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【目的】研究水分胁迫对糜子物质生产及光合特性的影响,为糜子抗旱节水栽培和水分高效利用提供理论依据。【方法】以榆糜2号为材料,采用盆栽试验,以充足供水(占田间最大持水量的65%~70%)为对照,分别在糜子全生育期及拔节前、后进行中度(占田间最大持水量的35%~40%)、重度(占田间最大持水量的15%~20%)水分胁迫,分别于播种后不同时期采样测定干物质、顶三叶叶面积、旗叶光合参数,并在成熟期测定穗部性状和籽粒产量。【结果】(1)与对照相比,全生育期重度及拔节后中度和重度水分胁迫显著降低了糜子成熟期地上部干物质积累量。拔节前水分胁迫增加干物质向叶片和茎的分配,减少向根的分配,但拔节后水分胁迫却减少干物质向穗、叶的分配,增加向根的分配。(2)全生育期和拔节后重度水分胁迫显著降低了糜子穗粒质量,拔节前中度水分胁迫显著增加了穗粒数,其他处理对糜子穗粒质量、穗粒数和千粒质量无显著影响。(3)水分胁迫降低了糜子顶三叶叶面积及旗叶净光合速率,且随着胁迫程度的加剧,降低幅度增大,但恢复供水后,糜子顶三叶叶面积会受激发而继续增大,其净光合速率会逐渐恢复正常。【结论】全生育期和拔节后重度水分胁迫会降低糜子产量、叶面积、地上部干物质积累量和旗叶净光合速率,而拔节前水分亏缺对糜子干物质积累及产量的影响可以通过拔节后恢复水分供应得以补偿。  相似文献   
Yield profile characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), cv. Retu, were compared with those of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.). The study was conducted in Finland and was based on official variety trial data recorded between 1980 and 1998 at 17 trial sites between latitudes 60° and 66°N. The crops were managed according to silage‐cutting regimes. The pattern of yield formation of the tall fescue cv. Retu differed significantly from that of meadow fescue cultivars, both within a growing season as well as in sward age. Tall fescue cv. Retu established slowly, and the dry‐matter (DM) yield from the first cut, made in the first year of harvest, was significantly lower than that for meadow fescue. In the second and third years, the DM yield from the first cut did not differ between tall fescue and meadow fescue. Tall fescue produced significantly higher DM yield as regrowth (second and third cuts) than meadow fescue. The sward age significantly affected total DM production. In first‐year swards, there were no significant differences in total DM yield between tall fescue and meadow fescue but, in the second‐ and third‐year swards, tall fescue produced significantly higher DM yields than meadow fescue. The difference in yield profile between tall fescue and meadow fescue was similar in all the environments included in the study. DM yield for the first cut (kg DM ha–1) for tall fescue cv. Retu, in comparison with meadow fescue cultivars, was 2495 vs. 3099 (P < 0·001), 3735 vs. 3741 (NS, P=0·94) and 3553 vs. 3468 (NS, P=0·30) in the first‐, second‐ and third‐year swards respectively. The respective DM regrowth yields (second plus third cut) were: 6059 vs. 5416 (P < 0·001); 5445 vs. 4221 (P < 0·001); and 5580 vs. 4113 (P < 0·001) in first‐, second‐ and third‐year swards. Total DM yields per season for tall fescue vs. meadow fescue were (kg DM ha–1) 8554 vs. 8515 (NS, P=0·69), 9180 vs. 7962 (P < 0·001) and 9133 vs. 7581 (P < 0·001) in first‐, second‐ and third‐year swards respectively. Over the three‐year sward rotation period, which is common in Finland, tall fescue produced on average 12% higher DM yield than meadow fescue. Both tall fescue and meadow fescue suffered little winter damage in Finnish conditions; the differences between cultivars of the two species were small. The results indicated that tall fescue cv. Retu is a productive and persistent forage species suited to Finnish growing conditions.  相似文献   
新疆不同密度下油葵干物质积累、分配及转移规律的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
对新疆南疆地区油葵G101品种4种密度下干物质积累,分配及转移规律研究结果表明:(1)油葵干物质积累动态符合Logistic曲线变化,干物质增长速率呈单峰曲线变化,随密度增加,干物质积累降低,且生育期推迟;(2)净干物质分配随生长中心的转移而发生变化;幼苗期主要分配在叶片中,初蕾至初花期主要分配到茎秆中,花期是并进生长高峰期,以营养器官分配为主,灌浆后转向盘籽中,盘籽成为干物质分配中心;(3)各器官中积累的干物质转向籽粒的比例大小顺序为茎秆>叶片>花盘,转移量占籽粒干物质重量的百分比随密度加大而降低;(4)提出了高产油葵群体有关生理指标。  相似文献   
Summary Assessments were made in three seasons of yields and tuber dry-matter percentages at harvests from June to early August in a range of cultivars gorwn at a coastal site in south-west Wales. Lareg differences in tuber dry-matter percentage were found between cultivars within seasons and also at similar dates between seasons.The cultivar Home Guard produced consistently high dry-matter percentages each year in the period from late June to early August but cv. Redord achieved similar or higher dry-matter contents after mid-Julyl. Most other cultivars produced lower dry matter percentages throughout the sampling period. The potential for the use of early maturing cultivars in late June and July for processing into crisps is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Experiments on crops of three cultivars of potato showed the effects of the relief of water stress towards the end of the growing season. Treatments imposed showed the starting condition and the responses of crops which were actively growing, newly had their tops removed, or were without active roots. Water was taken up only by tubers of plants with active roots, and there was no translocation of reserves from stem bases. Stress sprouting increased only in the treatments with intact roots, and only the sprouts of intact plants developed chained tubers. Growth cracking occured in the tubers of rooted plants of two of the crops. In the intact plants of the other crops average tuber fresh weight increased by 50% and dry weight by 35% showing that increased water uptake and rapid growth may be necessary but are not sufficient conditions for the formation of growth cracks.
Zusammenfassung Gegen Ende der Wachstumsperiode wurden den trocken-heissen Bedingungen des Somvier Kartoffelschl?ge mit drei Sorten, unter mers 1983 aufgewachsen, experimentellen Behandlungen unterzogen. 1. Die Pflanzen wurden geerntet, die Knollen gewogen, die Trockenmasse festgestellt und alle Abweichungen registriert. 2. Die Pflanzen wuchsen im Ganzen drei Wochen l?nger. 3. Zur Simulierung der Krautentfernung durch Schlagen wurden die Triebe entfernt. Wurzeln und Stolonen blieben intakt. 4. Die Pflanzen wurden gehoben, die Knollen von ihren Stolonen abgetrennt und wieder eingegraben. Die Pflanzungen erhielten 25 mm Beregnung und 10 mm Regen in 24 Stunden, drei Wochen sp?ter nochmals 60 mm Regen. Die Knollen in den Behandlungen 2 und 3 nahmen im Frischgewicht zu (Tab. 1). Nur in Behandlung 2 ergab sich ein Anstieg beim Trockengewicht—der prozentuale Anteil der Knollen-Trockenmasse fiel jedoch (Tab. 1). Es ergaben sich keine deutlichen Verlagerungen von Reserven von der Stengelbasis oder der Wasseraufnahme über die Peridermis der Knollen (Behandlung 4). Nur bei aktiven Wurzeln zeigten sich in zwei Best?nden Wachstumsrisse, ‘Mangelsprosse’ und Sekund?rknollen (Tab. 1). In der Sorte Record stieg der Anteil rissiger Knollen von 4% auf 16% der ursprünglichen Knollen, bei einem Bestand von Maris Piper von 1% auf 18%. Die Messung der durchschnittlichen Knollengr?sse (Tab. 2) zeigt, dass in Behandlung 2 der Best?nde ohne Wachstumsrisse das Frischgewicht um fast 50% und das Trockengewicht um 35% anstieg. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass fluktuierende Bodenfeuchtigkeit und rapider Wechsel in der Knollen-Wachstumsrate an sich noch keine ausreichenden Bedingungen für Wachstumsrisse darstellen. Die Erkl?rung, warum an einigen Knollen Wachstumsrisse entstehen, an anderen jedoch nicht, bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen.

Résumé En fin de période de végétation et durant la période de sécheresse de l'été 1983, quatre expérimentations ont été réalisées sur 3 variétés: 1. Les plantes ont été arrachées et les tubercules pesés; leur teneur en matière sèche a été mesurée et aucune anomalie n'a été constatée. 2. Les plantes ont été maintenues encore 3 semaines en végétation. 3. Les tiges ont été supprimées afin de simuler un défanage chimique. Les racines et les stolons sont gardés intacts. 4. Les plantes ont été arrachées et les tubercules séparés de leurs stolons avant d'être remis en terre. Les cultures ont re?u 25 mm d'eau par irrigation et 10 mm de pluie en 24 h, suivi d'une pluviométrie de 60 mm en 3 semaines. Le poids frais des tubercules des traitements 2 et 3 a augmenté (tabl. 1). Le poids sec a augmenté uniquement dans le traitement 2 mais la teneur en matière sèche a diminué (tabl. 1). Le transfert des réserves à partir de la base des tiges ainsi que l'absorption en eau à travers le périderme des tubercules (traitement 4) ne sont pas significatives. Des crevasses, des germinations anormales et des tubercules de seconde génération ont été observés dans les deux traitements ou l'activité des racines a été maintenue (tabl. 1). Pour la variété Record, le taux de crevasses augmente de 4 à 16% par rapport aux tubercules initiaux et de 1 à 18% dans une culture du cv. Maris Piper. On constate que, sur la taille moyenne des tubercules (tabl. 2), le poids frais dans le traitement 2 a augmenté de presque 50% et le poids sec de 35% pour les 2 cultures n'ayant pas présenté les phénomènes de crevasses. Les résultats montrent que la variation d'humidité de sol et le changement rapide de la croissance des tubercules n'expliquent pas à eux seuls les formations de crevasses. Des études complémentaires sont souhaitables afin d'expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles certains tubercules crevassent et d'autres non.
灌排模式对超级稻南粳5055抗倒伏能力的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究不同灌排模式对超级稻南粳5055抗倒伏能力的影响。【方法】于2017年5—10月在南方地区高效灌排与农业水土环境教育部重点实验室进行不同灌排模式的桶栽试验。共设浅水勤灌(FSI)、浅湿调控(WSI)、控制灌溉(CI)和秸秆覆盖旱作(DPS)4个处理。【结果】相较FSI处理,WSI处理减少了灌水量,提高了花后期光合速率和叶面积,但茎秆形态和力学特性改善不显著;CI处理相较WSI处理进一步改善茎秆形态和力学特性,显著提高抗倒伏能力,增加产量的同时节约灌水量;DPS处理较FSI处理降低了茎鞘物质输出率和转化率,但干旱严重,茎鞘干物质累积量小于FSI处理,茎秆形态性状未能优化,抗倒伏能力下降。【结论】综合产量、抗倒伏能力及灌水量,最佳灌排模式为控制灌溉,其次为浅湿调控。  相似文献   
本文介绍了用盆栽方法研究茄子干物质积累与养分吸收的规律。结果表明:茄子全生育期干物质积累与养分吸收均按 Logistic 函数变化,随着施肥量增加,曲线陡度加大,拐点后移。干物质迅速积累与养分旺盛吸收的时间出现在株龄76~144天左右。单株生产1515g 果实需要吸收纯氮6.84 g,纯磷1.97 g,纯钾5.03g,其氮、磷、钾比为1.36:0.39:1.00。单株生产量最高条件下全生育期叶片的最佳营养指标为氮3.87~5.77%,磷0.85~0.11%,钾2.24~3.89%。  相似文献   
Pyrite (FeS2) is usually a waste from complex sulfide ores. Yet, it may be a remediation additive for calcareous soils deficient in iron (Fe) and other micronutrients such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn). In this study, leaching experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions and a 30-day pot trial (with wheat) to evaluate the effect of applying different amounts of pyritic tailings on micronutrient and heavy-metal concentrations in a calcareous soil and on crop growth (dry-matter production). The application of pyritic tailings to the calcareous soils improved the levels of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn, and dry-matter biomass of wheat also significantly increased. The heavy-metal contents in soil and plant were well below the permissible limit for soil and plants.  相似文献   
本文探讨了含有硝化抑制剂DMPP的长效肥料ENTEC对三种野生蔬菜(苋菜、闭鞘姜、仙人掌)干物质积累的影响。结果表明:①ENTEC对闭鞘姜干物质积累有显著影响。仙人掌干物质积累较尿素处理提高26%。②三种蔬菜生长过程中均表现为ENTEC处理下的最高生长速率到达时期推迟,干物质积累主要时期延长。  相似文献   
Determination of microbial protein in perennial ryegrass silage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The microbial matter fraction was determined in perennial ryegrass silages of different dry-matter (DM) contents, ensiled with or without Lactobacillus plantarum . 15N-Leucine and the bacterial cell wall constituent diaminopimelic acid (DAPA) were used as markers for microbial-N. Perennial ryegrass crops with DM contents of 202, 280 or 366 g kg−1 fresh weight were ensiled in laboratory-scale silos and stored for 3 to 4 months. At different times after ensiling, silages were analysed and microbial fractions were isolated. Microbial-N concentration determined with 15N-leucine reached a maximum during the first week of ensilage. It remained unchanged thereafter, except in silage with a DM content of 280 g kg−1 in which it decreased ( P  < 0·01) by 32% during storage. After 3 to 4 months ensilage, microbial-N concentration varied from ≈0·3 to ≈1·7 g kg−1 DM. A negative relationship was observed between microbial-N concentration and silage DM content. Inoculation resulted in an approximately twofold increase ( P  < 0·001) in microbial-N concentration. Microbial-N concentrations determined with DAPA were 1·14–2·07 times higher than those determined with 15N-leucine. However, 19–35% of the DAPA in silage occurred in a soluble form, indicating that this fraction of DAPA was not associated with intact bacteria.  相似文献   
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