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摘    要:世界种蔗制糖起源于中国。据《诗经》记载,公元前十二世纪以前就已制糖。公元前三世纪的《楚辞·招魂》已明确指出甘蔗制糖,表明了长江流域早已种蔗制糖了。公元前三世纪末,闽王已从福建向汉高祖晋贡甘蔗制的砂糖。公元三世纪初,明确黄河流域业已种甘蔗。中国许多古籍,对蔗和糖两个字有不同的写法和称呼,各有约三十种;还记述了不同的甘蔗品种、用途、栽培法以及制糖工具和方法等。外国最早的记载是:亚历山大大王于公元前327年东侵印度时,他的随从执事才记录有:当地人‘咬食一种稀奇芦苇,没有蜂的任何帮助,会产生一种密’。意大利人马可·波罗(1254~1324)于1271年11月踏上旅途往东方,1275年5月到达中国,至1292年夏离开。于1295年冬回到他的故乡。在其《游记》中谈到:旅途所经各地,只有中国几个地方产糖,和印度人来中国买糖的情况。表明了印度开始蔗糖生产比中国迟得多。有许多证明,茶和糖是由中国传到印度去的。说种蔗制糖起源于印度,明显是错误的。以下所述几方面的情况,也是佐证。种蔗和制糖是由中国直接或间接向世界各地传播的。马可·波罗《游记》曾说到,中国泉州是世界最大港口之一。实际上,泉州在宋朝(960~1279)就已经是世界著名港口,就有很多阿拉伯人来往了。传说到泉州就是到了天堂。至今还有阿拉伯人墓的遗址。蔗种和栽培技术以及制糖技术,很可能在那时候已被传去中东,然后经地中海传到意大利和西班牙。哥仑布第二次(1490)去美洲带了蔗种植于圣多·多明哥,逐渐在美洲传播开来。夏威夷‘自1852年起,从中国招来大量的蔗田工人和土法制糖技术工人,至今还留存当时从中国运去的甘蔗压榨木辊’。印尼爪哇和菲律滨等地的种蔗制糖是十六世纪由华侨传去的。日本人乌仓龙治和伊波普猷等的著作中有说到,中国唐朝鉴真和尚东渡扶洋时,把制糖法传入日本。中国台湾省的种蔗制糖是由福建省传去的,并有从漳州聘去熬糖师的记载。世界蔗糖贸易是中国领先的。在鸦片战争(1840)前,中国是世界唯一产糖大国,所产蔗糖畅销世界各地,远达英国、美国。1840年后,降为世界五大产糖国(中国、印度、爪哇、菲律滨、古巴)之一。日本侵占台湾后,再降为蔗糖进口国。果蔗更是中国早有的,也销售国外。“中国种”甘蔗是世界最古老的栽培种。近年来的甘蔗学研究,如 P.H.Moore《蔗属开花的研究Ⅱ.诱导期与叶簇里的叶片数》,A.G.Alexander《蔗属品种的光合活动光谱》(以上两文皆刊载于十五届国际甘蔗技师会议论文集)和周可涌、梁天干、卢川北《甘蔗叶片光合膜面积的比较研究》(福建农学院学报,1981,2])等的研究结果,已经给予证明。“中国种”甘蔗不是从伊里安传来,更不是在印度东北部由热带种和当地野生种甘蔗自然杂交形成的,是中国农民长期选择的产物。中国解放后的蔗糖业以及甘蔗科学研究情况,因篇幅关系,客另文陈述。

Abstract:As an economic crop supplying sugar sugarcane originated from China The manufacture of sugar in China can be recalled to as early as over thousand years B C that was well described in the famous book of 《Shi jing》Although the crop that producing sugar was not mentioned, another book published at the time of Zhan Guo about three century B C verified the facts.It was stated in the book of 《Chu Chi》 that in the central part of China.Hupei province,manufactured sugar from sugarcane was recorded Thus growing cane and manufacturing sugar occurred much earlier in the valley of Yangtze River At the end of the third century B.C the supreme ruler of Fujian presented crystalized sugar made from sugarcane to Emperor Han Gap Zu.In the early years of the third cantury A D.sugarcane cultivation in the Yellow River valley Henan province was recorded in the literature.Many old Chinese literatures called the sugarcane and sugar with different names.At least no less than thirty names were given for sugarcane and sugar respectively More records described the varieties of sugarcane,methods of cultivation utilizations. as well as equipments and technics on sugar manufacturing.As to the records of cane and sugar developed in the other countries,the history depicted as,“when Alexander the Great invaded India in 327 B C his scribes recorded that the inhabitants chewed a marvelous reed,which produced a kind of honey without any help from bees'”The Italian, Marco polo (1254-1324 A D ) started his traveling to the eastern countries of the world in November 1271 A D.He reached China in May 1275 A D and left China on the Summer of 1292 A D.He returned home on the Winter of 1295 A.D..In the book“The travels of Marco polo”, he recalled while traveling on his way he noticed the growing of sugarcane and the manufacture of sugar in several places of China only.He stated also that many merchants from India purchased lots and lots of Chinese sugar and shipped home.Such is a proof that the development of sugar industry started much later in India than China.Besides, more evidences could be found elsewhere that tea and sugar distributed and spreaded from China to India.The misstatement that“growing of cane and manufacturing of sugar originated from India”can easily be solved.We have more evidences below relating the cane cultivation and manufacture of sugar. The cultivation of sugarcane and manufacture of sugar spreaded from China to different places of the world directly or indirectly.In the book of Marco polo,Quan-zhou,a port of Fujian province in southern China, was at that time a great harbour of the world.She was in fact the known great Chinese harbour of Soong dynasty (960-1279 A.D.).Many Arabians visited and traded valuable merchandise with Chinese.It was said that Quan-zhou was so glorious a place comparable to the heaven.Nowadays, some remnants of the Arabian graves can still be seen over there.Most probable,these Arabians brought the seed canes and introduced the cultural methods to the Mideast.The sweet reed soon spreaded through the regions of Mediterranean as far as the European countries such as Italy and Spain. Then Christopher Columbus brought the seed canes from Spain to the New World in his second vayage and made the canes settle in Santo Domingo. After this,the cultivation of sugarcane extended gradually to different countries of the New World.In the year 1852 A.D.many sugarcane laborers and sugar manufacturing technicians engaged in the sugarcane industry in Hawaii.They employed the native methods in production,but soon were renovated and recruited by the Chinese with men and machines. Many of the Chinese wooden cane crushing machines still remained there exposing the progress of the sugar industry at that country.By the sixteenth century,the oversea Chinese also introduced the art of sugarcane planting and production of sugar to countries such as Philippines and Java. The Japanese books such as 《Thousand years history of Okinawa》 and 《Five buddha in Ryukyu islands》 clearly stated that buddhist monk Jian-zhen in Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.) introduced the method of sugar manufacturing into Japan.The Chinese island of Taiwan obtained the technics of cane growing and sugar manufacture from the neighbor province of Fujian.Many sugar manufacturing technicians from Zhang- zhou,Fujian sailed to the island to recruit the men there. The sugar trading of the world began from China also.prior to 1840 A D China dominated the foreign trade of the world cane sugar.The effect of the Opium War sharply cut down the production and export of cane sugar in China.China became one of the five leading sugar producing countries in the world.The other four countries were India, Java,Philippines and Cuba.After the invasion of Japanese Imperialism, the island Taiwan was leased to Japan.Since then,instead of exporting sugar China became the importing sugar country.Chewing cane was very delicious and consumed as fresh fruits and condiments.It was originated in China,and until now it is still an important exportation of China. Among the species of Saccharum,S.sinensis is the oldest cultivar ever found in the world.It is originated in China,and ascertained by many modern researchers.Many published research works stand in its favor These are:〈Investigations on the flowering of Saccharum Ⅱ.Number of spindle leaves and date of induction〉by P.H.Moore (15th ISSCT, 1974);〈Photosynthetic action spectra of Saccharum species.〉by A.G. Alexander (15th ISSCT,1974);〈Comparative studies on the area of the photosynthetic membrane in sugarcane〉by K.Y.Zhou,T.G.Liang, and C.B.Lu 〈Journal of Fujian Agricultural College,1981(2)〉etc. Saccharum sinensis is neither originated in New Guinea nor derived from the crossing of Saccharum officinarum and S.spontaneum in the northeast India.This species was created and selected by the Chinese farmers long ago.
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