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Avulsion of the origin of the tendon of the extensor digitalis longus muscle in a Dobermann pinscher
Authors:Stöcklin P  L'Eplattenier H  Montavon P M
Institution:Veterin?r-Chirurgische Klinik, Universit?t Zürich.
Abstract:Avulsion of the tendon of the extensor digitalis longus muscle is a rare condition in young, large breed dogs or as a consequence of chronic lateral patellar luxation in adult dogs. Current technique of fixation consists into reattaching the fragment with a lag screw at its origin in the extensor fossa of the lateral femur condyle. If the fragment was considered too friable and reactive to be reattached, it was amputated and the tendon was sutured to the joint capsula. In this present case a adaptation screw with a washer was inserted distally to the sulcus extensorius through the tendon. The proximal part of the tendon was sutured to the joint capsula. The postoperative result was excellent, with recovery of full function of the Musculus extensor digitalis longus.
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