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Nonexchangeable potassium extraction and associated structural changes of mica dominant clay minerals

Six mica dominant soils representing a landform sequence were used for the present investigation. The effect of extraction of nonexchangeable potassium (K) by boiling 1 M HNO3 treatment and its associated structural changes of micaceous clay minerals was studied by employing x‐ray diffraction technique. Potassium release was rapid in the first three extractions and slowed down to a constant rate thereafter in all the clay samples. The first extraction contributed about 45.57–62.69% towards the total K release. The calculated values of rate constant (first order) decreased sharply from 0.065–0.025 min‐1 after third extraction and reached a constant value thereafter. The calculated integral width of first order reflection of mica peak (10Å) decreased considerably with nitric acid treatment, but no such effect was observed in 5Å peak. The differential x‐ray diffraction (DXRD) traces showed that the HNO3 treatment dissolved finer particles of mica particularly trioctahedral component and mixed layer minerals, smectite, chlorite and vermiculite.
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