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Ki67 can discriminate between high‐ and low‐grade canine lymphomas, but its prognostic role in specific subtypes of the neoplasm is unknown. We assessed the prognostic significance of Ki67% (percentage of Ki67‐positive cells), evaluated by flow cytometry, in 40 dogs with high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma, treated with a modified Wisconsin–Madison protocol (UW‐25). The following variables were investigated for association with lymphoma specific survival (LSS) and relapse free interval (RFI): Ki67%, breed, sex, age, stage, substage, complete remission (CR). By multivariate analysis, Ki67% (P = 0.009) and achievement of CR (P = 0.001) were independent prognostic factors for LSS. Dogs with intermediate Ki67% (20.1–40%) presented longer LSS and RFI (median = 866 and 428 days, respectively) than dogs with low (median = 42 days, P < 0.001; median = 159 days, P = 0.014) or high (median = 173 days, P = 0.038; median = 100 days, P = 0.126) values. Determination of Ki67 is a prognostic tool that improves the clinical usefulness of flow cytometric analysis in canine high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

COX‐2 expression affects mammary tumourigenesis by promoting angiogenesis and cell proliferation, encouraging metastatic spread and tumour‐associated inflammation. Samples of canine mammary tumours (n = 109) were submitted to immunohistochemistry to detect COX‐2, CD31, VEGF, Ki‐67, CD3 and MAC387 expression. Concurrent high expression of COX‐2/CD31, COX‐2/VEGF, COX‐2/Ki‐67, COX‐2/CD3 and COX‐2/MAC was associated with elevated grade of malignancy, presence of intravascular emboli and presence of lymph node metastasis. Tumours with high COX‐2 (P < 0.001) and tumours with concurrent expression of high COX‐2 and high CD31 (P = 0.008); high VEGF (P < 0.001); high Ki‐67 (P < 0.001); high CD3+ T‐lymphocytes (P = 0.002) and elevated MAC387 macrophages (P = 0.024) were associated with shorter overall survival (OS) time. Interestingly the groups with high COX‐2/CD31 and high COX‐2/VEGF retained their significance after multivariate analysis arising as independent predictors of OS. Present data highlight the importance of COX‐2 in canine mammary tumourigenesis.  相似文献   

Malignant lymphomas are one of the most common malignancies occurring in dogs; among them T‐cell tumours are less commonly recognized. Recently, many authors have recommended cytology as a sufficient diagnostic method for canine lymphomas, especially if supported by immunocytochemistry or flow cytometry. The aim of the study was to characterize animal‐dependent risk factors in canine T‐cell lymphomas (TCLs) in Poland, including specific cytological subtypes. Determination of the type and subtype of the tumour was made based on the updated Kiel cytological classification adopted for dogs as previously described. Two breeds turned out predisposed to TCL (dog de Bordeaux and Boxer) while no predisposition to B‐cell lymphoma could be evidenced. Dogs with low‐grade lymphoma were significantly older than those with high‐grade lymphoma.  相似文献   

The growth fraction of 68 canine cutaneous melanomas was determined by immunostaining with MIB‐1, a monoclonal antibody to a Ki‐67 epitope that recognizes all proliferating cells. Fifty tumours were classified histologically as benign and 18 as malignant. The Ki‐67 proliferative index (percentage of positive cells over 500 neoplastic cells) was low (< 15%) in 55 cases and high ( 15%) in 13 cases. High Ki‐67 proliferative index and histological malignancy were both associated with significantly poorer 2‐year survival (P < 0.0001). However, the predictive value of the Ki‐67 proliferative index (97%) was higher than the predictive value of classical histology (91%). The evaluation of the growth fraction by the Ki‐67 proliferative index is highly predictive of the biological behaviour of canine cutaneous melanoma.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane‐enclosed fragments shed from all cell types, including tumour cells. EVs contain a wide range of proteins, biolipids and genetic material derived from mother cells and therefore may be potential biomarkers for tumour diagnosis, disease progression and treatment success. We studied the effect of canine mast cell tumours (MCTs) on EV concentrations in blood isolates in association with MCT's histological grade, Ki‐67 proliferative index, KIT‐staining pattern and number of PLT. The average EV concentration in blood isolates from nine dogs with MCTs was considerably higher than that in blood from eight healthy dogs. But there were no statistically significant differences in EVs concentration in the population of dogs with MCT according to a different histological grade of malignancy (Patnaik, Kiupel), KIT‐staining pattern and Ki‐67 proliferation index. The results show that these variables statistically do not significantly predicted EV concentrations in blood isolates (P > .05), except the KIT‐staining pattern I which added statistically significantly to the prediction (P < .05). The results confirmed the impact of neoplasms on the morphological changes to cell membranes, which result in greater vesiculability and higher EV concentrations.  相似文献   

Introduction: The Patnaik grading system for canine cutaneous MCT is currently one of the best determinants of prognosis; however, clinical outcome does not always correlate with histologic grade. The development of molecular markers offers a potential advantage and may complement subjective grading. The primary purpose of this study was to correlate histologic grading to Ki67/PCNA/AgNOR/c‐Kit scores. Methods: Thirty‐eight dogs with cutaneous MCT underwent surgical resection. Tumors were graded, with expansion of grade II MCT to low, medium (or II only) and high. For statistical purposes, MCT grade I, II (low, medium, high) and III were assigned a score of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, respectively. Sections were processed for AgNOR staining and expression of PCNA, Ki67 and c‐Kit as previously described (modified biotin‐strepavidin with DAB substrate). Paraffin‐embedded canine tissue arrays were used as positive and negative controls (primary antibody replaced with pre‐immune sera). Parametric statistical testing was performed using Statview statistical software with P ≤ .05 as significant. Results: There were 12, 20, 5 and 1 grade II low, grade II medium, grade II high and grade III MCT, respectively. The mean Ki67 score was 9.114 (median 8.0, range 1–28), mean PCNA score was 26.25 (median 24.0, range 5–65), mean AgNOR score was 1.499 (median 1.35, range 1.02–2.76) and c‐Kit scores were +1 (9/37), +2 (19/37) and +3 (9/37). With parametric statistical testing, significantly positive correlations were found for Ki67/Grade, PCNA/Grade, AgNOR/Grade, Ki67/PCNA, Ki67/AgNOR and PCNA/AgNOR (all P < .0001). No significant correlation was found for c‐Kit and grade; however, +3 c‐Kit scores had statistically significantly higher grades than +2 c‐Kit scores (P = .0458). Conclusions: Ki67/PCNA/AgNOR scores are positively correlated to grade in dogs with MCT. Further studies to correlate Ki67/PCNA/AgNOR/c‐Kit scores with clinical variables are ongoing.  相似文献   

Paired box gene 5 (Pax5) is a widely used B‐cell marker for human and canine non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma (nHL); however, in the literature there is only one case report using Pax5 in a cat B‐cell lymphoma. The purposes of this study were to investigate the expression and detection of B‐cell specific activator protein (BSAP) using a monoclonal anti‐Pax5 antibody in feline nHL (FnHL) tissue samples to evaluate its diagnostic relevance as a B‐cell marker. A total of 45 FnHL samples in 45 cats were evaluated. B‐cell lymphoma was the most common immunophenotype (51.1%) for all the samples and T‐cell the most common immunophenotype (64.3%) for the gastrointestinal (GI) form. Pax5 stained 82.6% of all B‐cell lymphomas and no expression was found in any of the T‐cell lymphomas. Anti‐Pax5 antibody staining in FnHL is similar to that reported in human and canine counterparts and may offer an excellent B‐cell marker in cats.  相似文献   

Intermediate‐grade mast cell tumours (MCT) represent a heterogeneous population of tumours. The prognosis for the majority of dogs is excellent following surgical excision, but a minority die because of their disease. A previous study identified Ki67 expression as a predictor of prognosis in all three grades of MCT. The purpose of this study was to validate those results in a new group of dogs, with intermediate‐grade MCT only. Ki67 immunohistochemistry was performed on intermediate‐grade MCT from 163 dogs with known outcome. Digital microscopy images were taken from each tumour, and an index calculated of Ki67‐positive cells. Ki67 index as a binary variable with a cut‐off value of 1.8% was confirmed to be associated with prognosis (hazard ratio = 19.1, P < 0.0001) for this cohort of dogs. The 1‐year, 2‐year and 3‐year survival probabilities (with standard errors) of 127 dogs with a Ki67 index ≤1.8% were [0.95 (0.024), similar for all] and for 36 dogs with a Ki67 index >1.8% were 0.54 (0.100), 0.45 (0.101) and 0.33 (0.104), respectively.  相似文献   

COX‐2 overexpression is associated with several hallmarks of carcinogenesis such as proliferation, angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis. Fifty cases of canine mast cell tumours (MCT) were retrospectively evaluated and submitted to immunohistochemistry for COX‐2, CD31, Ki‐67, MAC‐387 and CD3. Furthermore its relationship with clinicopathological variables and overall survival (OS) was analysed. COX‐2 intensity (P = 0.016), but not COX‐2 extension nor score was associated with decreased OS and higher grades of malignancy according to Patnaik (P = 0.002) and Kiupel (P < 0.001) grading systems. Cox‐2 intensity was also associated with higher Ki‐67 scores (P = 0.009), higher mitotic index (P = 0.022) and higher microvascularization density (P = 0.045). No association was observed for COX‐2 intensity and CD3‐T lymphocyte (P = 0.377) and macrophage infiltration (P = 0.261) by MAC‐387 immunollabelling, suggesting an active role of COX‐2 in MCT oncogenesis mainly through proliferation and angiogenesis stimulation making it a potentially clinical relevant prognosis marker and therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Background: Canine mammary tumors are challenging for clinicians and pathologists because of complex histologic classification, low specificity of cytologic diagnosis, and unpredictable biological behavior. In histologic specimens, expression of tumor proliferation marker Ki‐67, a nuclear nonhistone protein, has been shown to have prognostic value for canine mammary tumors and to correlate with malignancy and low survival rates. Objective: The objective of this study was to measure the proliferation index of canine mammary tumors by immunochemical detection of Ki‐67 in cytologic specimens and to determine its relationship to clinical and pathologic variables and patient outcome. Methods: Spontaneous mammary tumors from 31 female dogs were surgically excised. Imprint specimens for cytologic evaluation were wet‐fixed in ethanol; histologic specimens were prepared routinely. Immunostaining was performed with the PH 177 monoclonal antibody against Ki‐67; proliferation index was graded from negative to +++. Dogs were followed for 18 months. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine correlations between immunocytochemical results, tumor and clinical variables, and patient outcome. Results: Ki‐67 proliferation indices in cytologic specimens were significantly lower for nonmalignant tumors than for malignant tumors. High index values of Ki‐67 were positively correlated with metastasis, death from neoplasia, low disease‐free survival rates, and low overall survival rate. With the exception of 4 specimens for which cellularity was insufficient, positive expression of Ki‐67 in cytologic specimens correlated with that of histologic specimens. Conclusions: The prognostic value of the Ki‐67 index in canine mammary tumors by using wet‐fixed cytology imprint specimens was similar to that observed previously for histologic specimens. Immunocytochemical detection of Ki‐67 could improve the accuracy and value of cytology by providing safe and rapid information about malignancy and patient outcome.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to survey veterinarians regarding their current initial diagnostic and treatment recommendations for dogs with substage‐a high‐grade multicentric lymphoma. A written survey was conducted at the 2009 Veterinary Cancer Society conference asking veterinarians to provide demographic information, initial staging diagnostics and treatment recommendations for canine lymphoma. The most commonly recommended staging diagnostics were complete blood count (100%), chemistry panel (100%), urinalysis (85%), lymph node cytology (88%), thoracic radiographs (84%), immunophenotyping (76%) and abdominal ultrasound (75%). The most commonly used first‐line B‐cell protocols combined the drugs L ‐asparaginase, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone (L ‐CHOP, 51%). CHOP (30%) and other CHOP‐based protocols (12%) were used as well. Thirty‐one percent of responders treated B‐ and T‐cell lymphomas differently. Protocol lengths varied from ≤16 weeks to >2 years. Current staging and treatment recommendations for canine lymphoma are varied. Efforts to standardize recommendations should be considered.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of canine intestinal lymphoma by morphological examination is challenging, especially when endoscopic tissue specimens are used. The utility of detection of antigen receptor gene rearrangement by polymerase chain reaction (PARR) in canine lymphoma has been well established, but its usefulness to distinguish enteritis and intestinal lymphoma remains unclear. In this retrospective study we assessed clonality of 29 primary canine intestinal lymphoma, 14 enteritis and 15 healthy control cases by PARR analysis, using formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded full‐thickness tissue specimens. We could detect monoclonal rearrangements in 22 of 29 canine intestinal lymphomas [76%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 56–90%] and polyclonal rearrangements in all of the enteritis and healthy control cases (100%; CI 88–100%). We revealed a predominance of T‐cell phenotype compared to B‐cell phenotype (85%; CI 65–96% and 15%; CI 4–35%, respectively). We showed that PARR analysis contributes to differentiation of canine intestinal lymphoma from enteritis and to phenotyping of lymphomas.  相似文献   

PARR is widely used in the diagnostics of canine lymphoma. In human and veterinary medicine, melting curve analysis (MCA) has successfully been introduced to facilitate the process. Since visual interpretation of melting curves can be rather subjective, the purpose of this study was to develop an objective interpretation of melting curves by calculating the maximum fluorescence decrease (dFmax) within a defined rise of temperature. Lymph node aspirates and blood of 34 dogs with lymphoma and 28 control dogs were tested. 27/34 lymphoma cases were correctly detected to be monoclonal (sensitivity 79%). 2/28 control dogs showed a monoclonal rearrangement (specificity 93%). B‐ and T‐cell neoplasia were still detectable using DNA amount as low as 10 ng. In serial dilutions of tumor DNA with DNA of normal tonsils, the detection limit was 25% for B‐cell lymphomas and 100% for T‐cell lymphoma, suggesting that PCR conditions could still be optimized.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry may be a useful tool to analyze lymphoma samples that are obtained from fine needle aspirations (FNA). This study aimed to determine if flow cytometric analysis add more objective and standardized information on the cellularity and morphology of lymphoma cells to conventional cytology. The typical immunophenotype of different lymphoma subtypes was assessed and leukocyte marker expression was evaluated to determine which antigens were more frequently over- or under-expressed in these lymphoma subtypes. Fifty FNA lymph node samples were evaluated from canine lymphomas. Thirty-one samples were identified to be of B-cell origin, sixteen were identified to be of T/NK-cell origin and three cases were classified as acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with lymph nodes involvement. The most common B-cell lymphoma subtypes were centroblastic lymphomas, whereas three cases were atypical and classified as B-large cell pleomorphic lymphomas. Among the T/NK lymphomas, small clear cells, large and small pleomorphic mixed cells, large granular lymphocytic cells and small pleomorphic cells were identified. Aberrant phenotypes and/or antigen under/over regulation was identified in thirty out of forty-seven lymphoma cases (64%; 18/31 B-cell=58% and 12/16 T-cell=75%). In B-cell lymphomas the most frequent finding was the diminished expression of CD79a (45%). CD34 expression was also observed in four cases (13%). Among T-cell lymphomas the prevalent unusual phenotype was the under-expression or absence of CD45 (25%). These findings reveal flow cytometry may be useful in confirming the diagnosis of lymphoma, as the technique allows one to add useful information about morphology of the neoplastic cells and identify antigenic markers and aberrant phenotypes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The count of argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions (AgNOR) has been considered a useful variable that reflects cellular proliferation in canine lymph nodes, but it has not been compared with other markers of proliferation. Hypothesis: Ki67 and AgNORs are equally useful as markers of tissue proliferation in fine needle aspirates of canine lymph nodes. ANIMALS: A total of 101 dogs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prospective, observational study of a convenience sample of dogs. Two smears were prepared for a May-Gruenwald-Giemsa stain and a Ki67/AgNOR double stain. In addition, CD3/CD79a immunostaining was performed when cytologic examination revealed a lymphoma. The dogs were grouped as normal (n = 26), reactive hyperplasia (n = 25), lymphadenitis (n = 31), and lymphoma (n = 19), based on the physical examination and the cytologic findings. The AgNOR count/cell, AgNOR area/cell and the percentage of cells staining positive for Ki67 were evaluated in 100-167 cells (median, 113 cells) by using automatic image analysis. RESULTS: Mean (SD) AgNOR counts/cell were 1.36 +/- 0.19 in normal dogs, 1.55 +/- 0.26 in lymphadenitis, 1.65 +/- 0.32 in reactive hyperplasia, and 3.67 +/- 1.08 in lymphoma. The percentage of Ki67 positive cells was 2.67 +/- 0.99% in normal lymph nodes, 5.04 +/- 3.34% in lymphadenitis, 5.36 +/- 2.14% in reactive hyperplasia, and 30.2 +/- 10.8% in lymphoma. All variables were significantly higher in dogs with lymphoma compared with the other groups (P < .0001). The sensitivity and the specificity of the AgNOR count for diagnosing lymphoma were 95 and 96% at a cutoff value of >2.04 AgNORs/cell. The cutoff value for the Ki67 positive cells was >10.40% (sensitivity, 95%; specificity, 98%). CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: The results indicated that both AgNOR and Ki67 counts were good diagnostic tools for assessment of proliferation in aspirates of canine lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Death‐associated protein kinase (DAPK) is a serine/threonine kinase and a tumour suppressor gene. Diffuse large B‐cell lymphomas with inactivated DAPK through hypermethylation of a CpG island is known to result in a biologically aggressive phenotype in humans. This retrospective study was carried out to analyse the prognostic significance of DAPK CpG island hypermethylation in canine lymphoma. We hypothesized that DAPK CpG island hypermethylation can be a negative prognostic indicator in dogs with nodal high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma. Forty‐seven dogs with high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma, according to the updated Kiel classification, were evaluated after being treated with a CHOP (vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and prednisolone)‐based chemotherapy protocol. The methylation status of the DAPK CpG island was examined by methylation‐specific PCR. Progression‐free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were compared using the Kaplan‐Meier analysis and log‐rank test. The cox proportional hazard regression model was used to evaluate the effect of multiple variables. Hypermethylation of the DAPK CpG island was detected in 21 of the 47 dogs. The PFS and OS in dogs with the hypermethylation (median: 220 and 266 days, respectively) were significantly shorter than those of dogs without hypermethylation (median: 301 and 412 days, respectively) (PFS, P = .036; OS, P = .007). In the multivariate analysis, hypermethylation of the DAPK CpG island remained an independent prognostic factor in predicting shortened PFS (P = .047) and OS (P = .021) as well as clinical substage b. Overall, hypermethylation of the DAPK CpG island was a negative prognostic factor in canine high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

Proliferation markers are commonly used for prognostication of mast cell tumours. The aim of the study is to compare the relative abilities of Ki67 and mitotic index to predict survival in the same cohort of dogs with cutaneous MCTs. Histological grade, mitotic index and Ki67 index were performed in all samples and clinical information was obtained by a follow‐up questionnaire. Ninety‐five dogs were included in the study with a median follow‐up of 1145 days. Survival times varied significantly between categories of histological grade, mitotic index and Ki67 index. Multivariable analyses showed that the risk of dying due to MCT was similar in dogs with increased Ki67 index [hazard ratio, HR: 3.0 (95% CI 1.3–6.8)] or increased mitotic index [HR: 2.7 (95% CI 1.1–6.5)]. In conclusion, both mitotic index and Ki67 index were able to independently differentiate MCTs with worse prognosis. This distinction is particularly meaningful in selecting intermediate grade MCTs that may benefit from more aggressive local or systemic treatment.  相似文献   

Immunotherapies targeting checkpoint molecule programmed cell death 1 (PD‐1) protein were shown to be effective for treatment of non‐Hodgkin lymphoma in people, but little is known about the expression of PD‐1 or its ligand PD‐L1 by canine lymphoma. Therefore, flow cytometry was used to analyse expression of PD‐1 and PD‐L1 in canine lymphoma, using fine‐needle aspirates of lymph nodes from 34 dogs with B cell lymphoma (BCL), 6 dogs with T cell lymphoma (TCL) and 11 dogs that had relapsed. Furthermore, fine‐needle aspirates were obtained from 17 healthy dogs for comparison. Lastly, the impact of chemotherapy resistance on expression of PD‐1 and PD‐L1 was assessed in vitro. These studies revealed increased expression of PD‐L1 by malignant B cells compared to normal B cells. In the case of TCL, tumour cells and normal T cells both showed low to negative expression of PD‐1 and PD‐L1. In addition, tumour infiltrating lymphocytes from both BCL and TCL had increased expression of both PD‐1 and PD‐L1 expression compared to B and T cells from lymph nodes of healthy animals. In vitro, chemotherapy‐resistant BCL and TCL cell lines exhibited increases in both PD‐1 and PD‐L1 expression, compared to non‐chemotherapy selected tumour cells. These findings indicate that canine lymphomas exhibit upregulated checkpoint molecule expression, though the impact of checkpoint molecule expression on tumour biological behaviour remains unclear.  相似文献   

1. HG and LG quail lines selected for high and low relative weight gain between 11 and 28 d of age (RG11-28), respectively, and an unselected C line were compared. Mature body weight of both selected lines was held at that of the C line. Progeny of generation 6 were used for analysis. 2. Divergent selection for RG11-28 brought about opposite changes in the growth rates shortly after hatching. 3. Parameters of the Richards function were used to describe the growth curve. The largest differences between HG and LG lines occurred in age (t+) and body weight (y+) at the inflection point of the growth curve (on average for both sexes 28% and 20%, respectively). For HG quail, the parameter t+ was 5 d later than that for LG quail (18.6 vs 14.1 d for males and 20.6 vs 15.6 d for females, respectively), and consequently the parameter y+ was greater (90.3 vs 84.0 g for males and 104.5 vs 96.1 g for females, respectively). The shape of the growth curve expressed by the y+/A ratio was substantialy different for HG and LG quail (44.8% vs 39.6% for males and 43.5% vs 36.8% for females, respectively). 4. The food/gain ratios for the fattening period (3 to 35 d of age) were 3.21, 3.47 and 3.34 for the HG, LG and C lines, respectively. The HG quail started to utilise food more efficiently than the LG quail as early as 10 to 14 d, that is, at the age when their relative growth rate first became greater. 5. The relative deviations of the HG and LG lines from the C line are discussed.  相似文献   

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