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Dall's sheep responses to overflights by helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft
Authors:Alejandro Frid

PO Box 10357, Whitehorse, YT, Canada Y1A 7A1

Abstract:High rates of behavioural disruption caused by human activities could jeopardize the body condition and reproductive success of wildlife. I exposed Dall's sheep (Ovis dalli dalli) of the Yukon Territory to experimental overflights by a fixed-wing aircraft and a helicopter. Aircraft approaches that were more direct (as determined by the aircraft's elevation and horizontal distance from sheep) were more likely to elicit fleeing or to disrupt resting. Latency to resume feeding or resting after fixed-wing overflights was longer during more direct approaches. During indirect approaches by helicopters, sheep far from rocky slopes were much more likely to flee than sheep on rocky slopes. Sheep did not flee while nearby helicopters flew along the opposite side of a ridge, presumably because the obstructive cover buffered disturbing stimuli. Results provide preliminary parameters for predicting energetic and fitness costs incurred as a function of overflight rates, and can help mitigate disturbance by guiding temporal and spatial restrictions to aircraft.
Keywords:Dall's sheep  Human disturbance  Fixed-wing overflights  Fleeing responses  Helicopter overflights
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