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In 1998, the Organic Arable Farming Experiment Gladbacherhof (OAFEG) was started in order to explore the impact of different organic arable production systems (mixed farming, stockless farming with rotational ley, stockless cash crop farming) and of different tillage intensities (conventional plough as a full inversion tillage, two-layer plough, inversion tillage at reduced depth, non-inversion tillage) on sustainability parameters. In this article, we present results on the development of soil organic matter (SOM) levels. Starting with organic mixed farming with approximately 0.7 livestock units (LU) per ha cattle before set-up of the experiment, only the mixed farming system in the experiment was able to maintain SOM levels. The stockless system with ley maintained soil organic carbon (SOC), but lost soil total nitrogen (STN), and the stockless cash crop system had a significant SOM loss in the magnitude of 7.7 t SOM ha?1, or roughly 8.4% of the initial SOM mass. Reducing tillage intensity had no impact on SOM masses, but only on organic matter stratification in soils. We conclude that specialization of organic farms towards stockless arable crop production requires special attention on SOM reproduction to avoid detrimental effects. Further, reduced tillage intensity does not necessarily have a positive effect on SOM.  相似文献   
Norchief is a medium late maturing, red variety with high total solids. In yield, the new variety is quite comparable to Red Pontiac and La Rouge but higher than Norland. Norchief has shown a certain degree of field tolerance to potato flea beetle,Epitrix cucumeris.  相似文献   
Summary In the normal process of digestion, not only substances in solution are absorbed. Solid, undissolved food particles, in macrocorpuscular form, are regularly kneaded into the mucosa during their passage through the digestive tract. They pass between the epithelial cells into the subepithelial layer. From here, they are transmitted both by the lymph vessels and by the mesenteric veins into the circulation, where they remain for a considerable time.This process was discovered in 1844 by the Göttingen physiologistHerbst, and later confirmed by others, but was generally considered an impossible and therefore untenable theory, since the passage of such large particles through the mucous membrane does not fit our conception of the physiological mechanism of absorption. We have investigated this phenomenon in detail in recent years with the help of a large team of colleagues under the general heading of persorption. For these investigations, we used among other things starch granules as models, as the starch granule possesses outstanding qualities on the one hand for administration and on the other for demonstration in body fluids and tissues.The mechanism of passage through the epithelial cell layer has been reconstructed, and transportation through the intestinal membrane investigated. Quantitative observations of the number of persorbed starch granules in the blood were made. It was found that within a few minutes of the consumption of rolled oats, wheat flakes, whole-meal, or of the same amount of starch in the form of potato- or corn-starch, numerous unchanged starch granules can be demonstrated in the blood. A prerequisite for this mechanism is the persorbability of the starch granules, which is limited by the size and consistency of the uncooked starch granules. Persorption was observed up to a diameter of 110 microns. The persorbability of starch granules may be recognized by their polarizing capacity.Numerous foods when ready to eat contain masses of such persorbable starch granules. In particular, they are present in cereals in flake form (rolled oats, wheat flakes) in whole-meal, in crisp-bread, also in short-bread pastries, biscuits and cakes in which no milk or water is used in the preparation. Dry heat does not affect the persorbability of starch granules. Boiled starch granules lose their persorbability.The mechanism of transportation of persorbed starch granules in the body, deposition as micro-emboli in the lumen of the minute vessels, and elimination from the vascular system were also studied. Phagocytosis of small starch granules (e.g. rice) by leukocytes was observed. Alterations in the vascular system of animals, due to such granules which had been persorbed or had entered the circulation, were also seen.Other particles of vegetable origin can also be persorbed. The phenomenon of persorption was also demonstrated in man and animals with cellulose particles, pollen, spores, fragments of plant hairs. Yeast cells are found in the chyle, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid after oral administration.
Zusammenfassung Beim normalen Verdauungsvorgang werden auch feste, ungelöste Nahrungspartikel in großkorpuskulärer Form mit konstanter Regelmäßigkeit während ihrer Passage durch den Verdauungstrakt in die Schleimhaut eingeknetet. Sie gelangen zwischen den Epithelzellen hindurch in die Region unterhalb der Epithelzellschicht. Von dort werden sie in den Blutkreislauf eingeschleust, in welchem sie über längere Zeit zirkulieren.Mit einem großen Team von Mitarbeitern haben wir in den letzten Jahren dieses Phänomen unter dem Arbeitstitel Persorption eingehender untersucht. Bei diesen Untersuchungen bedienten wir uns unter anderem der Stärkekörner als Modellkörper, weil das Stärkekorn ausgezeichnete Qualitäten für die Applikation einerseits, sowie für den Nachweis in Körperflüssigkeiten und im Gewebe andererseits besitzt.Auch andere Partikel pflanzlicher Herkunft können persorbiert werden. Mit Zellulose-Partikeln, Pollen, Sporen, Bruckstücken von Pflanzenhaaren wurde das Phänomen der Persorption sowohl tierexperimentell als auch am Menschen nachgewiesen. Hefezellen werden nach oraler Applikation ebenfalls im Chylus, im Blut, im Harn, im Liquor cerebrospinalis gefunden.Die Mechanismen für den Durchtritt solcher Partikel durch die Epithelzellschicht konnten rekonstruiert werden. Der Transport durch die Darmschleimhaut wurde untersucht. Quantitative Beobachtungen über die Anzahl der persorbierten Partikel im Blut wurden angestellt. Hierbei zeigte sich, daß bereits wenige Minuten nach Einnahme von Haferflocken, Weizenflocken, Weizenschrot, oder auch der gleichen Gewichtsmenge Stärke (Mais, Kartoffel), zahlreiche Stärkekörner in unveränderter Form im Blut nachweisbar sind. Vorbedingung für diesen Mechanismus ist die Persorptionsfähigkeit dieser Partikel, welche durch die Größe und den Härtegrad der Partikel begrenzt ist. Die Persorptionsfähigkeit von Stärkekörnern ist an der erhaltenen Polarisationsfähigkeit erkennbar.Zahlreiche speisefertige Nahrungsmittel enthalten massenhaft solche persorptionsfähigen Stärkekörner. Insbesondere sind sie in Cerealien in Flockenform (Haferflocken, Weizenflocken), in Weizenschrot, in Knäckebrot, sowie in Gebäcken mit Mürbteigcharakter, Keksen, Biskuits, und in Kuchensorten, welche ohne Verwendung von Wasser, bzw. Milch hergestellt werden, vorhanden. Die Trockenerhitzung verändert die Persorptionsfähigkeit von Stärkekörnern nicht. Gekochte Stärkekörner verlieren ihre Persorptionsfähigkeit.Es wurden ferner die Transportmechanismen von persorbierten Stärkekörnern im Organismus, ihre Deponierung als Mikro-Emboli im Lumen kleinster Gefäße, sowie die Eliminationsmechanismen aus dem Gefäßsystem untersucht. Eine Phagocytose kleinster Stärkekörner (z.B. Reis) konnte durch Leukozyten beobachtet werden. Außerdem wurden tierexperimentell Veränderungen am Gefäßsystem durch solche persorbierte, bzw. in den Blutkreislauf eingebrachte Stärkekörner beobachtet.

Résumé Les aliments résorbés dans le cadre du processus physiologique de digestion ne sont pas tous solubilisés. Des particules de nourriture solides, se présentant sous la forme de gros corpuscules, vont également se nicher avec régularité dans la muqueuse du tractus digestif. Se frayant un chemin entre les cellules épithéliales, ils pénètrent souls la couche épithéliale. Repris par le système lymphatique et les veines mésentériques, ils sont finalement déversés dans la circulation sanguine où ils se maintiennent relativement longtemps.Découvert en 1844 par le physiologisteHerbst et confirmé plus tard par d'autres auteurs, ce processus fut généralement mis en doute parce que le passage de la muqueuse intestinale par des particules solides aussi volumineuses est contraire à l'idée que l'on se fait communément des mécanismes physiologiques de la résorption. Avec une equipe nombreuse de collaborateurs, nous avons, ces dernières années, étudié de plus près ce phénomène que nous nommons la persorption. Nous prîmes pour modèle les granules d'amidon qui se laissent particulièrement bien mettre en évidence dans les humeurs et les tissus.Le mécanisme du passage de la couche des cellules épithéliales a ainsi pu être reconstitué. Nous avons en outre étudié le transport à travers la muqueuse intestinale et établi la quantité des granules d'amidon passant dans le sang. On observe notamment des granules d'amidon intacts dans le sang quelques minutes déjà après l'absorption de flocons d'avoine ou de froment ou d'une quantité équivalente d'amidon (maïs, pommes de terre). La persorbabilité des granules d'amidon est évidemment limitée par leur taille et leur dureté à l'état cru. Au-delà de 110 microns de diamètre, ils ne sont plus persorbés. La persorbabilité des granules d'amidon se reconnaît au maintien de leur faculté de polarisation.Beaucoup d'aliments prêts à la consommation contiennent une foison de granules d'amidon persorbables, à savoir les céréales sous forme de flocons d'avoine ou de froment, le Knäckebrot, les gâteaux secs, cakes, biscuits et gateaux préparés sans eau ni lait. L'échauffement à sec ne modifie pas la persorbabilité des granules d'amidon tandis que la cuisson la détruit.Nous avons étudié également les mécanismes de transport des granules d'amidon persorbés dans l'organisme, leur dépôt sous forme de micro-embolus dans la lumière des plus fins vaisseaux ainsi que leur élimination du système vasculaire. Les granules particulièrement petits (par exemple dans le riz) sont phagocytés par les leucocytes. Chez l'animal de laboratoire, on a pu observer des modifications vasculaires provoquées par des granules d'amidon ayant pénétré dans la voie sanguine.Le phénomène de la persorption a également été constaté chez l'homme et chez l'animal avec des particules de cellulose, du pollen, des spores et des fragments de poils végétaux. On retrouve également des cellules de levure après application orale dans le chyle, le sang, l'urine et le liquide cérébrospinal.

With the technical assistance ofHannelore Wendlandt, Ursula Kiessling, Christa Krone.  相似文献   
The morphology of asteroid bodies in equine arteries is demonstrated by light microscopy as well as by scanning and transmission electron microscopy combined with chemical analysis. Asteroid bodies first occur in horses at four weeks of age in all investigated tissues except the esophagus and always are located in the subendothelial space. The number, shape, ultrastructure and chemical composition of asteroid bodies differ markedly--depending on the age of the horse. Asteroid bodies are round and smooth in foals, but are shaped irregularly and have several projections and marked stratified calcification in adult horses. Asteroid bodies probably originate from smooth muscle cells. No direct etiological connection between asteroid bodies and migrating Strongylus vulgaris could be verified.  相似文献   
Four cows with clinically intact udders in high lactation were intracisternally infected by a pathogenic field strain of Escherichia coli. Infections were induced by quarters and with time intervals. Hence, when the animals were slaughtered six hours from beginning of the experiment, epithelial samples could be collected from cisternal walls and lactiferous ducts which, by the time of sampling, had been in contact with pathogens for one, four, and six hours. Highly acute mastitis began to develop two hours from experimental infection and exhibited typical clinical symptoms, including general disorders, unambiguous alterations to the white blood count, and changes in milk composition. These changes were typical of acute toxin action on the udder quarters. Concomitant reactions of non-infected control quarters, detectable by clinical manifestations or by laboratory diagnosis, were not observed.  相似文献   
The effects of stand establishment and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield stability of winter oil-seed rape ( Brassica napus L.) were investigated in two field experiments in north eastern Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). During six years of testing from 1984/85 to 1989/90 three sowing dates (10 Aug, 20 Aug, 5 Sept) as combined with three plant densities (60, 100, 140 plants/m2 in autumn) were compared. Although seed yield did not respond to the main effects of these treatments, the two-way classification resulted in significant differences from the average yield. August sowing combined with lower plant densities caused comparably high yields, while delayed sowing was somewhat effective only with higher plant density. Highest yield stability was achieved at early sowing when combined with lower plant densities. From 1986/87 to 1988/89 nitrogen top-dressings were applied during early March, at start of stem extension and shortly before start of flowering at five locations. 200 kg N/ha in one dose resulted in lowest yield performance and enhanced instability. Contrastingly, the 240 kg N/ha treatment advanced yield stability regardless of split regimes. Nevertheless, split application to 100 kg N/ha + 50 kg N/ha + 50 kg N/ha also guaranteed that high yield performance and optimum yield stability were reached simultaneously and, that the total nitrogen input could be limited to 200 kg N/ha.  相似文献   
A feed loading experiment was applied in 2 phases to 45 young cocks over 12 weeks, using 1.2 (N, N-bis/methylmercury/-p-toluolsulphamide)-dressed wheat (50% of base ration). The experimental animals were White-Leghorn laying hybrids. Investigations were conducted to study the effects of exclusive exposure to mercury and those of mercury with addition of 0.2 mg of sodium selenite/l drinking water on biochemical parameters (calcium, phosphorus, total protein, albumin, creatinine, urea, activity of alkaline phosphatase, hematocrit, hemoglobin, and leucocyte count) as well as on parameters relating to toxicological residues (selenium and mercury levels in liver, musculature, and kidneys). Statistically secured differences were found to exist between the experimental groups with regard to selenium and mercury in the liver and mercury concentrations in kidneys. These data have shown that the problem of residualisation cannot be solved by selenium supplementation in parallel to methylmercury loading. The results recorded are likely to confirm the need for a general ban on feeding mercury-dressed seed.  相似文献   
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