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Variability and cluster analysis of arabinoxylan content and its molecular profile in crossed wheat lines
Abstract:Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in cereals, after starch and gluten proteins, determine the technological and nutritional properties of flour, dough and end product. From NSPs, the arabinoxylans are the most important components studied in wheat nowadays. The novelty of our study is the investigation of the variability and clustering ability of the wheat lines based on different quantitative and qualitative traits of arabinoxylans. The quantitative properties, the total and the water-extractable arabinoxylan content of wheat flours were measured separately by gas chromatography. The qualitative property referring to the structure of the molecule was the molecular weight distribution measured by size exclusion liquid chromatography. According to the results the variability of arabinoxylan properties in the breeding lines varied between wider ranges then the values measured for the parental varieties. The correlation between the quantitative parameters, and a trend between quantitative and qualitative parameters were described. During the cluster analysis, the parents were well separated into different groups. The parameters that played an important role in the clustering were the ratio of the probability of occurrence of molecular size ranges along with the quantitative traits of AX. The selected samples can be used for further targeted breeding while the methodology was used in this work can be suitable for selecting lines/varieties for special food or other industrial applications.
Keywords:Crossed wheat lines  Variability  Arabinoxylan  Molecular weight distribution  Cluster analysis  H-MW"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"kwrd0040"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"high molecular weight  L-MW"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"kwrd0050"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"low molecular weight  R"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"kwrd0060"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"ratio of high and low molecular ranges  SE-HPLC"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"kwrd0070"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"size exclusion chromatography  TOTAX"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"kwrd0080"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"total arabinoxylan content  TOT-A/X"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"kwrd0090"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"arabinose to xylose ratio in total arabinoxylan content  WEAX"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"kwrd0100"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"water-extractable arabinoxylan content  WE-A/X"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"kwrd0110"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"arabinose to xylose ratio in water-extractable arabinoxylan content
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