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旨在研究藏鸡作为父本和母本对杂交种蛋胚胎低氧发育的影响。在模拟常压低氧的条件下对纯种藏鸡(TT)、纯种茶花鸡(CC)、藏鸡♂×茶花鸡♀(TC)、茶花鸡♂×藏鸡♀(CT)种蛋进行孵化。而后对种蛋的低氧孵化性能进行测定。结果显示,在13%氧浓度(约海拔3 980m)条件下,藏鸡与茶花鸡正反交种蛋孵化率(36.41%、39.57%)显著高于茶花鸡(16.97%),藏鸡作为母本的种蛋失水率显著低于茶花鸡为母本组,且蛋重较大。本研究说明了种蛋的蛋重、孵化期失水率主要由母本决定;茶花鸡与藏鸡的杂交种蛋低氧孵化率显著提高,表现较强杂种优势,但正反交组间种蛋低氧孵化率差异不显著;藏鸡作为母本的种蛋低氧孵化胚胎发育前期优于藏鸡作为父本组,后期则藏鸡作为父本的种蛋胚胎发育能力较好。  相似文献   

试验认为鸡蛋的孵化率和早期胚胎的死亡率与蛋的比重有相互关系。蛋的比重愈大,孵化率愈高,死亡率相对降低。大量胚胎的死亡多发生在孵化的第7天之内,但在孵化8到14天和15到21天胚胎的  相似文献   

鸡胚在孵化期存在着两个死亡高峰。第一个死亡高峰出现在孵化前期的3-5胚龄。第二个死亡高峰出现在孵化后期的18胚龄以后。第一高峰的死亡率约占全部死胚的15%,第二个高峰占50%左右。经验证明,对高孵化率的鸡群来说,鸡胚多死于第二高峰;而低孵化率的鸡群第一、二高峰期的死亡率大至相同。  相似文献   

在种蛋孵化过程中,无论是高孵化率鸡群,还是低孵化率鸡群,都不可避免地会出现胚胎死亡现象.一般情况下,胚胎死亡分3个时期:1~7 d为前期;8~14d为中期;15~21d为后期.鸡的胚胎死亡在整个孵化期中并不呈均匀分布,存在2个明显胚胎死亡高峰.第一个胚胎死亡高峰在2~4胚龄期,正常情况下,这个时期的死亡数占孵化全期总死亡数的15%左右;第二个胚胎死亡高峰在19~21胚龄期,正常情况下,这个时期的死亡数占孵化全期总死亡数的50%左右.一般在较高的管理水平下,前、中、后期胚胎死亡率依次为1.5%~3%、0.1%~0.5%、2%~3%.胚胎的死亡情况直接影响着孵化率的高低,如果发现异常应及时查找原因并找出解决对策.  相似文献   

1 孵化期胚胎死亡的分布规律 发现胚胎死亡在整个孵化期不是平均分布的,而是存在两个死亡高峰;第一个高峰期出现在孵化前期,鸡胚在孵化第2d至第5d,死胚率约占全部死胚数的15%:第二个高峰期出现在孵化后期,鸡胚在孵化第18d以后,约占全部死胚数50%。青海省大通县种鸡场鸡孵化多使用罗曼、京黄、伊莎褐等高孵化率种鸡,死胚多出现于第二高峰期。  相似文献   

一、引言 家禽胚胎死亡并不是在整个孵化过程中随机地死亡,一般而言,胚胎在孵化的早期及后期阶段的死亡率要高于中间阶段。根据观察统计发现,鸡胚在孵化过程中的第2至第4天死亡机率较高,而火鸡胚胎在第3天至第6天死亡机率较高。家禽胚胎在早期发育过程中在生理及遗传方面要发生许多变化。  相似文献   

(下转第13页)高海拔对孵化率会产生很大影响。在海平面处产下并孵化的种蛋的孵化率可超过90%,但当海拔高度达到900米(3000英尺)时孵化率会下降。海平面处的氧气(O2)利用效率通常被认为最适于孵化过程。如高海拔那样的低氧,导致孵化率降低。海拔对大气和氧气含量的影响气压(大气压)在高海拔处会降低。这不仅会降低空气中氧气的张力,而且会增加蛋壳的通透性,使得空气更易于经蛋壳上的气孔被动扩散。三个与孵化相关的因素在高海拔时会起作用:氧气利用率或者说是空气中的氧气张力降低;二氧化碳过度流失;处于孵化过…  相似文献   

本研究室早先的研究表明,有些火鸡蛋壳的通气性不足,可造成火鸡蛋孵化后期胚胎死亡及孵化率降低。蛋壳油质层是蛋换气的障碍,因其可部分或全部堵塞蛋壳的气孔。本研究室的工作证明,除去油质层可提高火鸡蛋壳的气体通透性,从而增加对胚胎的氧气供应量而表现出氧气对孵化率的有利作用。油质层可通过以弱碱液洗蛋而被去除。  相似文献   

孵化期间胚胎的死亡率并不是随机分布于整个孵化期的(HuttPilkey,1930:Insko和Martin,1935:Christensen,1978;Lerner等,1993:Krueger,1994)。孵化期有两个死亡高峰。孵化第一和第三阶段胚胎死亡率高于第二阶段。鸡胚胎早期死亡集中于入孵后第2-4天,火鸡则为第3-6天。  相似文献   

孵化是发展养鸡业的重要一环,近几年来在推广人工孵化中,遇到棕壳种蛋孵化率低,晚期胚胎死亡多的问题。我们认为鸡蛋虽是一个能自身维持其胚胎发育的独立系统,但多种维生素缺乏能影响胚胎的死亡和孵化率,设想入孵第五天后从胚胎向外伸展衬覆于蛋壳内膜的绒毛尿囊膜,进行气体交换,也可能吸收与输送喷于蛋壳上的维生素而提高孵化  相似文献   

本文通过对四批藏鸡胚死亡曲线进行统计,分析出:引起藏鸡胚死亡的原因除种鸡的健康状况、种蛋品质、种蛋保存外,主要是高海拔低压缺氧环境和后期相对湿度较低造成的。从而为提高藏鸡种蛋孵化率提供理论依据。  相似文献   

1. The object of this research was to investigate the effects of high altitude with supplementary oxygen during the last stage of incubation of broiler eggs laid at low altitude and incubated at low and high altitude. We analysed thyroid hormones and haematological variables. 2. The treatment groups were: low altitude (LA), high altitude with oxygen supplementation in the hatcher (HA-OX) and high altitude non-oxygen-supplemented (HA-NOX). 3. High altitude affected relative egg weight loss and early embryonic mortality. The hatchability of fertile eggs was lower at high than at low altitude. 4. Oxygen supplementation into the hatcher cabinet during the last stage of incubation decreased late embryonic mortality ratio (LEM(1)) and improved survival rates of embryos incubated at high altitude. 5. Eggs incubated at low altitude had a higher hatched chick weight and relative chick weight than those incubated at high altitude. Hatched chick weight and relative chick weight did not change with oxygen supplementation at high altitude. 6. High altitude caused an increase in plasma T(3) and T(4) concentrations as well as in the ratio of T(3):T(4) in embryos. High altitude newly hatched chicks showed a higher T(3):T(4) ratio than low altitude chicks; this ratio decreased with oxygen supplementation at high altitude. Altitude and oxygen supplementation did not affect the mean plasma T(4). 7. Newly-hatched chicks incubated at high altitude showed a higher plasma haematocrit (PCV) than the newly-hatched chicks from eggs incubated at low altitude. High altitude without supplementation increased haemoglobin (Hb), while oxygen supplementation returned the value to low altitude values.  相似文献   

The effects of intensity of brown eggshell pigment (light (LBP), medium (MBP) and dark (DBP)) and light intensity during incubation (low and high, 900 to 1380 and 1430 to 2080 lux, respectively) on eggshell characteristics, embryonic growth, hatchability traits, chick hatching weight and hatching time were investigated using eggs from a meat-type breeder (Hybro) flock at 32, 36 and 41 weeks of age in three trials. With eggs of similar weights the intensity of brown pigment was not associated with eggshell weight and thickness, and did not influence embryo weight and egg weight loss during incubation. The shade of brown pigment of eggs laid by young hens influenced the percentage hatchability (HP) of eggs incubated under light. Illuminated incubation improved HP of LBP eggs (compared with MBP and DBP eggs) from 32- and 36-week-old hens, but had no significant effect on HP of eggs from 41-week-old hens. Light intensity during incubation did not influence egg weight loss. High intensity of light during incubation reduced HP and increased early death percentage (EDP) in the LBP and MBP groups, and did not influence HP and EDP in the DBP group. Brown eggshell pigment and intensity of light during incubation did not influence hatching time. It is concluded that the shade of brown pigment, intensity of light during incubation and age of the breeder hens influenced the hatchability performance of embryos from brown eggs. Light during incubation improved the hatchability of embryos in light brown eggs laid by young hens and the shade of brown pigment of eggs laid by older hens did not influence hatchability under illuminated incubation. High intensity of light during incubation reduced hatchability of light and medium brown eggs, but not the dark brown eggs.  相似文献   

1. The hatching success and embryonic mortality of 724 lesser rhea eggs from 12 farms in northern Patagonia, Argentina were monitored during the 2000 breeding season. 2. Average infertility was 24.5%, embryonic mortality was 33.5%, hatchability of fertile eggs was 66.5% and the neonatal mortality was 57.0%. There were large variations between different farms. 3. Bacterial contamination was high and egg hatchability was also affected by the occurrence of oedematous and malformed embryos. 4. No significant relationships were found between embryonic loss, duration of egg storage, initial egg weight or weight loss of hatched and failed eggs. 5. The low productivity on lesser rhea farms is caused not only by embryonic mortality but also by a high incidence of infertile eggs and neonatal mortality. 6. Bacterial infection may not have been the most important cause of incubation failure, indicating that nutritional deficiencies and inbreeding may play an important role in the productivity of these farms.  相似文献   

1. Hatching time, hatchability of fertile eggs and embryo mortality under standard egg storage (1 or 5 days at 12?±?1°C and 55% relative humidity) and incubation conditions (37·5?±?0·2°C and 50% relative humidity) were analysed in lines long-term selected for high (HG) and low (LG) relative weight gain between 11 and 28?d of age, respectively, and constant body weight at 49?d of age.

2. Egg storage duration did not have an effect on average hatching time. LG quail, characterised by a fast postnatal growth rate immediately after hatching, hatched earlier than HG quail with a low early growth rate (about 391 vs. 406?h after egg setting, respectively).

3. In contrast to hatching time, the hatchability of fertile eggs was influenced by line as well as egg storage duration. Extended storage decreased hatching success in both lines. However, LG eggs exhibited a higher hatchability than HG eggs (1?d storage: 96·0 vs. 82·5%; 5?d storage: 88·7 vs. 72·7%, respectively).

4. Lower hatchability resulted mostly from a higher frequency of embryo death during early (up to d 7) and late (d 14 and later) phases of incubation.

5. An inadequate nutrient supply to embryos in consequence of developmental delay seems to be a key factor decreasing viability of embryos during incubation.  相似文献   


1. Sex-specific variations in early embryonic development rates may pre-empt later variations in embryonic development through to pipping and hatching. Given that erythropoiesis (blood production) can be equated with early embryonic growth rate, it was hypothesised that blood pigment haemoglobin can act as a specific spectral fingerprint for changes in growth rate. Moreover, by measuring longitudinal, rather than lateral, spectral transmission through the egg, a more consistent spectrum with a higher signal-to-noise ratio could be captured.

2. Longitudinal visible transmission (T575/T598 ratio), which is sensitive to haemoglobin, was used to monitor sex-specific early embryonic development rate in white layer chicken eggs from d 0 to 8 of incubation. The sex of these eggs was subsequently confirmed two days after hatching.

3. Embryonic development was detectable from d 3 (72 h) of incubation, 36 h earlier than previously reported lateral spectral measurements, supporting the greater sensitivity of longitudinal measurements.

4. At d 3, the mean T575/T598 ratio for male embryos was significantly lower (P < 0.001) (i.e. higher absorbance of haemoglobin) than for female embryos, which was thought to be due to sex-differences in early embryogenesis. On the other hand, female embryos had a significantly lower (P < 0.05) mean T575/T598 ratio than male embryos at d 7 of incubation, presumably due to the combined effects of oestrogen synthesis receptors and enzymes on erythropoiesis in female embryos at this time.

5. In conclusion, the proposed methodology has the sensitivity to differentiate sex-specific embryonic development rates during early incubation and the potentiality to advance precision incubation management and poultry research.  相似文献   

1. The effects of initial egg mass (IEM) and percentage mass loss during incubation (%ML) on hatchability of rock partridge eggs were investigated. 2. Eggs at the extremes of IEM had lower fertility and embryonic mortality. 3. Eggs at the extremes of %ML also had low fertility and hatchability was disproportionately reduced in eggs that had lost less mass during incubation. 4. Chick mass was a function of both IEM and mass lost during incubation. 5. In these respects rock partridge eggs are similar to that of other domesticated species of poultry.  相似文献   

1. Eggs from a layer-type breeder flock (Baladi, King Saud University) between 50 and 63 weeks of age were used in three trials to study the effects of electrical field (EF) during incubation on albumen and yolk heights, incubation temperature, egg weight loss and hatchability traits. The effects of egg size and eggshell characteristics on hatchability traits of eggs incubated under EF were investigated. 2. Eggs were weighed and graded into three weight classes (small, medium, and large). The physical dimensions, eggshell characteristics, and conductance of eggs were examined. The incubator was divided into two compartments for the control and EF treatments. Two aluminium plates were fitted on the inside walls of the EF compartment, face to face, and connected to a step up electric transformer. Eggs were exposed constantly to the EF during the first 18 d of incubation at the level of 30 kV/m, 60 Hz. 3. Egg size influenced the physical dimensions and eggshell characteristics of eggs. Large eggs had higher egg weight, egg surface area, egg volume, eggshell conductance, and eggshell weight and lower yolk weight percentage than medium or small size eggs. Small eggs had lower egg length and higher egg density than large or medium size eggs. Large eggs had higher eggshell thickness than small size eggs. 4. EF incubation of eggs raised incubation temperature by 0.06 degrees C, and increased the percentage of egg weight loss, hatchability, and weight of hatching chicks and reduced the early embryo deaths, and length of incubation by approximately 9.8, 19.6, 1.7, 62.1 and 2.1%, respectively. 5. There was no significant difference between the two incubation treatments in the heights of albumen and yolk of incubated eggs, percentages of late embryo deaths, and pips with live and dead embryos. Hatchability traits were not significantly influenced by egg size. 6. It was concluded that EF incubation of eggs increased hatchability, chick-hatching weight, and reduced the length of incubation of Baladi eggs. Differences in the physical dimensions and eggshell characteristics of eggs did not influence hatchability traits of eggs under EF incubation.  相似文献   

Dead-in-shell chicken embryos from two commercial hatcheries in Anambra State of Nigeria were investigated for isolation of aerobic bacteria. For this purpose, 79 pooled samples containing 632 dead-in-shell chicken embryos were cultured. From these samples, 23 isolates of Escherichia coli and 25 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were recorded. Other bacterial species isolated included Micrococcus sp. (fifteen isolates), Klebsiella sp. (thirteen isolates), Pseudomonas sp. (nine isolates), and Proteus sp. (seven isolates). Salmonella, Streptococcus, and Mycoplasma spp. could not be isolated. A high incidence of pathogenic strains of bacteria from dead-in-shell chicken embryos was observed. This suggests that the isolates may have contributed to the embryonic mortality and reduced hatchability recorded in the farms investigated.  相似文献   

为研究蛋黄中的功能蛋白对鸡胚发育的作用机制,试验以高、低孵化率母鸡为研究对象,提取两组母鸡所产蛋的蛋黄蛋白质,采用TMT标记定量技术首次对不同孵化率的鸡蛋蛋黄进行蛋白质组学分析,共鉴定到404种蛋白质,其中包含31个差异蛋白。通过查阅文献与数据库检索发现,这些差异蛋白主要具有抗菌性能、蛋白质加工、凝血及分化代谢等生物学功能。其中DNABJ11在高孵化率组显著上调(FC=+270.65,P<0.05),在调控蛋白质正确折叠方面发挥重要作用,其他蛋白WFDC2(FC=+29.14)和UMOD(FC=+4.53)参与宿主防御,过表达时有利于胚胎发育,而FOXA1(FC=-12.15)过表达时则对胚胎发育不利。研究发现了与胚胎发育密切相关的蛋黄蛋白质,对全面理解胚胎生长具有重要的生物学意义。  相似文献   

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