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金头龟学名黄缘盒龟,也有人称它为黄缘闭壳龟、断板龟、夹蛇龟、黄板龟。在我国分布较广,主要分布在福建、浙江、江苏、安徽、湖南、湖北、河南以及台湾等地。金头龟背部隆起很明显,像半个皮球,十分有趣。金头龟虽然也会游泳,但不太喜欢下水,属半水栖龟类,生活于林子边缘或有少量小树的草山上,以小虫为食,生长较慢。  相似文献   

在地处河南,湖北、安徽三省交界的大别山区,出产一种黄缘闭壳龟(Cuoraflavomarginata)。当地群众称之为“夹板龟”或“合龟”。黄缘闭壳龟一般栖息于海拔800—950米的深山区,平时喜在杂草丛中的乱石堆里隐居而不易被人们发现。但在每年6—9月繁殖季节却活动频繁,容易捕捉。常见个体重量在330—810克之间,多数是体重500—600克重的成龟。近年来,由于山林的开发,造成  相似文献   

<正>由于黄缘龟对气候环境适应性广,近年来,在全国开始普及。北至北京,南至广东、海南等地均有黄缘爱好者养殖。在大部分名龟价格都大幅上升的情况下,黄缘龟的价值洼地效应已逐渐显现,养殖黄缘龟前景广阔。从黄缘龟专卖商家的报价情况来看,目前价格如下:安徽黄缘龟苗每只4000元左右,安徽黄缘龟幼龟每只6000元~8500元,成龟统货母龟  相似文献   

<正>安徽省桑园主要分布在皖南山区、大别山区、长江流域和淮河流域的丘陵地区,属于北亚热带湿润季风气候。年积温4700~5200℃,平均相对湿度75%~78%,年降雨量900~1700mm。由于地理条件复杂多样,是我国古老蚕区之一,加上自然选择和人工选育,形成了桑树种质资源丰富、类型多、性状复杂的格局。 1 安徽省桑树种质资源概况 安徽省农科院蚕桑研究所20世纪80年代调查我省桑树种质资源共有120多份,根据其自然分布大致分为: 1.1 大别山区:代表桑品种有佛堂瓦桑、金寨藤桑、压桑、瓦桑、圆叶皮桑、大花叶皮桑、小花叶皮桑、潜山黄皮、逆水千曲、九龙桑等。 1.2 沿江江南地区:代表桑品种有竹青桑、青阳青桑、青阳麻桑、所村红芽、红星青皮等。 1.3 皖南山区:代表桑品种有竹叶青、绩溪大叶早生、绩溪小叶早生、紫藤桑、新大叶瓣、小叶瓣、摘桑  相似文献   

安徽省位于中国东南部,地处华东、长江三角洲腹地。省内地形呈现多样性,分为五个自然区域:淮北平原、江淮丘陵、皖西大别山区、沿江平原以及皖南山区。全省横跨淮河、长江、新安江三大水系,境内江河密布,中国五大淡水湖之一的巢湖以及洪泽湖横卧于此,水系交通发达,水禽品种资源丰富,养殖水禽具有悠久的历史。  相似文献   

我国养龟业现状及特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周婷  黄成 《经济动物学报》2007,11(4):238-242,245
自2003~2006年,采取普查与重点调查相结合的方法,对我国16个省的龟类养殖种类、面积、数量和养殖模式等状况进行了调查。截至2006年12月,中国养殖龟类动物49种,其中43种属曲颈亚目(Cryp-todires),6种属侧颈龟亚目(Pleurodires)。养殖面积在5.333万~10万hm2,种龟存栏量为200万~400万只,每年孵化龟苗(3~4)×107只。已有29种龟类获得子一代,7种获得子二代,2种获得子三代。基于调查结果,对当前我国养龟业的驯养繁殖特点及发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

1983年第4期《野生动物》杂志刊登一篇题为《救救黄缘闭壳龟》的文章。该文说,由于人们的滥捕,致使大别山区该龟类的数量锐减。呼吁把黄缘闭壳龟列为保护动物,以杜绝灭。闭壳龟(Cuora)是龟科(Emydidae)的一现生属,生活于东亚和东南亚一带,别处未见,可谓是“亚洲的特产”。现知6个现生种,即黄缘闭壳龟(C.flavomarginata)、三线闭壳龟(C.trifasciata)、海南闭壳龟(C.hainanensis)、云南闭壳龟(C.yunn-anensis)、安布闭壳龟(C.amboinensis)和黄额闭壳龟(C.galbinifrons)。我国产前  相似文献   

对黄缘闭壳龟的产卵及人工孵化进行试验,结果显示,黄缘闭壳龟每只雌龟年产卵量为3.41枚,分1~3次产出,龟卵的受精率为73.71%,龟卵的孵化率为88.30%。产卵量、受精率及孵化率是人工孵化的关键技术指标,有较大的提升空间。  相似文献   

正黟县位于皖南山区中部,黄山西南部,是安徽省历史最久、生态最好的山区县之一,也是皖南国际旅游文化示范区的核心区之一。县境内拥有黄山黑鸡、皖南中蜂和皖南花猪等国家级和省级畜禽遗传资源,是安徽省拥有优质畜禽遗产资源最多的县。一、黟县地方优质畜禽遗传资源发展情况目前黟县境内主要拥有黄山黑鸡、皖南中蜂和皖南花猪等畜禽遗传资源品种。目前已建成黄山黑鸡保种场1个,保护区2个,发展1000羽以上  相似文献   

正以畜禽遗传资源为最重要的物质基础,安徽已经发展成为全国畜牧业大省。安徽省畜禽遗传资源呈现四个特点:一是品种丰富多彩。全省共有44个品种资源,其中地方品种29个。二是资源总量靠前。安徽已成为全国畜禽遗传资源大省之一。其中,家禽、猪地方品种分别以11个、8个排名全国第七。三是地域分布广泛。家禽主要分布在皖南及江淮之间,羊、驴主要分布于皖北及江淮之间,牛主要分布在皖南、大别山及江淮地区,猪则全省均有分布。四是保护层次明晰。皖西白鹅、淮猪、安庆六白猪、皖南黑猪和中蜂等5个品种列入国家级保护名录。26个畜禽品种被省农委确定为安徽省第一批省级畜禽遗传资源保护品种。  相似文献   

A healthy adult, intact female keeled box turtle (Cuora mouhotii) was found to have a marked heterophilic leukocytosis using normal hematologic parameters established for the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), a related chelonian species. This animal was monitored with serial complete blood counts (CBCs) over the next 15 years despite remaining asymptomatic for an infectious condition. Retrospective CBC data were compiled from 38 presumably healthy keeled box turtles to establish hematologic values for comparison in this species. Using this species-specific data, over the 15-year period, the female keeled box turtle had two times where the white blood cell (WBC) count was greater than 2 standard deviations (SD) above the mean, six times where the WBC count was greater than 1 SD above the mean, six times where the PCV was greater than 2 SD above the mean, and eight times where the PCV was greater than 1 SD above the mean. Infection and inflammation are the most common causes of leukocytosis in reptiles; however, given the clinical presentation of this patient, it was postulated that these clinicopathologic changes could be secondary to a stress response. Establishing reference intervals and understanding how stress impacts CBC parameters are important for evaluating the health status of keeled box turtles kept in captivity and for assessing the effects of environmental changes on the health status of wild populations of this endangered chelonian species.  相似文献   

安徽省两栖爬行动物物种分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李中文  周立志 《野生动物》2009,30(5):283-286
基于现有的安徽省两栖爬行动物分布资料,系统整理物种分布数据,建立两栖爬行动物地理分布原始数据库。运用GIS技术,以县级行政区为地理单元,分析物种丰富度格局,通过多元统计分析,研究物种多样性的区域分异。结果表明,皖南山地丘陵和大别山山地丘陵地带物种丰富度最高:淮北平原、江淮丘陵的物种丰富度相对较低;但淮北平原和江淮丘陵的部分山地丘陵物种丰富度相对较高。根据各县的分布型物种数量分布,当聚为2组(Jaccard系数大于7.612)时,安徽省物种分布型区域分异基本上呈现山区系组(皖南山区和大别山区)和丘陵平原组特征,当聚为3组(Jaccard系数小于5.075)时,丘陵平原组又可分为江淮丘陵平原组和淮北平原组;当划分为4组(Jaccard系数等于2.537),山地区系组又可以分为皖南山区组和大别山区组。  相似文献   

大别山牛是安徽省优良地方种质资源之一,主要分布于大别山区,具有适应性好、耐粗饲、抗病力强、体型小和易管理的优点。本文就大别山牛犊牛、育成母牛、妊娠母牛、哺乳母牛和育肥牛的日常饲养管理进行了阐述,以期为大别山牛养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

野生金头闭壳龟的资源现状调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张方  吴孝兵 《野生动物》2005,26(5):51-54
笔者于2001-2004年对金头闭壳龟(Cuoraaurocapitata)的野生种群的分布、数量及相关生态学进行了专项调查。结果表明,金头闭壳龟目前仅分布于青弋江源头和上游即北纬30°-30°52′的少数支流中,具体为安徽省泾县的古坝、蔡村和孤峰三地的山涧溪流以及黟县红星乡的清溪河流域。野外种群数量十分稀少,目前已不足400只。金头闭壳龟主要栖息在水质清澈、两侧植被茂密或一侧山脚多石缝的山涧溪流中。经对曾经发现过金头闭壳龟典型地带的各种生态指标的测量表明,泾县古坝乡沈村上沈村段的古坝河段的以及蔡村乡的东园至爱民段的丁溪河段,相比而言仍不失为金头闭壳龟较为理想的栖息地。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate latency and duration of a brachial plexus block technique in eastern box turtles performed with 2% lidocaine at three dose rates.Study designProspective, randomized, blinded crossover study.AnimalsAdult eastern box turtles, two for drug dose evaluation and a group of six (three male, three female) weighing 432 ± 40 g (mean ± standard deviation) for the main study.MethodsAnimals were randomly assigned to four brachial plexus blocks with lidocaine at 5, 10 and 20 mg kg–1 or 0.9% saline (treatments LID5, LID10, LID20 and CON, respectively), separated by 1 week. Treatment side was randomized and blocks were performed unilaterally. Baseline observations of mentation, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR), skin temperature and limb response to manipulation or toe pinch were evaluated. Assessments were made every 10 minutes until 1 hour of normal sensory and motor function to the treated thoracic limb, or for a total of 2 hours if no block was evident.ResultsMotor and sensory blockade was achieved in treatments LID10 and LID20 in one turtle, with a latency of 10 minutes and duration of 50 minutes for both doses. Raising of the ipsilateral lower palpebra occurred with both blocks. Turtles administered lidocaine experienced higher HR compared with CON, and HR decreased over time for all individuals. Mentation and fR were not changed with any lidocaine dose.ConclusionsThe technique was unreliable in producing brachial plexus motor and sensory blockade at the lidocaine doses evaluated in this study. HR was higher in lidocaine-administered turtles but remained within normal limits for the species. No change in mentation or fR was observed among treatments.Clinical relevanceGeneral anesthesia with systemic analgesia is recommended for surgical procedures involving the chelonian thoracic limb. Further studies are needed to optimize a brachial plexus block in this species.  相似文献   

In this study, 10% of all registered fishermen in the coastal towns of Navachiste in Sinaloa, in northwestern Mexico, answered a survey designed to collect data on their perceptions of the following topics: the impact of turtle meat consumption; human health; bycatch; illegal turtle fishing; the illegal sea turtle market; the local economy; pollution; environmental education; the success of protective legislation; and sea turtle‐based ecotourism. Perceptions were analyzed using the fuzzy logic method through classification into 5 fuzzy membership sets: VL, very low; L, low; M, moderate; H, high; VH, very high. The 9 topics generated decision areas upon applying fuzzy inference that revealed the membership level of the answers in each fuzzy set. The economic potential of sea turtle‐based ecotourism and the economic profitability of the illegal turtle meat market were perceived as VL. Conservation legislation was perceived as H, although inefficiently applied due to corruption. Ecotourism and impacts on sea turtles were perceived as VL, because they were deemed unprofitable activities at the individual and community levels. Environmental education was perceived as L, because it centers on nesting, hatching and releasing turtles and is directed at elementary and middle‐school students. While fishers perceive a serious negative impact of fishing activities on sea turtles in the San Ignacio‐Navachiste‐Macapule area, they do not see themselves individually as part of the problem. Achieving sea turtle conservation in this region requires: suitable ecotourism infrastructure, government investments in promotion, and studies to estimate the minimum number of tourists needed to assure profitability.  相似文献   

中华鳖是我国特种经济动物,脂肪在鱼类生长中占据举足轻重的作用,充当脂溶性维生素载体的角色。文章综合国内外文献关于中华鳖对脂肪的需求,中华鳖高脂饲料对中华鳖抗氧化能力和功能基因的影响进行综述,从中华鳖的营养和免疫学两个层面上进行研究,为中华鳖饲料中脂肪的水平和组成提供参考,以促进中华鳖养殖业的发展。  相似文献   

Objective The Leatherback sea turtle is the largest extant reptile and the sole member of the family Dermochelyidae. Here, the eye of this critically endangered marine turtle was investigated to determine the anatomy, optics, and optical sensitivity. Animals studied Three Leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea. Results The eye is small in proportion to body size of the adult compared to other vertebrates, with prominence of the retractor bulbi and pyramidalis muscles. The nictitans shows extensive folding of the bulbar conjunctiva as an apparent mechanism to increase the surface area for mucus secretion. The intraocular anatomy is consistent with an eye adapted to aquatic vision with minimal curvature of the cornea, a near‐spherical lens, deep ciliary cleft and highly vascularized ciliary body. The optical sensitivity, a measure of the sensitivity to light of a given optical system, is higher than in other marine turtles studied but lower than those found in teleost fish that share a habitat with the Leatherback sea turtle. Conclusions The Leatherback sea turtle shows ocular features that are characteristic of Chelonians with similarities to aquatic mammals. The calculated optical sensitivity suggests that compared to pelagic fishes, for instance, the Leatherback sea turtle eye is not particularly well adapted for vision in dim light even though this species is known to venture into deep, dark waters, and might feed at night.  相似文献   

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