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摘    要:以47个楸树半同胞家系为材料,通过苗期测定,初步选择出楸树优良基因资源。结果表明:参试的楸树半同胞家系1 a生苗苗高、地径生长量差异极显著。苗高单株遗传力为0.528 6,家系遗传力为0.816 2,地径单株遗传力为0.210 5,家系遗传力0.662 2。苗高生长量的单株遗传力、家系遗传力、遗传增益及遗传变异系数均超于地径生长量的。利用指数选择法,苗期选择了25个优良家系。

关 键 词:楸树  半同胞家系  遗传力  指数选择

Determination and Selection of Seedling among Half sib Families of Catalpa Bungei
Abstract:Abstracts:The excellent gene resources of 47 half sib families of Catalpa bungei were screened by tests at seedling stage.The results showed that the differences of height and ground diameter growth among half sib families annual seedling were significant. The individual heritability of height was 0.528 6, and family heritability was 0.816 2. While the individual heritability of ground diameter was 0.210 5,family heritability was 0.662 2.The individual heritability of seedling height,family heritability, genetic gain and genetic variation coefficients were much higher than that of ground diameter growth. 25 superior families were selected by index selection method at seedling stage.
Keywords:Key words: Catalpa bungei  half-sib family  heritability  index selection
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