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为弄清贵州某野生动物园长臂猿死亡的原因,本试验采用流行病学调查、临床症状观察、病理剖检诊断和RT-PCR检测确诊等方法,对该野生动物园发病长臂猿进行了诊断。试验结果显示,流行病学调查、剖检病理初步诊断该野生动物园长臂猿疑似流感病毒、支原体和细菌混合感染,RT-PCR/PCR检测确诊发病长臂猿为流感病毒、支原体混合感染,细菌分离培养、生化特性鉴定和动物致病性试验确诊为多杀性巴氏杆菌感染。结果表明造成该野生动物园长臂猿发病死亡的原因为流感病毒、支原体和多杀性巴氏杆菌混合感染。根据诊断及药敏试验结果,制定出了免疫预防及治疗措施。  相似文献   
Knowledge of habitat and feeding ecology is essential for developing an effective conservation management plan for threatened primates. Despite having been rediscovered nearly a decade ago, very little is known of the critically endangered cao vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) or its habitat. We analysed forest cover, made direct observations and conducted interviews of local elders to better understand forest changes and to determine the forest characters and species important to the survival of the gibbon. Interviews indicated human-induced forest resource exploitation focused on species-specific and larger trees most easily accessed. Gibbon forest habitat comprised four primary forest types. The mean canopy height over the whole site was 10.52 m. Gibbons consumed 81, or nearly half of the tree and liana species recorded in the site; however, only 19 species provide 77.8% of the diet. Six of the 19 food species were logged for different reasons throughout the history of the site. We conclude that effective conservation management of primates with highly limited distributions, focused dietary needs, and in degraded ecosystems will require active forest restoration, such as planting important food species in degraded sites.  相似文献   
为研究东白眉长臂猿的栖息地选择,自2006年3月24日至5月6日1,0月19日至11月29日在中国滇西高黎贡山(25°49'44″N,98°46'07″E)跟踪观察了1个家庭(由1雄性成体、1雌性成体和1亚成体组成)和1只独猿。在春、秋季分别设置利用样地和对应的可利用样地各30个。在样地中测量了24个因子,分析东白眉长臂猿春、秋季栖息地选择的特征差异。东白眉长臂猿偏好在东坡活动,以避开寒冷的西风。春季偏爱栓皮栎和拟樱叶柃等乔木,秋季则较多地选择截果石栎和白穗石栎。竹密度和藤本密度对取食和安全均十分重要,也可提供快速到达乔木的通道。16个数量因子中,在春季有12个因子显著影响栖息地选择,而海拔、距空旷地距离、灌木平均高度和密度等4个因子则不影响栖息地选择。在秋季,距道路距离、距草果地距离、灌木密度、竹密度、竹平均高度和藤本密度显著影响栖息地选择。在秋季,草果采收迫使东白眉长臂猿绕开草果种植的空旷地,迁移到陡峭沟谷区,利用藤本植物上下移动。  相似文献   
营养和能量的收支平衡是非人灵长类的生存基础。2007年12月及2008年4月,在高黎贡山赧亢生境走廊带采集东白眉长臂猿的食物样品。分析每种食物干样的粗蛋白、脂肪、纤维、总碳水化合物、灰分、钙和磷的含量。野外于2007~2008年春、秋季以焦点动物取样法观察同一家群(1♀1♂)东白眉长臂猿,记录日取食量相关数据。根据日摄取营养的量,参照预测代谢能公式计算日能量获取。研究结果表明,东白眉长臂猿不同食物种类及类型干样的营养成分存在变化。t-检验结果表明,春、秋季嫩叶干样的粗蛋白含量,果实干样的钙、磷含量差异性均显著,但东白眉长臂猿季节间日能量需求差异性均不显著。季节间果实、嫩叶的日能量百分比存在变化,季节间单位果、叶鲜重提供的能量也存在变化。分析显示,获取食物营养及能量的变化是东白眉长臂猿对环境变化的调节;季节间日取食量多少与食物质量低高的合理搭配使得日能量获取在季节间趋向于平衡。  相似文献   
The cao vit gibbon is a critically endangered species. Only approximately 110 individuals remain in degraded karst forest along the China‐Vietnam border. Karst forest is unusual gibbon habitat. Currently, the canopy height of cao vit gibbon habitat is approximately 10 m. Research on the locomotor behavior of gibbons living in this particular forest type might provide important insight into locomotor stability and variability of gibbons. We used 5 min scan samples to record the locomotion mode, support use and canopy strata of gibbons in 3 groups for 2096 h between January 2008 and December 2009. Although cao vit gibbon habitat has a lower canopy in comparison to that of other forests inhabited by gibbons, cao vit gibbons displayed a similar overall locomotor pattern to other gibbon species (Symphalangus syndactylus, Hylobates lar and Hylobates agilis) in which brachiation dominate their locomotor behavior. Cao vit gibbons spent most of their time travelling on inclined branches (2–10 cm) in the middle stratum through the forest canopy. Adult females appear to more often employ safer modes of locomotion (bridging more often and brachiation less), while adult males choose riskier modes (leaping more and climbing less). As gibbons increased in body weight, as they grew from infant to adult, they tended to use larger supports. This research documented that locomotor behavior in Hylobatidae is strongly determined by anatomical characters, but cao vit gibbons also show the ability to use various supports, enabling them to survive in karst forest.  相似文献   
  目的  探究海南长臂猿与夜宿生境的关系,了解其对夜宿生境的选择和利用,为海南长臂猿的保护与栖息地管理提供科学依据。  方法  于2019年7—9月,在海南热带雨林国家公园原霸王岭国家级自然保护区片区,以海南长臂猿4个家庭群为研究对象,研究其对夜宿树及夜宿地的选择。利用样方调查法共调查了74个夜宿地样方和515棵夜宿树,确定了夜宿树种类及其生态因子特征。利用两独立样本Mann-White U检验和逐步判别分析确定影响海南长臂猿夜宿树选择的关键因子。通过选择指数和选择系数分析海南长臂猿对夜宿地生态因子的选择偏好。  结果  本次研究发现海南长臂猿夜宿树种类有83种,隶属于38科62属,均是乔木。夜宿树中数量最多的树种是公孙锥和杏叶柯,数量最多的科是壳斗科,有3属分别是锥属、青冈属和柯属。与非夜宿树相比,海南长臂猿偏好选择胸径更大,高度更高,冠幅更大,枝下高更高的乔木夜宿。在影响海南长臂猿夜宿树选择的生态因子中按照贡献值的大小依次为乔木胸径、乔木冠幅、乔木高度、乔木枝下高。海南长臂猿对夜宿地的选择上,其喜欢在海拔800 ~ 1 000 m区域、坡度15° ~ 30°之间、半阴半阳坡、山坡夜宿。海南长臂猿喜欢夜宿在山地雨林、乔木密度667~1 000 株/hm2、乔木胸径20 ~ 30 cm、乔木高度15 ~ 20 m、乔木枝下高5 ~ 15 m、藤本密度 ≤ 56 株/hm2、藤本胸径5 ~ 10 cm、郁闭度50% ~ 75%的生境。海南长臂猿喜欢夜宿在距道路距离2 ~ 4 km、距居民点距离 ≤ 10 km、距离水源 ≤ 500 m范围内的生境。  结论  因此可以看出海南长臂猿对夜宿树和夜宿地都有一定的选择偏好。其对夜宿生境的选择是多种生态因子综合影响的,对于生态因子的选择可能和环境的稳定、舒适、食物的可获得性、减少捕食风险和体温调节有关。   相似文献   
白颊长臂猿是中、老、越三国交界地区的特有种,属于国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物。目前我国白颊长臂猿主要分布于西双版纳自然保护区和绿春黄连山自然保护区。北京动物园目前共饲养了十几只白颊长臂猿,繁殖状况良好。2009年9月我园1只白颊长臂猿体表出现多处脓肿。后抽取脓液,分离到1株革兰氏阴性小杆菌。该白颊长臂猿经治疗无效后死亡。剖检时发现其体内有亦有大量脓液,经分离培养,与体表分离到的是同一株细菌。该菌株经鉴定是肺炎克雷伯氏菌肺炎亚种(Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp pneumoniae)。并对其进行了药物敏感试验。  相似文献   
这是有关中国白眉长臂猿野外交配行为的首次报道。2008年4月16日,在高黎贡山1天之内观察到1对成年白眉长臂猿的4次交配。白眉长臂猿的交配程式可以分为4步,雌性抬高臂部邀配—雄性接近雌性接受邀配—爬跨—休息。野生个体与笼养个体在发出爬跨邀请中存在一些差异,野生白眉长臂猿交配是雌性占主导地位。动物的交配高峰期及人为干扰可能是导致白眉长臂猿1天多次交配的主要原因。  相似文献   
Hainan gibbons are among the world's most critically endangered primates, with a remaining population of only 35 individuals distributed across 5 social groups in the Bawangling Branch of the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, China. Habitat conversion and forest fragmentation over the past 40 years have reduced their geographical distribution by 95%. In the absence of a quantitative assessment of the availability of remaining suitable habitat, it is unclear whether this species can survive to the end of this century. We used behavioral observations, ArcGIS, remote sensing, stereo optical imagery, and MaxEnt modeling to identify patterns of Hainan gibbon range use and compare changes in the distribution of suitable forest types and areas of forest fragmentation over the past 20 years (2000–2020). The results indicate that the combined range of the 5 extant Hainan gibbon groups totaled 14.89 km2. The home range of the smallest group (Group E, 3 individuals) was 1.51 km2, which likely represents the minimum home range size for this species. The remaining area of highly suitable and moderately suitable habitat totals 26.9 km2. However, habitat connectivity across the gibbon range is very low (less than 0.5), limiting the ability of Hainan gibbons to move between forest patches. The results of this study indicate that the availability of suitable habitat in Bawangling is insufficient to allow for future Hainan gibbon population growth. Therefore, immediate action must be taken to restore, reforest, and establish ecological corridors to reconnect areas of suitable habitat for these critically endangered gibbons.  相似文献   
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