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氟中毒对动物健康影响的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究证实慢性氟中毒不仅影响了动物骨骼和牙齿的形状和结构,使牙齿断裂和脱落甚至诱发骨癌,而且还对胃肠道、肝、肾和脑等软组织的结构和功能具有不同程度的影响,氟中毒还影响了动物的生殖系统。其中毒机理的研究表明:过量氟可导致机体自由基代谢紊乱以及脂质过氧化作用的增强,并降低机体的免疫功能。  相似文献   

氟是动物生长所必需的元素,适量的氟有利于机体预防龋齿、维持钙磷代谢和保持神经冲动传导,但摄入过量的氟可导致机体中毒,引起人和动物机体多系统功能损害,主要表现为氟骨症和氟斑牙,并对人和动物的健康及经济带来了巨大的损害.长期以来,氟中毒的研究主要集中于氟对骨骼、牙齿等骨相组织的损伤,而对非骨相组织的研究很少见到.  相似文献   

氟是动物正常生长所必须的微量元素之一。适量的氟对机体牙齿和骨骼的钙化、神经兴奋性的传导和酶系统的代谢等均有促进作用。但过量的氟以各种途径进入动物体后,会对骨骼、牙齿、神经系统、消化系统、泌尿系统、内分泌系统和免疫系统等,产生一系列不良影响,导致氟中毒。出现相应的临床症状,常见为氟斑牙和氟骨症。  相似文献   

氟是一种非金属元素,在自然界中广泛存在,同时氟也是动物的必需微量元素。适量的氟对动物的牙齿、骨骼、钙磷代谢,促进酶的活性都有着积极的作用。但是过量的氟又会造成氟中毒,对动物产生一系列不良影响。本文综述了氟的性质、分布,对机体的影响以及简要介绍氟中毒的防治措施。  相似文献   

微量元素氟的生理作用及其对畜禽健康的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氟是畜禽正常生长必需的微量元素之一,适量的氟对畜禽的牙齿、骨骼、钙磷代谢、生长发育和繁殖均有着积极作用。综述了氟的来源、需要、吸收、分布及代谢以及生理功能和过量氟对机体健康的影响,并简要介绍了氟中毒的防治措施。  相似文献   

<正>氟是家畜正常生长所必须的微量元素之一,适量的氟对机体、牙齿、骨骼的钙化、神经传导和酶系统的代谢等均有促进作用,但过量的氟则容易引起家畜氟中毒。最近几年,在海晏县境内部分村庄发现有家畜氟中毒的现象,严重危害家畜健康。为了给该  相似文献   

正氟以化合物的形式广泛存在于土壤、空气、水和饲料中,是动物正常生长必须的微量元素之一,又是引起动物中毒的元素,适量的氟(包含有机氟和无机氟)能促进动物机体内牙齿和骨骼的形成及钙化、加速酶的代谢和神经兴奋的传导。如果摄入过量就会导致氟中毒,出现相应的临床症状,常见为氟斑牙和氟骨症。1 发病原因长期饲喂高氟地区的饲草和饮水易引起氟中毒。但饲喂生产厂家在生产过程中不脱氟或脱氟不彻底的骨粉、磷酸氢钙、添加未加工的磷矿石等添加剂是造成鹿氟  相似文献   

<正>氟是家畜正常生长所必须的微量元素之一,适量的氟对机体、牙齿、骨骼的钙化、神经传导和酶系统的代谢等均有促进作用,但过量的氟则容易引起家畜氟中毒。最近几年,在海晏县境内部分村庄发现有家畜氟中毒的现象,严重危害家畜健康。为了给该  相似文献   

氟中毒与氟的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 氟中霉的机理与症状1.1 氟中毒的机理 饲料中的氟畜禽能吸收80%左右,长期摄入过量的氟会导致慢性或急性氟中毒。适量的氟有助于钙、磷形成羟基磷灰石,使骨骼的强度增加,密度提高,保持牙齿健康,抑制牙齿表面酶和酶细菌代谢作用。过量的氟影响着蛋白质在组织器官中的沉积,阻止脂类物质的吸收及游离脂肪酸通过粘膜上皮细胞时的再酯化作用。同时氟过量对多种酶有抑制作用,如氟抑制骨磷酸化酶,可导致体内钙代谢紊乱,钙的吸收和蓄积减慢,使骨骼钙化不良和脱钙。骨骼中正常代谢的钙与氟结合,使体内钙不断损失而造成骨质疏松,使动物发生跛行、瘫痪等症状。大  相似文献   

氟是动物机体正常生长必需的微量元素之一。适量的氟可以促进牙齿和骨骼的钙化以及神经兴奋性传导和酶系统的代谢等,但过量的氟易导致动物机体中毒。随着饲料工业的发展和畜禽饲养规模化、集约化的发展,用于补充磷源的磷酸氢钙的需求量不断增加,一些未经脱毒或脱毒不彻底的磷酸氢钙盲目进入市场,引起畜禽氟中毒的现象时有发生。有关高氟饲料引起鸡、鸭中毒的报道较多,但有关珍禽氟中毒的报道较少见。桂花雀属鹌鹑科、蓝胸鹑属,生活在热带或亚热带山林中,主要分布在我国台湾及泰国、马来西亚等地,体形细小,体重约150 g,肉质鲜甜,营养丰富。出…  相似文献   

工业氟污染对小尾寒羊牙齿和骨骼中氟含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩天龙  王敏 《中国畜牧兽医》2010,37(10):226-228
于工业氟污染区选取4只雌性氟斑牙小尾寒羊作为试验组,于氟安全区另选4只健康小尾寒羊作为对照组;分别采集其肋骨及牙齿,利用氟离子选择电极法测定了其骨氟及牙氟含量。结果表明,氟污染区小尾寒羊的骨骼和牙齿中氟含量均明显高于氟安全区,差异极显著(P<0.01);氟污染区骨氟含量较对照组相对增长了73.5%;试验组牙氟含量较对照组相对增长了161.6%;表明氟在牙齿中的蓄积程度高于骨骼。本试验为进一步研究氟中毒对牙齿和骨骼的损伤机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

Chronic fluoride toxicity in the form of osteo-dental fluorosis was observed in cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats from 21 villages of Banswara, Dungarpur and Udaipur districts of Southern Rajasthan where the mean fluoride concentration in drinking water varied from 1.5 to 4.0 ppm. The prevalence of dental fluorosis in calves (<1 year age) was greater than that in adult cattle and buffaloes. At a fluoride concentration in the water of 4.0 ppm, 100% of calves, 65.6% of buffaloes and 61.0% of cattle were found to be affected with dental fluorosis to varying degrees. In the older group of buffaloes, their teeth were brownish black instead of creamy yellow as found in calves and cattle. Out of 780 goats and 564 sheep, none revealed evidence of osteo-dental fluorosis. The overall prevalence of skeletal fluorosis was 8.5%, with the highest prevalence of 29.0% in cattle and 37.5% in buffaloes at a fluoride concentration of 3.2 ppm. None of the calves were affected with skeletal fluorosis. Intermittent lameness was observed in the older group of animals (>7 years age) at 2.8 ppm fluoride or more in the water. None of the fluorotic animals exhibited any apparent evidence of hypothyroidism, stunted growth or low milk production. There was no correlation between gender and the prevalence of fluorosis, but the prevalence and severity of skeletal fluorosis increased with increasing fluoride concentration and age. Possible factors causing variation in fluorosis in the cattle and buffaloes in villages with identical fluoride concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of fluoride ingestion (3.5 mg/kg of body weight) were evaluated in 9 ewes at 6 through 9, 10 through 13, or 14 through 17 months of age (3 ewes/age group). In the 3 groups, the plasma fluoride concentration rapidly increased to 0.45, 0.46, and 0.50 microgram/ml, respectively, and decreased rapidly to 0.1 microgram/ml after fluoride was removed from the ration. In 5 of the 9 ewes, this short-term exposure caused symmetrical, moderate damage to the molars, which is characteristic of fluorosis in sheep. In 7 of the 9 ewes, abnormal gaps were found between incisors, which are not characteristic of fluorosis in sheep. Fluoride accumulation was higher in the roots of the incisors and in the dentine of the molars and was particularly evident in teeth that were developing when fluoride was administered; however, the fully developed teeth and teeth that developed several months after administration of fluoride also were affected. The increase in fluoride concentration in the enamel was confined to a maximum of 2 molars. The abnormal wear of the molars was not directly linked to fluoride accumulation.  相似文献   

氟中毒和碘缺乏病均是世界范围内广泛存在的一类地球化学性疾病。由于两者分布范围极其广泛,在一些地区出现了氟中毒和碘缺乏病交叉流行的现象。作者综述了高氟低碘地区儿童智力水平和甲状腺肿的流行病学调查,高氟低碘对脑组织、甲状腺及其激素影响的研究进展,并分析了氟、碘相互作用的可能作用机制,为进一步研究氟、碘对机体的影响及其作用机制提供了思路。  相似文献   

Teeth from cattle, sheep, and horses that ingested various fluoride intakes and teeth from field studies of these species plus deer, elk, and bison were examined for abnormalities. Approximately 99,000 animals in 322 herds were examined for fluorosis. From field studies, 988 cattle of various ages and with different degrees of dental fluorosis were slaughtered and necropsied. The severity of fluoride-induced mottling, hypoplasia, and abnormal abrasion of paired permanent incisor teeth was correlated with abrasion of premolar and molar (cheek) teeth that form and mineralize at approximately the same age. Severe irregular wear of cheek teeth impaired mastication and resulted in poor utilization of feed and unthriftiness. Excessive amounts of fluoride during tooth formation and mineralization induce characteristic dental changes. Offspring from the fluoride-affected animals did not have discernible fluoride-induced lesions in the deciduous teeth.  相似文献   

Deciduous incisors from calves born to dams fed an average of 40 mg of fluoride/kg of forage ration (40 ppm) were compared with incisors from calves born to dams fed a normal dairy ration. Skeletal fluoride concentration in the calves born to fluoride-fed dams was increased 5 to 8 fold, but enamel mottling and hypoplasia, typical of permanent bovine incisor dental fluorosis were not seen by gross, histologic, or radiologic examination. Decreases in the amount of enamel on the tooth or hardness of the enamel were not observed. These data do not support recent reports of widespread dental fluorosis of deciduous bovine teeth as a clinical sign of fluoride toxicity.  相似文献   

A population of eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) inhabiting heathland and farmland surrounding an aluminum smelter at Portland, Victoria, Australia, exhibited clinical signs of lameness. An investigation was undertaken to determine the cause of this lameness. Hematology, necropsy, histopathology, fecal egg count, total worm count, reproductive status, and the population age range were examined and failed to reveal any additional underlying disease state. The specific problem of lameness was addressed with bone histopathology, radiography, quantitative ultrasonography, microradiography, and multielement analysis of bone ash samples. The significant lesions observed were: osteophytosis of the distal tibia and fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsus IV, and proximal coccygeal vertebrae; osteopenia of the femur, tibia, and metatarsus IV; incisor enamel hypoplasia; stained, uneven, and abnormal teeth wear; abnormal bone matrix mineralization and mottling; increased bone density; and elevated bone fluoride levels. Microradiography of affected kangaroos exhibited "black osteons," which are a known manifestation of fluorosis. Collectively, these lesions were consistent with a diagnosis of fluorosis.  相似文献   

氟对骨组织代谢调节因子的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过量氟不仅对骨细胞具有直接作用,而且可通过骨代谢调节因子(甲状旁腺素、骨钙素、降钙素)的间接作用,引起骨损害。因此,认识骨代谢调节因子,对深入探讨氟病具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

氟对鸡甲状腺组织超微结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在鸡日粮中添加不同水平的氟化钠 ,复制不同程度的鸡慢性氟中毒模型 ,制作甲状腺组织超薄切片 ,在电子显微镜下观察了甲状腺超微结构的变化。结果表明 ,氟化物严重地损伤了甲状腺的超微结构 ,尤其是甲状腺滤泡细胞的膜结构。  相似文献   

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