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Stammapplikationen im Obstbau mit nanostrukturierten Silikaten gegen die Blutlaus Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausm.) und den Gemeinen Ohrwurm Forficula auricularia L.
Authors:Bettina Welke  Inga Mewis  Tanja Mucha-Pelzer  Arunava Goswami  Christian Ulrichs
Institution:1. Institut für Gartenbauwissenschaften, FG Urbaner Gartenbau, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin, Lentzeallee 55/57, 14195, Berlin, Germany
2. Biological Sciences Division, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B.T. Road, 700 108, Kolkata, India
Abstract:The present work deals with a new strategy to control Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausm.) in apple and Forficula auricularia?(L.) in apricots. With common insecticides, both pests are difficult to control. Although F.?auricularia is regarded as a beneficial insect, in ecological agriculture it has the potential to cause severe economical damage in apricots. In apple and apricot orchards we tested treatments on the bark with diatomaceous earth (DE) products to prevent insects from reaching the tree crown. DE has been applied as liquid (“Fossil Shield®” translucend) by a backpack sprayer or electrostatically as powder (“Fossil Shield®” 90.0?s). In some trials we covered the treated area with a plastic funnel (fruitcap) in order to protect the silica-product from wind and rain. Experiments were evaluated weekly and number of insects in the tree crown was counted. During the first two months after treatment E.?lanigerum population in the crown was reduced by 98.2%. However, over the whole period of six month the barriers turned out to be ineffective (p?=?0.617). Winged adults have been capable to pass the barriere. In contrast to this fruitcap barriers were able to keep F. auricularia away from the crown (p?=?0.000). They have been as effective as standard treatment using glue. In such treatments apricot yield increased 6-fold for the cultivar “Goldrich” and 5.5-fold for the cultivar “Hargrand”.
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