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讨论以WebService XML技术为开发核心开发的农药标签采集管理系统的具体实现和应用。以WebService XML技术开发的农药标签采集管理系统较好地实现了农药标签的逐级审核,并在因特网上对外公布。截至到2007年12月以对外公布了近19000个审批合格标签。该系统的最终建立对于加强农药市场的规范,提高农药执法人员的执法准度,以及方便广大农民更好地辨别农药产品的真伪起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
目前,在世界范围内还没有发现一种新型饲料添加剂完全具有抗生素的疗效和功能。但这并不意味着我们对抗生素滥用的现状束手无策。笔者在欧洲六国进行饲料安全考察时发现,欧洲国家在配合饲料中不允许添加非营养性添加剂,只添加维生素与氨基酸,而抗生素是被完全禁止添加的。并且,从原料的进厂与生产加工等过程都受到严格监管,违规企业将受到重罚。我国养殖业水平与发达国家还有很大差距,但必须转变养殖观念和经营思路,杜绝饲料中滥用抗生素和饲料药物添加剂给养殖行业带来的危害,从源头上排除造成的一系列恶果和给城乡居民的身体健康带来的潜在威胁。专家指出,政府应该对无抗生素养殖的企业与个人实行补贴。欧洲的经验告诉我们,改善养殖过程各个环节上的管理,改进卫生条件,减少生长过程中每一个环节上动物感染病原微生物的可能性,再配合使用安全新型饲料添加剂,有可能减少或者放弃使用抗生素。全面放弃抗生素作为饲料添加剂的使用是完全可以做到的,唯一的有效出路在于综合治理。中央政府应该尽快制定禁用抗生素使用的有关法规,地方政府加强监管。并成立有关管理机构与专家委员会具体指导实施;对生产抗生素替代饲料添加剂的优秀企业给予资金奖励或政策扶持;加强生产管理,对生产违规的企业进行重罚或停产。为了饲料工业和畜牧业的健康发展,为了子孙后代的健康,加快禁用抗生素。  相似文献   
讨论以WebService XML技术为开发核心开发的农药标签采集管理系统的具体实现和应用。以WebService XML技术开发的农药标签采集管理系统较好地实现了农药标签的逐级审核,并在因特网上对外公布。截至到2007年12月以对外公布了近19000个审批合格标签。该系统的最终建立对于加强农药市场的规范,提高农药执法人员的执法准度,以及方便广大农民更好地辨别农药产品的真伪起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
By using speetrally stable targets, the empirical line (EL) method was tested to correct the multispectral IKONOS imagery acquired over Putuo Mountain, Zhejiang, China. A series of calibration targets, which were spectrally stable over time, were selected to establish the linear predicted equation. Subsequently, a series of spectrally stable validation targets were selected to assess the accuracy of the equations. And, validation targets, which were speetrally unstable over time, were used to test the feasibility of using the EL method to calibrate the archival remotely sensed data. Ground reflectance measurements for each target were made using an ASD FieldSpec spectroradiometer. A Trimble GeoXTTM GPS unit with sub-meter accuracy was used to estimate the target position accurately. Linear regression equations for four tKONOS bands were derived. The coefficients of determination for the blue, green, and red bands were all greater than 0.9800 and it was 0.9697 for the near infrared band. It was concluded that reasonable results could be obtained by using speetrally stable targets.  相似文献   
迄今为止最具传奇色彩的球拍之一,HEAD Prestige仍旧是世界各国最具竞争力选手的最佳选择,有着难以置信的触感及极佳的精准度。所有的款型都提供了加长的握柄,从而提供了更加舒适的握感,尤其是对于双手握拍的球员来说。  相似文献   
黑麦草对土壤径流与产沙的调控效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
By using speetrally stable targets, the empirical line (EL) method was tested to correct the multispectral IKONOS imagery acquired over Putuo Mountain, Zhejiang, China. A series of calibration targets, which were spectrally stable over time, were selected to establish the linear predicted equation. Subsequently, a series of spectrally stable validation targets were selected to assess the accuracy of the equations. And, validation targets, which were speetrally unstable over time, were used to test the feasibility of using the EL method to calibrate the archival remotely sensed data. Ground reflectance measurements for each target were made using an ASD FieldSpec spectroradiometer. A Trimble GeoXTTM GPS unit with sub-meter accuracy was used to estimate the target position accurately. Linear regression equations for four tKONOS bands were derived. The coefficients of determination for the blue, green, and red bands were all greater than 0.9800 and it was 0.9697 for the near infrared band. It was concluded that reasonable results could be obtained by using speetrally stable targets.  相似文献   
农牧区扶贫资金的使用应提高“精准度”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>新疆贫困区主要分布在南疆四地州和邻近天山、阿尔泰山高寒地带的农牧地区。贫困群体数量庞大、自然条件恶劣、产业结构单一、基础薄弱、发展滞后,"人地矛盾、水土矛盾、财政供需矛盾"突出。自治区扶贫开发工作按照自治区党委和自治区人民政  相似文献   
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