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本文首次报道了将小鹅瘟病毒(GPV)弱毒株注射鹅(成年鹅和雏鹅)后,用Dot-ELISA检测了不同时间病毒在鹅体各组织器官的分布和由粪便排出的情况,以及同群饲养但不注射GPV的雏鹅和成年鹅感染GPV弱毒的情况。实验结果表明,GPV弱毒经肌肉注射到1日龄雏鹅体内后8小时即可在心血中检测到GPV的存在,GPV弱毒经肌肉注射到成年鹅体内后8小时即可在心血中检测GPV的存在;弱毒注射到雏鹅体内后用DotELISA检测到GPV的时间顺序是:心、肝、脾、肺、肾,而胸肌和脑未检测到GPV弱毒的存在,而同居感染雏鹅各个组织、器官未检测GPV的存在;弱毒注射到成年鹅体内后检测到GPV的时间顺序均为:心、肝、肾、脾、肺,同样胸肌和脑均未检测到GPV的存在,而同居成年鹅的各个组织、器官未检测到GPV的存在。为临床上更好地应用GP弱毒疫苗预防GP提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
薏苡干物质积累特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了不同品种和不同栽培条件下薏苡的干物质积累和分配特性,结果表明,薏苡一生的干物质积累动态表现为“S”型曲线,但不同品种之间差异较大,杂交种表现出较强的杂种优势,峨嵋黑壳品种较长春黑壳品种表现出更强的适应性和旺盛的生命力;全生育期都处于淹水条件(水生栽培)的植株不及栽培于湿润旱地条件(旱生栽培)的长得好,干物质积累量较旱生栽培的低;干物质在各器官中的分配因生育时期而异,亦在一定程度上受栽培条件影响,生育后期主要分配到茎秆和穗子,水生栽培下的植株根系特别发达,根系的干物质分配百分率较高。  相似文献   
将受害杉木树干视为以lm段为单位的多层次立体结构,以聚集度指标法、频次比较法研究粗鞘双条杉天牛越冬成虫在受害杉木各空间层的空间格局;采用马占山等(1990)重新解释的Taylor幂法则及徐汝梅(1984)改进的Iwao模型研究越冬成虫空间格局的垂直变化规律。结果表明:种群的分布在各空间层均是聚集的,但聚集度随高度上升而增大;分布的基本成分是个体群,个体群数量随高度上升而减少,故防治的重点在树干基部。根据空间分布信息得到了0-1m段调查的理论抽样数,建立了0-1m段平均虫口(x)与整株平均虫口(y)的回归关系:y=1.4341+1.2541x。  相似文献   
The “systems approach” means that decision‐rich parts of any given system are considered quantitatively and in their proper context. This is done by using models of various kinds. A model can be built if an adequate information base exists for the system in question, and if decisions have been taken about the scope and focal point(s) of the model, its application, and its form. The systems approach is illustrated by outlining a general procedure for livestock enterprise planning. Some of the research and extension problems revealed, and new problems created, by this and other models, are mentioned.

Two matters of general concern are discussed. It is argued that the quality of leadership in agricultural research leaves something to be desired. Secondly, the class of agricultural scientists seems to be regrettably indifferent to the long‐term effects of its work, and blind to the needs of primitive food producers. The systems approach can contribute to improvement in both areas, as a result of forcing people to define clear objectives and order their priorities. There is a need for grassland and other research workers to state the objectives of their disciplines for the next 30 years.  相似文献   
本文研究了立地分类的理论、系统和方法。提出自然条件的宏观分异绝对性,和微观分异相对性;树种资源优势的相对性和绝对性;肥力的生态相对性和生态因子的综合作用规律是立地分类的基本理论依据。指出数值分类方法尤为适合解决立地分类问题,并拟定了新的立地分类系统。  相似文献   
高产玉米的无机营养规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了不同肥力条件下;玉米一生氮、磷、钾的积累变化和各生育期的吸收特点,表明肥力水平愈高,植株一生的吸收和积累愈稳定,且后期仍保持较强的吸肥能力,氮、磷、钾在三种肥力水平均出现两次吸收高峰;与干物质增长呈显著正相关关系。本文还分析了氮、磷、钾对各器官的分配与转移情况,并给出了玉米亩产500公斤的营养生理指标。  相似文献   
利用冰雹的调查资料 ,统计分析了雅安地区冰雹发生的时间变化规律 ,地理分布及区域性特点 ,以及降雹与气温、风速、降水量的相关性 ,为进一步做好冰雹天气的预报服务和人工消雹防雹工作提供了科学依据  相似文献   
在西昌特定生态条件下,高产玉米(亩产800公斤)的植株干物质消长动态呈S型曲线。出苗到拔节平均日增重0.18克,积累了总干重的2.2%,拔节到灌浆干重积累速度最快,平均日增重达5.09克,灌浆期时已积累了植株总干重的87.43%。后期干重增长趋缓,但仍以0.8克/日的速度积累了总干重的12.2%。叶片在抽雄时干重量大(45.50克),茎秆、叶鞘和苞叶穗轴则在灌浆期干重达极大值(分别是69.25克、27.00克和89.50克),以后干物质向籽粒转移,其转运量大小顺序为苞叶穗轴>茎秆>叶鞘>叶片,而籽粒的干重一直上升。各营养器官的干物质转运量的总和占籽粒干物质重量的32.79%,表明籽粒干重的67.21%是直接来自叶片的光合产物。本研究还讨论了玉米干物质积累进程的分期及特点和各生育期的干物质分配中心。  相似文献   
水稻不同节位叶的光合强度和光合产物的运转与分配   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究以水稻品种蜀丰一号为材料,在抽穗期用红外线CO_2气体分析仪测定主茎各节位叶的净光合速率和用~(14)C研究光合产物的运转与分配。研究表明:主茎各节位叶的净光合速率分别为15.97,12.85,11.07,11.37mg CO_2·小时~(-1)·分米~(-2)。经统计检验,剑叶与倒二叶、倒三叶,倒四叶差异均达显著和极显著水准,倒二叶,倒三叶,倒四叶之间差异不显著。主茎不同节位叶同化的~(14)C都能运转分配至稻株的各器官,其分配的比率不相同,分配到主穗的比率较高,分蘖穗的比率较少。主茎下位叶(倒三、倒四叶)同化的~(14)C分配到分蘖穗、茎叶和根的比率比上位叶(剑叶、倒二叶)高。  相似文献   
Double normal distributions can be used to resolve many sward height frequency distributions into two components representing the 'short' (patches) and 'tall' (non~patches) areas in the sward. The effect of sample size on the precision and accuracy of parameters of sward height distributions was examined by drawing sub-samples (n=10) of increasing sample size (50 to 1 000) from simulated height data (n=10 000) from three different, typical height distributions, viz. normal (ungrazed), bimodal (leniently grazed) and positively skewed (intensely grazed). The coefficient of variation of components of all three distributions decreased sharply with increasing sample size and CVs for all means were <15% with 200 height measures, and <10% for all means, with the exception of the 'tall' mean in the bimodal distribution, at a sample size of 100. At a given sample size, proportions in the two components were less-precisely measured than the means, especially when the components are equally represented in the population (i.e. bimodal), where 500 measurements are required for a precision of 15%. Accuracy also increased with sample size, and with 400 samples, deviations were within 10% of the true values for most parameters of the three distributions. A sample size of 200 is recommended for quantifying the mean height of 'short' and 'tall' components of the sward whereas 400-500 samples are required to precisely estimate their relative proportions.  相似文献   
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