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In structured soils, water and reactive solutes can preferentially move through larger inter‐aggregate pores, cracks, and biopores. The surface roughness of such macropores is crucial for describing microbial habitats and the exchange of water and solutes between macropores and the soil matrix together with other properties. The objective of this study was to compare the roughness of intact structural surfaces from the Bt‐horizons of five Luvisols developed on loess and glacial till and to test the applicability of confocal laser scanning microscopy. Samples of 5 to 10 cm edge length with intact structural surfaces including cracks with and without clay‐organic coatings, earthworm burrow walls, and root channels were prepared manually. The surface roughness of these structures was determined with a confocal laser scanning microscope of the type Keyence VK‐X100K. The root‐mean‐squared roughness (Rq) the curvature (Rcu) and the ratio between surface area and base area (RA) were calculated from selected surface regions of interest of 0.342 mm2 with an elevation resolution of 0.02 µm. The roughness was smaller for coated as compared to uncoated cracks and earthworm burrows of the Bt‐horizons. This reduction of roughness by the illuviation of clayey material was similar for the structural surfaces of the coarser textured till‐Bt and the finer‐textured loess‐Bt. This similarity suggested a dominant effect of pedogenesis and a minor effect of the parent material on the roughness levels of structural surfaces in the Bt‐horizons. An expected “smoothing” effect of burrow wall surfaces by earthworm activity was not reflected in the roughness values compared to those of uncoated cracks at the chosen spatial scale. However, for root channel walls from one loess‐Bt, the roughness was reduced as compared to that of other structures. These results suggest that the surface roughness of the structural surface types should separately be considered when describing preferential flow and macropore‐matrix exchange or analysing root growth, microbial habitats, and colloidal transport in structured soils. The confocal laser scanning microscopy technique was found useful for characterizing the roughness of intact structural surfaces.  相似文献   
Agricultural soil landscapes of hummocky ground moraines are characterized by 3D spatial patterns of soil types that result from profile modifications due to the combined effect of water and tillage erosion. We hypothesize that crops reflect such soil landscape patterns by increased or reduced plant and root growth. Root development may depend on the thickness and vertical sequence of soil horizons as well as on the structural development state of these horizons at different landscape positions. The hypotheses were tested using field data of the root density (RD) and the root lengths (RL) of winter wheat using the minirhizotron technique. We compared data from plots at the CarboZALF‐D site (NE Germany) that are representing a non‐eroded reference soil profile (Albic Luvisol) at a plateau position, a strongly eroded profile at steep slope (Calcaric Regosol), and a depositional profile at the footslope (Anocolluvic Regosol). At each of these plots, three Plexiglas access tubes were installed down to approx. 1.5 m soil depth. Root measurements were carried out during the growing season of winter wheat (September 2014–August 2015) on six dates. The root length density (RLD) and the root biomass density were derived from RD values assuming a mean specific root length of 100 m g?1. Values of RD and RLD were highest for the Anocolluvic Regosol and lowest for the Calcaric Regosol. The maximum root penetration depth was lower in the Anocolluvic Regosol because of a relatively high and fluctuating water table at this landscape position. Results revealed positive relations between below‐ground (root) and above‐ground crop parameters (i.e., leaf area index, plant height, biomass, and yield) for the three soil types. Observed root densities and root lengths in soils at the three landscape positions corroborated the hypothesis that the root system was reflecting erosion‐induced soil profile modifications. Soil landscape position dependent root growth should be considered when attempting to quantify landscape scale water and element balances as well as agricultural productivity.  相似文献   
In a previous paper we reported that model humic substances (0–50 mg kg?1 soil) increased P-, Fe-, and AI-solubility as well as P uptake of red clover and ryegrass on a strongly P-fixing soil. In this paper P- and Al-species calculations under equilibrium assumptions were conducted to determine the species which were mobilized by the humics and red clover root exudates. Phosphate distribution between free ortho-P and humic-Al-P complexes was calculated by an iterative procedure. In the soil without plants more than 50% of P in solution was present as humic associated P even at the lowest humic level. In soil under ryegrass the proportion of humic-P complexes was much lower due to the relatively low concentrations of humic-Al complexes in solution. In soil under red clover, between 55 and more than 84% of P in solution were present as humic-P. This increase compared to soil without plants or with ryegrass is caused by the high concentrations of humic-Al complexes in solution. The higher P-influx of red clover compared to ryegrass and P species distribution indicate that red clover can take up P from solubilized humic-P complexes. Aluminum species calculations showed that, even at the lowest level of humics addition, more than 60% of Al was complexed by the humics in soil without plants. The proportion of Al complexed by humics increased to about 90% at the highest level of humics addition. In soil under ryegrass cover, the proportion of humic-Al complexes was lower, not exceeding 73% due to the reduced solubility of humic substances. In contrast, higher humics concentrations in soil solution under red clover increased the proportion of humic-Al complexes to more than 80% of total Al even at the lowest humic level. It was concluded that the strong complexation of Al by the humics in the soil solution under red clover reduces Al toxicity.  相似文献   
Das Cadmiumaneignungsvermögen von Lupinus albus L., Lupinus angustifolius L. und Lolium multiflorum Lam. Mehrere Pflanzenarten mobilisieren Bodenphosphate (P) und Kationen wie Fe und Al durch die Exsudation organischer Anionen und Protonen. Deshalb untersuchten wir das Cd‐Aneignungsver‐mögen von P‐, Fe‐, Al‐mobilisierenden Arten (Lupinus albus L., Lupinus angustifolius L.) im Vergleich zu einer nicht mobili‐sierenden Pflanzenart (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Die Pflanzen wuchsen in zwei stark unterschiedlichen Böden (saurer Humuspodsol, karbonathaltiger Lössunterboden). Die Cd‐Aufnahme in die Sprosse war bei Weidelgras 5 bis 10 mal höher als bei Blauen bzw. Weißen Lupinen. Dieses Ergebnis hat mehrere Ursachen: 1. Das Wurzellängen/Sprossmasseverhältnis des Weidelgrases ist 2—3 mal größer als das der Lupinenpflanzen. 2. Bei Weidelgras wird ein größerer Teil des aufgenommenen Cd in die Sprosse verlagert. 3. Die Cd‐Aufnahme bei Lupinen ist im sauren Boden (Podsol) und bei P‐Mangel auch im Kalkboden niedriger als bei Weidelgras. Während im Podsol die Cd‐Konzentration der Bodenlösung unter Lupine geringer war als in der Kontrolle (Gefäße ohne Pflanzen), war sie im Kalkboden höher. Bei den Lupinen war der Efflux organischer Säureanionen, vor allem Citrat und Malat, um den Faktor 10—100 höher als bei Weidelgras. Diese Exsudation kann zu einer hohen Cd‐Komplexierung, insbesondere durch Citrat, in der Rhizosphärenbodenlösung führen (˜ 85%). Diese Ergebenisse deuten darauf hin, dass das komplexierte Cd von den Wurzeln schlechter aufgenommen wird als das freie Cd.  相似文献   
Long‐term effects of crop rotation and fertilization are mostly observed with respect to the amount of soil organic matter (SOM) and measured in terms of soil organic carbon (SOC). In this paper, we analyze the SOM composition of samples from long‐term agricultural field experiments at sandy and clayey sites that include complex crop rotations and farm‐yard manure applications. The organic matter (OM) composition of the soil samples, OM(Soil), and that of sequentially extracted water, OM(W), and sodium pyrophosphate, OM(PY), soluble fractions was analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The fraction OM(PY) represented between 13 and 34% of SOC, about 10 times that of OM(W). Site specific differences in OM(Soil) composition were larger than those between crop rotations and fertilizer applications. The smaller C=O group content in FTIR spectra of OM(W) compared with OM(PY) suggests that analysis of the more stable OM(PY) fraction is preferable over OM(W) or OM(Soil) for identifying long‐term effects, the OM(Soil) and OM(W) fractions and the content of CH groups being less indicative. Farm‐yard manure application leads to a more similar content of C=O groups in OM(PY) between crop rotations and fertilizer plots at both sites. Short‐term effects from soil tillage or potato harvesting on composition of OM require further studies.  相似文献   
The organic matter (OM) in biopore walls and aggregate coatings may be important for sorption of reactive solutes and water as well as for solute mass exchange between the soil matrix and the preferential flow (PF) domains in structured soil. Structural surfaces are coated by illuvial clay‐organic material and by OM of different origin, e.g., earthworm casts and root residues. The objectives were to verify the effect of OM on wettability and infiltration of intact structural surfaces in clay‐illuvial horizons (Bt) of Luvisols and to investigate the relevance of the mm‐scale distribution of OM composition on the water and solute transfer. Intact aggregate surfaces and biopore walls were prepared from Bt horizons of Luvisols developed from Loess and glacial till. The mm‐scale spatial distribution of OM composition was scanned using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy. The ratio between alkyl and carboxyl functional groups in OM was used as potential wettability index (PWI) of the OM. The infiltration dynamics of water and ethanol droplets were determined measuring contact angles (CA) and water drop penetration times (WDPT). At intact surfaces of earthworm burrows and coated cracks of the Loess‐Bt, the potential wettability of the OM was significantly reduced compared to the uncoated matrix. These data corresponded to increased WDPT, indicating a mm‐scaled sub‐critical water repellency. The relation was highly linear for earthworm burrows and crack coatings from the Loess‐Bt with WDPT > 2.5 s. Other surfaces of the Loess‐Bt and most surfaces of the till‐derived Bt were not found to be repellent. At these surfaces, no relations between the potential wettability of the OM and the actual wettability of the surface were found. The results suggest that water absorption at intact surface structures, i.e., mass exchange between PF paths and soil matrix, can be locally affected by a mm‐scale OM distribution if OM is of increased content and is enriched in alkyl functional groups. For such surfaces, the relation between potential and actual wettability provides the possibility to evaluate the mm‐scale spatial distribution of wettability and sorption and mass exchange from DRIFT spectroscopic scanning.  相似文献   
Phosphorus is one of the most limiting macronutrients for plant productivity in agriculture worldwide. The main reasons are the limited rock phosphate reserves and the high affinity of phosphate (P) to the soil solid phase, restricting the P availability to the plant roots. Plants can adapt to soils low in available P by changing morphological or/and physiological root features. Morphological changes include the formation of longer root hairs and a higher root : shoot ratio both parameters increasing the root surface which provides the shoot with P. This may be successful if the P availability in soil, i.e., the P concentration of the soil solution is not extremely low (> 1–2 µM P). If the P concentration of the soil solution is lower, the diffusive flux to the root surface will be very low and may not satisfy the P demand of the shoots. Under these conditions plants have developed strategies to increase the rhizosphere soil solution concentration by secreting mobilizing agents. The most effective way of P mobilization is the release of di‐ and tricarboxylic acid anions, especially oxalate and citrate. Citrate can accumulate in the rhizosphere up to concentrations up to 80 µmol g?1 soil. Cluster root formation is an efficient way of carboxylate accumulation in the cluster root rhizosphere improving P mobilization. Cluster roots strongly improve the acquisition of the mobilized P. Considering a single root, around 80–90% of the mobilized P diffuses away from the root. From the rhizosphere of cluster roots, most of the mobilized P is taken up by the cluster roots. Both, the strong accumulation of carboxylates in and the effective P uptake from the cluster‐root rhizosphere are the basis of the unique ability of P acquisition by cluster root‐forming plants. Plants that do not form cluster roots, e.g., red clover, can also accumulate carboxylates in the rhizosphere. Red clover accumulates high quantities of citrate in the rhizosphere soil. Model calculations show that the release of citrate by red clover roots and its accumulation in the rhizosphere strongly improve P acquisition by this plant species in various soils. Similar results are obtained with alfalfa. In sugar beet, oxalate release can strongly contribute to P acquisition. In summary, P acquisition can be strongly improved by the release of carboxylates and should be taken as a challenge for basic and applied research.  相似文献   
Structured subsoil horizons are characterized by biopores and shrinkage cracks, which may serve as preferential flow paths. The surfaces of cracks and biopores may be coated by clay‐organic material. The spatially‐distributed organic matter (OM) composition at such structural surfaces was studied at the millimetre scale using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy in the mid‐infrared range (MIR). Intact biopores such as earthworm burrows and root channels, and crack surfaces of nine subsoil horizons were analysed. The samples were from arable and forest Luvisols, one Regosol, one Stagnosol and Cambisols developed from loess, till, mudstone and limestone. For better comparison between soils, the DRIFT signal intensities were corrected for the particle‐size effects. The OM was characterized by the ratio between alkyl‐ (C–H) and carbonyl (C=O) functional groups (C–H/C=O), which represent an index of the potential wettability (PWI) of the OM. The PWI was larger for biopores than for crack surfaces and the soil matrix, indicating a smaller potential wettability of OM at biopore surfaces. The millimetre‐scale spatial variability of OM was especially large for the surfaces of root channels. Samples from till‐derived Luvisols had smaller PWI (with greater potential wettability than surfaces from loess‐derived Luvisols) than other soil types. The mean PWI of the arable Luvisol crack surfaces was less than that of the forest Luvisol samples. The results suggest that the spatial distribution of OM properties at intact structural surfaces may be important for describing sorption and mass transfer processes during preferential flow.  相似文献   
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