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西伯利亚蝗(Gomphocerus sibiricus)是新疆亚高山草原和林间草地的危害种之一,给新疆的经济、社会和生态造成了严重的影响。为摸清西伯利亚蝗卵的发育特征及胚胎发育规律,本研究采用体式显微镜观察室内孵化西伯利亚蝗卵的不同发育时期胚胎的形态结构并进行阶段划分,结果发现:在30℃恒温培养下,西伯利亚蝗的胚胎发育共分为12个时期:Ⅰ-Ⅶ期(滞育前发育),发育时间约为20d,Ⅷ期(滞育期),滞育时间约为193d,Ⅸ-Ⅻ期(滞育后发育),发育时间约为6d。同时,跟踪调查自然条件下野外越冬卵的胚胎发育情况,并通过电子温度记录器实时监测蝗卵周围环境的5cm土层地温。结果发现,自然条件下,越冬卵的胚胎发育可分为3个主要阶段:7-9月末为胚胎早期发育时期(对应胚胎发育Ⅰ-Ⅶ期);9月末-10月上旬蝗卵逐渐进入滞育阶段,胚胎发育停滞,直至翌年2月(对应胚胎发育第Ⅷ期),此时月平均温度最低,滞育时间约为166d;冬季结束后,3月上旬-4月,蝗卵滞育解除,胚胎恢复发育。3月胚胎发生旋转(对应胚胎发育Ⅸ期),4月胚胎发育基本完成(对应胚胎发育第Ⅹ-Ⅻ期)。此外,运用扫描电镜观察自然条件下蝗卵卵壳上气孔的超微结构,发现气孔围壁随着越冬时间的推进呈逐渐降低的趋势,胚胎滞育解除后围壁又恢复为原有状态。以上结果表明:西伯利亚蝗以卵滞育越冬,且自然条件下,同一时间内蝗卵个体间的胚胎发育并不完全处于同一发育阶段;恒温条件下蝗卵的滞育持续时间较自然条件下长;发育过程中气孔围壁相应发生一定程度的变化。  相似文献   

家蚕性连锁平衡致死系雌性胚胎的组织形态学初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了调查家蚕性连锁平衡致死系中Z染色体携带致死基因l2的雌性胚子(简称l2胚子)致死的时间和原因,收集家蚕性连锁平衡致死系品种平2不同胚胎发育时期的雌性黑卵,解剖获取胚胎后用光学显微镜对不同发育时期的l2胚子进行组织形态学观察。形态观察可见l2胚子在胚胎发育早期和能正常发育的雌性胚子没有区别,但l2胚子发育至晚期的己2期,约有一半胚子的体表未能正常着色,因此推断那些仍没有正常着色的胚子即为致死的l2胚子。通过胚胎的半薄切片观察发现,己2期l2胚子的组织器官结构完整,与正常发育的雌性胚子之间无明显的差异。观察结果提示:l2胚子死亡可能不是由于胚胎组织结构异常造成的,有可能是在己2期胚子停滞发育致死。  相似文献   

为了观察不同浓度的表皮生长因子对无透明带小鼠胚胎体外发育的影响,试验将小鼠原核期胚胎用链霉蛋白酶去除透明带后,分别置于含有不同浓度的表皮生长因子无血清胚胎体外培养液中培养,观察各期胚胎的发育情况.结果表明:除0.01 ng/mL表皮生长因子添加组胚胎的2细胞发育率和囊胚回收率与添加0.1 ng/mL表皮生长因子处理组差异不显著外(P>0.05),其体外胚胎各期的发育率、囊胚回收率和囊胚细胞数与其他处理组比较均差异显著(P<0.05).说明一定浓度的表皮生长因子可以提高无透明带小鼠胚胎体外培养各期的发育率,但是高浓度的表皮生长因子对无透明带小鼠胚胎的体外发育有一定的抑制作用.  相似文献   

影响小鼠早期胚胎发育的几个重要因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以Whiten氏液为基本培养液,研究了卵丘细胞、谷氨酰胺及不同浓度的葡萄糖对HCG注射后17~18h、25~27h和36~38h昆明小鼠胚胎体外发育的影响。结果表明,不论葡萄糖或谷氨酰胺存在与否,卵丘细胞与受精卵的共同培养对胚胎克服体外发育阻断无明显效果。葡萄糖能抑制1-细胞胚胎发育,促进4-细胞以后的胚胎发育。谷氨酰胺是小鼠早期胚胎发育的良好能源物质,可使96%(308/321)的体外发育到2-细胞的胚胎克服阻断而继续发育到4-细胞。谷氨酰胺与葡萄糖联合使用,则可使小鼠受精卵的囊胚发育率达57.5%(229/398)。HCG注射后36~38h的小鼠胚胎能利用葡萄糖。  相似文献   

为了系统观察云南盘鮈(Discogobio yunnanensis)胚胎发育过程和各时期特征,试验采用干法人工授精获得受精卵,然后用显微镜进行观察。结果表明:云南盘鮈成熟卵为球形,黄色,沉黏性,卵径为(2.76±0.16)mm,卵膜遇水膨胀后卵膜径为(4.62±0.36)mm。在水温(18.2±0.5)℃条件下孵化,受精后2小时30分钟胚盘鮈隆起,3小时20分钟进入卵裂期,9小时15分钟进入囊胚期,22小时57分钟进入原肠胚期,40小时7分钟进入神经胚期,45小时42分钟进入器官形成期。受精后96小时开始出膜;受精后131小时30分钟,当积温达到2 535.82℃·h时,50%仔鱼出膜;受精后164小时仔鱼全部出膜。初孵仔鱼平均全长为(10.06±0.26)mm。  相似文献   

本研究是试验一种牛胚胎核移植的方法,并观察去核的胚胎移植不同龄胚胎的细胞核后的发育情况。先将原核胚胎离心处理,以显示原核,再用非穿透法取出原核,用电击法将其融合到去核的合子中。在Zimmernan细胞融合液中,以100伏电压脉冲20~40微秒,融合膜与电极平行时融合率最高(79%)。用原核胚胎观察了核移植对胚胎发育的影响。将这些胚胎的原核取出再注回,然后保存在绵羊输卵管里5天。结果,从输卵管回收到的完好的核移植胚胎中,5/29(17%)发育到桑葚期或囊胚期,而未作核移植处理的胚胎为11/30(37%)。将2个核移植胚胎移植给母牛,结果都发育成正常犊牛。而移植2-、4-或8-细胞期胚胎细胞核的去原核胚胎中,没有观察到发育现象。  相似文献   

中国林蛙胚胎发育的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文对中国林蛙胚胎发育时期的划分、胚胎期的性腺发育和性别分化、环境温度对胚胎发育的影响等研究进行了综述.根据胚胎的外部形态特征和生理特性,中国林蛙早期胚胎发育划分为25个时期.中国林蛙胚胎发育到31期时生殖腺开始性别分化.在15~30 ℃之间,温度越高,雄性比例越大.适量的雌激素可以提高中国林蛙的雌性比例.在7~22 ℃的温度范围内中国林蛙胚胎均能正常发育,温度越高,发育越快,发育历期越短.这些研究结果为中国林蛙的保护及养殖提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

为研究母、父源基因以及合子基因在动物胚胎早期发育中发挥功能的重要时间节点,本实验利用转增强型荧光蛋白(EGFP)基因小鼠(♀/♂),分别与野生型小鼠进行交配,收集受精后的胚胎于倒置荧光显微镜下观察,寻找EGFP基因在不同胚胎发育阶段时间节点表达的特征,作为直观判断母源基因向合子基因的转换时间起始点的生物标志。结果发现:从EGFP转基因母鼠获得的5枚卵母细胞/原核胚中表达了EGFP基因,在荧光显微镜下表现出绿色荧光;而从野生型母鼠获得的20枚胚胎到2-细胞(2-cell)期后开始表现出绿色荧光,随着胚胎的发育,出现荧光的胚胎数量逐渐增多,达到5枚。综上,EGFP基因可以作为小鼠胚胎发育过程中合子基因的标志物,小鼠胚胎发育过程中母源基因向合子基因转换的时机在胚胎发育的2-cell期。  相似文献   

家蚕的半活化胚现象初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
滞育是家蚕的生理现象 ,家蚕滞育卵的活化处理是养蚕生产上重要的技术操作。研究了家蚕盐酸处理卵、复式冷藏卵和长期保存卵的胚胎活化过程 ,认为家蚕胚胎除滞育态和活化态以外 ,还存在半活化状态。半活化胚胎的形态与萌动期 (乙 1)至反转期 (己 1)的活化胚相似 ,但胚胎整体发育不平衡 ,后部发育慢于前部 ,在 2 5℃、RH 75 %~ 85 %催青环境中的发育速度明显慢于活化胚 ,而越接近反转期发育速度越接近活化胚。同一群体内出现的半活化胚胎之间发育比较整齐 ,而不同群体的半活化胚胎之间发育有一定差异。活化刺激量越大 ,出现的半活化胚胎发育越快。探讨了半活化胚胎产生的机理以及对蚕种生产的影响  相似文献   

试验旨在探究腺病毒感染水牛颗粒细胞和胚胎的最佳条件,以提高转基因水牛胚胎的生产效率。以水牛颗粒细胞和体外发育的胚胎为研究对象,分别用0、1×10~0、1×10-1、1×10-2、1×10-3、1×10-4、1×10-5 GFU/mL腺病毒感染水牛颗粒细胞,获得最佳感染浓度后,在最佳浓度条件下分别感染24、48、72、96 h,摸索最佳感染时间,用倒置荧光显微镜观察试验结果。利用腺病毒感染水牛颗粒细胞的最佳浓度和时间分别感染2细胞和4细胞期胚胎,对胚胎的最佳感染条件进行摸索,分析胚胎分裂率、囊胚率和转染囊胚率。结果显示,1×10-2 GFU/mL浓度和48 h感染时间可获得水牛颗粒细胞的最佳腺病毒感染效率。腺病毒感染2细胞和4细胞期无透明带和非完整透明带胚胎后胚胎发绿光,而感染完整透明带胚胎后不发光,2细胞期胚胎感染后停止发育,4细胞期开始感染的非完整透明带胚胎可继续发育至囊胚。于4细胞期分别感染完整透明带组、非完整透明带组和无透明带组水牛胚胎,结果显示,非完整透明带转染组在囊胚率和囊胚转染效率上均优于其他组。综上,非完整透明带,1×10-2 GFU/mL和48 h为感染浓度和时间,4细胞期为感染起始期的腺病毒介导的水牛转基因胚胎生产方法能够实现目标基因在水牛胚胎中的高效表达,从而达到提高转基因水牛胚胎生产效率的目的。  相似文献   

采用田间调查及室内饲养观察相结合的方法,研究了黑绒金龟甲(Serica orientalis)在兰州市的生活史、降水量对其田间消长动态的影响以及室内温度对其生长发育、卵孵化的影响。结果表明:25℃条件下,黑绒金龟甲的卵期6~9 d,幼虫3龄,幼虫期为53~86 d,蛹期9~16 d,成虫期长达9个多月,即280 d;黑绒金龟甲在兰州一年发生1代,4月下旬入蛰成虫开始出土,5月中旬~6月下旬成虫交配产卵;5月下旬~7月上旬为幼虫危害时期,7月中旬老熟幼虫开始转入地下化蛹,8月中旬蛹开始羽化,成虫当年不出土,在地下越冬,翌年4月下旬出蛰,黑绒金龟甲卵在18℃以下不能孵化,22~30℃时卵的历期随温度的升高逐渐缩短,32~35℃卵的历期则随温度的升高逐渐延长;其中,30℃时卵的孵化天数最短,为6.6 d;25℃时卵的孵化率最高,为95.00%,35℃时孵化率最低为21.25%。黑绒金龟甲的发生量与降水量有关,在每一个降水高峰期后,黑绒金龟甲的出土量明显增加。  相似文献   

家蚕二化性品种(品系)转基因用蚕卵的预处理技术研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
家蚕为卵滞育昆虫,二化性家蚕品种(品系)的化性由上代卵期温度与光照等调控。将若干个二化性家蚕品种(品系)以17~18℃温度催青诱导子代蚕卵非滞育,筛选出1个经济性状较优的实用品种"秋丰"、1个突变品系P33,二者非滞育卵圈比例分别达到96.4%和89.6%,正常催青的良卵实用孵化率分别达到96.11%和98.58%,解决了采用显微注射法以家蚕实用品种构建转基因系统过程中因蚕卵滞育不能及时孵化的难题。另对利用20%盐酸-2%甲醛混合液刺激解除蚕卵滞育的方法以及非滞育蚕卵表面用70%乙醇消毒的方法进行了尝试,前者可以获得96%以上的孵化率,后者可以缩短蚕卵预处理时间。  相似文献   

1. Chick embryo cells and halved embryos were successfully implanted into unfertilised eggs. Yolks containing implants were placed in recipient eggshells, covered by transparent vacuum-formed plastic cones and incubated for 72 h. 2. Dispersed cells were obtained from eggs expelled from the uterus or from eggs that had been laid. Implantation of these cells often resulted in aggregation and epithelial growth, in several cases with axial development. 3. Growth of implanted halved embryos of different ages was often observed, including one 10-somite embryo. Non-axial epithelia, sometimes with a central hole, a central fluid-filled cellular vesicle or a vesicle only, were also observed. 4. In another culture system, whole and halved embryos obtained from laid eggs were cultured on a vitelline membrane stretched across semi-solid egg albumen. During the 72 h incubation, axial development was observed only in whole embryos, while halved embryos grew either into epithelia containing fluid-filled cellular vesicles or into vesicles only. 5. It was found that daily drainage of the accumulating fluid from the embryo compartment encouraged axial development in halved embryos, and almost abolished vesicle formation. Holes were formed in half the embryos cultured on a vitelline membrane. 6. It appeared that physical and biological conditions could inflict serious malformations on the implants.  相似文献   

为研究破损珍禽种蛋孵化情况 ,选取破损乌鸡种蛋 2 70枚 ,均分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ 3个试验组 ,每组 90枚。Ⅳ、Ⅴ组为对照组 ,分别为合格种蛋和破损种蛋各 90枚。采用 3种不同修补材料———普通尼龙透明胶布 ,普通擦镜头纸沾蛋清和普通稿纸沾蛋清 ,对 3个试验组乌鸡种蛋进行修补。再将各试验组和对照组分别用新洁尔灭溶液消毒 (A组 )和福尔马林薰蒸消毒 (B组 ) ,C组为对照。结果表明 ,用普通稿纸沾蛋清修补的乌鸡种蛋 ,经福尔马林薰蒸消毒后的孵化率最高 ,达 84 0 %。  相似文献   

蚕种解除滞育后,对不同发育阶段的蚕卵涂抹吖啶橙或二甲基亚枫溶液后保护至孵化,调查对蚕胚胎发育的影响,结果蚕胚胎在其发育进程中对吖啶橙涂抹卵表面有2个特别敏感的时期,一是在转青期(催青经过第8天)最敏感,处理区的孵化率只有51.22%,二是在催青的第3天,孵化率为56.40%。提取药物处理过的蚕卵蛋白,经SDS-PAGE电泳,转青期的蚕卵蛋白出现某些蛋白泳带的减少或条带染色有颜色深浅的差异。经双向电泳分析,处理区与对照区有4个蛋白质点的差异。  相似文献   

Two techniques for egg-shell treatment were evaluated for their effects on the quantity and variability of the fluid absorbed by turkey hatching eggs subjected to the temperature-differential method of egg dipping. The use of pin or drill to pierce a uniform hole through the shell and membrane(s) on the large end of each egg caused a significant increase in the quantity of dip solution absorbed. Variability in fluid uptake by the eggs also was reduced significantly. Utilization of dilute acid to remove cuticle completely from the whole egg surface or partially from either end also had similar effects. The techniques described also permit and effective dipping procedure that does not require the preheating step.  相似文献   

1. The level of corticosterone in fertilised eggs from hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) was manipulated experimentally to elucidate whether stress in laying hens is harmful to the chicks, as manifested by impaired survival and reduced growth, and whether bilateral asymmetry may represent an indicator of environmental stress in poultry. 2. Three hundred and fifty eggs were randomly divided into 4 groups; 1. untreated, 2. control, 3. 10 ng corticosterone/ml and 4. 20 ng corticosterone/ml. Each of the eggs in groups 2, 3 and 4 were injected with 100 microl ethanol-saline solution (25% ethanol in saline) containing 0, 0.6 and 1.2 microg corticosterone, respectively. After the injections, the final concentration of ethanol in the egg (albumen and yolk) was 0.03%, and the concentration of added corticosterone was 0, 10 and 20 ng/ml, respectively, in groups 2, 3 and 4. All the eggs were treated on developmental d 1. 3. Corticosterone injections resulted in greater embryonic mortality, earlier termination of foetal development and reduced growth. Moreover, chicks developing in eggs with an elevated concentration of corticosterone displayed reduced developmental stability as evidenced by increased fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in tarsus length. 4. In conclusion, an increased concentration of corticosterone in the egg was detrimental to survival and growth of the chicks. Prenatal stress also generated bilateral asymmetry, and illustrates the potential application of FA as an indicator of environmental stress in poultry.  相似文献   

In order to study the best propagation parameters of H1N1 subtype influenza virus in chicken embryo,this study was conducted to research the effects of egg selection and preservation before hatching and hatching parameters setting on production of H1N1 subtype influenza virus.In the egg selection and preservation,we mainly investigated the egg weight,egg shape index,storage period,disinfection time and method and other factors,the results showed that egg weight of 55 to 65 g,egg shape index of 1.30 to 1.35,egg storage period of 1 to 4 d,storage temperature of 16 to 18 ℃,humidity of 70% to 80%,during storage period,eggs formaldehyde fumigation time 30 min,we could provide the best eggs for H1N1 subtype influenza vaccine production.The effect of hatching parameters on production of H1N1 subtype influenza virus,this experiment mainly investigaed incubation temperature,humidity,times of turning over eggs,aeration and other parameters,the results showed that in the production of H1N1 subtype influenza virus,the optimal parameter set to hatch:temperature 1 to 7 d was 38.2 ℃,8 to 9 d was 38.0 ℃,10 d was 37.8 ℃;Humidity was 65% to 70% from 1 to 10 d;Turning over eggs frequency was 1 times/2 h,before and after each dip 45°;1 to 5 d aeration set to 4,6 to 10 d set to 5.The results provided quality chicken hatchery technology for H1N1 subtype influenza vaccine production in order to ensure the quality and yield of allantoic fluid.  相似文献   

为了研究最佳的H1N1亚型流感病毒鸡胚增殖参数,本试验进行了孵化前种蛋的选择与保存、鸡胚孵化中各参数设定等因素对H1N1亚型流感病毒产毒量影响的研究。其中种蛋的选择与保存,主要考察了蛋重、蛋形指数、保存期、消毒时间及方法等因素,结果显示,蛋重为55~65 g,蛋形指数为1.30~1.35,种蛋保存期为1~4 d,保存温度为16~18 ℃,保存湿度为70%~80%,保存期种蛋的甲醛熏蒸消毒时间为30 min时,可以为H1N1亚型流感疫苗生产提供最佳的种蛋。孵化过程中孵化参数对H1N1亚型流感病毒产毒量的影响,本试验主要将孵化温度、湿度、翻蛋、通风等参数作为研究对象,结果显示在生产H1N1亚型流感疫苗时,最佳孵化参数设定为:温度1~7 d为38.2 ℃、8~9 d为38.0 ℃、10 d为37.8 ℃,湿度1~10 d为65%~70%,翻蛋频率为1次/2 h,前后倾角各为45°,通风风门设定为1~5 d为4、6~10 d为5。本试验结果为H1N1亚型流感疫苗生产提供优质的鸡胚孵化技术,确保鸡胚尿囊液的质量和收获量。  相似文献   

The efficacy of an oral formulation of ivermectin plus praziquantel in the reduction of nematode and cestode egg counts in horses was assessed in 273 horses under field conditions at 15 sites in North America (n = 6) and Europe (n = 9). Horses were confirmed by fecal examination to have natural infections of strongyles (100%) and tapeworms (76%). Replicates of four horses were formed at each site, and in each replicate three animals received ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg body weight) plus praziquantel (1 mg/kg body weight) oral paste and one animal remained untreated or received vehicle paste. Fecal samples were collected for fecal nematode and cestode egg counting before and 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, and 16 days after treatment. Horses treated with ivermectin plus praziquantel oral paste had significantly (P <.01) lower posttreatment strongylid and cestode egg counts (reductions of 98% or more) than controls. Combined site analyses revealed that 95% or 96% of the horses positive for cestode eggs before treatment that were treated with ivermectin plus praziquantel were negative for cestode eggs at each posttreatment fecal examination. No adverse reactions attributable to ivermectin plus praziquantel oral paste treatments were observed. The results of the studies demonstrated that ivermectin plus praziquantel paste was highly effective in reducing egg shedding by gastrointestinal nematodes and cestodes, and no adverse reactions were observed in horses treated under field conditions.  相似文献   

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