酚 水解蛋白 红糖 敌百虫,7d内对柑橘小实蝇的引诱数量为:15.3333?6.514头/瓶,雌虫率占总虫量的18.9 %;其次为乙酸乙酯 甲基丁香酚,7d内引诱数量为:11.9667?7.4597头/瓶;另外,添加一定量的红糖、乙酸乙酯可显著提高引诱率,猎蝇、异丁香酚诱瓶诱杀效果不理想。  相似文献   

摘 要:柑橘大实蝇是我国柑橘产区主要虫害之一,使柑橘生产损失巨大。由于其卵、幼虫、蛹具有隐蔽为害的特点,成虫期的诱杀防控成为该虫预测预报和防治的重要手段之一,应用广泛。本文从诱杀剂筛选(食物引诱剂、信息素引诱剂和杀虫剂)和诱杀方式(诱器法和点喷法)两个方面综述了国内外最新研究成果,旨在为柑橘大实蝇诱杀剂筛选、诱杀方式改进以及成虫预测预报和防治方面提供理论参考。  相似文献   

摘要:为巩固发展云阳优质柑桔支柱产业,探索诱杀柑桔大实蝇成虫的环保药剂,结果表明,参试的6种药剂防效均达80%以上,绿色防控药剂0.1%阿维菌素果瑞特果实蝇诱杀剂、0.1%阿维菌素糖酒醋液防效分别达98.7%、97.68%,优于敌百虫、乙基多杀菌素、毒死蜱和阿维菌素;食物诱杀药剂防治柑桔大实蝇成虫,应在果园监测到成虫开始取食或羽化出土始期给药,并持续于整个羽化、取食、产卵期,喷洒颗粒液体诱杀效果显著。  相似文献   

摘要:对黔南州都匀市柑桔园实蝇系统监测表明:柑桔园实蝇优势种群为柑桔大实蝇和柑桔小实蝇,柑桔大实蝇成虫发生量占实蝇总发生量68.41%,发生时段为5月中旬至9月上旬,发生动态呈单峰型,最高峰值出现在6月7日;柑桔小实蝇成虫发生量占实蝇总发生量28.79%,发生时段为5月中旬至10月下旬,发生动态呈双峰型,第一个高峰值出现在9月2日,第二个高峰值出现在9月23日。  相似文献   

通过研究不同天气条件、不同时段果蝇的活动规律,为果蝇成虫诱杀技术的研发与应用提供理论依据。以果蝇为研究对象,设置不同处理,在现场研究果蝇在晴天、阴天、雨天及一天内不同时段的活动规律。在供试的6种成熟水果中,香蕉、蓝莓对果蝇的引诱效果显著高于其他4种水果(P<0.01),绿如蓝牌果蝇引诱剂的引诱效果显著高于香蕉(P<0.01)。在晴天,果蝇的活动更为频繁(P<0.05),晴天诱捕到的雄果蝇数量明显高于阴天和雨天(P<0.01)。诱捕到的果蝇种类主要是黑腹果蝇、斑翅果蝇、伊米果蝇、海德氏果蝇、筋果蝇等。一天内不同时间段果蝇的活动明显不同,8:00~10:00和16:00~18:00是其活动的两个高峰期。天气条件对果蝇活动有很大影响,一天内果蝇活动存在两个高峰期,分别是8:00~10:00和16:00~18:00,利用绿如蓝牌引诱剂可对果蝇成虫进行有效诱杀。  相似文献   

为摸清修文县猕猴桃园实蝇种类及种群发生动态,为实蝇的监测和防控提供科学指导。2016-2018年,在修文县主要猕猴桃园,采用Steiner诱捕器、 Mcphail诱捕器内添加实蝇诱剂、蛋白诱饵诱剂对实蝇种类和数量进行系统调查与监测,并对监测数据进行分析。研究结果表明,修文县猕猴桃园实蝇发生种类为桔小实蝇、南瓜实蝇、具条实蝇。桔小实蝇成虫种群发生数量从7月开始上升,高峰期集中在8月中旬至10月。南瓜实蝇成虫种群发生数量从8月下旬开始上升,高峰期集中在10月中旬至11月。具条实蝇成虫种群发生数量从7月中旬开始上升,高峰期集中在8月至11月上旬。桔小实蝇为修文县猕猴桃园实蝇优势种,南瓜实蝇、具条实蝇为常见种。目前危害猕猴桃果实的实蝇种类为桔小实蝇,其成虫种群发生高峰期集中在8月中旬至10月,在实际生产中,应密切关注其种群发生动态,并根据危害情况及时采取有效的防控措施。实蝇种群变动受寄主植物、气象因子等因素影响。  相似文献   

Dogs are the primary domestic reservoir of Leishmania infantum, the parasite responsible for most cases of human visceral leishmaniasis. A strategy for the control of leishmaniasis would be to inhibit the sand fly bite. A study was designed to measure the prevention of the sand fly attack by spraying a combination of permethrin and pyriproxyfen on dogs artificially exposed to the vector of leishmaniasis. Eight dogs were individually challenged with 100 female sand flies for 1 hour on Days -7, 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28. Four dogs were randomly assigned to a control group and four dogs were treated with topically applied permethrin/pyriproxyfen on Day 0. After each exposure, sand flies were collected, counted, and scored as fed or unfed. Efficacy of the combination for prevention of feeding was based on the number of unfed sand flies (dead or alive). The combination of permethrin/pyriproxyfen demonstrated a significant (P <.05) repellent effect against Phlebotomus perniciosus bites as soon as it was sprayed on the dogs, and its repellent efficacy lasted at least for 28 days. The combination product provided significant (P <.05) knockdown activity against challenge with sand flies for 21 days in adult dogs and 14 days in puppies. These findings indicate that adult animals in endemic areas should be sprayed with the permethrin/pyriproxyfen product at 3- to 4-week intervals, and young dogs should be sprayed at approximately 2-week intervals, to prevent sand fly attack.  相似文献   

A total of 20 375 flies collected off cattle on 12 farms over 36 months were identified and examined for 3rd stage P. bovicola. The 3 vector species accounted for 64.1% of the flies collected and were the only fly species found to be infected. Musca lusoria was clearly the dominant vector fly, although large numbers of Musca sp. A appeared regularly between February and April each year. This phenomenon, coupled with high numbers of M. lusoria throughout most of the year, led to an increase in the numbers of vector flies from their lowest level in June to a peak in February-April. Of the 13 070 vector flies examined for 3rd stage larvae only 64 (0.52%) were positive; of these 41 were M. lusoria and 17 Musca sp. A. No positive male flies were found. Incubation of wild-caught flies for up to 13 days at 27 degrees C noticeably increased the larval recovery rate. Flies were found to be infected mainly from August-March. Infected M. lusoria were recorded from July-March and infected Musca sp. A from January-May. Only 6 infected M. xanthomelas were collected and this was during the period August-December, when most ovipositional blood spots occur on cattle. It is concluded that P. bovicola transmission in the Bushveld is not correlated with peak periods of bleeding but rather with high numbers of vector flies, the various species augmenting each other so that transmission may take place almost throughout the year.  相似文献   

Experiments reported here were directed at 2 questions: (1) Can the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) transmit enzootic bovine leukosis? (2) Could early viremia augment the probability of transmission by this insect? In one vector experiment, calves and bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-infected cows were housed with and without stable flies. The calves were monitored serologically during a 3-month postexposure period, using the agar gel immunodiffusion test. All fly-infested and fly-free calves remained BLV-seronegative. For a second vector experiment, donor calves, newly injected with blood from BLV-infected cows with high virus expression, were tethered alternately between uninoculated, weaned BLV-seronegative calves. These groups were housed with or without flies in 2 replicate trials. The inoculated calves from the first replicate seroconverted at 16 and 23 days after inoculation; the inoculated calves from the second replicate seroconverted at 11, 16, 16, and 37 days after inoculation. All uninoculated calves remained BLV-seronegative. In a manual transmission experiment, 50 unfed stable flies were allowed to complete a meal on each of 3 BLV-seronegative calves after feeding on a BLV-seropositive cow with high (42%) virus expression. One control calf was injected with blood from the cow. Seroconversion occurred in the control calf and 1 calf on which flies were given access. A scanning electron microscopic study was made of the everted and closed mouth parts of the stable fly. Given the lymphocyte count in blood from the cow used in the manual vector transmission experiment, it was calculated that 3,950 mouth part volumes would be necessary to transmit BLV.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Biting flies were collected from the umbilical areas of Onchocerca lienalis-infected cattle in New York (state) from June through September of 1980. Of the 766 flies collected, 705 were Simulium jenningsi. Microfilariae were detected in the midguts of 37 (50%) of 73 females dissected immediately after the flies had fed. The mean number of larvae per positive fly (fly with microfilariae) was 15.2. Third-stage larvae were recovered from 25 (21.9%) of 114 S jenningsi dissected 8 to 13 days after they had fed on the infected cattle; the mean number of 3rd-stage larvae per positive fly was 3.5. Dissections of flies performed on days 1 through 7 after feeding yielded various numbers of 1st and 2nd-stage larvae from the thoracic muscles. Ovarian dissections performed on 304 S jenningsi attacking cattle indicated an overall parous rate of 58%. Naturally occurring infections with filarial larvae indistinguishable from O lienalis were found in 7.3% of the parous females. Three of these flies, or 1.7% of the parous collection, harbored 3rd-stage larvae. The onset of naturally occurring filarial infections in the population of S jenningsi coincided with a peak in the parous rate in late June. Thereafter, filarial infections were generally detected when the parous rate was above 50%.  相似文献   

In 1998, three groups of cattle at three locations in Lousiana were treated with Dectomax® (0.5% doramectin) Pour-On and horn fly populations were monitored. Acceptable levels (less than 50 flies per side) of horn fly control were observed from 4 to 8 weeks. Differences in the length of control among the three sites were most likely affected by immigration of adult flies from untreated groups. In 1999, acceptable horn fly control was obtained for 13 weeks by the use of two treatments of doramectin Pour-On.  相似文献   

The performance of newly developed trapping systems for the Old World screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana has been determined in field trials on cattle farms in Malaysia. The efficacy of non-sticky traps and new attractants to trap C. bezziana and non-target flies was compared with the standard sticky trap and Swormlure. The optimal trap was a modified LuciTrap(?) with a new attractant mixture, Bezzilure-2. The LuciTrap/Bezzilure-2 caught on average 3.1 times more C. bezziana than the sticky trap with Swormlure (P<0.05) and provided selectivity for C. bezziana against Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya rufifacies with factors of 5.9 and 6.4, respectively. The LuciTrap also discriminates with factors of 90 and 3.6 against Hemipyrellia sp. and sarcophagid flesh flies respectively, compared to the sticky trap. The LuciTrap/Bezzilure-2 system is recommended for screwworm fly surveillance as it is more attractive and selective towards C. bezziana and provides flies of better quality for identification than the sticky trap.  相似文献   

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