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为了防止肉种鸡因采食过多以致生长过快、过肥和造成过早成熟,在培育过程中必须实行限饲,控制鸡只体重和性成熟,以达到适时开产,获得良好的生产成绩。但养殖户在控制限量时,不是过大就是过小,致使种鸡的生产性能不能正常发挥,因此在实施限饲技术过程中,必须注意以下几个关键问题。 一、明确限饲原则 正确的限饲原则应以种鸡群各阶段的平均体重为依据,确定日粮的限饲量和限饲标准。肉种鸡的限饲量应按正常采食量的70%~  相似文献   

限饲是一种畜牧生产中常用的饲养管理和营养调控手段。限饲对于绵羊的胴体品质、饲料利用效率以及绵羊的消化代谢、激素分泌等有显著影响,限饲还能降低饲养成本。补偿生长就是动物遭受相当长时期的营养限制,在去除限制因子后,动物生长能以较高速度获得补偿性提高的现象。限饲和补偿生长现象对绵羊的生产都发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

肉种鸡限饲方案的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉种鸡限饲方案的选择孔繁翠(山东莱芜市种鸡场271113)开建廷(山东莱芜市种猪场)肉种鸡饲养过程中的限饲是关系到肉种鸡生产性能好坏的最关键的因素,那么生产中如何限饲最为合理呢?一、几种限饲方法的优缺点三.每日限饲,即对鸡每日的饲喂量加以限制,此法饥...  相似文献   

控制生产速度法。即采用限饲、减少光照、增加日粮中粒料量等技术措施,防止肉鸡生产过快而引发代谢机能紊乱所致的疾病。试验证明,采用控制生长速度法对减少鸡腿疾和死亡率均有明显效果。限饲与间歇光照结合法。荷兰在肉鸡生产过程中,采取每日限饲与间歇光照结合措施控制肉鸡生产速度,即2小时光照、4小时黑暗。如此循环往复,一昼夜4个光照周期。具体作法是:从3日龄执行这个光照制度,2周龄开始限饲,固定每天的饲喂量。限饲的头一周每天分2次给料,以后每天分4次给料。此法对肉鸡生产性能提高有明显作用。早期隔日限饲法。即7、9、11…  相似文献   

采用低温诱发肉鸡肺动脉高压综合征,对比观察不同的早期限饲方法对于常温和低温条件下PHS的发病率、肉鸡生产性能和腹脂率的影响。在试验1中,限饲处理组肉鸡分别于7 ̄14日龄或7 ̄21日龄每天给料8h,对照组肉鸡全程自由采食。在试验2中,限饲组肉鸡分别于7 ̄14日龄给予对照组肉鸡前1d饲料消耗量的60%或80%。结果表明:早期限饲能够降低肉鸡PHS的发病率,在低温条件下尤其明显;早期限饲改善了饲料效率,同时未对肉鸡的胴体品质产生显著的影响,且适当限饲不影响肉鸡的最终上市体重。这表明早期限饲是一种有效的控制肉鸡PHS的方法,值得在实际生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

<正>现在肉仔鸡多采用自由采食,生长快、体型大,过快的生长带来了死亡率、代谢性疾病和骨骼疾病发病率上升等一系列问题〔1~3〕。大量研究表明早期限饲能够有效地解决这些问题〔4~6〕。早期限饲是在早期控制肉仔鸡采食量或营养物质的浓度,人为地从数量或质量上减少鸡的营养摄入量,包括质量限饲法、数量限饲法和时间限饲法3种类型。本文就早期限饲在肉仔鸡生产中的研究与应用做一综述。1早期限饲在肉仔鸡生产性能方面的应用大量的研究集中在生产性能方面,肉仔鸡早期适度限饲可提高饲料利用率,对生产性能无不良影  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同限饲方法对爱拔益加(AA)肉鸡生长性能、屠宰性能及骨骼性状的影响。试验选用80只7日龄的AA肉鸡,随机分成4组:对照组、料量限饲组、能量限饲组和蛋白质限饲组,每组20只鸡。限饲14d(21日龄)、补偿生长21d(42日龄)后每组分别屠宰8只,取其胸肌、腿肌、腹脂、心脏、肝脏、脾脏、胸腺、法氏囊、骨骼等组织并称重,以及测量骨骼的长度和直径。结果表明:1)限饲后,3个限饲组肉鸡的平均日增重显著低于对照组(P0.05)。补偿生长后,各组肉鸡的平均日采食量、平均日增重和料重比均差异不显著(P0.05),但料量限饲组末重显著低于对照组(P0.05)。2)限饲后,料量限饲组肉鸡的全净膛率、半净膛率、胸肌率、腿肌率和腹脂率显著低于对照组(P0.05),料量限饲组、能量限饲组肉鸡的腹脂率显著低于蛋白质限饲组和对照组(P0.05)。补偿生长后,各组肉鸡的胸肌率和腿肌率均无显著差异(P0.05),但料量限饲组肉鸡的腹脂率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。3)限饲后,蛋白质限饲组肉鸡的肝脏指数显著高于其他3组(P0.05),料量限饲组肉鸡的胰脏指数显著高于其他3组(P0.05);对照组脾脏指数显著高于其他3组(P0.05)。补偿生长后,各组肉鸡的心脏指数、肝脏指数、胰脏指数、脾脏指数、胸腺指数和法氏囊指数均无显著差异(P0.05)。4)限饲后,料量限饲组肉鸡的胫骨重、胫骨长、胫骨直径、股骨重和股骨长显著低于其他3组(P0.05),料量限饲组、能量限饲组肉鸡的股骨直径显著低于对照组和蛋白质限饲组(P0.05)。补偿生长后,各组肉鸡的胫骨重、胫骨长、胫骨直径、股骨重、股骨长和股骨直径均无显著差异(P0.05)。由此可见,3种限饲方法均降低了AA肉鸡的平均日增重和部分骨骼性状指标,其中料量限饲法对肉鸡平均日增重和骨骼性状影响最大。经过21d的补偿生长后,3种个限饲组均表现出补偿生长效应,骨骼性状无显著变化,但料量限饲法会降低肉鸡全期的平均日增重和末重,建议生产中慎用料量限饲法。  相似文献   

限制饲养通常是应用在种鸡和蛋鸡生产中,以期生产性能稳定且发挥充分。但是这种生产管理应用到肉仔鸡生产中又会如何呢? 我们知道,肉仔鸡的饲养生产过程中有两个明显的问题:一是肉仔鸡腹水症发生率特别高;二是肉仔鸡的饲料成本特别高。本文所要讨论的是利用限饲以克服肉仔鸡生产中此两点关键技术问题。 一、限饲使肉仔鸡的生产成本降低,生产效益增加。限饲使一次性采食量增加,而总饲料报入量减  相似文献   

<正>1限饲的原因管理者在种鸡生长过程中,出于控制鸡群生长发育、提高均匀度、育种与生产均衡等需要,以及因外部疫情影响需要推迟开产和强制换羽等原因,需要采取限饲措施,控制种鸡的生长发育过程,达到提高种鸡生产效率,降低生产成本的目的。2限饲的方法2.1限质与限量法限质法主要调节饲料营养成分的比例,由饲料厂把关操  相似文献   

人们在饲养肉用种鸡的过程中,普遍应用限制饲喂技术,生产中往往对鸡群的管理重视不够,而导致限饲效果不佳,现对鸡群管理应注意事项提出以下几点,供参考。 1、限饲前应将体重较小,体格较弱的鸡移出或淘汰。因为这些鸡受不了限饲应激,还会影响饲料计算的准确性。  相似文献   

对AA肉用种鸡在育雏育成期进行每日限饲和分段限饲对比试验。结果:成活率差异不显著(P〉0.05),开产时间均为24周龄,但分段限饲耗料较少,均匀度优于每日限饲,高峰产蛋率(周);分段限饲84.3%,每日限饲67.6%,差异极显著(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

Biological and biochemical comparison of bovid herpesvirus-4 strains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bovid herpesvirus-4 (BHV-4) isolates V.Test and LVR140, isolated from genital disease, respectively, in bull and in cow, and the reference strains Movar 33/63 and DN599 were compared by several methods: cross-serological relationship studied by indirect immunofluorescence; kinetics of intracellular and extracellular viral production; comparison of the mean plaque size; restriction analysis of viral DNA with restriction enzymes EcoRI, BamHI and HindIII. BHV-4 strains were serologically identical and the kinetics of viral production were very similar. Comparison of the mean plaque size allowed classification into 3 classes (Class I, Movar33/63; Class II, LVR140; Class III, V.Test and DN599) and restriction analysis of viral DNA revealed clear differences between the electrophoretic patterns of the four BHV-4 strains. The differentiation between BHV-4 strains can therefore be achieved by a biological method (mean plaque size) and by restriction analysis. The two genital isolates are easily differentiated by the two methods.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that adaptation of heat production in the realimented cow would occur over an extended period, and the length of time would be influenced by the level of feed. Our objectives were to quantify the changes in heat production of cows after feed restriction and to quantify the effect of level of realimentation on the dynamics of heat production in lightweight cows. Forty 4-yr-old nonpregnant, nonlacting cows (4-breed composite: 1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Angus, 1/4 Red Poll, and 1/4 Pinzgauer) were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 4 levels of a common alfalfa hay source. All cows were feed-restricted [50.0 g of DM/metabolic body size (MBS, kg of BW(0.75)); period 1], and individual fed heat production measurements were taken 0, 7, 13, 28, 56, and 91 d after feed restriction (period 1). In period 2, cows were fed their assigned feed level for their treatment after d 91 of restriction: 50.0 (T50.0), 58.5 (T58.5), 67.0 (T67.0), and 75.5 (T75.5) g of DM/MBS. Measures were taken at 7, 13, 28, 42, 56, 91, 119, and 175 d. In period 3, all cows were fed 75.5 g of DM/MBS after their 175-d measurement, and measures were taken at 7, 14, 28, 56, and 112 d later. In period 1, heat production decreased rapidly during the first 7 d of feed restriction, and heat production continued to decrease during the 91-d restriction. Heat production increased rapidly within the first 7 d, but chronic adaptation continued for T75.5 and T67.0 cows. In period 3, heat production increased rapidly during the first 7 d. Heat production scaled for metabolic body size tended to differ among treatments (P = 0.11). Daily heat production increased by 2.5 kcal/d. These data suggest that there is not a lag in heat production during realimentation and that increased recovered energy is associated with a rapid increase in heat production.  相似文献   

The first objective of this study was to test how well a function that was developed to describe heat production (HP) in growing ewes fit HP data in growing heifers. The second objective was to determine the pattern of adaptation of HP to feed restriction and subsequent realimentation of nutrients. At 234.5 +/- 0.5 d of age, HP was determined by indirect calorimetry on 32 Meat Animal Research Center III heifers. Following the first calorimetry measurement, heifers on the High-High (HH) treatment continued to receive ad libitum access to feed, and daily feed offered to the Low-High (LH) heifers was set at 157 Mcal of ME/kg of BW0.75. Feed restriction of LH heifers continued for 84 d. After 84 d of restriction, LH heifers were allowed ad libitum access to feed. Heat production was determined 4 and 11 wk following feed restriction and 2, 5, 12, and 18 wk following realimentation. There was no residual bias when HP in ad libitum-fed heifers was estimated with an equation form developed in growing ewes: [(kcal/d) = f(BW, matBW) = BW (Ae[k(BW/mature BW)])], nor was there a residual bias when HP was predicted with an allometric equation: [(kcal/d) = f(BW) = A(BWk)]. However, there were residual biases when HP was estimated with an allometric equation that set the exponent to 0.75. Heat production per unit of BW of LH heifers was lower than that of HH heifers at 4 wk of feed restriction (P < 0.001), but HP did not differ between treatments at 11 wk of feed restriction (P = 0.87). At 2 (P = 0.002) and 5 wk (P < 0.001) following the increase in feed offered, HP per unit of BW of the LH heifers was greater than that of the HH heifers. Heat production did not differ between treatments at 12 and 18 wk following refeeding (P < 0.17). Our findings demonstrate that the relationship between HP and BW is described equally well by a logistic and allometric function, but applying a generalized interspecies exponent in an allometric equation to growing heifers results in a bias in estimating HP. The equation form developed in ewes can be used to develop a single equation for the prediction of HP across ages in heifers.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The quantitative feed restriction of lactating cows has been used in intensive production systems as a strategy to reduce production costs. However, the...  相似文献   

Equine typholocolitis is a sporadic diarrheal disease causing high mortality rates. One of the risk factors responsible for this is the oral application of the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin. The aim of the present in vitro study was to investigate whether erythromycin in combination with feed restriction provokes changes in microbial hindgut metabolism and could therefore be involved in the pathogenesis of equine typhlocolitis. As application of erythromycin and feed restriction are risk factors for equine typhlocolitis, both factors were chosen to investigate their individual and combined effects on hindgut microbial metabolism. The colon simulation technique (Cositec) was used to evaluate biochemical parameters of microbial metabolism. Production rates of the acetate, proprionate and butyrate were measured as quantitative parameters of microbial fermentation. Application of erythromycin (10 mg/d) predominantly decreased the production rates of propionate. Reducing the fermentable substrate to 30% induced an even more pronounced impairment. The detrimental effects of feed restriction on the production rates of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) were enhanced when feed restriction was combined with the application of erythromycin. Irrespective of erytrhomycin, the butyrate fermentation rate was completely inhibited by feed restriction within two days after start of restriction. The reduction in butyrate fermentation rate has to be discussed as a pathophysiological factor for the onset of acute typhlocolitis.  相似文献   

1. Dwarf broiler breeders were either fed ad libitum or restricted to allow growth to mean body weights of 1.4 or 1.8 kg at 20 weeks of age. During the breeding period these birds were fed ad libitum, or food was restricted to different degrees and the birds subjected to two different incremental lighting patterns. 2. Egg production of birds fed ad libitum during the breeding period increased with the degree of food restriction during rearing. 3. Food restriction during the breeding period increased the egg production of birds weighing 1.8 kg at 20 weeks but decreased that of birds weighing only 1.4 kg. 4. Fertility was relatively low and inversely related to body fatness of females. 5. The differences in lighting pattern did not influence performance. 6. For optimum reproductive performance during the rearing period dwarfs should not be restricted so severely as conventional breeders. Best chick production was obtained from birds with a bodyweight of 1.8 kg at 20 weeks of age, which were subjected to a 10% restriction of food during the breeding period.  相似文献   

1. A 3x2x2 factorial experiment was conducted with boiler breeder females to determine the effects of body weight gain (three levels) and conventional or lower crude protein concentrations in the rations during rearing, and restricted or ad libitum feeding after the peak rate of lay on egg production, fertility, hatchability, mortality and food consumption. 2. Compared with ad libitum feeding, conventional food restriction resulted in a decrease in average daily food consumption of 0.6 during rearing, 0.2 during early lay and an increase of 0.4 after the peak rate of egg production. Mortality was decreased by more than half. 3. Restricted birds had higher total and settable egg production, fewer defective or damaged eggshells and higher fertility and hatchability than those fed ad libitum. The modified (more generous) rearing programme resulted in lower rates of egg production and higher rates of mortality compared with the conventional food restriction programme. 4. Low-protein rearing rations were associated with higher rates of food intake, higher mortalities and lower rates of egg production than the conventional protein rations. There were no differences in the fertility or hatchability of eggs between birds fed on the two concentrations of dietary crude protein. 5. Ad libitum feeding post-peak was associated with higher rates of mortality to 60 weeks of age. Post-peak feeding had little effect on the rate of lay or egg weight in conventionally restricted birds fed high protein rations or in birds fed ad libitum. Restricted feeding post-peak decreased the rate of lay and egg weight in birds on the modified restriction programme and in conventionally restricted birds fed on the low protein rations. There was no effect of post-peak feeding on fertility or hatchability of eggs. 6. The total numbers of saleable chicks per kg food consumed were 1.83, 1.72 and 0.52 for conventional, modified and ad libitum feeding during rearing; 1.56 and 1.15 for restricted and ad libitum feeding post-peak: there were no differences associated with protein concentrations of rations fed during rearing.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with 42 growing Montbéliard steers to study the effect of feed restriction, followed by refeeding, on circulating concentrations of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and on hepatic and muscle activities of 5'-deiodinase (5'D). At 9 mo of age, 21 steers were diet-restricted for 3 mo (ADG, 641 g/d), prior to a 4-mo compensatory growth period with ad libitum access to the same diet (ADG, 1,240 g/d). They were compared to 21 control steers continuously gaining 1,100 g/d between 9 and 16 mo of age. Blood samples were collected every 14 d and samples of liver and semitendinosus and triceps brachii (triceps) muscles were obtained at slaughter at the end of the restriction and refeeding periods (12 and 16 mo of age, respectively). Compared to control steers, feed restriction decreased plasma concentrations of T4 after 56 to 83 d of feed restriction (P < 0.05), whereas T3 concentration decreased only after 83 d of feed restriction (P < 0.05). No differences in hepatic and muscle 5'D activities were observed after 87 d of feed restriction and decreased growth rate (12 mo of age). During the refeeding period (compensatory growth), circulating concentrations of T4 and T3 were restored to control levels within 14 d. Moreover, T3 concentration rose above that of control steers after 56 d of refeeding and remained higher for the duration of the experiment (P < 0.05). Hepatic 5'D activity was higher (P = 0.07) in compensated than in control steers at the end of refeeding period (16 mo of age) and higher (P < 0.01) after compensation at 16 mo than during restriction at 12 mo. Activities of 5'D in semitendinosus and triceps muscles were higher (P < 0.001) in 16-mo-old than in 12-mo-old steers, but no differences were observed due to feed restriction or compensatory growth. These results indicate that nutritional status regulates both thyroidal secretion and extrathyroidal T3 production in cattle. The data also suggest that extrathyroidal T3 production may be involved in the mechanism of compensatory growth in cattle.  相似文献   

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