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The effect of node origin on the development of cuttings of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)
Authors:NA Goodchild
Institution:Tea Research Institute of East Africa, Kericho, Kenya
Abstract:The growth of roots and shoots of cuttings taken from nodes 3 to 9 on the parent stem, counting from the apex, have been compared. Comparisons also included dry weight of parts of the cuttings and leaf areas.

The number of cuttings with roots was unaffected by node origin; the weight of roots was similarly unaffected with the exception of one doubtful case.

Shoot growth, on the contrary, was found to be much more advanced in cuttings from older nodes, presumably because the buds were more highly developed. The cutting buds produced the flush-type growth and leaf forms typical of a mature tea bush.

The effect of node position on dry weights of cuttings was irregular. The greater loss of original leaves among cuttings from older nodes appeared to counteract the expected greater dry weight of these cuttings.
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