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通过对集约化养猪场仔猪腹泻原因,症状表现的分析,提出规模化养猪场在仔猪培育方面应注意避免仔猪的环境应激,病源菌的感染和母猪料的不合理更换,从而提出防止哺乳母猪患病,仔猪饮水不足和仔猪料配制使用不合理等问题,强调加强母猪饲养,提高仔猪抗病力,合理使用乳猪料是防止仔猪腹泻的关键,并提出了治疗仔猪腹泻的措施.  相似文献   

如何预防早期断乳仔猪的腹泻黄家宇玉林地区种畜场537017目前,在集约化猪场中,仔猪早期断乳已被广泛采用,这不仅可提高母猪繁殖力和产仔数,而且能加快生长速度,但是,要做好仔猪早期断乳工作首先要防止仔猪腹泻,才能确保正常生长发育。1控制母猪和仔猪的喂料...  相似文献   

正一般的猪场会在仔猪断奶后赶母留仔,仔猪仍在产房饲喂2周的时间,再转入保育舍。这样做的目的就是减少断奶换料应激,减少仔猪腹泻和浪费,迅速提高采食量,达到预期增重目标。1产房的饲喂设施目前,很多中小规模猪场产房设施比较简陋,有的甚至没有仔猪专用料槽,而是让仔猪使用母猪的料槽采食。由于母猪料槽  相似文献   

1综合性防制1.1母仔护理护理好母猪,使其分泌出足量的健康奶水是保证乳猪成活率的先决条件。护理好仔猪,可减少腹泻仔猪的数量并减轻仔猪腹泻的程度。为避免奶汁过浓造成新生仔猪腹泻,在预产期前3天和分娩后5天内母猪必须限料饲喂,并注意喂料量的逐步过渡。  相似文献   

<正>1造成产房仔猪腹泻的常见原因1.1母猪因素生产中,母猪因不吃料、厌食或发病,奶水过稀甚至无奶;母猪的饮水或饲料(发霉变质)不干净等。妊娠母猪饲养管理不当、产仔前母猪便秘,引起仔猪腹泻。仔猪吃此母乳后,通常会腹泻。  相似文献   

正哺乳仔猪临床表现腹泻症状的原因较多,如母猪乳房炎、病毒和细菌感染、开口料质量不合格、温度突变带来应激等因素均可导致仔猪腹泻,冬季哺乳仔猪发生腹泻的概率明显高于其他季节,一旦发病常给猪场造成较大损失。在与数名存栏母猪100左右的养猪场老板交流冬季哺乳仔猪腹泻问题时得出以下几条基本的防治经验,供同行参考。1加强对冬季分娩母猪的管理1.1安排健壮的母猪在冬季分娩。选择健壮母猪  相似文献   

引起仔猪腹泻的常见病毒有猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)、猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)和猪轮状病毒(RV),三者均为RNA病毒[1].笔者多次采取腹泻哺乳仔猪小肠病料送浙江农林大学动物健康监测中心做病原检测,结果表明造成浙江省这几年产房哺乳仔猪严重腹泻的病原主要是流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV),其次是猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV).还有几次送检腹泻哺乳仔猪的同时挤该窝哺乳母猪奶水2 mL送检腹泻病原,发现多数所产哺乳猪发生腹泻的母猪奶水里面含有与腹泻乳猪一致的腹泻病原,说明导致乳猪腹泻的病原很可能是通过母猪奶水感染.本文对哺乳仔猪病毒性腹泻的流行趋势和防治提出以下观点.  相似文献   

美国的试验表明,在保育阶段的最初两周喂给断奶仔猪一种供哺乳期母猪使用的日粮而非更昂贵的断奶仔猪专用饲料可以节省饲料成本。这两种饲喂方案的比较结果显示,仔猪的生长性能基本相同。研究者们提出了给刚断奶仔猪饲喂哺乳母猪料的几个理由。主要的是哺乳母猪料较为便宜,而仔猪学习采食时又往往浪费饲料,另外,仔猪也许从在分娩舍舔食母猪料槽的饲料中已对其有所认识,故可缩短断奶后的学习期并减少浪费。再者,如果仔猪在断奶前没有采食过任何团体饲料,饲喂蛋白质含量比断奶仔猪料低的母猪日粮,就可能可减少仔猪免疫系统的过敏性不…  相似文献   

为缩短母猪哺乳期,增加年产胎次,提高母猪生产力和栏舍利用率,在现代化养猪生产中,国内外目前已广泛采用仔猪3~4周龄断奶,即早期断奶。仔猪早期断奶,由于应激等原因可导致消化道的内源酶活性和分泌量降低,从而影响仔猪的消化能力。目前,国外有关酶制剂预防仔猪断奶后腹泻的研究较多,国内这方面的报道极少。本试验初步探讨了应用酶制剂预防仔猪断奶后腹泻的效果,为合理配制断奶日粮及加入外源酶强化仔猪料,提高饲料消化率,降低断奶后腹泻发生率和死亡率提供理论依死亡率13.644.55表4酶制剂对仔猪腹泻率、腹泻频率及…  相似文献   

张铮  万春燕  周绪斌 《养猪》2014,(5):36-38
猪场产房管理主要关注仔猪的三关,即出生关、补料关、断奶关。常规的生产管理是仔猪出生后5-7天放补料槽,每天在料槽放少量仔猪教槽料,由仔猪自己寻找学习吃料,仔猪对料槽和饲料没有习惯,往往在料槽里排粪尿,给工作人员带来很大劳动强度,同时还造成饲料的浪费。一般仔猪是在2周后甚至断奶时才开始适应吃料,采食量较低,有的出现腹泻、体重减少、消瘦现象。工作人员只好延迟母猪断奶时间,造成母猪哺乳时间在30天左右,直到母猪泌乳量、体质下降才断奶,直接影响母猪下一胎发情配种和产仔数。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate sow and piglet productivity under extended photoperiod. In Exp. 1, 98 crossbred, lactating sows were housed in one of four treatments: thermoneutral air temperature (23.6 degrees C) in either (h of light:dark) 1:23 or 16:8 photoperiods, or heat stress (30.4 degrees C) in either 1:23 or 16:8 photoperiods. Heat stress reduced (P less than .05) sow feed intake, piglet mortality and piglet weaning weight and increased (P less than .01) sow lactation weight loss. Number of pigs weaned per litter was increased (P less than .01) when sows were heat-stressed. Extended photoperiod reduced (P greater than .05) time for sows to rebreed postweaning by .4 d. The interaction between air temperature and photoperiod was significant only for sow lactation weight loss. Heat stress increased sow lactation weight loss, but this effect was more severe in the 1:23 than in the 16:8 photoperiod. Experiments 2 and 3 examined the effects of 1:23 or 16:8 photoperiods on nursery pig performance when pigs were weaned from sows experiencing 1:23 (Exp. 3) or 16:8 (Exp. 2) photoperiods. In both nursery studies, photoperiod did not influence (P greater than .10) postweaning pig mortality, feed intake, weight gain or gain:feed ratio. In conclusion, extended photoperiod reduced days to return to estrus and reduced sow lactation weight loss, especially during heat stress. No benefits in preweaning or postweaning piglet weight or survival were observed by use of extended photoperiod.  相似文献   

畜禽旺饲料药物添加剂对猪疾病预防及生产性能的影响,试验结果显示:对猪疾病具有明显预防作用,母猪产仔成活率提高22%;猪增重试验,与对照组比较,断奶仔猪增重提高49.3%,提高饲料报酬34.2%;育肥猪提高增重34.4%.提高饲料报酬25.6%。  相似文献   

饲料中添加2%麦饭石对猪生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验结果显示:生产母猪饲料中添加2%麦饭石,母猪产仔成活率提高21.82%;猪育肥增重试验,断奶仔猪增重提高20.08%,提高饲料报酬34.21%:4月龄育肥猪增重提高18.38%,提高饲料报酬25.58%。  相似文献   

本研究旨在采用免疫亲和柱高效液相色谱法测定北京地区猪场饲料及饲料原料中赭曲霉毒素A(OTA)的含量,以了解北京地区饲料中OTA污染情况。试验抽样采集北京市昌平区、大兴区、延庆区、平谷区、顺义区5个区县15个猪场131份饲料样[玉米14份、豆粕11份、麸皮13份、干酒糟及其可溶物(DDGS)17份、猪全价配合饲料76份]进行OTA含量的测定。结果表明:玉米、豆粕、麸皮和DDGS中OTA的检出率分别为92.86%、63.64%、76.92%和100.00%,平均含量分别为22.12、10.81、7.78和22.46μg/kg,仅发现玉米中OTA含量超标,超标率为7.14%。乳猪料、仔猪料、中猪料、大猪料、怀孕母猪料和哺乳母猪料中OTA的检出率分别为100.00%、85.70%、85.70%、94.44%、90.00%和100.00%,平均含量分别为4.39、15.74、11.66、13.07、47.75和15.40μg/kg,仅发现怀孕母猪料中OTA含量超标,超标率为20.00%,其他配合饲料中OTA含量均较低。综上所述,不同饲料或饲料原料中OTA含量存在差异,本调研结果发现玉米和怀孕母猪料中OTA含量部分超标,其他猪全价配合饲料及饲料原料中OTA含量均未超标。  相似文献   

Two experiments using 120 sows were conducted to determine the effects during heat stress of two floor types, snout coolers or a water drip system, and a high energy-density diet. During both studies, air temperature was maintained at or above 29 degrees C. Floor types included partially slotted concrete and plastic-coated, expanded metal. In Exp. 1, in addition to floor-type treatments, snout coolers were on or off and the water drip was on for 3 min each 10 min or off. Snout coolers increased (P less than .05) sow feed intake and decreased (P less than .05) sow lactation weight loss. Water drip increased (P less than .002) sow feed intake and reduced lactation weight loss. The drip X floor-type interaction was significant for most measures of piglet performance. Drip was beneficial for piglet weights when piglets were on plastic, whereas drip was detrimental to piglet performance while they were housed on concrete. In Exp. 2, two floor types, drip or no-drip and a high energy-density diet or control diet were examined during heat stress. The high energy-density diet reduced (P less than .01) sow feed intake but provided no measurable increase in piglet performance during heat stress. We conclude that water drip is an effective cooling technique for heat-stressed sows, especially when floors are plastic. Snout coolers, partial concrete slots and high energy-density diets provided only minor benefits to heat-stressed sows and were not of benefit to piglets nursing heat-stressed sows.  相似文献   

Based on data derived from experiments and surveys carried out in several countries, the most profitable length of lactation for producing piglets of 20 kg body weight is assessed. The assessment is limited to a comparison of the numbers of piglets (20-kg) produced per sow per year at lactation periods varying from 6 to 56 days with the associated amounts of sow and piglet feed consumed and its costs. For the various lactation periods considered, several equations are used to estimate the numbers of 20 kg piglets produced and the amounts and costs of sow and piglet feed consumed per piglet raised to this body weight. According to the assessment, and taking into account reasonable piglet prices, the margins over feed costs per sow per year are highest with a lactation period of 21–25 days.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI) has been explored as an alternative selection criterion to feed conversion ratio to capture the fraction of feed intake not explained by expected production and maintenance requirements. Selection experiments have found that low RFI in the growing pig is genetically correlated with reduced fatness and feed intake. Selection for feed conversion ratio also reduces sow appetite and fatness, which, together with increased prolificacy, has been seen as a hindrance for sow lifetime performance. The aims of our study were to derive equations for sow RFI during lactation (SRFI) and to evaluate the effect of selection for RFI during growth on sow traits during lactation. Data were obtained on 2 divergent lines selected for 7 generations for low and high RFI during growth in purebred Large Whites. The RFI was measured on candidates for selection (1,065 pigs), and sow performance data were available for 480 sows having from 1 to 3 parities (1,071 parities). Traits measured were sow daily feed intake (SDFI); sow BW and body composition before farrowing and at weaning (28.4 ± 1.7d); number of piglets born total, born alive, and surviving at weaning; and litter weight, average piglet BW, and within-litter SD of piglet BW at birth, 21 d of age (when creep feeding was available), and weaning. Sow RFI was defined as the difference between observed SDFI and SDFI predicted for sow maintenance and production. Daily production requirements were quantified by litter size and daily litter BW gain as well as daily changes in sow body reserves. The SRFI represented 24% of the phenotypic variability of SDFI. Heritability estimates for RFI and SRFI were both 0.14. The genetic correlation between RFI and SRFI was 0.29 ± 0.23. Genetic correlations of RFI with sow traits were low to moderate, consistent with responses to selection; selection for low RFI during growth reduced SDFI and increased number of piglets and litter growth, but also increased mobilization of body reserves. No effect on rebreeding performance was found. Metabolic changes previously observed during growth in response to selection might explain part of the better efficiency of the low-RFI sows, decreasing basal metabolism and favoring rapid allocation of resources to lactation. We propose to consider SRFI as an alternative to SDFI to select for efficient sows with reduced input demands during lactation.  相似文献   

为研究夏季热应激情况下使用全脂膨化菜籽配制哺乳母猪饲粮对其生产性能的影响,选择妊娠107 d不同胎次的长大母猪30头,采用随机区组设计分为3组,每组10头母猪,分别接受3种饲粮处理:即试验1组(5.63%膨化菜籽)、试验2组(9%膨化菜籽)、对照组(2%猪油+5%膨化大豆)。结果表明,母猪哺乳期第18至第22天日采食量,试验1组和试验2组分别比对照组提高0.90和0.38 kg;哺乳期第18至第22天日采食量峰值,试验1组和试验2组分别比对照组提高0.64和0.23 kg;日采食量达到峰值后下降速度,试验1组和试验2组分别比对照组低50%和42.5%。试验1组、试验2组和对照组母猪失重率均较小,分别为3.10%、5.90%、4.63%;母猪断奶后1周内全部发情。哺乳仔猪窝增重,试验1组和试验2组分别比对照组提高0.65、0.75 kg。哺乳仔猪18日龄以前没有出现腹泻,19~22日龄出现轻微腹泻,且腹泻率很低。乳品质,试验1组和试验2组优于对照组;血液生理生化指标,3组均在正常范围内。说明使用全脂膨化菜籽配制的哺乳母猪饲粮适口性好,能显著增加热应激情况下哺乳母猪的采食量,改善乳品质,提高其生产性能,效果优于添加猪油+膨化大豆的饲粮。  相似文献   

A total of 104 sows of different parities were studied. They were fed four diets with different phosphorus (P) levels during gestation for two reproductive cycles, while the same diet was fed during lactation. The aim was to decrease the total P level in the diet during gestation and to evaluate the effect on sow performance. The gestation treatments were low P (LP-; 3.7 g P/kg feed), low P with phytase (LP+, Ronozyme P; 765 FTU/kg feed), medium P (MP; 4.5 g P/kg feed) and high P (HP; 6.0 g P/kg feed). Daily feed allowances were 2.6 kg during gestation and 9.2 kg during lactation. Number of born piglets and piglet mortality were higher (p < 0.05) in the LP treatments than in the MP and HP treatments. No difference (p > 0.05) in the numbers of live-born piglets, piglet birthweights, sow weights or piglet weight gains was found between the treatments. Phosphorus level in sow milk was the highest (p < 0.05) in the MP treatment, while no effects (p > 0.05) of treatment were found on milk Ca levels, P and Ca levels in serum of sows and piglets, nor on the analysed mineral, fat and protein contents of piglets. The estimated average requirement of P for the entire gestation period was 4.4-4.5 g/day. In conclusion, a reduction of dietary total P content during gestation did not result in negative effects on sow or piglet performance. This suggests that it should be possible to lower the dietary P content for gestating sows, compared with earlier recommendations, and thereby reduce the environmental P pollution.  相似文献   

2007年,山东4个养猪场暴发了多起母猪妊娠后流产,1月龄仔猪大量死亡为主要特征的传染病。对送检的病猪进行了病原分离、病理组织切片观察、免疫荧光检测及动物试验,结合流行病学、临床症状,确诊该养猪场混和感染了猪瘟病毒和猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒,为控制猪病提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

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