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Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) for Improving the Nutrition of Working Equids in Campesino Systems on Hill Slopes in Central Mexico
Authors:Velázquez-Beltrán  LG  Felipe-Pérez  YE  Arriaga-Jordán  CM
Institution:(1) Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Agropecuarias (CICA), Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, Mexico
Abstract:Campesino systems on hill slopes in Central Mexico rely on equids for multiple activities and have a problem in adequately feeding them. A participatory trial was conducted to evaluate the inclusion of common vetch in the traditional forage oat crop to improve its feeding value. An agronomic evaluation was undertaken by intersowing common vetch at 40 kg seed/ha with oats at 80–100 kg/ha in small plots, recording the yield and the chemical composition of the fresh forage in ten plots at harvest. The data were analysed as a completely random design, taking each farmer/plot as a treatment. A feeding trial compared the live weight of 7 donkeys fed oats and vetch against 17 donkeys fed traditional forage. There were differences between farmers in forage yields (p<0.01) that could not be explained as due to soil types or management. The mean yield of 31.0 t/ha of fresh forage of oats–vetch was 20.5% higher than that from monoculture, and had a higher crude protein content. Donkeys fed the oats–vetch were heavier (p<0.001). The farmers evaluated the oats–vetch association positively, appreciating the higher yields and good condition of their equids. The combination is an appropriate technology for these campesino farming systems.
Keywords:common vetch  forage crop  donkey  smallholder  live weight  nutrition  oats  Vicia sativa
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