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自1997年牛、羊布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)防制达到“控制区“标准后,玉树州在继续加强动物检疫,病畜淘汰和部分地区畜间检疫的基础上,重点开展了布病监测和防制效果考核。2004-2006年玉树州六县先后用试管凝集反应法抽检牛22752头,羊36171只,其中:玉树县抽检牛4349头,检出阳性牛7头,阳性率为0.16%。抽检羊6107只,检出阳性羊2只,阳性率为0.03%;称多县抽检牛4148头,检出阳性牛5头,阳性率为0.10%。抽检羊6865只,检出阳性羊6只,阳性率为0.08%.  相似文献   

在被检的934头奶牛中,初检检出阳性结核病牛8头,可疑牛5头,对可疑牛复检后,检出阳性牛1头,共检出阳性牛9头,阳性率为0.96%(9/934):阳性牛中黑白花奶牛7头,阳性率为1.17%(7/599),当地黄牛2头,阳性率为0.60%(2/335);从检测结果看,恰卜恰镇黑白花奶牛的阳性率;比当地黄牛的阳性率高,差异性极显著(P〈0.01),说明黑白花奶牛对结核病的抵抗力比当地黄牛相对较差。  相似文献   

陕西省关中地区奶牛结核病调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006-2008年对陕西关中部分地区(西安、宝鸡、咸阳和渭南)奶牛结核病依据我国国家标准《GB/T118645-2002》"结核菌素试验"进行调查,调查数据显示2006年-2008年检测奶牛分别为6090头、5328头、4286头,阳性率分别为0.77%、1.05%、1.42%,陕西关中地区奶牛结核病阳性率有明显上升趋势。西安、宝鸡、咸阳和渭南地区的检测头数分别为4129头、4680头、3797头、3058头,阳性率分别为0.90%、0.80%、1.18%、1.43%,其中渭南地区的阳性率最高。从养殖规模上来看,10头以下养殖户奶牛结核阳性率最高为1.48%。  相似文献   

2003-2009年连续7年对延平区乳牛的结核病、布鲁氏菌病进行检疫监测。结果显示,用布鲁氏菌病凝集试验共检验乳牛97399头次,其中布鲁氏菌病血清阳性64头,平均阳性率为0.07%,最高阳性率为0.40%(49/12157);用结核病PPD皮内变态反应共检验乳牛111003头次,其中结核病阳性273头,平均阳性率0....  相似文献   

采用试管凝集反应和《牛结核病提纯结核菌素变态反应操作规程》,对我县9094头上市奶牛进行了布病和结核病调查,结果表明,奶牛布病呈阴性,结核病阳性率平均为0.18%,其中奶牛场的阳性率为0.21%,散养奶牛中阳性率为0.11%。  相似文献   

2003年3月18日,宁夏灵武市动物检疫站对辖区某奶牛场进行结核病监测,共检测奶牛156头,检出结核阳性牛26头,阳性率达16.7%。如此高的阳性检出率,在宁夏乃至全国实属罕见。由于结核病是人畜共患病,其病原可通过多种途径在人畜间传染。为控制该场奶牛结核病的蔓延,宁夏农牧厅、灵武市  相似文献   

本文综合报道“中国人畜弓形体病调查研究”协作采用间接试验对广西等12个省的部分地区牛弓形体病调查的结果及防治措施。本次调查牛5121头,阳性434头,阳性率8.47%,其中黄牛、水牛及奶牛的感染率分别为11.29%、8.56%和2.12%。各地区牛感染率依次为:浙江27.64%、24.52%、天津13.73%、福建11.08%、广西8.64%、上海8.62%、云南7.97%;新疆5.51、黑龙江2  相似文献   

我市奶牛业以个体小规模养殖为主,牛群多为外地引进,结核病时有发生,成为阻碍本市奶牛业发展的主要问题。以某牧场为例,2001年6月,存栏成乳牛216头,经检测,结核病阳性牛55头,阳性率高达25.5%。该场的情况引起了我们的高度重视,为探索和实践规模奶牛场的结核病净化措施,  相似文献   

2020年,以规模牛场为调查对象,对来自168个场群的9295头活牛进行牛型结核菌素皮内变态反应试验,并按动物种类、存栏量规模和不同区域对结果进行分析,以期了解河南省牛群结核病感染情况。试验结果显示:河南省牛群结核病平均场群阳性率为9.52%,平均个体阳性率为0.79%;肉牛群体中未检出结核阳性个体,奶牛群体中结核场群阳性率和个体阳性率分别为10.74%和0.88%;存栏量≤500头的规模奶牛场场群阳性率和个体阳性率均为最高,分别为13.75%和1.30%,且个体阳性率和场群阳性率均随存栏量的上升呈下降趋势;豫西和豫北地区有结核阳性牛只检出,尤其是豫西地区,奶牛结核病感染情况较为严重,豫东、豫南和豫中地区无结核阳性个体检出。河南省牛群结核病感染具有明显的群间和空间分布特征,可依据其流行特征,针对不同种群和区域采取相应的防控和净化措施。  相似文献   

本试验采集2015-2019年阿勒泰地区8个乡镇的牛只进行牛结核病的监测,通过抽样(N=156)对比γ-干扰素ELISA试验及PCR方法与牛型结核菌素皮内变态反应(PPD)进行对比,PCR检测阳性率为17.31%;γ-干扰素ELISA检测为16.67%,PPD检测为16.03%,综合分析,最终决定用PCR方法进行流行病学调查。2015-2019年牛结核病试验结果显示:5年内共监测64 442头牛,阳性114头,平均阳性率为0.18%,从2015年的0.22%降至2019年的0.09%;其中,2015年阳性检出率最高,达到0.22%(27/12 155)。对2015-2019年阿勒泰地区不同乡镇牛结核病监测结果进行统计得知,C乡镇的阳性率为0.02%(1/6 531);其余乡镇阳性率分别为0.16%~0.25%不等。此次结果可为今后牛结核病的有效控制和逐步净化提供部分参考依据。  相似文献   

为准确掌握青海省海南州布鲁菌病的防控状况,通过血清学、细菌学等检测方法,对海南州人畜间布鲁菌病进行多年监测.结果表明,1958年-1983年,牛羊的平均阳性率为4.05%.1983年牛羊阳性率分别为5.77%、3.89%,1994年下降为0.45%、0.43%.1995年-2003年,用试管凝集试验抽检,牛的平均阳性率为0.065%(11/16 909),羊的平均阳性率为0.038%(12/31 744).2005年-2008年间,只有2007年共和县检出阳性羊1只(1/50),2008年,同德、贵南县分别检出阳性牛1头(1/50)(1/350),表明海南州布鲁菌病的防控质量达到了国家规定的"稳定控制区"标准.  相似文献   

In a serologic survey of Montana-source weaned calves and yearling cattle, the apparent prevalence of antibodies to Bluetongue virus was 0.68% and 1.26% in 2002 and 2003, respectively, and to Anaplasma marginale at a positive cutoff at 30% inhibition it was 1.82% and 1.35% in 2002 and 2003, and at a positive cutoff at 42% inhibition it was 0.76% and 0.55% in 2002 and 2003, respectively, suggesting that the risk of importing infected animals was very low.  相似文献   

A sero-epidemiological study was conducted on a goat farm that experienced an abortion epidemic in the 2005 breeding season in Tobago. Serum samples of goats (aborting and non-aborting) and cats were collected, in addition to the use of stored sera from the farm sampled in 2003 and 2004. Farm records on the reproductive and mortality rates for year 2003, 2004 and 2005 were also reviewed. The sera were screened for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies using the latex agglutination test (LAT), Chlamydophila abortus with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Brucella abortus using the buffered plate agglutination test (BPAT). Farm records revealed that for the period 2003-2005, the average kid per doe rate decreased from 2.1 to 1.5, the mortality rate increased from 6.3% in 2002 to 19.4% in 2004 and the fertility rate decreased from 98-99% (2002-2004) to 89% (2005). There was a dramatic increase in the abortion rate from <1% (2002, 2003 and 2004) to 29.2% (2005). Of a total of 161 sera tested comprising 12 from 2003, 89 from 2004 and 70 from 2005, 0 (0.0%), 21 (23.6%) and 45 (64.3%) were positive for T. gondii agglutinins (i.e. titres > or =1 : 64) and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05; chi(2)). Of all serum samples tested, only 1 (1.1%) of 89 from 2004 was positive for C. abortus while all the sera tested were negative for B. abortus. Amongst the 24 does which aborted in 2005 and were available for testing in mid-2005, 15 (62.5%) had reciprocal titres of > or =1 : 2048, three (12.5%) each had titres of 1 : 1024, 1 : 256 and < or =1 : 16 i.e. negative. The seroprevalence and titres of does that aborted, 20 (87.0%) of 23, all with titres > or =1 : 256 suggesting current infection, were statistically significantly (P < 0.05; chi(2)) higher than was detected amongst does that delivered normal kids, 25 (53.25) of 47 with 22 (48.8%) having titres of > or =1 : 256. One (50.0%) of two cats caught and tested was seropositive with a reciprocal titre of 128. This is considered the first documentation of T. gondii agglutinins in caprine abortion as well the detection of C. abortus antibodies from livestock in Trinidad. It is concluded that of the three zoonotic abortifacient pathogens tested for, T. gondii appeared to have played some aetiological role in the abortion epidemic investigated.  相似文献   

兰州市肉与肉制品微生物污染状况的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解兰州市定点屠宰场生猪屠宰加工产品的卫生质量以及肉与肉制品致病菌污染状况。方法:2003-2006年,应用国标法对2个定点生猪屠宰场300份生猪胴体样品进行了菌落总数、大肠菌群和沙门氏菌检验;采用随机采样法对兰州市不同酒店和超市的生猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、禽肉100份,熟肉制品1 200份进行了常见致病菌的检验。结果:生猪胴体体表和肉样沙门氏菌检出率分别为7.5%和14%;生肉检出致病菌阳性20份,总检出率为20%;熟肉制品检出致病菌阳性39份,阳性率为3.25%。生肉中以猪肉致病菌阳性率最高,为20%。结论:兰州市生猪胴体的卫生质量急需提高,屠宰生产加工水平亟待改善。  相似文献   

Despite many years of testing mink for serum antibodies against the Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) by counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) and elimination of reactors, this virus has remained the number one disease threat for the mink industry in Nova Scotia (NS). The objective of this study was to analyze CIEP test results to determine the success of the AMDV-control strategy in NS. A total of 2,964,920 CIEP test results from 82 ranches, spanning an eight-year period between 1998 and 2005, were analyzed. This survey included approximately 60% of the active ranchers in the province. The number of ranchers that tested their animals was 42 in 1998, gradually increased to 58 in 2003 and then showed some decline. The overall proportion of CIEP-positive mink was 3.34%, and varied between 5.22% in 1999 and 1.35% in 2005. The proportion of infected ranches ranged between 23.8% in 1998 and 70.7% in 2003. The overall trend was for a smaller proportion of infected animals but a larger proportion of infected ranches during this time period. Of the 82 ranches, 24 (29.3%) had negative CIEP in all tests, 15 (18.3%) had CIEP positive animals in every year tested, and 43 (52.4%) had positive and negative results in different years, indicating that AMDV infection was widespread in NS. There were 23 infected ranches with 8years of uninterrupted testing. These ranchers performed 75.8% of the total samples tested (2,246,711), implying that they have diligently been trying to eradicate the virus. Infection persisted on three of these ranches for the entire 8year period, and only two of the ranches remained CIEP negative for longer than four years. The average percentage of CIEP-positive mink on these ranches was 2.2, which was lower than 6.35% for the 33 infected ranches with occasional testing, and 73.6% and 82.4% for two ranches that had never used the CIEP test, showing that persistent test-and-removal strategy has been effective in reducing the prevalence of infected animals but has failed to eradicate the virus from most of the infected ranches.  相似文献   

为了解建水地区近几年牛羊布鲁氏菌病的流行情况,采用虎红平板及试管凝集试验对2017-2019年期间采集的150份牛血清、450份羊血清进行检测,并对数据进行统计分析。结果显示,2017-2019年牛布鲁氏菌病的阳性率为0.67%,羊布鲁氏菌病的阳性率为0.22%。其中2017年牛羊布鲁氏菌病的阳性率均为0%;2018年牛羊布鲁氏菌病的阳性率均为0%;2019年牛羊布鲁氏菌病的阳性率分别为2%、0.67%。本研究为促进本地区畜牧业健康稳定发展、养殖户效益增收以及保障畜产品质量安全提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the etiological mastitis agents in cows from herds located in the western part of Poland in years 2003-2005. Bacteriological examinations of 18,713 samples taken from California Mastitis Test (CMT) positive quarters were performed according to standard methods. Some Gram-negative bacilli and Gram-positive cocci were examined with the use of API tests (Analytical Profile Index). It was found that 32.7% of samples that were CMT positive were culture negative and 9.3% of samples were contaminated. Streptococcus species (15.7%), coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) (14.6%), Staph. aureus (8.6%), Gram-negative bacilli (4.0%) and Corynebacterium species (3.8%) were most frequently isolated. Escherichia coli (52.3%) dominated among Gram-negative bacilli followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (4.1%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3.6%), Enterobacter cloacae (3.6%), Serratia marcescens (3.1%), Pasteurella multocida (3.1%), Acinetobacter lwofii (3.1%), and 26 other bacteria species. Stahylococcus xylosus (31.5%), Staph. hyicus (12.2%), Staph. haemolyticus (12.2%), Staph. sciuri (11.6%), Staph. chromogenes (8.8%), Staph. epidermidis (8.3%) and Staph. simulans (6.1%) were the most frequent CNS. Streptococcus uberis (50%), Str. dysgalactiae (19.7%), Str. acidominimus (6.6%) and Enterococcus faecalis (5.3%) were mostly found among CAMP-negative streptococci. An increase in frequency of mastitis caused by non-agalactiae streptococci, Staph. aureus, A. pyogenes and yeast-like fungi and a decrease in that produced by Str. agalactiae in 2005 as compared to years 2003 or 2004 were observed.  相似文献   

A sero‐epidemiological study was conducted on a goat farm that experienced an abortion epidemic in the 2005 breeding season in Tobago. Serum samples of goats (aborting and non‐aborting) and cats were collected, in addition to the use of stored sera from the farm sampled in 2003 and 2004. Farm records on the reproductive and mortality rates for year 2003, 2004 and 2005 were also reviewed. The sera were screened for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies using the latex agglutination test (LAT), Chlamydophila abortus with an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Brucella abortus using the buffered plate agglutination test (BPAT). Farm records revealed that for the period 2003–2005, the average kid per doe rate decreased from 2.1 to 1.5, the mortality rate increased from 6.3% in 2002 to 19.4% in 2004 and the fertility rate decreased from 98–99% (2002–2004) to 89% (2005). There was a dramatic increase in the abortion rate from <1% (2002, 2003 and 2004) to 29.2% (2005). Of a total of 161 sera tested comprising 12 from 2003, 89 from 2004 and 70 from 2005, 0 (0.0%), 21 (23.6%) and 45 (64.3%) were positive for T. gondii agglutinins (i.e. titres ≥1 : 64) and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05; χ2). Of all serum samples tested, only 1 (1.1%) of 89 from 2004 was positive for C. abortus while all the sera tested were negative for B. abortus. Amongst the 24 does which aborted in 2005 and were available for testing in mid‐2005, 15 (62.5%) had reciprocal titres of ≥1 : 2048, three (12.5%) each had titres of 1 : 1024, 1 : 256 and ≤1 : 16 i.e. negative. The seroprevalence and titres of does that aborted, 20 (87.0%) of 23, all with titres ≥1 : 256 suggesting current infection, were statistically significantly (P < 0.05; χ2) higher than was detected amongst does that delivered normal kids, 25 (53.25) of 47 with 22 (48.8%) having titres of ≥1 : 256. One (50.0%) of two cats caught and tested was seropositive with a reciprocal titre of 128. This is considered the first documentation of T. gondii agglutinins in caprine abortion as well the detection of C. abortus antibodies from livestock in Trinidad. It is concluded that of the three zoonotic abortifacient pathogens tested for, T. gondii appeared to have played some aetiological role in the abortion epidemic investigated.  相似文献   

Understanding impacts of disease on wild bird populations requires knowing not only mortality rate following infection, but also the proportion of the population that is infected. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in western North America are known to have a high mortality rate following infection with West Nile virus (WNv), but actual infection rates in wild populations remain unknown. We used rates of WNv-related mortality and seroprevalence from radiomarked females to estimate infection rates in a wild greater sage-grouse population in the Powder River basin (PRB) of Montana and Wyoming from 2003 to 2005. Minimum WNv-related mortality rates ranged from 2.4% to 13.3% among years and maximum possible rates ranged from 8.2% to 28.9%. All live-captured birds in 2003 and 2004 tested seronegative. In spring 2005 and spring 2006, 10.3% and 1.8% respectively, of newly captured females tested seropositive for neutralizing antibodies to WNv. These are the first documented cases of sage-grouse surviving infection with WNv. Low to moderate WNv-related mortality in summer followed by low seroprevalence the following spring in all years indicates that annual infection rates were between 4% and 29%. This suggests that most sage-grouse in the PRB have not yet been exposed and remain susceptible. Impacts of WNv in the PRB in the near future will likely depend more on annual variation in temperature and changes in vector distribution than on the spread of resistance. Until the epizootiology of WNv in sagebrush-steppe ecosystems is better understood, we suggest that management to reduce impacts of WNv focus on eliminating man-made water sources that support breeding mosquitoes known to vector the virus. Our findings also underscore problems with using seroprevalence as a surrogate for infection rate and for identifying competent hosts in highly susceptible species.  相似文献   

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