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This experiment was conducted to determine the food source and trophic level of Procambarus clarkii from rice-crayfish field by stable isotope method, and to analyze the correlation between feeding habits, morphology parameters, weight parameters and abdomen meat percentage of P. clarkii. normal (62 individuals) and claw reborned (6 individuals) samples of P. clarkii were collected from the rice-crayfish continuous production field in Zhanjiang. At the same time, vascular plants, snails, as well as diet samples were collected. The stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of all collected samples were analyzed, the contribution rate of diet, Elodea nuttallii and Potamogeton crispus to the abdomen meat growth of P. clarkii were calculated using a stable isotope mixing model including element concentration, and the trophic levels of P. clarkii and Pomacea canaliculata were calculated by stable nitrogen isotope model. The correlation between stable carbon and nitrogen isotope characteristics (δ13 C and δ15 N) of abdomen meat, morphological parameters (body length, full length, carapace length, carapace width, tail fan length) and weight parameters (body weight, abdomen meat weight, claw weight, claw body ratio) of the collected crayfish were analyzed. The results showed as follows: 1) the collected crayfish included 30 female and 32 male individuals, and the body weight of these crayfish ranged from 3.40 to 29.35 g, average (14.05±6.26) g. The model calculation results showed that diet contributed 63.40% of biomass, 62.28% of carbon and 75.15% of nitrogen to the abdomen meat growth of P. clarkii. 2) In this study, Cipangopaludina cahayensis was used as the baseline for primary consumers, and the calculated trophic level of P. clarkii was 2.20, while the trophic level of P. canaliculata was 2.68. 3) The abdomen meat percentage of P. clarkii (<15 g) collected were extremely negatively correlated with the claw weight and the claw body ratio (P<0.01), indicated that the growth of the claws directly affected the muscle growth of these crayfish. The abdomen meat percentage of P. clarkii (>15 g) were not significantly correlated with the claw weight and the claw body ratio (P > 0. 05), but were extremely positively correlated with the abdomen meat weight and the δ13C value (P<0.01) . It showed that the utilization of diet by these crayfish had become a key factor in determining their abdomen meat percentage. 4) There was a significant negative correlation between the claw weight and the δ13C value (P<0.05) in all collected normal crayfish. It could be inferred that individuals with well-developed claws tend to eat more P. crispus which with lower δ13C value. When the diet was sufficient, the lack of claws did not significantly affect the feeding and growth of P. clarkii (P<0.05) . It is concluded that there are significant correlation between feeding habits, morphology parameters, weight parameters, and abdomen meat percentage of P. clarkii, the diet is the main nutrient source for the abdominal muscle growth of P. clarkii in this study, but even when the diet is sufficient, P. clarkii still feeds heavily on aquatic plants. Traditional methods of stable nitrogen isotope trophic level study may not suitable for aquaculture ecosystems which are strongly influenced by diets. The results of this study can provide basic data for the genetic selection of P. clarkii and the ecological research on the integrated breeding model of rice-crayfish. © 2023 Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
周晖 《饲料博览》2007,(1):51-51
回顾2006年,山东省养猪业经历了猪价低谷期的洗礼和猪无名高热症的考验之后,迎来又一个发展时期.伴随社会猪源的紧缺和需求的增加导致生猪价格一路飞涨,生猪利润值已接近甚至突破2004年最高值.  相似文献   
利用生物信息技术鉴定了桃中漆酶(LAC)家族成员,分析其进化关系分析、基因结构、启动子区顺式作用元件以及表达模式。结果表明,在桃基因组中共鉴定出48个漆酶基因,通过在桃子叶愈伤组织中的表达模式分析,发现1个表达量很高的关键成员PpLAC21,在该基因沉默的桃愈伤组织中,木质素的含量下降,推测该基因可能参与桃愈伤组织的木质素合成。  相似文献   
全国农林科技推广工作先进个人、湖北省农业劳动模范、湖北省渔业协会理事、鄂州市水产科学研究所副所长周启才同志,是一位自学成才的农民养鱼技术员。在二十多年的塘堰养鱼实践中,他摸索并积累了一整套行之有效的养鱼经验,被当地农民誉为“鱼博士”。自一九七五年以来,他在一口面积为1.16亩的试验塘里连续10年创造亩产成鱼超千斤以上的高产纪录。去年亩产达到1611斤,今年预计将超过去年水平。在他的具体指导下,沙窝大队133亩塘堰去年平均亩产成鱼也达到808斤,跨入了湖北省塘堰养鱼高产的先进行列。周启才同志将自己养鱼高产的技术措施和管理经验总结归纳为“八字精  相似文献   
《土地管理法》正式实施后,作为下位法的行政法规、地方性法规和规章等都应当及时做出相应修改和完善,应明确建立最严格的耕地保护制度,依照“权责相一致”的原则列明地方政府的用地自主权,优化建设用地审批制度,全面编制《土地征收目录》,应采取多样性的征地补偿方式,建立以维护农民权益为核心地位的、细化的土地征收程序,健全土地征收审查、监督机制,从而建立我国完整的地方土地管理法律制度。  相似文献   
在分析管理发展历史和在不同文化背景下科学主义与人文精神对东西方管理模式影响的基础上,提出了实施制度化与人性化相结合的管理,应是现代企业进行人力资源管理的途径选择,并认为我国现代企业进行人力资源管理需把握组织化原则,权力平衡原则和权变原则  相似文献   
湖北省农业劳动模范、鄂州市东沟镇六十村农民周代富,原本是被当地人称为“养鸭精”的专业户,如今,却成了名噪湖北、轰动全军的军民联营养殖场的领头人之一。他开拓出的军民联营共同富裕之路,他探索出的以养鸭为主,种植、养殖、加工、运销、外贸联合经营,立体养殖、循环生产,低成本高效益的生产路子,受到湖北省人民政府、武汉军区和广州军区领导的热情赞扬。周代富的立体养殖、循环生产和军民共富之路,到底是怎么闯出来的呢? 外贸点将逼出养鸭运销联合体 1981年底,鄂城县外贸局主动找到周代富,交给他一个任务:饲养一批菜鸭出口。  相似文献   
高等职业院校法律文秘专业的实践教学体系具有鲜明的高职特色,学生实践技能的培养对专业的生存与发展具有重要的意义,具有适应性、产学一体性、创新性、职业性和规划层次性等特性,学生参与企业日常法律事务的实践活动,技能得到提高,实现了专业培养应用性人才的目标。  相似文献   
目的构建PinX1真核表达载体,观察PinX1基因对乳腺癌MCF-7细胞生长和增殖的影响。方法重组质粒转染MCF-7细胞并筛选稳定表达系;用Real-timePCR检测PinX1基因mRNA的表达;MTT法检测转染前后细胞生长变化;平板克隆形成试验检测PinX1对MCF-7集落形成能力的影响。结果构建了真核表达载体PDsRed1-C1-PinX1的稳定表达系;转染后乳腺癌MCF-7细胞生长明显减缓,集落形成能力降低。结论 PinX1基因可抑制乳腺癌MCF-7细胞的生长和增殖。  相似文献   
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