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Abstract Catches of anadromous whitefish in the Gulf of Bothnia have declined since theearly 1990s. It is generally assumed that the cause is overfishing. The professional fishermeninterviewed in the present study were united in the opinion that it is necessary to set limits onthe fishing of whitefish, but had differing views about the means of achieving this. Thesedifferent arguments involved separate whitefish stocks, various types of gear and differentmotives for fishing. Most of the professional fishermen accepted a minimum mesh size for gillnets. Other means proposed included setting limits on non-professional fishing and sales ofcatches. There were conflicting attitudes about seasonal restrictions because their experienceswith fishing restrictions for salmon had been negative. On the whole, decision-making requiresmore regional information on whitefish stocks and fishing, but also on the social and economicflexibility of fishermen.  相似文献   
A substantial amount of scientific effort goes into understanding and measuring compliance in fisheries. Understanding why, how and when fishers follow or violate rules is crucial for designing effective fishery policies that can halt overfishing. Non‐compliance was initially explained almost exclusively with reference to economic and self‐interested motivations. More recently, however, most explanations involve a combination of economic, social, political and environmental factors. Despite this recent development towards more holistic explanations, many scientists continue to frame the issue in binary terms: fishers either follow rules, or they don't. In this article we challenge this binary interpretation and focus attention on the diversity of fishers’ dispositions and perceptions that underpin compliant behaviour. To this aim we construct a typology of fishers’ responses towards regulation and authorities, thereby developing conceptual tools to understand different motivations and attitudes that underlie compliance outcomes. For this purpose, we identify the motivational postures of ‘creativity’ and ‘reluctance’, and then highlight their empirical relevance with an interview study of Swedish fishers. Reasons for studying the quality and diversity of fishers’ motivations and responses are not purely academic. Conceptualizing and observing the quality of compliance can help policymakers and managers gauge and anticipate the potentiality of non‐compliant fishing practices that may threaten the resilience of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
渔业保险能让渔民有效规避生产风险,降低渔户损失。本文基于对渔民的实地调研数据,利用Logistic回归分析模型,对影响渔民参与渔业保险的行为选择进行了实证分析。结果表明,渔户年龄、养殖面积、养殖收入占比、渔业培训情况、对渔业保险的了解程度、对渔业保险重要性的判断、渔业灾害的损失程度和渔业保险的产品设计对渔业保险的需求有着显著的正向影响,并进一步提出应提高渔民对渔业保险的认知,加大渔业保险的宣传力度,加大对渔民的技能培训,强化渔民的风险保护意识等政策建议。  相似文献   
浙江舟山市捕捞渔民转产转业工作的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中日、中韩渔业协定等众多因素的制约下,面临重重困境,渔民转产转业退出捕捞的"舞台"是一种必然,而渔民的转产转业关系到和谐社会的构建,关系到渔业经济社会的稳定,因此解决好渔民的转产转业问题具有及其重要的意义。本文从客观、主观两个方面及不同层次阐述了舟山捕捞渔民转产转业面临的困境,从社会长远稳定、构建和谐社会等方面进行分析并从战略实施的角度提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   
近海渔民用工荒问题是渔业现代化建设中遇到的新问题,是渔民转产转业的附带问题.本文通过对部分省市出现的渔民用工荒现状进行分析,指出了出现该问题的主要原因,认为中国人口大背景及新经济形势、海洋捕捞业的特殊性、传统渔民观念问题以及信息的不对称因素是形成当前近海渔民用工荒问题的主要原因.在文章的最后,给出了相应的对策建议,认为政府应针对性出台并完善具有执行力的扶持政策、船东应放宽眼界扩充外来雇工渠道、大力发挥第三方机构——渔业行业协会等中介组织的积极作用.  相似文献   
近年来,由于我国近海渔业资源不足与捕捞力量过剩之间的矛盾,山东半岛沿海渔民转产转业问题越来越受到关注。文章依据山东半岛渔业及相关产业的发展特点和规律,对山东半岛沿海渔民转产转业的路径进行探讨和分析,提出以海水养殖业、水产加工业、滨海旅游业、休闲渔业等传统和新兴产业为主的路径选择。同时结合实际提出了实现山东半岛渔民转产转业的四项关键措施。  相似文献   
南海争端对我国南海渔业的影响和对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文分析了南海争端和南海渔业的现状,以及南海争端对我国南海渔业产生的重大影响,主要有南海争端现状复杂,渔民实际捕鱼区域范围未定;渔业资源过度捕捞,渔业资源难以可持续发展;渔业纠纷加剧,渔业监管难度加大;我国渔民安全很难保证;渔业增效和渔民增收困难等.提出了创造一个稳定的南海渔业发展环境,共同投资开发南沙渔业资源,加大对南沙渔业的扶持力度,提高南海周边国家对渔业资源保护的理解,降低捕捞强度,加强南沙渔业基础设施建设,保障渔民安全等南沙渔业发展对策.  相似文献   
  1. Historically, the Mediterranean Sea supported a rich shark fauna. Presently, however, populations of most shark species have significantly declined, largely due to intense fishing pressure.
  2. Interviews with crew members of bottom trawlers, drifting longliners and bottom longliners operating off the Costa Brava (Catalonia, NE Spain) were conducted between October 2016 and July 2017 in order to gather information on the current bycatch rate of several shark species.
  3. Interviews covered 41.2% of the fleet and respondents were asked for the bycatch of selected shark species—Alopias vulpinus, Cetorhinus maximus, Galeorhinus galeus, Hexanchus griseus, Isurus oxyrinchus, Mustelus spp., Prionace glauca, and Squalus acanthias—in two distinct time periods.
  4. Bottom trawlers captured the highest diversity of species (eight) followed by bottom longliners (seven), and drifting longliners (three). Most respondents (89.7%) declared having captured at least one shark from 2006 to 2016 but only 56.4% declared having captured at least one shark from 2016 to 2017.
  5. From 2016 to 2017, the whole fleet captured 89 specimens of H. griseus (95% confidence interval (CI) = 145, 34), 14 of G. galeus (95% CI = 30, 0), 3 of A. vulpinus (95% CI = 8, 0), 3 of I. oxyrinchus (95% CI = 8, 0), 3 of C. maximus (95% CI = 6, 0), and no Mustelus spp. The total bycatch of P. glauca and S. acanthias was uncertain due to extremely loose confidence intervals.
  6. A significant decline was perceived by fishermen in the bycatch of C. maximus and S. acanthias, whereas the bycatch of H. griseus was considered to have remained stable.
  7. This study suggests a dramatic reduction in the abundance of most of the medium-sized and large sharks of the Costa Brava and the likely disappearance of Mustelus spp. from the area. Only H. griseus, S. acanthias, and P. glauca are still being bycaught frequently.
以江苏省沿海开发为例,详细分析了失海渔民在可续生计发展中面临的困境,并探索了失海渔民可持续生计路径,得出了完善征海程序是突破困境的基础,加强技能培训是突破困境的关键,发展休闲渔业是突破困境的桥梁,健全保障体系是突破困境的核心。  相似文献   
以舟山群岛新区为例,在阐述1990年到2010年渔民人均纯收入变化的基础上,采用收入来源结构分析模型深入分析了渔民各项收入来源的内在变化规律,研究认为:家庭经营收入对渔民增收呈负向贡献;工资性收入对渔民增收的拉动效应大;财产性和转移性收入对渔民增收的作用明显。同时,从家庭经营收入、工资性收入、财产性和转移性收入的影响因素三个方面进一步揭示了影响渔民增收的深层因素,最终提出促进渔民增收的建议,促使新区建设的成果惠及渔民。  相似文献   
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