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红掌又名安祖花,为天南星科(Araceae)花烛属(Anthurium)多年生常绿草本植物,原产热带美洲,上世纪80年代引入我国.其花枝独特,全年开花,花保鲜期长,在国际市场上是十分畅销的一种切花材料和盆栽品种.  相似文献   
貂熊种群现状及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
貂熊Gulo gulo属食肉目,鼬科,为环北极代表动物。在我国只分布在大兴安岭和阿勒泰林区。分布面积狭小,种群数量十分稀少,处极度濒危状态,已列为国家1级保护动物。因其分布密度低又为夜行性,故国内对它的研究甚少。仅在1958、1976、1983年的大兴安岭野生动物资源调查报告及黑龙江省、内蒙古和新疆动物志书中有一般性描述外,还有付文江(1966)、萨希荣(1974)的分布报导。而徐学良(1983)对黑龙江省博物馆所藏标本的研究(两篇)及李忠周(1984)对东北地区貂熊生态及饲养管理的文章是我国仅有专门报导。  相似文献   
枣龟蜡蚧是一种被覆一层厚重蜡壳的蚧壳虫 ,一般杀虫剂由于渗透性差 ,防治效果均不太理想。用 2 0 %速扑蚧杀乳油防治枣龟蜡蚧 ,7d即可见效 ,而且防治率也较高  相似文献   
Habitat loss and fragmentation have been associated with the decline of endangered species. In 1987, a catastrophic fire in the northern Great Hing'an Mountains of China, where the main habitat of sables (Martes zibellina) is located, aggravated the loss and fragmentation of the forest landscape. Due to restricted distribution and low population density, sables were listed in the national first-grade protected species in China. The objective of this paper was to identify to what extent the habitat of sables had been restored 13 years after the fire. Based on the behavioral data, which came from field survey information by radio-tracking, GPS (Global Positioning System) and forest inventory data, suitability habitat maps were derived using the Ecological Niche Suitability Model (ENSM). In addition, the habitat structure was analyzed with selected landscape indices. Although forest cover mostly had been restored by 2000, the results indicated that, compared to the pre-fire situation, the areas of suitable habitat had been reduced significantly, especially those of less suitable, marginally suitable and moderately suitable designation. Fragmentation was aggravated, and suitable patches were found to be further isolated with the exception of those in most suitable areas. The ratio of the patch perimeter to area in unsuitable, moderately suitable and suitable areas decreased, while the ratios within other suitability types increased. Moreover, the percentage of soft boundaries decreased slightly, which can influence the redistribution of sables. The results above indicated that the suitable habitat had deteriorated, and the restoration of the sables' habitat remained to be done.  相似文献   
南酸枣,为漆树科高大乔木,干形通直.骨质果核顶端有5个小孔,故俗称"五眼果".贵池区棠溪、梅街等地均自然分布在海拔300~1 250米的阔叶林或针阔混交林中.  相似文献   
Genus Eurydoxa Filipjev in China is reviewed and noted for the first time. Based on the present study, two species are recognized, including rhodopa Diakonoff and advena Filipjev. All available information for the species is reviewed and provided.  相似文献   
中国叩甲科区系中的优势种   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对中国25个省区,813个地点的叩甲科区系考察和种类鉴定,以及对各个种类的数量统计,发现暗足重脊叩甲 Chiagosnius obscuripes (Gyllenhal), 筛胸梳爪叩甲Melanotus cribricollis (Faldermann),双瘤槽缝叩甲Agrypnus bipapulatus Candeze,泥红槽缝叩甲Agrypnus argillaceus (Solsky),眼纹斑叩甲Cryptalaus larvatus (Candeze),丽叩甲Campsosternus auratus (Drury),朱肩丽叩甲Campsosternus gemma Candeze,角斑贫脊叩甲Aeoloderma agnata (Candeze),枝斑贫脊叩甲Aeoloderma brachmana (Candeze),变色平尾叩甲Gamepenthes versipellis (Lewis),木棉梳角叩甲Pectocera fortunei Candeze,武当筛胸叩甲Athousius wudanganus Kishii et Jiang等12种叩甲的种群数量较大,在中国叩甲科区系中处于明显优势,应属于中国叩甲科中的优势种.  相似文献   
彩色树种色木槭人工栽培丰产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>色木槭(Acer mono Maxim.),又名五角枫、五角槭、色木等,为槭树科椒树属的落叶乔木。最高约22m。胸径最大1.2m。色木槭经济用途也很多,树皮优质纤维可作人造棉及造纸的原料,叶含丰富的鞣质,种子可以榨油,即可供工业方面使用,也可作为食用油。木材细密,是建筑、车辆、乐器和胶合板等优质原料。叶、皮等可入药,性味辛、苦,主治治疗祛风除湿、活血止痛、偏头痛、风寒湿痹、跌打瘀痛、  相似文献   
胡献国 《养猪》2015,(2):24
<正>随着电视剧《武媚娘传奇》的热播,韦贵妃利用"五行草"使贤妃几度滑胎不能再孕的情节引起了人们的关注。五行草是什么,它真能引起滑胎而致不孕吗?五行草,又名马齿苋、长寿菜、马踏菜,为马齿苋科草本植物马齿苋的茎叶,入食多鲜用,入药鲜、陈均可,我国大部分地区均有分布。《本草纲目》言其"一名五行草,以其叶青、梗赤、花黄、根白、子黑也"。中医认为,马齿苋性味酸、寒,入大肠、肝、脾经,有清热解毒,消痈利尿之功,适用于湿热或热毒  相似文献   
<正>牛螨病,又叫疥癣病,俗称"癞"。主要是由痒螨科的螨类寄生于牛的体表引起的一种慢性、顽固性、接触性寄生虫病。牛螨病在世界各地均有发生,该病的发生与畜舍卫生、季节、地理环境及动物机体密切相关。牛群拥挤、牛舍阴暗潮湿、环境卫生不良等,是牛螨病流行蔓延的主要原因。在日照时间短、气温低、湿度大的地区一般多发。牛螨病具有一定的季节性,秋末和冬春多发,因这个时期日照时间较短,天气潮湿,加上牛被毛长而密,牛体表湿度较大,较适合  相似文献   
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