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Salmonella Incidence in Broilers from Breeders Vaccinated with Live and Killed Salmonella
Institution:Department of Population Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens 30602
Abstract:Salmonella reduction in broilers from commercial broiler breeders vaccinated with live and killed Salmonella vaccines was evaluated. Broiler breeders were vaccinated with Poulvac ST live Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine at 1 d of age, and this was repeated at 2 and 6 wk of age. The breeders were then administered a killed autogenous oil emulsion adjuvanted vaccine containing Salmonella Kentucky, Salmonella Heidelberg, and Salmonella Hadar, at 10 and 18 wk of age. From the ages of 36 to 52 wk, eggs from the breeder flock were hatched, and progeny were challenged in 4 separate experiments at 1 d of age by oral gavage with 1 × 106 cfu/chick by either Salmonella Kentucky, Salmonella Heidelberg, Salmonella Hadar, or Salmonella Enteritidis, each containing resistance to naladixic acid at 32 μg/mL. At 17 to 21 d of age, the broilers were euthanized, and 1 side of the cecum was cultured for Salmonella, and the other side of the cecum was used for enumeration on positive samples. Recovered Salmonella was confirmed to be the challenge strain by O-antisera grouping. This study indicated a difference in Salmonella incidence and enumeration between the vaccinated and nonvaccinated breeder groups for certain species. When challenged with serotypes Salmonella Kentucky, Salmonella Hadar, and Salmonella Heidelberg, protection was noted with a reduction of 28, 17, and 11%, respectively, when compared with the control groups. However, protection was not seen when challenged with S. enteritidis. Under the conditions of this study, live and killed vaccination of commercial broiler breeders with Salmonella contributes protection to progeny when challenged at 1 d of age.
Keywords:maternal antibody  broiler chicken  vaccine  protection
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