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作者姓名:唐文帮  肖应辉  邓化冰  张桂莲  陈立云
摘    要:虽然已经80岁高龄,他却戏称自己只有“40公岁”,刚刚造入不惑之年。他并不以头上曜眼的光环为傲,仍被人们亲切地称呼为“袁老师”。如今,他依然教不下科研工作,心系杂交水稻,心系粮食安全。2010年2月3日,在中央一号文件即将出台之际,就国家“三农”新政和粮食生产发展等问题,袁隆平院士在国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心接受了《湖南农业科学》杂志社的独家专访。

关 键 词:杂交水稻  袁隆平  粮食危机  院士  工程技术研究中心  中国  科研工作  粮食安全

High Yield Stability of C815S Hybrid Rice Combinations
TANG Wen-bang,XIAO Ying-hui,DENG Hua-bing,ZHANG Gui-lian,CHEN Li-yun.High Yield Stability of C815S Hybrid Rice Combinations[J].Hunan Agricultural Sciences,2010(1):1-3.
Authors:TANG Wen-bang  XIAO Ying-hui  DENG Hua-bing  ZHANG Gui-lian  CHEN Li-yun
Abstract:According to the datum of multi-location experiments, the high yield stability of C815S hybrid rice combinations was comprehensively analyzed and evaluated by the method of high stability coefficient. The results showed that the yield of eight hybrid combinations, which derived from the C815S, were signiifcantly higher or extremely higher than that of the control; the average yield of Cliangyon1102 and Cliangyon87 all increased by over 9.8% than that of Shanyou63, although the stability of these two combinations was commonly, but the fertility of them was great; the adaptability of each experimental varieties in different experimental locations was significantly different, the high stability coefficient of five combinations was higher than that of control, and the high stability coefficient of Cliangyou343 and Cliangyou1768 were over 90.
Keywords:C815S hybrid rice  combinations  high yield stability  high stability coefficient
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