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羊源链球菌的分群鉴定及多价灭活苗的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000~2003年,从安阳、邯郸等6个地区采取280份羊的病料,从中分离到150株链球菌,对其中20株典型分离株进行了生化分群鉴定及兰氏分群A~G诊断试剂鉴定.结果表明,6个地区发生的羊的链球菌病主要由C群兽疫链球菌(7/20),D群(8/20),E群(2/20)引起.其分布无明显地域性.选择C、D、E群中各1株为菌种,制备多价链球菌灭活苗,通过免疫试验,保护率达92%以上,免疫期半年以上,疫苗4℃保存期1年以上,证明该灭活苗安全性好,免疫效果明显.  相似文献   
猪在断奶后的生长期内,体内脂肪逐渐增加,和其它家畜相比,猪更倾向沉积体脂。但猪体脂的沉积还要受遗传、年龄、日粮营养水平等因素的影响。在饲粮消化能量(DE)水平保持在3000—3200Kcal/kg,蛋白质含量为14%—15%的饲养条件下,我们分别测定了纯系北京黑猪(肉脂兼用型,平均瘦肉率为51%)和纯系长白猪(瘦肉型猪、平均瘦肉率为62%)的某些脂肪合成酶活性和脂肪代谢的一些生化指标。北京黑猪(公母各半)脂肪组织(背膘)中苹果酸酶(ME),葡萄糖—6—磷酸脱氢酶(G—6—PDH),异柠檬酸脱氢酶(ICDH)三种NADPH—生成酶活性随体重增加而升高,差异极其显著(P<0.001)。体重90kg的酶活性比56kg约高三倍。脂纺组织中上述NADPH生成酶活性北京黑猪比长白猪(体重均为90kg,公母各半)高一倍(P<0.001)。给北京黑猪(30头,公母各半,起始体重为60kg)注谢重组猪生长激素(rPGH,每天每头2mg,连续注谢28天),除表现生长加快,脂肪率下降约21%—23%外,其脂肪组织中NADPH生成酶活性降低十分明显(P<0.001)。苹果酸酶,葡萄糖—6—磷酶脱氢酶,异柠檬酸脱氢酶,三种酶总活性比对照组降低20%。血精中三酰甘油,游离脂肪酸,总胆固醇,高密度脂蛋白(HDL)胆固醇、乳糜微粒,极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)胆固醇含量,6月龄时,北京黑猪明显高于长白猪(P<0.001—0.0005);而4月龄时,北京黑猪血清中三酰甘油,高密度脂蛋白胆固酶含量则均明显低于长白猪。北京黑猪血清中三酰甘油,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量,随月龄(4月龄—6月龄)增长而增加(P<0.0005)。而长白猪则相反,随月龄而呈下降趋势(P<0.05—0.0005)。两种猪的脂蛋白电泳和含量测定未见有年龄和品种间的差异。  相似文献   
Abstract— A unique dermatosis of male miniature swine is described. The disease occurs in post-pubertal pigs, and is characterized by symmetrical, indurated, plaques over the truncal region. Histologically, the dermis and panniculus are effaced by thick, interwoven bundles of collagen resulting in an absence of deep dermal elastin. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of superficial dermal vessels, fibroblasts and fibrocytes are accompanied by perivascular infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils. The pathogenesis of this unusual dermatosis, designated as “progressive dermal collagenosis of male miniature swine” is unknown. Résumé— Une dermatose originale du cochon nain mâle est décrite. La maladie apparait chez des cochons post pubertaires, et est caractérisée par des plaques sur le tronc, indurées et symétriques. Histologliquement, le derme et le pannicule sont envahis par d‘épais falsceaux de collagène, entrainant l'absence d’élastine dermique. Les vaisseaux du derme superficiei sont hyperplasiés et hypertrophiés, des fibroblastes et des fibrocytes sont accompagnés d'un infiltrat inflammatoire périvasculaire de lymphocytes, éosinophiles et plasmocytes. La pathogénie de cette affection peu commune, appelée “collagénose dermique progressive du cochon nain mâle” est inconnue. Zusammenfassung— Es wird eine einzigartige Hauterkrankung beim männlichen Miniaturschwein beschrieben. Die Krankheit tritt bei postpubertären Schweinen auf und wird durch symmetrische, indurierte Plagues im Rumpfbereich gekennzeichnet. Histologisch treten Dermis und Pannikulus gegenüber dicken, verflochtenen Kollagenbündeln in den Hintergrund, wodurch das tiefe, dermale Elastin verschwindet. Die Hypertrophie und Hyperplasie der oberflächlichen Hautgefäße, Fibroblasten und Fibrozyten wird von perivaskulären Infiltraten aus Lymphozyten, Plasmazellen und eosinophilen Granulozyten begleitet. Die Pathogenese dieser ungewöhnlichen Dermatose, die als “progressive dermale Kollagenose des männlichen Miniaturschweins” bezeichnet wird, ist unbekannt. Resumen El presente artículo es una descripción de una dermatosis única del macho cerdo miniatura. Le enfermedad aparece después de la pubertad, y se caracteriza por la aparición de placas simétricas sobre la región del tronco. El exámen histológico de la dermis y del tejido panicular revela la presencia de gruesas bandas de colágeno entrelazadas, lo cual tiene como resultado la ausencia de la capa de elastina profunda. La hipertrofia e hiperplasia de los vasos superficiales dérmicos, fibroblastos y fibrocitos, se ve acompañadas de infiltrados perivasculares de linfocitos, células plasmáticas y eosinófilos. La patogénesis de esta rara dermatosis Ilamada ‘colagenosis dérmica progresiva del cardo macho miniatura’, es desconocida.  相似文献   
2004年2月至3月,湖北剂州某市八宝、中洲、老城、胡家岗和荆闸等乡镇自然村多家个体养猪专业户在断奶仔猪中爆发一种以体温高、贫血、黄疸、精神沉郁,先便秘后拉稀为特征的传染病。医治不见好转,先后死亡450多头。于3月中旬和下旬分2批将病猪送到我院进行诊断,经剖检、实验室检验和动物试验,最后确诊为猪附红细胞体和弓形体病继发猪瘟,采用超量免疫及综合防制措施,使本病得到了有效的控制。  相似文献   
惠州地处广东省珠江三角洲,近10多年城市化进程速度加快,城市人口增长迅速,随着人们生活水平不断提高,猪肉消费急速上升.同时,惠州也是广东省猪场最为集中的地区,是广东重要的肉猪、种猪生产基地.惠州地区规模生猪养殖发展之路更是广东省生猪养殖的一个缩影和风向标.通过深入基层调查,走访养殖户、屠宰场、大型养殖企业等,通过座谈交流、问卷调查和查阅生产记录的方式,对惠州不同规模生猪养殖发展现状及面临的主要问题进行了调查和分析.通过分析发现,中等规模的生猪养殖场(存栏500-2 999头)具有生产效益明显、环境容量合适、调整生产快、抗风险高和适合精细饲养等特点,比较适合目前惠州的生猪养殖发展.针对惠州面临的产业结构调整、划定动物禁养区等现实问题,本文提出应结合人文发展,完善行业标准,大力发展现代都市养殖模式-绿色生态园区的建议.  相似文献   
为解决罗非鱼链球菌感染难题,本研究在抗菌肽菌丝霉素分泌型丁酸梭菌制剂的基础上,对其进行了抑菌活性、稳定性和罗非鱼养殖应用研究。结果发现:表达产物菌丝霉素对常见致病菌如大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、蜡样芽孢杆菌和猪链球菌均有较好的抑菌活性。选用米糠作为菌丝霉素分泌型丁酸梭菌的保护剂载体,此制剂可在常温保存一年。通过上述的应用基础试验,初步建立一套菌丝霉素分泌型丁酸梭菌制剂养殖应用方案,此方案可显著降低罗非鱼链球菌病发病率58.6%以上。本研究为丁酸梭菌制剂在防治罗非鱼链球菌病应用方面提供了参考,此制剂有望替代抗生素,促进罗非鱼养殖业的持续健康发展。  相似文献   
猪丹毒又称“红热病” “打火印”或“钻石皮肤病”,是一种急性的、热性的传染病,引起该病的病原为红斑丹毒丝菌,可以通过伤口感染人,也是一种人兽共患病。患病猪的临床表现形式大致可分为3种类型,即急性、亚急性和慢性型。急性型病例主要的表现为出现明显的败血症症状。亚急性型病例则是在四肢、胸腹部、背部等皮肤处出现红色菱形、方形或圆形疹块。慢性型则多以出现关节炎和心内膜炎引起的关节肿胀、运动障碍和心跳加速、呼吸急促为主的临床表现;有时还可见皮肤坏死。红斑丹毒丝菌的最易感动物是猪,没有品种和年龄差异。使用疫苗是最佳的预防手段,治疗方面除使用抗生素外还可以选择中药方剂进行治疗。  相似文献   
文章以畜牧兽医类专业核心课程“猪生产技术”育人目标为出发点,结合“课程思政”的教育理念,阐述“猪生产技术”课程思政实施必要性,探索课程思政元素挖掘和教学实施,将爱国情怀、生态保护、责任担当、职业素养、团队协作、食品安全等思政元素融入课程教学过程中,旨在探索专业课程内容与思政内容融合要点,从而提高学生的专业素养、职业素养和道德水平。  相似文献   
In this paper, we describe the transmission of Classical Swine Fever virus (CSF virus) within herds during the 1997–1998 epidemic in the Netherlands. In seven herds where the infection started among individually housed breeding stock, all breeding pigs had been tested for antibodies to CSF virus shortly before depopulation. Based upon these data, the transmission of CSF virus between pigs was described as exponential growth in time with a parameter r, that was estimated at 0.108 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.060–0.156). The accompanying per-generation transmission (expressed as the basic reproduction ratio, R0) was estimated at 2.9. Based upon this characterisation, a calculation method was derived with which serological findings at depopulation can be used to calculate the period in which the virus was with a certain probability introduced into that breeding stock. This model was used to estimate the period when the virus had been introduced into 34 herds where the infection started in the breeding section. Of these herds, only a single contact with a herd previously infected had been traced. However, in contrast with the seven previously mentioned herds, only a sample of the breeding pigs had been tested before depopulation (as was the common procedure during the epidemic). The observed number of days between the single contact with an infected herd and the day of sampling of these 34 herds fitted well in the model. Thus, we concluded that the model and transmission parameter was in agreement with the transmission between breeding pigs in these herds.

Because of the limited sample size and because it was usually unknown in which specific pen the infection started, we were unable to estimate transmission parameters for weaned piglets and finishing pigs from the data collected during the epidemic. However, from the results of controlled experiments in which R0 was estimated as 81 between weaned piglets and 14 between heavy finishing pigs (Laevens et al., 1998a. Vet. Quart. 20, 41–45; Laevens et al., 1999. Ph.D. Thesis), we constructed a simple model to describe the transmission of CSF virus in compartments (rooms) housing finishing pigs and weaned piglets. From the number of pens per compartment, the number of pigs per pen, the numbers of pigs tested for antibodies to CSF virus and the distribution of the seropositive pigs in the compartment, this model gives again a period in which the virus most probably entered the herd. Using the findings in 41 herds where the infection started in the section of the finishers or weaned piglets of the age of 8 weeks or older, and of which only a single contact with a herd previously infected was known, there was no reason to reject the model. Thus, we concluded that the transmission between weaned piglets and finishing pigs during the epidemic was not significantly different from the transmission observed in the experiments.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a method to quantify the transmission of Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) between herds from data collected during the 1997–1998 epidemic in the Netherlands. From the contacts between infected herds and the serological findings shortly before depopulation, we estimated the week of virus introduction and the length of the period over which the herd emitted virus for each CSFV-infected herd. From these data, we estimated the infection-rate parameter β (the average number of herds infected by one infectious herd during one week) and the herd reproduction ratio, Rh (the average total number of secondary outbreaks caused by one infectious herd, i.e. in its entire infectious period), using a SIR-model for different sets of CSF control measures. When Rh > 1, an epidemic continues to grow. On the other hand, when Rh < 1 an epidemic will fade out.

During the phase before the first outbreak was diagnosed and no specific measures had been implemented, β was estimated at 1.09 and Rh at 6.8. In the subsequent phase infected herds were depopulated, movement restrictions were implemented, infected herds were traced forward and backward and the herds in the protection and surveillance zones were clinically inspected by the veterinary authorities (regional screening). This set of measures significantly reduced β to 0.38. However, Rh was 1.3 and thus still >1. Consequently, the number of outbreaks continued to grow. After a number of additional measures were implemented, the value of Rh was reduced to 0.5 and the epidemic came to an end. These measures included pre-emptive slaughter of herds that had been in contact with infected herds or were located near an infected herd, increased hygienic procedures, replacement of transports of pigs for welfare reasons by killing of young piglets and a breeding ban, and regional screening for CSF-infected herds by local veterinary practitioners.  相似文献   

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