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电子耳标一方面可满足农业部对个体动物的唯一标识和疫病追溯要求;另一方面可携带个体动物从出生到屠宰整个生命周期所有关键信息,满足农场信息化管理需求,实现精细化饲养的目的,对其进行空中接口参数测试可确保其与识读器正常通讯。通过实验室间比对,可对空中接口参数测试比对结果进行统计分析,发现实验室存在的问题,进一步提高检测水平。2021年,中国兽医药品监察所组织三家机构共同开展了电子耳标空中接口参数测试的实验室间比对工作,并依据Z比分数统计法对检测结果进行了分析,分析结果显示:59组数据为满意;1组数据为有问题;0组数据为不满意,总体上看测试结果一致性较好。  相似文献   

电子耳标的低频一致性测试是在测试步骤、测试装置、测试环境的限定下,对协议符合性进行的测试。本文选定改进的激励/响应测试模式,硬件层选取合适的模块化硬件,软件层包括RFID协议仿真软件及RFID协议一致性测试软件。根据电感耦合原理计算线圈电感,进而设计天线相关参数。最终完成低频电子耳标协议一致性测试系统的搭建,测试过程符合ISO24631.1的要求。  相似文献   

肉牛身份识别是牛肉食品安全保障体系的重要环节和关键技术。在肉牛生产全程质量安全追溯中用于记录肉牛身份信息的耳标载体主要有二维条码耳标和无线射频识别(RFID),电子耳标。本试验以实际饲养状态下的肉牛为试验动物,比较基于二维条码与RFID技术的耳标信息识读效果。结果表明:在肉牛实际饲养条件下,二维条码耳标读取信息的速度会受到来自牛只活动状态、污物、图像磨损、字迹模糊、光线和识读角度等因素的限制。RFID电子耳标具有支持信息自由采集、读取速度受外界条件干扰小、协助饲养过程管理、使用寿命长等优点。由此可得出,RFID耳标更适合于肉牛生产全程质量安全的追溯管理。  相似文献   

基于RFID技术的电子耳标追溯体系可进行动物出生后、屠宰前的精准定位,实现畜产品的可追溯性管理。超高频电子耳标测试系统具有较远的读取距离及较高的传输速率,广泛应用于畜产品的可追溯性领域。该类标签的存储地址依据空中接口协议标准ISO18000-63定义,测试项目依据18047-6测试方法进行。对测试项目的测试方法和判定依据进行了详细介绍,并对链接时间T1进行10次测试,计算其测量不确定度,测量结果显示符合标准要求。  相似文献   

在江苏省农科院六合养殖基地内,每头猪耳朵上都带有新型电子耳标,这些耳标内有RFID芯片,类似于居民二代身份证。电子芯片可记录猪个体的关键信息,包括出生时间、饲养情况、出栏时间等,就像一个小小的生产资料库。利用新型耳标可以实现将管理对象编号,实行数字化管理,方便生产管理,还保证上市肉品质量安全信息追溯。目前江苏省阜宁等地已广泛采用生猪耳标,取得较好养殖成效。  相似文献   

<正>青海牦牛藏羊将戴上电子耳标近日,青海省动物疫病预防控制中心与青海省7家中标企业签订了青海牦牛藏羊原产地追溯二维码电子耳标采购合同,标志着青海省牦牛藏羊原产地可追溯工程试点建设工作迈出了坚实的一步。据了解,青海省动物疫病预防控制中心优化设计的二维码电子耳标,按照动物免疫耳标的编码规则赋码,能被二维  相似文献   

<正>农业部已印发了《动物电子耳标试点方案》的通知,要求在包括天津武清县、新疆建设兵团在内的四地开展动物电子耳标试点,总规模约4万头,主要采用RFID(射频识别)技术。农业部将根据试点情况提出下一  相似文献   

当犊牛出生以后为了识别牛场内的奶牛,常利用不同的标记方法给牛标记,主要方法有耳标标记法、耳缺标记法、角部烙印标记法、刺墨标记法、颈环标记法、电子耳标标记法、冷冻标记法等,经常使用的标记方法为塑料耳标标记法.  相似文献   

王凯  吴丹  蔡更元 《猪业科学》2019,36(7):88-91
生猪追溯管理体系对于国内目前的集约化养殖和智能化管理来说是必不可少的重要环节。生猪追溯管理体系涵盖多方面,其中电子耳标识别系统扮演了极其关键的角色,文章总结了电子耳标识别系统(RFID)在不同领域及不同国家在养猪业上的应用情况,可对养猪企业以后如何加强生猪产业追溯管理提供参考。  相似文献   

在规模化奶牛场饲养管理中,佩戴耳标有着至关重要的作用,关系到奶牛场的防疫、育种、治疗、牛群的生产性能测定、检疫出证、动物标识及动物产品追溯等重要环节.1外挂式耳标与电子耳标第区别一般牛场用的是外挂式耳标,这种耳标会随着时间的延长出现耳标脱落、标示模糊等现象,进而造成疫苗漏打、配种混乱、奶牛产期无法确定等,致使奶牛养殖过程中相关资料缺失、养殖档案建立不完整.  相似文献   

射频识别技术在牲畜电子耳标检测上的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牲畜电子耳标是射频识别技术在动物身份识别上的典型运用,在我国一些省份进行了试点佩戴合和推行。本文简述射频识别的原理,将超高频电子耳标引用的国际标准ISO/IEC18000-6C和国家标准GB/T29768进行对比,对其中频率范围、编码方式等8个技术指标进行说明,对检测中的频点选择、链接时间T1的计算和识读距离等项目进行解释。以期对超高频电子耳标的检测发挥指导作用。  相似文献   

为获得青贮玉米植株机械化收获时切碎揉搓过程的剪切力学特性,以云南地区广泛种植的路单20号、曲辰9号和红单10号青贮玉米植株为试验对象,使用万能试验机进行植株的径向剪切试验。通过试验测得青贮玉米秸秆剪切破坏力为680.38~1 613.75 N,抗剪强度为1.04~2.78 MPa;青贮玉米果穗剪切破坏力为585.91~938.47 N,抗剪强度为0.29~1.10 MPa。结果表明,在相同的加载速度下,秸秆的径向剪切破坏力和抗剪强度都随着取样高度的增加而减小。果穗的径向剪切破坏力和抗剪强度都随着果穗根部位置的增加而减小。在剪切部位相同时,秸秆和果穗的径向剪切破坏力及抗剪强度都随加载速度的增加而减小。  相似文献   

为研究苦参苍术口服液的抗炎、止泻作用,观察了不同剂量苦参苍术口服液对二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀及蓖麻油致小鼠腹泻的影响。结果显示,苦参苍术口服液能抑制二甲苯导致的小鼠耳肿胀,减轻蓖麻油造成的小鼠腹泻,并呈剂量依赖关系(P〈0.05),提示其具有明显的抗炎和止泻作用。该试验可为参苍术口服液的进一步研究与临床应用提供参考。  相似文献   

A cost model was developed to compare different implementation strategies of the new European Commission regulation for sheep and goat identification and registration (EC 21/2004) in Spain. Strategies were as follows: 1) conventional identification (CID) by two ear tags; 2) electronic identification (EID) by one bolus and one ear tag; and 3) mixed CID and EID strategy (MID), consisting of CID for fattening stock and EID for breeding stock. Complete and simplified implementations of the regulation were considered as options. Total costs per animal identified for all strategies and options varied according to the implementation option, ranging from Euros 2.48 and 4.64. The EID was the most expensive strategy (Euros 4.47 to 4.64) for all implementation options. Cost of CID and MID strategies ranged from Euros 2.63 to 2.98 and from Euros 2.48 to 3.03, respectively. The model was submitted to a sensitivity analysis without considering extra benefits of sheep and goat identification. Critical values for which the cost of MID equaled CID depended on strategy and option, and ranged from 7.5 to 11.5% for ear tag losses and from Euros 1.80 to 3.30 for bolus price. In conclusion, the use of a mixed strategy combining conventional ear tags (animals intended for slaughter) and electronic boluses (breeding stock) seems to be an affordable strategy that fulfills the European Commission regulation requirements for the identification of sheep and goats in Spain. Price reductions for devices and equipment would make the full electronic identification strategy less expensive in the future.  相似文献   

Research aimed at optimising diagnostic laboratory procedures is central to the development of effective bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) control programmes. BVDV is a single-stranded RNA virus that crosses the placenta to infect foetuses, resulting in reproductive losses due to foetal death or persistently infected calves that die early in life. Persistently infected animals are widely accepted to be the primary reservoir of BVDV and the largest source of infection. This poses important challenges to overall animal/herd health and can cause major losses to the cattle industry. Long-term storage of bovine ear notch samples from calves persistently infected with BVDV may adversely affect the ability of diagnostic assays to detect the virus efficiently. In order to test this hypothesis, ear notch samples from 7 animals were divided into 2 groups. One set was subjected to prompt formalin fixation and the other set stored either as fresh samples without preservatives at -2 degrees C, or soaked overnight in phosphate buffered saline followed by freezing of the supernatant fluid at -2 degrees C. Frozen ear notches and ear notch supernatant yielded positive results with an antigen-capture, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (AC-ELISA) for the duration of the study (6 months) and optical density (OD) values remained significantly within range. There was no significant difference between storing fresh ear notch samples or PBS at -2 degrees C. However, positive immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining on formalin fixed ear notches started to fade between Day 17 and Day 29 when stored at room temperature. It was concluded that fresh ear notches could safely be stored at -2 degrees C for a period of 6 months prior to testing for BVD viral antigens.  相似文献   

A total of 1,822 pigs from 2 farms (farm A, n = 1,032; farm B, n = 790) were used to evaluate pig traceability under on-farm conditions by using identification devices (n = 4,434) of different technologies. The devices were visual ear tags (n = 1,533; Model 1, n = 776; Model 2, n = 757), electronic ear tags (n = 1,446; half-duplex, n = 702; full-duplex, n = 744), and intraperitoneally injected transponders (n = 1,455; half-duplex, n = 732; full-duplex, n = 723). A group of 790 pigs wore 3 types of devices, and 1,032 wore 2 devices. Piglets were identified before (wk 1 to 3 of age; farm A) or after (wk 3 to 4 of age; farm B) weaning and intensively fattened until approximately 100 kg of BW. Readability of devices was checked at each farm operation by using standardized handheld transceivers. No negative effects of the identification devices on animal health (mortality rate, 8.4%) or performance were detected. On-farm losses averaged 1.6% for ear tags (visual, 0.8%; half-duplex, 1.9%; full-duplex, 2.7%; P > 0.05) and 1.8% for intraperitoneally injected transponders (half-duplex, 1.7%; full-duplex, 1.9%; P > 0.05). Moreover, 1.4% electronic failures occurred in the electronic ear tags (half-duplex, 2.2%; full-duplex, 0.6%; P < 0.05) but not in the intraperitoneally injected transponders. Final on-farm readability was greater (P < 0.05) for visual ear tags (99.2%) than for electronic ear tags (half-duplex, 95.9%; full-duplex, 96.7%; P > 0.05). Readability for intraperitoneally injected transponders was intermediate (half-duplex, 98.3%; full-duplex, 98.1%; P > 0.05). Electronic devices were in all cases easier and faster to read than the visual ear tags. Visual ear tags and intraperitoneally injected transponders were efficiently retained under conditions of commercial pig farms, which agrees with the minimum values recommended by the International Committee for Animal Recording (> 98%). When readability and reading ease were also included as decision criteria, injectable transponders were preferred.  相似文献   

为全面评价耳标结合力测量指标,分析耳标在结合力检测中的不确定度来源,对单次测量引起的不确定度分量进行不确定度评定,根据方差合成定理,合成标准不确定度,并计算扩展不确定度,给出结合力测量不确定度报告,完善耳标结合力单次测量结果的评定,为标准修订提供有效的参考值。  相似文献   

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