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Summary 1) Some aspects of transplantation of embryo pieces of one species, into the embryo of an other one were discussed, as well as the grafting of an embryo on the endosperm of other varieties, species and even genera (vegetative hyberidization).2) Deep hereditary changes were observed, as well as an incompatibility (negative tropism) to assimilate and to fuse between the embryonic tissues of different species.3) But a positive tropism with a complete assimilation of the tissue can also be observed in all those cases, when the grafted endosperm, belonged to the same species as the one of the transplanted embryo piece.4) This method should be extended in order to produce oil seed crops and particularily soja beans, ripening in northern long day regions (change from short day to long day photoperiodism).5) Ultrasonic vibrations could be usefully applied to improve this grafting method.
Resume 1) Quelques aspects de transplantation d'un fragment d'embryon d'une espèce, dans celui d'une autre, ont été discutés, ainsique le gréffage d'un embryon, sur les réserves nutritives (endosperme) d'autres variétés, espèces et mêmes genres (hybridation végétative).2) Des changements héréditaires profonds ont pu être observés, ainsiqu'une incompatibilité (tropisme négative) de s'assimiler et de fusionner entre les tissus embryonaires de différentes espèces.3) Quand-même un tropisme positif, accompagné d'une assimilation complète des tissues, put être observé dans tous ces cas, ou la réserve nutritive (endosperme) appartenait à la même espèce que le fragment transplanté.4) Cette méthode devrait être approfondie pour pouvoir produire des plantes oléagineuses, en particulier du soja, qui puisse mûrir dans des régions nordiques aux jours longs, pendant la saison de croissance (changement d'un phototropisme de jours courts à celui de jours longs).5) Un traitement aux Ultra-Sons pourrait être avantageusement appliqué afin d'améliorer cette méthode.
Résumé Dans notre étude submicroscopique des réserves nutritives de l'orge, nous avons pu mettre en évidence d'une façon précise, l'existence des films protéiques longitudinaux et transversaux se trouvant à l'intérieur du grain d'amidon. Un film transversal semble trancher une partie du corps du grain d'amidon, ce qui a été confirmé par l'étude d'une suspension alcoolique (préparée aux Ultra-Sons) et ombragée (métalisée) avec du chrome.Des coupes fines démontrent que les lamelles protéiques sont disposées radialement à l'intérieur des grains d'amidon, et que la structure de l'amidon d'orge est disposée en couches concentriques.Une fissure médiane caractéristique pour les Hordeae a été mise en évidence, ainsi que celle d'une bande pectique à l'intérieur des parois cellulaires. La structure fine de la cellulose en forme de lattice, a pu être ressortie, de même que l'existence de Ponts Intercellulaires avec des Desmosomes.La fixation (OsO4 suivie de AWP) et l'inclusion dans du methacrylate (buthyl+methyl) 4:1 a été choisie, vu que ce procédé donnait les meilleurs résultats.La fixation avec UO2 (NO3)2 donne aussi de bons résultats, tandis que celle à l'iode doit encore être développée.
Summary Submicroscopic studies of barley endosperm showed that protein membranes are radialy disposed inside the starch granules. A perpendicular membrane seems to separate a part of the starch granule. The granular consistency of these starch granules has been put into evidence, as well as a medial fissure, caracteristic for Hordeae, well defined.Besides, it was possible to show that the interior of the cell wall consists of a pectic band, and that adjacent cells are connected by intercellular bridges with desmosomes.No great difference was found between fixation with OsO4 followed by AWP, and the one with H2 Pt Cl6.Fixation with uranil nitrate UO2 (NO3)2 was also tried, but the material not yet studied.The fixation with iodide has still to be developped as it is known that iodide, even in dilute concentrations, may form an undesirable coat arround the starch grain.Methacrylate was prefered to araldite, as it can be evaporated under the electronic beam and is well recommended byWykoff (32) andBahr (3). Plexiglas inclusions have still to be tried out.The staining with (OSO4+AWP) and evaporation of the inclusion material, gives the possibility to obtain pictures of the cell interior tel quel, which opens new pathways for the future.

Zusammenfassung Elektronenmikroskopische Studien des Gerstenendosperms zeigten, daß Proteinfilme im Stärkekorn radial gelegen sind. Haftproteine und Lipoproteide konnten besser zur Geltung gebracht werden. Zwickelprotein dagegen nur in einigen Fällen.Ein konzentrischer Aufbau der Stärkekörner, sowie die für die Hordeae charakteristische Medianspalte, wurde nachgewiesen.Es scheint, daß eine Proteinmembran einen Teil der großen Stärkekörner, von der Hauptmasse trennt. Diese Erscheinung konnte außerdem durch Oberflächenstudien hervorgehoben werden.Der Feinbau der Zellwände und das Vorhandensein einer Pektinschicht im Inneren der Zellmembranen konnte durch Fixierung mittels (OsO4+AWP) und Verdunstung des Methacrylats, hervorgehoben werden.Diese neue Technik erlaubte noch das Vorhandensein von Interzellularbrücken und Desmosomen zu zeigen.Kein großer Unterschied konnte zwischen der Fixierung mit (OsO4+AWP) und H2Pt Cl6, gefunden werden.Wegen Zeitmangel konnte das mit Uranyl-Nitrat UO2(NO3)2 fixierte Material nicht untersucht werden.Methacrylat wurde dem Araldit und Plexiglas als Einbettungsmittel vorgezogen, da es durch Elektronenstrahlen verdampft werden kann.Diese Methode ermöglicht in der Zukunft das Studium der Änderungen, die im Inneren von Zellen durch physikalische und chemische Mittel hervorgerufen werden.
Summary Two separate experiments were conducted in which sunflower lines were tested for their pollen production and hybridization performance.In the first experiment, lines derived from a common source were tested for their pollen production. In the second experiment, two standard varieties were tested for their combining ability.The tested lines differed significantly in their pollen production. It was further shown by correlation analysis that these differences were maintained over two seasons. It is concluded that the technique developed in the investigations can be used to advantage in selecting male and female parents in the breeding program.Experiments on mixed seed rates of two standard varieties failed to give yield data, and consequently, no definite conclusions may be drawn.Agriculture and industry are just beginning to recognize the sunflower as an important source of oil and other substances. Since this crop has not been intensively studied, future investigators should be quite effective in advancing its relative importance, both as to production and utilization.  相似文献   
Conclusion The protest against Michurinism, from non-Russian countries, has been on three main grounds: that his scientific theories are unconvincing; that the intrusion of political influence into scientific controversy is unjustifiable; and that the treatment meted out to his defeated opponents has included imprisonment and death.Modern genetics has grown through the work ofCorrens, Goldschmidt, Muller, Darlington, Haldane and many others, and today many aspects of it are thoroughly permeated with physiological and dynamic thinking.Lysenko, however, still attacks it on the old lines, using arguments form the pregenetical days ofDarwin as well as those produced byMichurin, Timirtazey, etc. who first criticized it. Lysenko's claim that heredity can be altered by external influences either by submitting the organism to altered conditions, or by grafting one type of plant to another, when the stock and graft are said to influence each other's hereditary qualities, may be looked upon as a scientific novelty.Neither of these two parts is easy to accept.Graft hybridization is a problem with a long history. Nearly all alleged cases in the past have turned out to be misinterpretations; but there is no doubt that viruses and some proteins can be transmitted in this way and act and cause the observed results. It is possible though not yet acceptable as proven, thatLysenko is on to something in this obscure and not fully understood field. But even if this be so, there seems no reason whatever to believe that this results could overthrow classical genetics, though he might conceivably represent an addition, even quite an important addition, to it.Thus it becomes clear that the gap between Michurinites and Neo-Mendelists does not appear to be absolute, and may be further narrowed as reliable evidence becomes more readily available to both groups.  相似文献   
Summary In view of a preliminary investigation of liquid-solid extraction by means of Ultra-sonic waves, the effects of 300, 500 and 2000 kHz insonation was tried, using 50° alcohol and vanilla beans.The experimental results were calculated on a 12 hours extraction base, with a 250 ml Kumagawa.Our experiments have shown that an extraction efficiency of 94%, after 12 min. insonation, can be obtained, but that this efficiency seemed, in our particular case, to be closely correlated with the moisture content of the sample.Besides, the classical extraction in a Kumagawa showed, that such acquired caracters, as increased percentage in vanillin and oleoresines obtained after an ultrasonic irradiation remained stable.
Zusammenfassung Ein Versuch wurde angestellt, Vanille-Extraktion mit Hilfe von Ultraschallwellen durchzuführen.Frequenzen von 300, 500 und 2000 kHz mit Intensitäten von 3,4–13 W/cm2 und Extraktionsdauer, von 3–12 Min., wurden dazu verwendet.Die erzielten Ergebnisse haben deutlich gezeigt, dass unter günstigen Versuchsbedingungen, nach 12 min. Beschallung 94% einer klassischen Extraktion von 12 Stunden mit dem Apparat nachKumagawa, erzielt werden kann.Es scheint jedoch, dass in diesem besonderen Falle die Wirksamkeit der Extraktion vom Feuchtigkeitsgehalt des Vanillenmusters abhängt.Von grossem Interesse ist der Befund, dass der erhöhte Vanillinund Oelsubstanzen-(Oleoresine) Gehalt, der beschallten Vanille-schoten, stabil ist.Hiermit werden neue und interessante Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten dieser neuen Wissenschaft in der Zukunft eröffnet.
Summary In view of the increased importance, which Vanilla consumption is taking in the food industry to-day, an increase of the Vanillin percentage in Vanilla pods, by means of Ultra-Sonic treatments, was tried.It was therefore of particular interest to develop a new method which could increase the Vanillin and Oleoresins percentage, as treatments with X-rays, Ultra-violett, Infrat-red, yperite etc. did not give the expected results.In our previous publications we have shown that enzymes can be activated by Ultra-Sonic treatments (see alpha-amylase and cellulase), and as on the other hand the formation of Vanillin and Oleoresins are due to biochemical (enzymatic) processes, it was logical to try to induce an increase of these constituents by means of this new method.Our hypothesis has proved to be right and after several years of intensive research, we were able to prove that Ultra-Sonics of certain specific frequencies and intensities, are able to induce an increase of 25–35% of Vanillin and 10–15% of the Oleoresins in the treated Vanilla pods.  相似文献   
Summary The results of this project show that best yields, best color, best quality and best texture are obtained when rhubarb is grown at a temperature ranging from 55°–60° F (12,8°–15,5° C). At lower temperatures the growth will be very slow, and at higher temperatures the growth will be fast but the texture poor.Temperature affects both the yields and color of forced rhubarb. At high temperatures with low moisture, the roots become exhausted more quickly and the plants are more susceptible to soft rot. The rate of growth of forced rhubarb is directly proportional to the air and soil temperature, and the first few pickings are not greatly affected by other growth factors. Media with higher water-holding capacity and consequently a lower temperature, should be avoided. The color of forced rhubarb is an important factor in marketing. A dark red color is preferred, although a pink is very desirable. If a good red strain of rhubarb is planted, the forced product will be red what ever the temperature, but other strains lose their color if temperature is over 60° F (15,5° C).Best vigour and stability in growth is found in larger roots with a greater amount of food reserve. The freezing of roots before forcing is also very important, and can be done by natural freezing as well as by chemical treatment, and should be combined with a long rest period after freezing.This test agrees with the results obtained in previous works on this subject, but more detailed work taking into consideration the effect of air and soil temperature as well as moisture, treatment period, age of root, degree of dormancy, sugar content in the petioles as affected by all above mentioned factors, susceptibility to disease, etc. should be done before it can be used as an absolutely reliable test for commercial rhubarb forcing.  相似文献   
Summary As oil seeds and cereals constitute important crops in many areas wherever agriculture is practized, the varied industrial requirements from products derived from these crops, provide a continuous stimulus for agricultural and industrial research.While progress has been made in developing varieties suited for different climatic conditions in the world, there is a pressing need for an intensified breeding program in which particular emphasis is placed not only on such features as an increased yield, earliness in maturity, high protein or oil content etc, but also on the suitability of straw and stalks for cellulose production. Therefore an attempt was made to analyse sunflower stalks for their suitability as a source for -, -and -cellulose. Besides that we were able to show that Ultra-Sonic waves can induce favorable biochemical reactions, it was logical to try if by means of such sonic treatments sunflowers could become an important source for paper-pulp and textile fiber, and become herewith a double purpose crop.  相似文献   
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