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作者姓名:张石城  许冬梅
摘    要:夏播小麦在海拔较高的山区丘陵旱地种植,可以充分利用七、八、九月雨水多、温度高、光照足的自然条件,扬长避短,发挥天时地利的优势;为改变我省旱地小麦产量长期低而不稳的局面,探索了一条新的增产途径。目前可利用适合夏播的小麦品种不多,主要的是夏麦1号(青春13×墨巴66)与晋春3号即忻春矮2号(咸农39×墨巴66),播种面积逐年扩大,1981年在平遥夏播小麦684,4亩,平均亩产153斤;最高亩产521斤。1982年在榆次县扩大面积1389亩,平均亩产190斤;最高亩产达到531,5斤。 1981年在榆次县选用13个品种(系),1982年选用12个品种,进行品种比较与区域试验。结果产量较高超过对照的有:伊尼亚×44,3696,80-1和7064等,主要增产原因是每亩穗数较多超过23万;每穗有20粒左右,千粒重达到40克以上。因为亩穗数增加,叶面积系数也相应大幅度增加,这样,从时间上和空间上充分利用太阳光能,同化积累更多的干物质;为获得高产奠定物质基础。多穗形品种的穗数增多,与产量提高密切相关。保苗增穗的主要途径有三:(1)窄行匀播,合理密植,增加基本苗。(2)种子处理,增强抗性;确保总茎数。(3)提高分蘖力,促进增加成穗数。单靠增加穗粒数与千粒重来提高夏播小麦产量,还有一定的局限性;而培育多穗型品种可能是主要方向。在多穗型的基础上,再选择大粒品种也是夏播小麦育种的一个重要目标。产量结构的设计是:每亩20——25万穗,每穗20粒,千粒重40——45克;亩产就可达到300斤左右。

Research on the Variety Test and Breeding Goals of Summer Seeding Wheat
Abstract:Summer Seeding wheat planted on the hilly dry land in central part of shanxi, may utilize the good conditions of the abundant rainfall, higher temperature and sunshine of July, August and september. But only a few varieties can be adapted. The main varieties of summer seeding wheat recently released in the central part of shanxi province are: "Summer wheat no. 1"and"Shanxi spring wheatno.3". The total area under cultivation in 1981 was 684.4 mu, the average yield was 153 Jin/mu in Pingyao. The total area under cultivation in 1982. was 1389 mu, the average yield was190jin/mu, and the highest yield was 531.5Jin/mu in Yuci. For the conducted test in Yuci, we used 13 varieties in 1981, and 12 varieties in 1982, respectively, in order to determine the most productive varieties. The recently release cultivars which yielded more than the control weres "Inia×44". "3696", "80-1" and "7064". Those varieties increased the yield mostly through the increased number of heads, with the increase of a larger leaf area, fuller use of the solar energy, assimilate and accumulate more dry matter, and therefore increase the productivity directly. It is not possible to increase the yield on the basis of the number and weight of kernels alone, it is also necessary to breed multispike varieties. The yield component design is as follows: 20—25 ten-thousand heads per mu, 20kernels per spike, and a weight of 40—45grams/1000 kernels. If these conditions are met, a yield of 300 Jin/mu is Possible.
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