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The productivity of sheep and goats was examined under three management systems. A regime by which each animal received five doses of fenbendazole in a year gave similar results in terms of survival and liveweight gain to monthly dosing. Sheep kept by traditional methods without anthelmintic treatment survived and grew less well than goats. In contrast goats grew better and produced more young under traditional management although they were in general lighter than sheep.  相似文献   
Summary The development and survival ofHaemonchus contortus andTrichostrongylus sp. on pasture at Bamenda, Cameroon were studied by spreading faeces containing strongyle eggs from mixed infections on 12 experimental grass plots from April 1988 to March 1989. Development of eggs to infective larvae during the rainy season (April to October) took place within one week. The infective larvae ofH. contortus survived for 11±2 weeks (with a range of 7 to 13 weeks) during this period while those ofTrichostrongylus sp. survived for 9±2 weeks (with a range of 6 to 12 weeks). No larvae were recovered from eggs spread on pasture during the dry season, except in December when unseasonal rains fell within 9 days of spread of the faeces. Rainfall was identified as the most important climatic condition affecting the development and survival of infective larvae on pastures at Bamenda.
Desarrollo Y Supervivencia DeHaemonchus Contortus YTrichostrongylus Sp. En El Pasto En Camerún
Resumen Se estudió el desarrollo y supervivencia deHaemonchus contortus y trichostrongylus sp. en el pasto en Bamenda (Camerún) extendiendo heces contaminadas en 12 parcelas experimentales entre abril de 1988 y marzo de 1989. Durante la época húmeda, el desarrollo hasta larvas infestantes tardó una semana. Las larvas infestantes deH. contortus sobrevivieron 11±2 semanas (rango de 7 a 13 semanas), mientras que las larvas deTrichostrongylus sp. sobrevivieron durante 9±2 semanas (rango de 6 a 12 semanas). Durante la época seca no se recuperó larva, con la excepción del mes di diciembre, durante el cual se produjeron lluvias inesperadas en los 9 días siguientes a la extensión de las heces. La lluvia fue identificaada como el factor climático más importante en lo relativo al desarrollo y supervivencia de larvas infestantes en el pasto en Bamenda.

l'Etude Du Developpement Et De La Survie De Haemonchus Contortus Et De l'Espece Trichostrongylus Sur Les Paturages Au Cameroun
Résumé L'étude du dévéloppement et de la survie deHaemonchus contortus et de l'espèceTrichostrongylus sur les pâturages à Bamenda, Cameroun s'est faite par arrosage depuis le mois d'Avril 1988 à Mars 1989 de 12 partitions expérimentales de gazon avec des fécès contenant des oeufs de strongyles provenant d'une infection mixte. Le dévéloppement des oeufs jusqu'au stade larvaire infectieux pendant la saison des pluies (Avril–Octobre) s'est déroule en une semaine. La larve infectieuseH. contortus survécut pendant 11±2 semaines (dans une intervalle de sept à 13 semaines) au cours de cette période, contre 9±2 semaines pour l'espèceTrichostrongylus (avec une durée s'étalant de six à 12 semaines). Aucun dévéloppement larvaire n'a eu lieu à partir des oeufs arrosés sur les pâturages pendant la saison séche, excepté en Decembre lorsque des pluies non saisonnieres tombèrent au cours des neuf jours suivent l'arrosage des fécès. La pluviometrie parut etre le facteur climatique le plus important favorisant le dévéloppement et le survie des larves infectieuses sur les pâturages à Bamenda.

Present address: Faculty of Science, University of Buea, S.W. Province, Cameroon.  相似文献   
Following the routine use of tiabendazole at monthly intervals for several years, the trichostrongyle parasites of sheep and goats on a government research station in North-West Cameroon had become resistant to benzimidazole anthelmintics.  相似文献   
Mortality rates and the prevalence of disease were assessed in 115 flocks of traditionally managed sheep and goats in two Divisions of the North West Province of Cameroon by means of a questionnaire to the owners. The mortality rate was significantly higher in sheep than in goats and also higher in young stock than in adults. Tethering the animals during the day resulted in significantly lower mortality in both adult and young sheep and also in kids. Disease problems of small ruminants, identified on the basis of signs reported by their owners, included intestinal parasitism, especially helminthiasis, tick infestation and associated diseases, pneumonia, goat plague (peste des petits ruminants) and Oestrus ovis infestation. Treatment of sick animals was only practised on a very small scale, often by possibly ineffective traditional methods. The owners identified tick infestation and diarrhoea as common causes of death. Recommendations are made on control measures suitable for application in this area.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects on digestibility and growth when West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep were fed a basal diet of Tripsacum laxum with Leucaena leucocephala or dried poultry waste as supplement. Fifteen WAD sheep (12 rams and 3 ewes) were randomly allocated to three dietary treatments of 5 animals each, namely T1—basal diet of chopped T. laxum (control), T2—basal diet plus dried poultry waste, and T3—basal diet plus L. leucocephala. Animals had access to drinking water and a mineral mix ad libitum. They were weighed weekly after a 2-week adaptation period, for a duration of 12 weeks. At the end of the feeding trial, three rams randomly selected from each treatment group were used for the digestibility study. Results revealed that average daily intake of L. leucocephala (350.0?±?0.3 g/animal) was higher than that of dried poultry waste (260.0?±?0.1 g/animal). The supplemented groups, T2 and T3, gained 21.4 and 31.0 g daily respectively, while animals of the control group (T1) lost 6.0 g daily. There was a significant difference (P?<?0.01) in dry matter intake between the control and supplemented groups, with T2 recording the highest intake. Organic matter intake of treatment 3 was significantly (P?<?0.01) higher than that of T1 and T2. The differences in crude fibre (CF) ingestion between T2 and T1 as well as T3 and T1 were significant (P?<?0.01), with the highest ingestion of CF occurring in T1. The dry matter digestibility of the supplemented groups was significantly higher (P?<?0.05) than that of the control. The organic matter digestibility of T2 and T3, as well as T1 and T3 were significantly different (P?<?0.05), being highest in T3 (77.0?±?2.1 %) and lowest in T2 (58.1?±?1.0 %) It was concluded from the study that T. laxum can be better utilized in West African Dwarf sheep when supplemented with dried poultry waste or L. leucocephala.  相似文献   
Small ruminant production in the South West Province of Cameroon is practised mostly by subsistence farmers in the rural areas on natural grass pastures which grow once the primary forest has been cleared. Investigations revealed certain endo- and ectoparasites that were abundant and caused problems on the pastures to both animals and farmers. Haemonchus contortus was the most prevalent species with a prevalence of 94.23%. The highest mean monthly intensity was obtained in August and there was a significant difference (P<0.05) from the other months. Strongyle infections were prevalent in 93.18% of the animals examined. In the flock there was a prevalence of 96.25% in sheep as opposed to 86% in goats. The prevalence in the subsistence system was 95.4%. Mean monthly egg counts and prevalence of flukes was highest in December, 187.84 (29.73%). The overall prevalence of flukes was 73.88% with an overall mean intensity of 22 flukes per animal. The most abundant tick species was Haemaphysilis leachi. Genital distribution of ticks was significantly higher (P<0.05) in females than males. In the males they were more concentrated around the scrotum.  相似文献   
Summary A survey showed that in the North West Province of Cameroon 92% of the farmers rear goats as against only 21% who rear sheep. The main constraint on sheep husbandry appeared to be a traditional belief that keeping sheep adversely affects a woman's fertility. Flock sizes are small (three to 48, median seven) but there was some tendency towards larger numbers in mixed flocks. There were considerably more females than males. Six systems for managing small ruminants were identified. The most widely practised was housing at night and tethering in daytime during the cropping season with either tethering or free-range grazing during the daytime in the non-cropping season. The most common housing system was an enclosed shed with walls of sticks, tree fern or bamboo. Floors of planks laid on the earth or slightly raised were used by about 48% of the farmers while 22% constructed raised slatted floors.Most farmers gave their animals salt on a more or less regular basis but otherwise intentional feed supplementation was rare. About 43% of the farmers thought it unnecessary to provide water. Breeding was generally uncontrolled and the progeny of the most active breeding ram or buck was often the main source of replacement males. The overall offtake rates were 20% for sheep and 24% for goats. Several flocks had no offtake while four (three flocks of goats and one of sheep) reported offtake rates of 65 to 80%.
Manejo Y Productividad De Rumiantes Menores En La Provincia Noroccidental De Camerun
Resumen Un estudio de campo reveló, que en la Provincia Noroccidental de Camerún, el 92% de los agricultores crían cabras contra el 21% que cría ovejas. El mayor obstáculo para la cría de ovejas parece ser la creencia, que las ovejas afectan la fertilidad de las mujeres. El tamaño de los apriscos es pequeño (tres a siete), pero existe una tendencia a incrementarse cuando son mixtos. Existe un mayor número de hembras que machos.Se identificaron seis sistemas de manejo. El que más se practica, es el de encierro durante la noche y pastoreo restringido (atadura) durante el día, durante la estación de cosecha y pastoreo restringido o libre durante la estación de poscosecha. El sistema más común de alojamiento, fue el encierro en corrales de bambú sobre planchas a nivel del suelo o ligeramente levantadas o sobre pisos ranurados. El porcentaje de agricultores que utilizaban estos sistemas de alojamiento fue del 48 y 22% respectivamente.La suplementación de sal fue más o menos regular, pero no se vió otro tipo de suplementación. El 43% de los agricultores no aceptaron que era necesario proporcionar agua. El apareamiento no fue controlado y los reemplazos provenían de los reproductores más activos. La tasa de extracción general fue del 20% para las ovejas y del 24% para las cabras. Algunos apriscos no tenían tasas de extracción, mientras que tres de cabras y uno de ovejas tenían tasas de 65 y 80% respectivamente.

Gestion Et Productivte Des Petits Ruminants Dans La Province Nord Oeust Du Cameroun
Résumé Une enquête a montré que dans la province Nord Ouest du Cameroun 92% des paysans élèvent des chèvres pour seulement 21% élevant des moutons. La principale contrainte à l'élevage du mouton paraît être la croyance traditionnelle selon laquelle avoir des moutons porte tort à la fécondité de la femme. La taille des troupeaux est faible avec des effectifs de 3 à 48, et une médiane de 7, mais il y a une tendance à avoir des nombres plus élevés dans les troupeaux mixtes. Il y a considérablement plus de femelles que de mâles.Six systèmes d'élevage des petits ruminants ont été identifiés. Le plus couramment pratiqué comporte la stabulation nocturne et la mise à l'attache durant la journée pendant la saison des cultures. Le système le plus courant de stabulation consiste en un abri clos avec des parois faites de morceaux de bois, de fougères arborescentes ou de bambou. Un plancher en lattes posé par terre ou légèrement surélevé était employé par environ 48% des éleveurs alors que 22% contstruisaient des planchers surélevés en ardoise.La plupart des paysans donnent du sel aux animaux sur une base plus ou moins régulière mais toute autre forme de supplémentation alimentaire intentionnelle est rate. Environ 43% des éleveurs ne jugent pas nécessaire de donner à boire. La reproduction est en général non maitrisée, et les produits du bélier ou du bouc le plus actif sont souvent la source principale de mâles de remplacement. Les taux d'exploitation sont de 20% pour les moutons et 24% pour les chèvres. Plusieurs troupeaux ne sont pas exploités alors que quatre (trois de chèvres et un de moutons) ont fait état de taux d'exploitation de 65 à 80%.
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